Behs 220 discussion week 5

Behs 220 discussion week 5

The following are the components of heterosexual privilege:

1. The assumption that everyone is heterosexual.

2. Heterosexuality is the only “normal” sexual orientation.

3. Social institutions, laws, and public policies may exclude the acknowledgment of other sexual orientations or deny rights to LGBTQIA+ individuals.

Please respond to the following questions. Use and cite at least 2 of the week’s resources and 400 words or more in your response.

  • What are some of the “single stories” we have in our culture about LGBTQIA+ people in our culture? How did you learn these stories?
  • Consider the last 2-3 movies or TV shows you have watched. How many LGBTQIA+ characters were represented in them? How were these characters portrayed compared to straight characters?
  • If you were a television or movie executive or director, how could you improve diversity in your industry? Why might this be important?

Requirements: 400 words or more

Below are the learning resources.

Bond, B.J., Miller, B., & Aubrey, J.S. (2019). Sexual References and Consequences for Heterosexual, Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Characters on Television: A Comparison Content Analysis. Mass Communication & Society, 22(1), 72-95.

Haefele-Thomas, A. & Combs, T. (2019). Chapter 2: Sexual Orientation: Stories and Definitions. Introduction to Transgender Studies. Harrington Park Press, LLC.

Tatum, E. (2015, March 29). 10 Examples of Straight Privilege. Everyday Feminism.

Watermark Retirement Communities. (2021, January 20). Not another second: LGBT+ seniors share their stories (Official film) [Video]. YouTube.

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