The Uber Drivers’ Controversy

Are Uber Drivers employees or Independent contractors

Are Uber drivers employees or independent contractors? Do a memo (maximum of 300 words) on this topic, as described below.

This timely issue is being or has been litigated in courts and before state and federal agencies at this time. All I want you to put into this memo is a very brief listing of the factual issues being looked at to resolve this matter. I do not want a list of topics from the “tests” in the text material. Rather I want examples of what various jurisdictions are looking at. For example: “What were drivers told they are? All jurisdictions.” Another example might be: “Who decides how many hours drivers work? Utah: drivers decide; South Dakota: Uber decides.” You do not need to cover all possibilities, just enough to illustrate you are familiar with what the main issues are.

Answer preview

There exists a difference between employees and independent contractors where the latter is considered more independent and controls what he or she does but the former is considered dependent on the employer’s instructions and thus has no control over what he or she does.  The question about Uber drivers has triggered various reactions in different countries. Uber is a company that involves itself with the most recent technologies to provide food delivery services and car transport at a fee in the United States and in more than six hundred other countries (Moon, 2015)…

(350 words)

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