Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Employment Law Presentation

Employment Law Presentation

Create a narrated 10- to 12-slide presentation if you would rather not create a video.

Speaker notes must be concise.

Grammar and spelling m

ust be accurate on each slide and in the speaker notes.

Do not overuse bullets throughout the slides; Use diagrams and tables, too.

Record the narration for your presentation using the Microsoft® PowerPoint® “Record Slide Show” feature to record the narration for your presentation.

References: A properly formatted APA-style References page is required no matter which modality you select to do. Upload it to the Assignments tab when you upload your assignment video or presentation.

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Email Communication Responses – No. 4 Strategic Organization Report

Email Communication Responses – No. 4 Strategic Organization Report

Resources: Blossoms Up! Case Study and Email No. 4

Numerous emails have been sitting in the HR Director’s in-box for two months. Smith is highly agitated that none of his have been responded to. Now that you are hired, he has asked you to address the emails immediately.

Read Email No. 4 concerning a strategic organizational report that focuses on new mission and vision statements reflecting on strategic organizational goals.

Complete Smith’s directions and the instructions in the email.

Use headings to appropriately signal the topics and keep your document organized.

Use a minimum of five different in-text citation sources within your paper and identify them in your APA correctly formatted References page.

Please read the attache email 4 doc and follow the word count listed please

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Week 5 Discussions

Week 5 Discussions

Absolutely no plagiarism, must be original and very thorough. Please make sure everything is followed in the question and the grading rubric. Assigned articles are attached, please also use at least one other outside academic resource for question #2. Must include in-text citations. Must include specific real-life application (current events, work or personal experience, prior coursework, etc.) and/or other peer-reviewed research to support key points. No cover page needed but the questions should be separate. Please provide short but thorough sentences.

Supporting material: Attached

Question #1:

Case Discussion

This discussion will be split into three parts. We will discuss implementation of regulations, strategies for compliance, and cost consideration of the proposed legislation. Please look for the faculty’s lead question for each topic and reply to each. In addition to addressing the faculty’s lead question, please respond to your colleagues’ comments.

After reading the reviewing the “Uber: 21st Century Technology Confronts 20th Century Regulation” case for this week:

Here is the question on implementation of regulations:

What alternatives did Uber have to address regulatory issues when beginning service in new cities? What are the benefits and difficulties with each?

Here is the question on strategies for compliance:

How do you expect the incumbent taxi operators to respond to the Uber’s entry into D.C?

Here is the question on cost consideration of the proposed legislation:

What should Uber do in the face of the proposed D.C. legislation?

Important note: You do not need to use outside reference for this discussion! Use those readings assigned to you for the course will be sufficient.

Question #2:

From the perspective of compliance and risk management, how would you apply what you have learned and researched in this course to improve compliance within an organization? Your response must include, but not limited to, issues on the culture, enforcement, and costs of noncompliance.


Please see grading rubric below. This assignment should be at least 4-5 paragraphs each and very thorough. Make sure you integrate real-life applications to support key points.

Case Discussion Rubric (2016)

Case Discussion Rubric (2016)
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Quality of Initial Posting
Initial response displays an excellent understanding of the assigned case, the course readings, and the underlying concepts and includes the correct use of relevant terminology. Initial response additionally integrates specific real-life application (current events, work or personal experience, prior coursework, etc.) and/or other peer-reviewed research to support key points. Initial response is clear, concise, and compelling.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics
Entirely free of mechanical errors. These include: grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting (font style and size).

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I need help writing 3-4 pages comparing essay

I need help writing 3-4 pages comparing essay



I need help writing 3-4 pages essay comparing 2 narrative. Please find attached both of the narrative. First one is”Homeless on Campus” and the second one os “”Fremont High school”. Also you will find in the attachment a guide that has all the requirement.

The first narrative starts from page 716-724

The second narrative starts from 710-715

I need help writing 3-4 pages comparing essay Read More »

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