Author name: Rosemary Mosco

AHS 7685 week 6 assignment

AHS 7685 week 6 assignment

In this assignment, you will discuss how you will use social media to promote either your proposed peer-to-peer special event fundraiser (from week 4) or your organization (from week 1).

Include the following for your Social Media Promotions Plan:

  • A general synopsis of why using social media is an important part of today’s fundraising.
  • Discuss which three social media platforms you will use in your social media campaign. One of these platforms must be Facebook due to its overall importance as a fundraising tool.
  • Describe what types of activities would you conduct within each of your chosen for platforms, and how many times a month would you do it for each. For example, if you are going to use Twitter, discuss when you would tweet, to whom you would tweet and provide a sample.
  • Would you conduct your social media campaign during a specific time of year or year round?
  • If possible, provide an example of a Facebook page or social promotion for a similar fundraiser.

This activity is matched to the following Learning Outcomes: Students will examine critical fund development issues facing today’s nonprofits. Review and evaluate an agency’s existing fund development program elements with their fellow classmates. Discuss past elements and their success of an agency’s overall fund development plan. Create a return on investment model for future elements of a development plan for longevity and relevance of the programs to an agency’s mission. Prepare and submit various special events, direct mail/online and leadership giving elements for class review and evaluation. The student will review historical funding sources and determine future interest areas and niche development opportunities to support a nonprofit agency. Improve skills in identifying new funding sources by searching the internet, corporate documents, foundations resources and individual contacts and relationship. Students will us appropriate writing and oral skills. Prepare written work using the appropriate APA style.


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3 Discussion posts psychology theory

3 Discussion posts psychology theory

Discussion 1

Select two different cultures examined in the articles or in literature you have located.

  • Think about how views on attachment are similar and different in these two cultures. Consider whether the differences in attachment have any bearing on an infant’s well-being in either culture.
  • Describe the two cultures you selected. Then, explain the similarities and differences in attachment in these two cultures. Include whether the differences might impact infants’ well-being in the two cultures and why or why not. Be specific.

United States and India

Discussion 2

  • Think about how social psychology and, specifically, Bandura’s social cognitive theory, explains how modeling affects cognitive development and behavior.
  • Consider your childhood and select a same-sex adult who influenced your personal development. The same-sex adult could include a primary caregiver, extended member of the family, or family friend with whom you were close as a child.

Explain some of the behaviors of the same-sex adult that you learned as a child and now demonstrate. Based on social cognitive theory, explain how you might have acquired the behaviors. Be specific.

Female. Same sex adult: Mother

Discussion 3:

  • Pay particular attention to the meaning of the terms in each type of conditioning. Classical conditioning terms include: UCS (unconditioned stimulus), UCR (unconditioned response), NS (neutral stimulus), CS (conditioned stimulus), CR (conditioned response). Operant conditioning terms include positive reinforcers, and negative reinforcers, and punishers.
  • Select one conditioning approach and use it to propose a strategy to mitigate bullying.
  • Operationalize the characteristics of your strategy. For example, if you selected the classical approach, identify which aspects of your strategy represent the UCS, UCR, NS, CS, and CR. If you selected the operant approach, identify which aspects (or operants) of your strategy represent positive reinforcers, negative reinforcers, and/or punishers.

Describe the conditioning approach you selected. Explain how you used this approach to identify a strategy to mitigate bullying. Following your mitigation strategy, operationalize the characteristics of your strategy according to the conditioning method you chose, such as UCS, UCR, NS, CS, CR for classical conditioning; and positive reinforcers, negative reinforcers, punishers for operant conditioning.

Please provide 2-3 citations for each post. APA format

3 Discussion posts psychology theory Read More »

3 Discussion posts psychology theory

3 Discussion posts psychology theory

Discussion 1

Select two different cultures examined in the articles or in literature you have located.

  • Think about how views on attachment are similar and different in these two cultures. Consider whether the differences in attachment have any bearing on an infant’s well-being in either culture.
  • Describe the two cultures you selected. Then, explain the similarities and differences in attachment in these two cultures. Include whether the differences might impact infants’ well-being in the two cultures and why or why not. Be specific.

United States and India

Discussion 2

  • Think about how social psychology and, specifically, Bandura’s social cognitive theory, explains how modeling affects cognitive development and behavior.
  • Consider your childhood and select a same-sex adult who influenced your personal development. The same-sex adult could include a primary caregiver, extended member of the family, or family friend with whom you were close as a child.

Explain some of the behaviors of the same-sex adult that you learned as a child and now demonstrate. Based on social cognitive theory, explain how you might have acquired the behaviors. Be specific.

Female. Same sex adult: Mother

Discussion 3:

  • Pay particular attention to the meaning of the terms in each type of conditioning. Classical conditioning terms include: UCS (unconditioned stimulus), UCR (unconditioned response), NS (neutral stimulus), CS (conditioned stimulus), CR (conditioned response). Operant conditioning terms include positive reinforcers, and negative reinforcers, and punishers.
  • Select one conditioning approach and use it to propose a strategy to mitigate bullying.
  • Operationalize the characteristics of your strategy. For example, if you selected the classical approach, identify which aspects of your strategy represent the UCS, UCR, NS, CS, and CR. If you selected the operant approach, identify which aspects (or operants) of your strategy represent positive reinforcers, negative reinforcers, and/or punishers.

Describe the conditioning approach you selected. Explain how you used this approach to identify a strategy to mitigate bullying. Following your mitigation strategy, operationalize the characteristics of your strategy according to the conditioning method you chose, such as UCS, UCR, NS, CS, CR for classical conditioning; and positive reinforcers, negative reinforcers, punishers for operant conditioning.

Please provide 2-3 citations for each post. APA format

3 Discussion posts psychology theory Read More »

Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior

Students will submit a 5 to 6 page research paper and create a PowerPoint presentation with no more than 10 slides.

Research Paper-Styles of Leadership

Paper will follow APA formatting which consist of the following:


  • No more than 10 slides
  • Each slide must contain an image which offers insight to the material in the slide
  • Presenter engages the audience
  • Must not repeat points
the abstract and the intro attached can be modified but that is the angle i wanted to take. Feel free to adjust as needed.

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Write a paper

Write a paper

NURS 220

APA Paper

You will write a paper on Plagiarism in the Academic Settingwith an in-depth examination of plagiarism as it applies to academic settings.

The Purpose of the Paper is to:

1. Familiarize the student with the definition of plagiarism.

2. Help the student recognize and prevent common mistakes that occur in academic settings and examples of plagiarism.

3. Familiarize the student with tools that highlight plagiarized content.

4. Make them aware of the LUSON Honor Code

5. Make them. Aware of penalties of plagiarism

6. Familiarize the student with the LUSON Appeal Process

7. Teach current APA formal writing techniques.

Additional required content is noted below. A valuable learning experience, research, and writing on this topic will empower you to succeed in the critical areas of academic honesty and current APA formal writing techniques.

The paper must be written in current APA format and include the following:

• Title Page

• Body of the work: 1,000–1,500 words of text with a maximum of 2 quotations. Content must include these elements:

o Quotations

o Paraphrasing

o Citations

o Appropriate illustrations/examples

o References

o APA Level headings

o Formatting

o Definition of plagiarism

o Common mistakes that occur in academic settings and examples of plagiarism

o Reference to your SafeAssign/Originality Report(optional)

o Tools that highlight plagiarism

o LUSON Honor Code

o Reference University online specific penalties for academic dishonesty that can be found under “Student Expectations” and click on “Plagiarism & Academic Dishonesty.”

o LUSON Appeal Process

• Reference Page: a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed sources, published in the last 5 years, in current APA format must be incorporated.

A minimum of 5 required references are required and include the following:

o APA Manual: required

o LUSON website: required

o At least 2 of the 5 sources are to be scholarly peer reviewed sources from the Jerry Falwell Library (JFL) to address required topics: required

o Other Scholarly sources:

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.


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