Impaired Nurses-Prescription Drug Addiction

Impaired Nurses-Prescription Drug Addiction


Impaired Nurses – Prescription Drug Addiction.

Impaired Nurses – Prescription Drug Addiction – Should nurses undergo mandatory drug testing (Pecci, A. for Health Leaders Media, April 29, 2014). Present the issue and discuss or debate the pros and cons of this emerging issue.


  1. Utilize the following bolded topics and sub-topics (required) to guide the flow of discussion in your presentation.
  • Define and describe the issue

Explain why this is a leadership issue.

Summarize what is known about the issue

     * Discuss solutions to the issue as identified from the literature


  1. APA style.
  2. A minimum of 10 professional references with at least 5 nursing journal articles are required.

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Impaired nurse refers to nurses who are unable to function properly because they are dependent on chemical substances or mentally unwell. Prescription medicines are drugs intended to ease the discomfort that comes with treatments. These drugs are mostly prescribed to people who have cancer, asthma, and mental illnesses. Sometimes, however, people use drugs not because they are sick but for recreational reasons. Among the people who sometimes abuse the drugs are nurses. Toney-Butler & Siela (2019) assert that drug abuse is a problem that affects even healthcare professionals. When…


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