Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Access and Community

Access and Community

Last week you researched the history of your popular culture artifacts. You also examined the audience for your popular culture artifacts and how each affected the other. This week you look at how access to popular culture affects society.

To prepare:

  • Review your two chosen popular culture artifacts. (Mine are Film and Animation).
  • Review your Final Project Worksheet from Week 1 and any feedback received.
  • Spend some time looking at the student-contributed resources posted in Doc Sharing. (Note: You will need to use at least one of these for this milestone.)
  • Consider the following:
    • How does the distribution mechanism control the issues addressed in the artifacts’ content?
    • Determine who controls the distribution of your chosen popular culture elements.
    • In what ways does the controller of distribution affect the shared experience of the audience and community? Keep in mind that a community may be local, regional, national, or global. Be specific in your discussion.


Submit a 700-800-word essay that addresses these questions as they relate to your chosen popular culture artifacts. Be sure to include:

  • At least one student-contributed resource from Doc Sharing
  • At least two other academically relevant sources listed below.

Please refer to attached files below.

*******The one student contributed resource to be used will be posted below and is necessary.********

Please provide detailed work with thorough understanding.

Access and Community Read More »

Epidemiology of Health and Illness.

Epidemiology of Health and Illness.

  1. Define epidemiology and describe the epidemiological triangle and other epidemiology tools in disease control and prevention.
  2. Discuss the use of epidemiology in disease prevention.
  3. Define and describe the concept “community as client.”
  4. Describe and discuss the goals of health education within the community setting.
  5. APA format word document, Arial 12 font
  6. 3 evidence-based references is required no older than 5 years
  7. A minimum of 700 words

Epidemiology of Health and Illness. Read More »

MarijuanaLegalizationcase study writing -Sen

MarijuanaLegalizationcase study writing -Sen

This is a law case writing essay, need to write about the Gonzales v. Raich case, this is about the topic of : Marijuana Legalization

My case is this one: Gonzales v. Raich.

Need full 4 pages essay, cited all resources, and not be plagiarize.


here is some more writing instruction: Once you have chosen the specific topic you will provide a detailed overview of the topic, including a detailed explanation of the courts’ involvement in the topic. (ie. explaining the most significant cases, the outcomes–as well as lead up to and reactions to the cases) In addition to providing a detailed overview of the specific policy issue or case(s) you are discussing you will also address the following questions: How do the examples you have chosen provide insights into the ways in which the unique structural, constitutional and cultural qualities of the American justice system shapes policy debates and outcomes? How does this story illustrate both the characteristics and the outcomes of adversarial legalism in practice?

MarijuanaLegalizationcase study writing -Sen Read More »

cardiovascular disorders

cardiovascular disorders

This week you have learned about common cardiovascular disorders in the Adult and Geriatric patient. For the purpose of this discussion write on nursing the following cardiovascular disorders and provide the following in your initial post:

Cardiovascular disorders:

  • CHF
  • Valve disorders
  • Angina
  • PVD

cardiovascular disorders Read More »

Discussion, global effects, marketing

Discussion, global effects, marketing

Global forces and macro-environment factors continually challenge marketers. Selecting one of the macro-environmental factors from the table above (in our book) prepare a report on how you see that global force affecting, influencing, and limiting marketers in the near future.

For example, point # 2 states that “the movement of manufacturing capacity and skills to lower-cost countries” is one of the forces affecting marketing. How will this statement affect multi-nationals in their marketing plans for the future?

Discussion, global effects, marketing Read More »

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