Author name: Rosemary Mosco

rough relevant resources, research the health related topic and its implications. Within a final product you’ll then 1)

rough relevant resources, research the health related topic and its implications. Within a final product you’ll then 1)

Writing assignment

Activity Instructions

Through relevant resources, research the health related topic and its implications. Within a final product you’ll then 1) present this information, and 2) also share how the topic has impacted you personally or is relevant in your life. Throughout the assignment feel free to use pictures, quotes, lyrics to a song, etc. to enhance the expression of your attitude, feelings or understanding of the topic. Rename your project using your topic name. Then you will complete and submit your final assignment using one of the three different submission options below.

Option 1: Written Paper

  • 3-4 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or reference page.
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page with topic and your name
  • Reference page (minimum of 3 sources)

I chose this topic: “Managing stress and coping with life’s challenges”

There was a list of topics and I chose this “Managing stress and coping with life’s challenges”

his was my notes for the professor upon topic selection:

For the final project, I chose to write about stress and how to manage and cope with it. The reason I chose this topic is because I have been affected by stress many times and because of this class I found it an opportunity to learn more about it. I learned from the class more on ways to manage stress like yoga and other exercises.

Although we talked about how our minds perceive stress as stimuli during the second week of the class, I plan on presenting way to manage stress and cope with it. The option I am planning on taking will be a written paper and I hope I can deliver something good.

rough relevant resources, research the health related topic and its implications. Within a final product you’ll then 1) Read More »

Final Project

Final Project

Throughout this course, you have studied and applied the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct to a variety of situations. You also have explored and applied at least one ethical decision-making model. You now have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of one ethical principle in particular, detailing the many things a psychologist must consider.

For the Final Project, you demonstrate your understanding of ethics through a 10-page paper discussing the application of ethical principles to the case study, “Introduction to William Thompson,” which is located in this week’s Learning Resources. William is a member of the Thompson threaded family case study that you work with throughout the AYR experience.

Your final paper (10 pages) should:

  1. Include a thorough and thoughtful reflection of at least one of the relevant five principles from the current Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct. A portion of the paper should discuss not only the general significance of the selected principle or principles, but also how the principles specifically apply to the above case.
  2. Reflect your understanding of the principles through application to the multicultural situations inherent in the case example. You should also include a brief self-assessment of how your own worldviews and cultural background might impact your analysis of how to best proceed in addressing the ethical dilemmas in this case.
  3. Include your ethical decision-making process and model when describing the case.

The paper should be a minimum of 10 pages, in correct APA format, with at least 10 relevant, scholarly citations. (Wikipedia is not a scholarly source and should not be included as such.) Be sure that your references are listed in correct APA hanging indented format.

Go to your ePortfolio on your myWalden page and submit your Final Project by Day 7 of Week 11. Also submit your Project to the assignment submission link below.

For instructions on submitting assignments to your ePortfolio, click on the ePortfolio link from your MyWalden page.



  • Barnett, J. E., & Hillard, D. (2001). Psychologist distress and impairment: The availability, nature, and use of colleague assistance programs for psychologists. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 32(2), 205–210.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Markus, H. E., Cross, W. F., Halewski, P. G., Quallo, H., Smith, S., Sullivan, M., & Tantillo, M. (2003). Primary process and peer consultation: An experiential model to work through counter transference. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 53(1), 19–37.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Webb, K. B. (2011). Care of others and self: A suicidal patient’s impact on the psychologist. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 42(3), 215–221.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

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