Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Respond to the following discussion question with citations and References in a paragraph. Topic 5 DQ 1

Respond to the following discussion question with citations and References in a paragraph. Topic 5 DQ 1

Choose a medical condition from the cardiovascular system and lymphatic system and explain the pathophysiology changes that may occur. What patient education would need to be included related to this disorder? Please add Citations and References.

Please add the topic of the discussion in the beginning : )

Respond to the following discussion question with citations and References in a paragraph. Topic 5 DQ 1 Read More »

Irish Heritage, Italian Heritage, Puerto Rican Heritage.

Irish Heritage, Italian Heritage, Puerto Rican Heritage.

People of Irish Heritage.

People of Italian Heritage.

People of Puerto Rican Heritage.

1. Discuss the organization and the family role in every one of the heritages mentioned about and how they affect (positively or negatively) the delivery of health care.

2. Identify sociocultural variables within the Irish, Italian and Puerto Rican heritage and mention some examples.

You must use at least 3 evidence-based references (excluding the class textbook) Reference should not be older than 5 years. A minimum of 700 words (not counting the first and reference page are required). APA format.

Irish Heritage, Italian Heritage, Puerto Rican Heritage. Read More »

Respond to the following discussion question with a paragraph with citations and References ( CAT Exercise )

Respond to the following discussion question with a paragraph with citations and References ( CAT Exercise )

Respond to the following discussion question with citations and References including the topic in the paragraph.

CAT Exercise

Compare the similarities and differences between heart failure in an adult versus a child. What treatment options are currently available? What are the pros and cons of the treatments? How would you educate the parents of a child with heart failure?

Respond to the following discussion question with a paragraph with citations and References ( CAT Exercise ) Read More »

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