Visually Analyze Two works of art

Visually Analyze Two works of art

For each work of art you will be visually analyzing the works of art and comparing and contrasting the works using the vocabulary and topics we have discussed so far in class. (Media, Principles of Design, Elements of Design). The goal of this assignment is synthesizing what you have learned so far about how art is made, elements and principles, media, and meaning. It is not an opinion piece. I am looking for you to make statements and then substantiate them with your informed knowledge of art. The goal is to compare and contrast these works. That could be through style, composition, content, color scheme, etc. Each picture should have its own analyze about half a page long each.

Nope, that is all! I’ve downloaded the two images for you. A guideline our teacher gave.. 1. Reaction 2. Description 3. Interpertation 4. Evaluation

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