Personal Information and Privacy

Personal Information and Privacy

Need writing help

I attached the guideline for reference, it doesn’t has to be strictly followed but do follow most of the requirements. I have started the introduction (first page done)and have an outline for the essay (feel free to change it). I also have a rough thesis statement(feel free to change it). For this essay, we can simply use a six paragraph structure with Rogerian Strategy: an introduction, summarization of opposing views, statement of understanding, statement of position, statement of contexts, conclusion .

Please use the same topic, my topic is on personal information and privacy. The common ground for rogerian strategy can be privacy. It’s a pretty open topic, it should be easy to work on.

Citation needs to be less than 20%.

MLA format.

Need to use at least 7 sources, at least 1 from New York Times but it can not be all from New York Times.

Don’t need any fancy words 🙂

Thank you so much!

I believe that I have written down everything you need to know on my last post lol. And there are some more small requirements in the guideline(attached on post above) but that’s no major concern. I have also attached my last essay below (essay 3) for reference (in case you needed), I got an A in that essay. Need good arguments:-)

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Personal Information and Privacy

The release of science fiction television series Westworld has drawn great attention from social media. The story of Westworld takes place in an advanced technological fictional park, and this west-themed park is populated by human-like androids. The park encourages guests to indulge their desires. Many guests found pleasure in killings and other immoral behaviors. Of course, there is no such moral if no one is there to judge. While guests are indulging themselves, the park is secretly using androids to collect guest’s information. The company monitored and analyzed all the guests for fidelity and use the information to sharpen androids’ mind. Although this is just a fantasy from the fictional …

(2300 words)

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