Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Social psychology

Social psychology

Culture is a term that can be used to describe and distinguish the unique characteritics of an ethnic group, a nation, a corporation, or other distinct groups of people. Athletic teams, religious groups, professions, and the military are examples of groups that have unique cultural characteristics. Cole in Cultural Psychology defines culture as existing when people engage in an activity over a period of time. Cultures have characteristics of what behaviors are acceptable and what behaviors are not acceptable. Cultures differ on a variety of dimensions including emphasis on individuality vs being part of the group, type of hierarchy, distribution of power, long-term or short-term orientation, parenting styles, decision-making patterns, and values just to name a few. In the text we looked at group think and the pressure to embrace certain ways of thinking that can lead to disaster such as with NASA and taking unwarranted risks with the space shuttle or the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba disaster.

Your Task

Your task for this assignment is to:

  • Research and identify a specific culture that you may have experienced, observed, or researched.
  • Identify the unique characteristics of the culture that distinguish and characterize it from other cultures.
  • Discuss the following ideas:


The culture at Enron is a great example for demonstrating the kind of analysis I want you to conduct. Enron valued innovation, thinking outside the box, developing new business opportunities, and taking risks. To be valued by the company a worker had to be involved in projects that resulted in sales and brought increased income to the corporation. Individuals that managed and worked in areas that supported the business such as the accounting department where they kept track of the company financial health and the insurance department that protected business assets and tried to minimize corporate exposure to business risk were seen as not providing much value. The workers in these areas weren’t compensated on the same level as the innovators and didn’t have the same level of prestige in the company. Success was measured in terms of new products and the income it brought to the company. Staff members who questioned the ethics of a proposal were seen as stifling progress and being too rigid in their thinking. Risk taking was a valued cultural more that even influenced worker leisure activities.

Social psychology Read More »

Research Design: Propose and Justify a Research Design Method

Research Design: Propose and Justify a Research Design Method

Develop an envisioned methodology and design for your dissertation research topic based on the research problem, purpose, and research question, and previous research courses, and then write a research paper to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the envisioned method and design. In your paper, justify why the chosen method and design would be most appropriate for your research questions. In justifying your chosen method and design, discuss why alternative methods/designs would be less desirable for your study. Please corroborate your assertions with scholarly research.

Dissertation Topic: Race, Gender, and Class in the Workplace

Support your paper with a minimum of 7 resources. Resources must be dated 2016 to present to be current. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 12 pages not including title and reference pages
References: Minimum of 7 scholarly resources.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Review APA Form and Style.

Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

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Write a four to five page paper?

Write a four to five page paper?

Using The Other Slavery book, write a four to five page paper that addresses one of the following prompts:

  1. What goals did the Crown hope to achieve with the New Laws? In theory, how were the New Laws going to fulfill these goal?
  2. What factors allowed Indian slavery to continue despite such laws? Why was enforcement insufficient?
  3. Indians often resisted enslavement by turning to the courts or to armed rebellion. What factors may have determined which path Indians chose?


  • You may use lecture notes for context (no need to cite lecture). Do not use any other sources (books, internet, etc.).
  • Submit paper to Canvas by Friday September 14h before class time.
  • NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED. Failure to submit paper on time will result in an F for the class.


  • Paper needs to four full pages minimum and five pages maximum.
  • Double space, one-inch margins all around, 11 or 12-point font.
  • Put your name and the date (single-spaced) in the top left-hand corner of the first page only.
  • Place your paper’s title in 14-point font on the top of the first page. Think of a title that reflects your paper’s argument.
  • Eliminate the extra space between paragraphs (in “Format,” choose “paragraph,” and check box that says “Don’t add space between paragraphs of same style.”
  • No cover sheet.
  • Number every page on upper right-hand corner.

Spelling and Grammar: One point will be deducted for each spelling and grammar mistake.

  • In Spelling and Grammar Preferences in Micro Soft Word set “writing style” to “formal.” For PCs, set to “check style” and place checkmarks in all of the stylistic features. Make sure to fix problems indicated by red or green lines.

Writing: Observing these tips will significantly improve your paper and grade.

  • Write a clear introduction that catches the reader’s attention, previews your entire paper, and gives an indication of your particular argument or focus. It is often easiest to write your introduction after writing the rest of the paper.
  • Jump write into the topic at hand. Don’t begin with a broad, universal generalization (“From the dawn of time… the struggle between good and evil has shaped human nature”).
  • Use concrete examples to support your points.
  • Write paragraphs around a single, specific idea, clearly expressed in a topic sentence.
  • Concluding paragraph should tie the paper together. Restate argument and show how the evidence in paper supports argument.


  • Be sure to cite direct quotations as well as ideas and points you draw from the sources, even when you do not use their exact words. NOT CITING WILL DRASTICALLY LOWER YOUR GRADE.
  • Since your paper will draw on a single source, cite by placing the page number (only the number) between parentheses at the end of the sentence, before the period.

    When referring to concepts in the book without repeating exact language, cite as follows:
    The concept of calidad included several factors (9).

    When using repeats exact language from the book, cite as follows:
    Francisca attributed her daughter’s behavior to the workings of “a diabolic entity” (177).

  • Important note: Quote the words of the people and documents discussed in the book, but avoid quoting the author’s words directly. In general, keep quotations to a minimum. No quote should exceed two lines. Try to incorporate quotations into your own sentences, as shown in the second example above.

Write a four to five page paper? Read More »

Working In the Firm’s Best Interest

Working In the Firm’s Best Interest

Each year, public schools are rewarded with bigger budgets for achieving a rating of “excellent” or “recommended” and are punished for rating ” needs improvement”.These ratings are based on meeting thresholds on a broad set of measures such as attendance rates, graduation rates, standardized test scores, SAT scores, and so on. Discuss the incentives for school principals (who are the agents, in this case) under this scheme and how you might improve them.

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I want article outline: Digital Competence for teachers and learners

I want article outline: Digital Competence for teachers and learners

the article is about the rapid expansion of technology and how it has affected the learning process. So now teachers have to cope with this change and should acquire some digital competencies or literacies in order to implement them into the classroom and make language learning more appealing to the students. So, what are these digital competencies and how can teachers acquire them. And what are they for learners too.

Am writing a journal article to be published. In this case write an article outline for the article on digital competence for language teachers and learners

I want article outline: Digital Competence for teachers and learners Read More »

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