Author name: Rosemary Mosco

For Module 4 you will be creating a Professional Portfolio

For Module 4 you will be creating a Professional Portfolio

Project Response 3

For Module 4 you will be creating a Professional Portfolio that you might use for an upcoming job or post-undergraduate applications. Before you can select which documents to write, you will need to decide which type of application you want to prepare for and find a sample one. I encourage you to select something you will potentially apply for in the next year or two.

For Project Response 3, please link the application you will gear your Professional Portfolio document towards, then write a 200-word explanation. In your explanation, answer the following questions:

  1. Will you need a resumé or CV?
  2. Will you need a Cover Letter or a Statement of Purpose?
  3. What are some key terms/ideas that are important to the organization you are applying to?
  4. What quality do you want to emphasize about yourself?

For Module 4 you will be creating a Professional Portfolio Read More »

Jobless American amid Covid crisis

Jobless American amid Covid crisis

Learning about the growing number of jobless American amid Covid crisis

1. Do you agree and or disagree with the extension of Cobra Coverage and why?

2. Instead of the new policy on Cobra coverage what policy would you create to ensure working Amercicans who lose their jobs continue to have insurance coverage?

3. Apply one of the Policy models when responding to question 2.

Be sure to support your responses.

Use APA format

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Citizens as Agents of Moral Change

Citizens as Agents of Moral Change

Learning Objective: The impact and influences of values: A Case Study

Please note: Additional requirements for the Primary Assignment can be found by clicking on the Course Assignment Comments headline (above).

Please Note:

This week’s assignment is a case study about people who were agents of moral change. For either of this week’s assignment options, students are instructed to engage in their own research. One or more primer articles have been provided to start your research. However, students are to include a minimum of two unique, external articles which pertain to their study subject. Students may use Wikipedia as a reference for this assignment.

Specifically, for either of these assignments, students are to use and cite two external documents, at least one Primer (or provided article), the article by Oldenquist, or Kluger, or Tomasellos, and an assigned reading article from a previous week. If you have questions, please ask.

Option One: 

Subject to the note above, research the life and accomplishments of one of the following moral agents of change: Malala Yousaf Zai, Standing Bear, W.E.B. Du Bois, Mitsuye Endo, Hannah Arendt, or Cesar Chavez. For this assignment, examine the life and actions of one of these individuals and then answer the following questions:


Option Two:

Subject to the note above, for this assignment, students will want to read and reference the following article.

In the article by Bryan Appleyard, the author examines Derek Parfit’s use of photography to explore morality. For this assignment, you will emulate Parfit’s search for morality through photography and the portrayal of images. Find or create an image, or two, and compose an essay of no less than 600 words in which you connect the assigned course readings on values, with an individual acting as an agent of moral change. Be certain to help your reader understand how your image captures this week’s lesson on individuals as agents of moral change. Be certain to share your image(s) on your assignment post.

You can create your own photographs or find images from noted museums.

  • National Museum of American History

o   Welcome to the National Museum of American History, National Museum of American History, 2012

o   Online Exhibitions, National Museum of American History

  • Smithsonian Institute

o   Exhibits Online, Smithsonian

  • National Museum of African-American History & Culture

o   Inside the National Museum of African American History and Culture, CBS This Morning, 2016

o   Online Exhibitions, National Museum of African-American History & Culture

  • Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

o   The Collection, Museum of Modern Art

  • American Jewish Historical Society(you will need to scroll to find the current exhibition)

o   Exhibitions, American Jewish Historical Society

  • National Museum of the American Indian

o   Exhibitions, National Museum of the American Indian

  • National Civil Rights Museum

o   EXHIBITIONS, National Civil Rights Museum

  • Japanese American National Museum

o   Collections & Research, Japanese American National Museum


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Tittle: Client Termination Summary

Tittle: Client Termination Summary
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: Assignment 1: Practicum – Client Termination Summary (Due in Week 11)
Although termination is an inevitable part of the therapeutic process, it is often difficult for clients. However, by discussing termination throughout therapy, you can better prepare your clients for life without you. Once a client has achieved his or her therapeutic goals, termination sessions should be held and documented in a client termination summary. For this Assignment, you have the opportunity to practice writing a termination summary for a client with whom you have worked during your practicum experience.

Learning Objectives
Students will:
Develop client termination summaries
To prepare:
For guidance on writing a client termination summary, review pages 693–712 of Wheeler (2014) in this week’s Learning Resources.
Identify a client who may be ready to terminate therapy.
With the client you selected in mind, address in a client termination summary (without violating HIPAA regulations) the following:

Identifying information of client (e.g., hypothetical name and age)
Date the client initially contacted therapist, date therapy began, duration of therapy, and date therapy will end
Total number of sessions, including number of missed sessions
Whether termination was planned or unplanned
Presenting problem
Major psychosocial issues
Types of services rendered (e.g., individual, couple/family therapy, group therapy)
Overview of treatment process
Goal status (goals met, partially met, unmet)
Treatment limitations (if any)
Remaining difficulties and/or concerns
Follow-up plan (if indicated)
Instructions for future contact

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Strategies for Empowerment – Community health nursing

Strategies for Empowerment – Community health nursing

In essay format list strategies for a specified population that would promote empowerment in your own community. Identify your role as the community health nurse in these strategies. Community health nursing – health related. At least 300 APA format.

You can choose any population ( LGBTQ, Elderly, Adolescent, Homeless, etc). Discuss how as a community health nurse you’ll impact this population and what strategies would empower them. Essay APA style. Thanks

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