Author name: Rosemary Mosco

What issues of gender did the author Abraham Verghese

Select one of the two questions in the list below  and write a discussion essay in response to the question:

  1. What issues of gender did the author Abraham Verghese discuss especially as it relates to women’s issues? What is the author’s philosophy on the issue of women and their health? Explain how this was expressed in the novel. Describe at least two issues of gender in your essay. Is the author’s philosophy on the subject similar to or different from yours? Write a reflection on the author’s philosophy on gender covering each of the questions above and how similar or different his philosphy is from your own.

What do the characters  Hema, Matron, Rosina, Sister Mary Joseph Praise, Genet, Tsige and the many women who come to Missing seeking medical treatment reveal about what life is like for women in Ethiopia? Write a reflection that describes their experience and includes at least two gender differences between the women depicted in the novel and your own community.


  • The minimum number of words for this assignment is


  • Cite all information that is not your own in APA style.
  • Include references at the end of the discussion in APA style You can find more information on citation here:

Attachments area

What issues of gender did the author Abraham Verghese Read More »

Gero 101 Case Study on the SOC and Ecological Models

Gero 101 Case Study on the SOC and Ecological Models


1. Which activities you think she could modify in order to keep doing them, and how?

2. Based on her living conditions (e.g. physical and social resources, impact and pain of OA, and level of disability), what steps in the SOC model, do you think she is likely to use, why?

3. First, how much “fit” (balance between competence and press), do you think she currently has? Does she “fit” in some ways and not others? How?

4. Using “systems” theory (four layers of context), where do you think resources are need (what level) to help her better age-in-place?

Note: The SOC steps are: selection, optimization, and compensation; and for these questions and answers, I am also looking to see that you cite from the article by Cignac, Cott, and Badley’s (2002).

Note: the four layers of context are: 1) personal-individual resources and abilities, 2) small-group/relationships with other people (e.g. friends, family), 3) social-network in community and neighborhood; and 4) social-cultural factors—services, systems, policies. And, in this section, I am also looking to see that you cite the article by Greenfield (2011).

Introduction: I still want you to try and explain (as best you can), why these three theories (SOC, Competence-Press, and Systems Theory) are useful in studying the daily lives of older adults. At this point, I’m less concerned about you trying to define each. But, you still need to mention and describe what you will be doing in your essay.

Conclusion: What else do you think might be missing, or what else can/should be done for her? What might these models be overlooking in finding solutions or ways to help maintain her independence and quality of life?



APA Basics (typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, with one-inch margins on all sides) with APA style in-text citations and references (for two articles and the textbook, if you want to use that, too). A cover page is not needed.

Possible Deductions:

2 points for lack of proper format for citations and references (APA style)

1.5 points (10%) for late papers

1.5 points (10%) for not working with both articles (citing text and using statements).

1 point each for lack of evidence in your answers (from the articles and case study).

Gero 101 Case Study on the SOC and Ecological Models Read More »

Business Law Question

Business Law Question


Janet Johnson, an African American woman, has been working at the Tennessee Hydroelectric plant for 15 years. During that time, his performance reviews have been exemplary. She decided to apply for the new plant foreman position. Although she felt that she was eminently qualified for the position, she also was growing tired of a certain good old boy culture at the plant. For years, the plant has had a culture of highly lewd “jokes,” and many of the employees had also engaged in inappropriate touching of female employees. The plant had an anti-harassment policy on record, but Janet’s boss shrugged and said “boys will be boys” when she reported the harassment to him.

Competition for the position was fierce. But ultimately, Jose Martinez, a Chilean man, received the position. Jose had 7 years of experience. Unbeknownst to the applicants the promotion board secretly ran a credit check on the applicants. Janet credit score came in as lower as average, and this factored into the board’s decision. Although he met the qualifications of the position, one of the hiring managers told Janet in confidence that Janet was the most qualified person for the job. And the other managers had applied a racial preference on Jose’s behalf due to there never having been a Latino manager at the plant even though Latino’s represented 35% of employees at the plant. Janet sues the plant for disparate treatment, disparate impact, and sexual harassment under Title VII.


1. List the elements of disparate treatment and apply them to this case. Can Janet prove a prima facie case? How would the plant rebuff these charges? Who would ultimately prevail?

2. List the elements of a disparate impact case and apply them to this case? Will Janet prevail on this charge?

3. List the elements of the sexual harassment case and apply them to this case? Can the plant establish an affirmative defense?

4. If the plant argues that it applied a racial preference to Jose to correct a manifest imbalance at the plant of underutilization of certain minorities, will the plant prevail? Why or why not?

5. Was it legal to use the credit check as a factor in the promotion decision the way that it was done here? Why or why not?

Part 2


List and briefly describe (in your own words) the three main reasons for government regulation of businesses.


List and describe (in your own words) the six principles for organizations to become an Employer of Choice.


List and describe (in your own words) three of the crucial keys to development of an effective ethics program.


.List and explain (in your own words) the benefits of government regulation of business.


List the six rights of the consumer and explain (in your own words) why each one is important.

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continue to build your Community Center Proposal by identifying activities that promotes psychosocial development

continue to build your Community Center Proposal by identifying activities that promotes psychosocial development

Prior to completing this assignment, read Chapter 11 and 12 and Section 14.1 and 14.5 in your textbook and read The Development of Adolescent Social Cognition (Links to an external site.)

The purpose of this assignment is for you to continue working on elements that will become part of your Community Center Proposal Final Project. This week, you will be creating three activities that will become part of the infant room, early childhood room, and adolescent room of your center that address psychosocial development.

Using Erikson’s and/or Kohlberg’s theories of psychosocial and moral development, you will continue to build your Community Center Proposal by identifying activities that promotes psychosocial development.

Focus on the primary developmental tasks of each age period. For each of the three activities, write a paragraph that addresses the following:

  • Describe the age appropriate activity in some detail as it relates to developmental theory (provide more than just the name of the activity).
  • Identify the specific concept from psychosocial theory that supports the use of this activity.
  • Identify how the activity enhances psychosocial development (this can be emotional, cultural, and moral development) in the child and adolescent.

The Psychosocial Development Activities paper

Requirements: 2-3 pages

continue to build your Community Center Proposal by identifying activities that promotes psychosocial development Read More »

Utilize Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory to address the topic of motivations

Utilize Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory to address the topic of motivations

Prior to completing this discussion, please read Section 15.5 in your textbook and the Parental Characteristics Associated with Bullying Perpetration in US Children Aged 10 to 17 Years (Links to an external site.) article, and watch the Bullying exerts psychiatric effects into adulthood (Links to an external site.) Also, review the information from Chapter 1 about Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory and the Understanding Bullying (Links to an external site.) fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site. At least two of these sources should be cited in your original post.

Utilize Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory to address the topic of motivations for and influences on bullying. In your initial post of a minimum of 350 words, complete the following:

  • Using each of the five systems in Bronfenbrenner’s theory, describe how a child’s environment (including family, school, and community) might predispose the child to bullying.
    • For example, within a person’s microsystem are the parents. How might parents be an influencing factor on whether or not a child is prone to bullying?
  • Find and report (with proper citation) one current statistic on the factors influencing school bullying behaviors. Does this statistic seem to follow the same trend supported by Bronfenbrenner’s theory? If not, explain how it challenges the theory.
  • Finally, provide one unique solution to reduce or completely end bullying.

Requirements: 300 words

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