CAM Practices

Nit 7 Assignment: CAM Practices

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Course outcome addressed in this Assignment:

GEL-5.1: Identify human expressions within cultures.


Write a 3–4 page paper (double spaced, APA format in style and referencing) evaluating ways CAM practices studied so far could be useful in your own life. Answer the following questions in your paper.

  • What two (2) CAM practices discussed so far are you most interested in using personally? Why?
  • What two (2) CAM practices discussed so far are you least interested in using personally? Why?
  • What are your biggest psychological, social or economic barriers to beginning this practice?
  • Discuss how your culture has influenced your health behaviors in the past. How does your culture influence your interest in using CAM practices?
  • Discuss at least two peer-reviewed research studies from the Library to support your decision (from a health and wellness perspective) to either begin or not begin to incorporate CAM practices into your daily life.

Be sure to include specific examples from the course readings to support your points and to cite in the proper APA style. You must include cited information from two peer-reviewed articled found in the Library to support and validate the ideas and information shared in your paper.


  • This Assignment should be written in essay format. Include an introductory paragraph, thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, summarizing conclusion, and references.
  • Use APA format for style, in text citations, and complete references.
  • This Assignment should be at least 3 pages in length.

Answer preview

There has been an increase in the number of people who seek and make use of medical treatments that are not part of conventional therapeutic options.  Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the use of the different types of medical care, and it can also be referred to as integrative medicine.  In most cases complementary and alternative medicine is used alongside the other forms of conventional medicine.  Most medical schools and hospitals do not teach the use of complementary because some of the practices have not been accepted for use in the mainstream medicine due to the differences in the cultural,…

(1200 words)

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