Author name: Rosemary Mosco



Review your leadership canvas( Canvas Attached) and create a leadership philosophy. It can use text, symbols,

video, images. It should capture your personal leadership presence –who are you are and how you

want to present yourself as a leader. Then begin to live your leadership philosophy. Include mindfully

applying your prioritized goal, engage in activities that support achievement of that goal- ie: coaching,

mentoring, supervisor/peer discussion. Be ready to share your leadership philosophy representation,

and how you are living it.

● Review leadership canvas and use as inspiration for leadership philosophy

● Create representation of leadership philosophy

● Mindfully choose a behavior to develop or change

● Engage in activities that support your goal (coaching, mentoring, peer support)

● Prepare to present your philosophy and summary of your experience in living it to the group

● Attend Post -class virtual session.

Requirements: 2 pages

i added the attachment as well to better explain why is needed. it is the one with only one page. Thank you

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Reforming the Affordable Care Act

Reforming the Affordable Care Act

The paper should be about four pages minimum– not counting any title page, abstract, or references. You may choose to provide “a fix” for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as the ACA or Obamacare), or you may propose a general replacement for the ACA.

You should likely focus on one or two broad policies (due to the short length of the paper). You may look at what others have proposed and incorporate their thoughts into your writing with appropriate attribution and citation.

Use APA 7 style for citations.

You should have at least four sections:

  • An Introduction – explaining what you are proposing in general terms which should include identifying the problem you are attempting to address with your fix or replacement.
  • Your Proposal – this is the details of your proposal – although, in 4 to 6 pages, you likely can’t be as detailed as you would like to be.
  • Difficulties you see in getting your proposal through the policymaking process as we have discussed it in this class and as it is outlined in the textbook.
  • A Conclusion – don’t just leave me hanging. Tie everything together here and tell me again why you feel your proposal is worthwhile and what the difficulties might be.

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Health & Medical Question

Health & Medical Question

The subject of this briefing paper will be ROBOTIC SURGERY.

The written portion of paper will be no longer than 6 to 7 pages and must
incorporate at least 4 to 6 (or more) reference. The format must conform to standard APA
reference format. The topic for the paper must be related to some aspect of Health Information Technology and its impact on the effective and efficient delivery of healthcare services.

Requirements: 6-7 pages   |

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