Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Negotiation Gambits to Use and Tactics to Avoid

Negotiation Gambits to Use and Tactics to Avoid

In this week’s discussion, you will continue to work on negotiation tactics and strategies, which will help you prepare your draft of subsections B and C of Section V: Negotiation Tactics and Strategies of the final project.

Last week you focused on the contrast principle gambit, which you wrote about in the Module Eight assignment. This week you will expand your focus to include other gambits, which are outlined in the Module Nine overview. These gambits are often helpful in dealing with a hesitant negotiation partner, as well as in other interpersonal discussions when seeking alignment or agreement.

As you prepare to write this week’s discussion post, first review the article: How to Neutralise Aggressive Negotiators Tactics.

Then, fill out the Negotiation Gambits Chart. Include the following information:

  • Identify two potential distributive negotiating gambits that Sharon Slade should consider to advance her agenda.
  • Identify two negotiating tactics that she should avoid during the negotiating session.
  • Identify specific gambits that would be the most appropriate for advancing your agenda in the negotiation.

Post your chart as an attachment to your post. In your responses to peers, offer your thoughts on the gambits they have identified and their potential effects on the outcome of the negotiations—both positive and negative. Defend your choices by providing reasons. Suggest other gambits to use with a hesitant negotiation partner to close the deal.

Your work on this discussion post will help you prepare your final project submission, specifically Section V: Negotiation Tactics and Strategies.

  • Compose a post of one to two paragraphs.
  • Reference scholarly or peer-reviewed sources to support your discussion points, as appropriate (using proper citation methods)

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You must utilize textbook Criminology:The Core, Author Larry J. Siegel 6th Edition plus at least one academic outside sources

Choose ONE question:

Chapter 8

  1. There has been a lot of talk about the middle class in America shrinking. Many individuals are getting poorer, while a small minority are getting richer. How does this phenomenon impact crime from the perspectives of instrumental theory and structural theory? Please validate the source of the population shifts in your response.
  2. Domestic violence has only been considered a serious crime since the 1970s, and full implementation of those laws has taken even longer. How does critical feminist theory explain the failure to fully protect women from domestic violence?
  3. What if you are the victim of theft? Would you ask for incarceration, re-integrative shaming, or restorative justice? Explain your choice. What if you are the victim of embezzlement? Would your answer be different? Why or why not?

Chapter 9

  1. Read the opening vignette on pages 276 and 277 of the textbook. Then, ask students to discuss how family dysfunction contributes to crime. What other factors contribute to crime? Should any or all of these factors be given more weight in sentencing decisions?
  2. Should young children who have “delinquent traits” should be monitored more closely, even though they have not actually committed crimes? Would such monitoring create a self-fulfilling prophecy? Why or why not?
  3. Read the “Thinking Like a Criminologist” section on page 290 in your textbook (edition 6). What if you were the judge in this case: Should Sampson receive the death penalty or a sentence of life in prison? Do you believe that Sampson’s crimes were a product of his impaired development, and if so, should his life be spared

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Ethical health promotion paper 2-3 pages

Ethical health promotion paper 2-3 pages


Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed article no more than four years old

that discusses an ethical health promotion-related issue.

In your paper:

Your paper should be 2–3 pages long. Use APA to cite and reference

the article and any other optional sources you use. Adhere to APA

formatting throughout your paper.

Please make sure it is a ethical situation as asked above that is less than 4 years old

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How different social groups interact with each other in a jail setting

How different social groups interact with each other in a jail setting

  • Using the paper attached with the topic selection complete a research paper. 6-8 pages


please include the following clearly labeled sections in your project. This is considered a best practice for a research project.

Introduction: In this section, you should introduce the topic and social group you are examining. This section should be a brief overview of the topic, your approach to the topic, and why this topic is important to consider from a sociological perspective. Demonstrate why your topic is of value for understanding diversity.

Literature Review: In this section, you will review the previous research and current statistical data on your topic. Include a brief overview of the history of your topic or social group in the United States, and refer to key concepts encountered in this course. Address how power, particularly power difference between dominant and minority groups, connects to your topic.

You will present relevant, reliable data that indicate any important characteristics of your chosen social group. Examples might include differences in life expectancy, differences in pay, education levels, or any other data that indicate that your group experiences discrimination at the macro level.

Be sure to use information from the course material and your outside sources to illustrate your points. You should include a minimum of five sources, one of which should include statistical data.

Methods: In this section, discuss the data collection process. Explain in detail how you collected your data (questionnaire, observation, or content analysis), the tool you used to collect this data (questionnaire, or observation or content analysis checklist), the number of subjects in your study, and where and how the data was collected. Include at least one table, chart, or graph that illustrates your findings.

Discussion, Analysis, and Theoretical Application: This portion of your project should interpret your findings. Discuss at least three important findings revealed by your project and explain what these findings tell us from a sociological perspective. In this section, refer to pertinent information from the literature review and use it to interpret your findings or analysis within a sociological perspective. In your analysis, apply at least one sociological theory covered in the course, one that you think best explains the discrimination the group has faced or patterns of dominant-minority relations the group may have encountered.

Policies and Strategies: Based on your research review, data collection, and analysis, share your suggestions regarding policies and strategies to address the issues your project raises. For example, if your project focused on gender stereotypes, explain how that knowledge can be applied to workplace policies geared toward promoting equal advancement opportunities for women. In other words, think about how the knowledge gained can be used in the job sector, education, or our personal interactions to improve relationships between members of diverse social groups or capitalize on the advantages that diversity brings.

Conclusion: This will wrap up your project. Summarize the overall lessons learned and offer any personal comments you wish to include—do this here rather than throughout the body of the paper.

If you do not want to use the data collection process and its easier to use content analysis feel free to.

OPTION 3: Content Analysis

Choose a visual medium (videos, magazines, television commercials, and so on). Keep in mind that you need approximately 15–20 observations, and choose something that is accessible and manageable (for example, watching 15–20 full-length movies or episodes of a television sitcom is too time-consuming, but examining 15–20 print or television advertisements is more feasible).

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Supply chain management

Supply chain management


Differentiate supply chain management from other similar concepts, such as logistics management or supply management. Then, using an organization that you know well (for example, a company you work for or one that you buy products from), create a diagram identifying the supply chain. Your diagram should include at least twelve steps. Identify and discuss three critical success factors of your supply chain (the things that make it effective and efficient).

How can supply chain management benefit society? Use the diagram you created to illustrate and support your response.

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