Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Sexism, Society, and Science

Sexism, Society, and Science

Assignment 1: Sexism, Society, and Science

Write a two-page paper (five-paragraph) essay discussing two of the following readings:

Margaret Edson, Wit

David Noble “Women in a World Without Women,” from A World Without Women

Deborah Warner, “Science Education for Women in Antebellum America,” History of Women in Sciences

Margaret Rossiter, Women Scientists in America, chapter 4: “A Manly Profession,” 73-99, notes

Sena Jeter Naslund, excerpt on Maria Mitchell from Ahab’s Wife

Nina Baym, American Women of Letters and the Nineteenth-Century Sciences, chapter 7: “Testing Scientific Limits: Emma Willard and Maria Mitchell”

Your paper should cite at least two readings from the above list within an argument based on the evidence from the texts. Build an argument within the paper considering aspects of barriers and facilitators women have faced in Western Europe and the U.S. in the early modern and modern periods and coming to a conclusion about today’s situation for women in science.

Focus on a particular question of your own construction that deals with the “how,” “why,” and “in what way” women’s participation in science was supported or challenged by individuals. Consider sociocultural and religious values associated with women’s roles in society that supporters and challengers used in defense of their arguments. Be careful to identify the authors, texts, historical periods, scientific fields, individuals, and other aspects of the cases that you develop.

Examples of questions you might choose to write about include:

In what ways did women’s educational opportunities enable or constrain their participation in science?

What groups/individuals favored women’s science education and why did they favor it?

What groups/individuals opposed women’s science education/participation and why were they opposed?

How did women overcome resistance to persist and to promote their interests in science? What strategies did they employ? Were they effective? Why or why not?

Selecting and refining a question that you can respond to will help you develop a thesis statement.

Your short analysis should

  1. briefly summarize significant points from the arguments illustrated in the readings you select
  2. hypothesize the cultural ideas concerning masculinity or femininity that are encoded in the social values affecting women’s participation and/or performance in science
  3. provide evidence from the readings for your hypothesis

The best analyses will reflect argumentative points or allude to evidence contained within the readings; indicate citations by incorporating parenthetical references, for example: (Baym, 246) into your assignment. Remember that the quality of citation counts more than sheer quantity of references.

If you have questions or would like to discuss developing the assignment, please bring these matters up in class or on the listserv. You may also make an appointment to see me in my office; please email or speak to me outside of class concerning appointments.


The essay should be typed using double spacing. Number each page. Use one-inch justified margins on the top, bottom, and left side and a ragged one-inch right margin. Staple pages in the upper left corner; please do not use any covers. Put the following on the top of the first page or the title page: the title of the essay, your names, the title of the course, my name, the semester in which you are taking the course, and the due date of the assignment. Put all references to class texts parenthetically within the text of the paper (see above); if you consult other materials, please indicate those with a short parenthetical reference and a works cited page

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Global project

Global project

I have attached last assignment you wrote. I think this one needs to connect to the first one.

First, read the following case:

U.S. Tariffs on Tire Imports from ChinaPreview the document

Then using some of the resources provided in this section you are asked to think as global managers in the same industry and review the questions at the end of the case. Prepare an internal memorandum to the CEO which overviews the issue and explains the talking points raised from the questions.

Please note your reply must be comprehensive. This denotes that all work must include proper citations and bibliography. All reference works must be scholarly, therefore, it is suggested to use the available links in the electronic library to aid your efforts.

Examples of Suggested Resources

  • Tarun Khanna and Krishna G. Palepu, “Emerging Giants: Building World-Class Competitors in Developing Countries,” Harvard Business Review, October 2006.
  • Antonie van Agtmael, “The Emerging Market Century: How a New Breed of World-Class Companies Is Overtaking the World,” Free Press, 2007. Boston Consulting Group, “The 2008 BCG 100 New Global Challengers: How Top Companies From Rapidly Developing Economies Are Changing The World,” January 2008.
  • Nirmalya Kumar, “Strategies To Fight Low Cost Rivals,” Harvard Business Review, December 2006.
  • Rosabeth Moss Kanter, “Transforming Giants,” Harvard Business Review, January 2008. A classic restatement of the factors that enable multinationals to stay agile.
  • Susan Berger, “How We Compete: What Companies Around The World Are Doing To Make It In Today’s Global Economy,Doubleday, 2005.
  • Michael Porter, “How competitive forces shape strategy,” Harvard Business Review, 1979, Volume 57, number 2, pages 137-145. The classic statement of the Five Forces framework. Still worth a read (and re-read).
  • Michael Porter, “What is strategy?” Harvard Business Review, November-December 1996, pages 61-78. A defense of the Five Forces framework at a time when the “benchmarking” and “core competences” were all the rage.
  • Michael Porter, “The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy,” Harvard Business Review, January 2008.

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When if banking regulation enough?

When if banking regulation enough?

Regulations have a major impact on how financial institutions are managed, how they deal with consumers, the types of products they offer, the structure of the industry, and the types of risks they take. The interplay between financial institutions and their regulators is so intertwined that one cannot define an institution or understand what it does without understanding the regulations that constrain its behavior.

The objective of this assignment is for you to gain knowledge of why financial institutions are heavily regulated, and why politicians fear that their failures could badly damage local or national economies. This will help you apply and integrate all of the course objectives for FIN507. This assignment has two milestones, with the final project due in Module 8.

Your project must include the following elements:

Your paper must meet the following requirements:

  • It must be 10-15 pages in length, not including the cover and references pages.
  • Support your answers with the readings from Modules 1-8 and at least eight scholarly journal articles (at least five of which are peer-reviewed). The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these resources.

Refer to the Portfolio Project grading rubric in the Module 8 Folder for information on project requirements and grading details.

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The topic of this week’s lesson is on evolution

The topic of this week’s lesson is on evolution



Discussion needs to be 250 words

The topic of this week’s lesson is on evolution. CSU is a Christian college and believes as an institution on the origin of life as from God. As a student of CSU, do you think that it is important to learn about evolution and should an alternative to evolution be taught as well? Please bring in your life experience on what you were taught in school. This is a controversial subject, so please be respectful of everyone’s comments

The topic of this week’s lesson is on evolution Read More »

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