Clinical & Counseling Psychology

Clinical & Counseling Psychology

Annotated Bibliography on Clinical & Counseling Psychology

Research and create an annotated bibliography of Five peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last 10 years and relate to Clinical & Counseling Psychology The peer-reviewed articles you select should be researched in the Ashford University Library and represent a variety of viewpoints on the subject matter. Each of the peer-reviewed articles must include a complete reference that is correctly formatted in APA style, an annotation of five to six well-developed sentences in your own words that summarize the source and describe its applicability to the selected topic. Please note that no sections from the abstracts of the articles should be included in the annotation.


James, P. E. (2019). Counseling psychology: 10 years back and 10 years ahead. Counselling Psychology Review34(2), 8–11

Tackett, J. L., & Miller, J. D. (2019). Introduction to the special section on increasing replicability, transparency, and openness in clinical psychology. Journal of abnormal psychology128(6), 487.

Goldberg, S. B. (2018). Why mindfulness belongs in counseling psychology: A synergistic clinical and research agenda. Counselling Psychology Quarterly31(3), 317-335.

Nicholas, D. R., & Stern, M. (2011). Counseling psychology in clinical health psychology: The         impact of specialty perspective. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice42(4), 331.

Norcross, J. C., Sayette, M. A., & Martin-Wagar, C. A. (2020). Doctoral training in counseling psychology: Analyses of 20-year trends, differences across the practice research continuum, and comparisons with clinical psychology. Training and Education in Professional Psychology.

Answer preview

James, P. E. (2019). Counseling psychology: 10 years back and 10 years ahead. Counselling Psychology Review34(2), 8–11.

The article evaluates how counseling psychology has changed since the 1980s and what should be done in the future. According to the article, psychology philosophy and values are fundamental in steering counseling psychology in the future.  Indeed, it highlights that counseling psychology emerged from a combination…

(1050 words)

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