Author name: Rosemary Mosco

organizational behavior case

organizational behavior case

Questions for “Motivation at Bald Eagle Software”

1. Applying the concepts from the motivation theories, what would you say motivates Hank? What about Martin? What about Olga?

2. Will Martin’s efforts to make Hank more productive be successful? Why or why not? What do you believe will happen to Hank?

3. If you were Martin, what would you have done differently, if anything?

4. Do you have thoughts about how Hank’s interactions with his co-workers may be impacting their work (positively or negatively)?

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Serial Killers

Serial Killers

Serial Killers

For this assignment you will review a serial killer’s case in depth. The killer you choose to review will also be the subject of your Week 5 final assignment, so keep your research material handy.

First, choose one of the following serial killers:

  • David Berkowitz (“Son of Sam”) taunted police over a year and shot 15 people (6 died) in New York City. The movie “Summer of Sam” was about this time.
  • Gary Ridgway (the “Green River Killer”) holds the American record for most victims. He confessed to killing 48 over a 16-year period but is suspected of having killed many more!
  • Wayne B. Williams is believed to be the killer of 24 children and young men in Atlanta, though there is still some doubt.
  • John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo were the “DC snipers” who shot 13 people (ten died) over three weeks in the Washington DC area in 2002.
  • Ted Bundy: Confessed to almost 30 murders (there may have been more). He was known for being smart and good-looking, and acted as his own lawyer.
  • Jeffrey Dahmer: His case captured worldwide attention after his capture, mostly due to his habit of keeping parts of his victims long after their deaths, as well as cannibalism and necrophilia.
  • Kristen Gilbert: An example of a female serial killer, she was a nurse who killed hospital patients in her care.

For this assignment, create a 4- to 5-page report in Microsoft Word that covers the following points:

  • Summarize the case: time period, location, number of victims, etc.
  • Describe the killer’s background, methods, and area of operation.
  • Determine which of the theories from Week 2 relate to this killer and show why you made this determination.
  • How did the killer select his or her victims? Was there anything that the victims did to provoke the killer? Are the victims in this case in any way responsible for their own deaths?
  • By analyzing all of the above information, you should now be able to propose a three-part typology and explain your analysis. Your typology should describe the killer’s motivation, location, and organized or disorganized factors. For instance, John Wayne Gacy might be described as a Power/Control, local, organized killer.

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Managerial Economics and Globalization

Managerial Economics and Globalization

Working In the Firm’s Best Interest

Each year, public schools are rewarded with bigger budgets for achieving a rating of “excellent” or “recommended” and are punished for rating “ needs improvement”.These ratings are based on meeting thresholds on a broad set of measures such as attendance rates, graduation rates, standardized test scores, SAT scores, and so on. Discuss the incentives for school principals (who are the agents, in this case) under this scheme and how you might improve them.

Assignment: Dealing with Risk, Asymmetric Information, and Incentives

Due Week 9 and worth 310 points

Earlier in the quarter we discussed Southwest Airlines’ use of game theory to create new strategy. Continue to research Southwest Airlines or a company of your choice and write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Evaluate a company’s recent (with in the last year) actions dealing with risk and uncertainty.
  2. Offer advice for improving risk management.
  3. Examine an adverse selection problem your company is facing and recommend how it should minimize its negative impact on transactions.
  4. Determine the ways your company is dealing with the moral hazard problem and suggest best practices used in the industry to deal with it.
  5. Identify a principal-agent problem in your company and evaluate the tools it uses to align incentives and improve profitability.
  6. Examine the organizational structure of your company and suggests ways it can be changed to improve the overall profitability.
  7. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: One of your references regarding your should have been published within the last 6 months. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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business law easy discussions

business law easy discussions

Homework #1

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Don’t make this assignment more difficult than it actually is. Under “Announcement” , entitled “One Thing …”, there are two articles. For each article, summararize the article with one paragraph. The paragraphs should be 250 words, or less.

Also, please provide a a third paragraph. The third paraph should summarize how the articles will shape your “decision making” as a manager, a business ower, or an individual with dealing with a personal legal issue. The paragraph should answer, “what are you looking for in attorney”. It should answer how you will “manage” that relationship to avoid unnecessary loss of time and cost.

There is no “one” right answer for the third paragraph. However, it should make sense for what you are dealing with and looking for in an attorney. It should show that you understand what the two articles are about.

You are the “manager”. Remain professional, but poignant. You, your company, or your business are paying the cost for attorney fees. This paragraph should also be 250 words, or lesss.

One Thing ….

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As business professionals and future business professionals, you will read many business related books over the course of your career. For example, “Good to Great”, “80/20 Principal” and “Habit” are three of my favorites.

“ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results” is a recent New York Times Best Seller. In sum, the book describes “the value of simplifying one’s workload by focusing on the one most important task in any given project”.

Why is this significant to Business Law 308? This course covers topics that I learned over three years in law school, a bar exam, and 14+ years of legal service. Practically, I don’t believe we can do the various subjects and topics justice in a 12-week course.

However, you should leave the course being familiar with key legal terms and concepts that business professionals address frequently. The “one thing” I would like you to get out of this course is that the act of hiring and working with an attorney is a “relationship”.

Every business will need an attorney. Like most relationships that you can’t avoid, it has to be managed.

I will attach two articles that I believe summarizes “the good and the bad” with the relationship. The articles also cover areas in the relationship that will need the most attention and management.

The articles will be a homework assignment at some point during the semester. I will give you advanced notice.

Read This Before Hiring a Business Attorney – (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

10 Ways Lawyers Rip Off Clients (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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Discussion1: Conceptualizing a Qualitative Research Question

Discussion1: Conceptualizing a Qualitative Research Question

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Consider the research topic you are developing for your Major Assignment 1.
  • Review Chapter 3 of the Ravitch and Carl text and use Table 3.1, page 69 to help you create a rationale using the questions as your guide.
  • Review Chapter 3 of the Ravitch and Carl text and specifically use pages 70–76 to create a positionality memo to reflect on your relationship to the topic.
  • Review the Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods: Developing a Qualitative Research Question media program as a guideline to help you create a research question.

By Day 3

Transform your notes from your preparation work into four paragraphs and briefly explain in your post the following:

  1. The research purpose of your inquiry
  2. The rationale
  3. Issues of positionality
  4. The research question

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.



Learning Resources

Required Readings

Ravitch, S. M., & Carl, N. M. (2016). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Rubin, H. J., & Rubin, I. S. (2012). Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Walden University Center for Research Quality. (2015). Research resources: Research design & analysis. Retrieved from
Use this website to guide as you as you consider research design and analysis for your Discussions and Assignments during this week.

Walden University Library. (n.d.). Course guide and assignment help for RSCH 8310. Retrieved from
Use this website to search for articles based on the requirements for the Discussion and/or Assignment.

Document: Video Field Notes Guide (Word document)
Use this guide to help you as you take notes for your Scholar of Change video.

Document: Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Assignment Guidelines (PDF)
Use this document to help you as you write your purpose statement for Part 1 of your Major Assignment 1.

Required Media

Yale University. (2015, June 23). Fundamentals of qualitative research methods: Developing a qualitative research question (Module 2) [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 12 minutes.
As you review this video, focus on how you will develop a good research question for your Major Assignment 1.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Doctoral research: Ensuring quality in qualitative research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.
In this media program, qualitative research expert Dr. Laura Lynn talks about the issue of researcher bias in the interview process.

Scholar of Change Video #3

Anner, J. (2015). John Anner, PhD student in public policy and administration [Video file].
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.
In this media program, John Anner describes how he is using his Walden education to help NGOs build capacity and create solutions that address some of the world’s most-pressing problems—not only on a case-by-case basis but also on a global scale. As you observe, take notes using the Video Field Notes Guide.

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