Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Professional Portfolio

Professional Portfolio


Compile professional documents specific to a post-undergraduate program or job application and set personal goals. In order to fulfill this, you will first need to find either a specific post-undergraduate program, a potential job listing, or an internship. Then, depending on the application requirements, you will construct either a résumé or curriculum vitae and a statement of purpose or letter of interest.

Furthermore, to demonstrate your understanding of the text What the Best College Students Do and basic rhetorical concepts we considered throughout the semester, write a Book and Goals Reflection that answers the prompt: What piece of advice stood out to you most in Ken Bain’s book? Was it presented in a convincing manner? How does it relate to your future goals?


  1. Résumé or Curriculum Vitae (page length dependent upon form): This should demonstrate your many skills, be well-worded, and use formatting creatively.
  2. Statement of Purpose or Letter of Interest (1-2 pages single-spaced): For whichever of these you end up writing, refer back to your personal narrative or your correspondence letter and draw from the skills you developed on those projects.
  3. Book and Goal Reflection (2 pages double spaced): Your reflection should be written as a mini-essay. There should be a clear thesis, analysis of evidence from Bain’s book, and a discussion of a major goal (or goals) that you have.


  • Please compile all three assignments into one document following the numbered list above.

Actually, I am in my sophomore year in the Accounting field, I try to finish my bachelor degree at the end of 2021.

Right now, I don’t have any internship, I trying to get intrem job next semester. For the job experience, I am a business owner for AZ transportation company with Amazon logistics for last five years. We partnered with Amazon logistics to make deliveries to the customers around San Diego.

Professional Portfolio Read More »

One of the broad themes of the Soul Beliefs course has been psychological survival.

One of the broad themes of the Soul Beliefs course has been psychological survival.

Write a well-documented (cite readings and lectures) essay that demonstrates in-depth knowledge that you have gained from the course. Develop this theme in a logical and cohesive essay with your conclusions indicated at the end of the essay. List the c

One of the broad themes of the Soul Beliefs course has been psychological survival.

Several different lectures and the associated readings have dealt with our social survival. Analyze the concept of psychological survival and address adaptations that have led to successful psychological survival. Be sure to include (a) the importance of psychological survival and (b) the adaptive significance of the traits involved.

In a 3-page double-spaced paper, write a well-documented (cite readings and lectures) essay that demonstrates in-depth knowledge that you have gained from the course. Develop this theme in a logical and cohesive essay with your conclusions indicated at the end of the essay. List the citations of the lectures and readings that you used in crafting your essay.

Be sure to include information from the following lectures: The evolution of religious behavior, the brain and our emotional future, thinking and feeling, evolution of the brain, evolutionary psychology, and the human spark.

If I cannot open your essay, you will receive a 0.

One of the broad themes of the Soul Beliefs course has been psychological survival. Read More »

Why will people defend their beliefs even in the face of opposing evidence? Why will they come up with reasons to defend their internalized beliefs? Head-on attempts to persuade people to change their minds about their beliefs by providing them with sci

Why will people defend their beliefs even in the face of opposing evidence? Why will they come up with reasons to defend their internalized beliefs? Head-on attempts to persuade people to change their minds about their beliefs by providing them with sci

Why will people defend their beliefs even in the face of opposing evidence? Why will they come up with reasons to defend their internalized beliefs?

Head-on attempts to persuade people to change their minds about their beliefs by providing them with science-based evidence that contradicts their beliefs sometimes “backfires”. This backfiring can range from ignoring scientific evidence to using that evidence to support their original beliefs. This has been shown to occur with topics as diversified as climate change, creationism, afterlife, religion (and the four horsemen) 15th and 16th century refusals to believe that the earth was not the center of the universe, etc. This question is not asking specifically about “soul beliefs”, but about internalized beliefs in general. Be sure to include references for The Anatomy of Internalized Beliefs, Terror Management Theory, After Life & Out of Body, Big Ideas and Big Controversies and the Psychology and Scientific Thinking Chapter.

In a 3-page double-spaced paper (12 pt, New Times Roman font) write a well-documented (cite readings and lectures) essay that demonstrates in-depth knowledge from the course that bears on the topic of the need to protect and defend certain worldviews and how these relate to fighting evolution in the school system. Develop this theme in a logical and cohesive essay with your conclusions indicated at the end of the essay. List the citations of the lectures and readings that you used in crafting your essay.

Grading Rubric

____ 25 pts in-depth analysis of the topic with course information

____ 15 pts Logical & cohesive essay with proper grammar and spelling

____ 5 pts in-text-citations with lecture/reading name and reference page

____ 5 pts Address all of the lecture material indicated in the prompt


I have some links and articles if you think that can help you!

Why will people defend their beliefs even in the face of opposing evidence? Why will they come up with reasons to defend their internalized beliefs? Head-on attempts to persuade people to change their minds about their beliefs by providing them with sci Read More »

PSY 3002 cognitive Psychology Lab

PSY 3002 cognitive Psychology Lab

Using the University Online Library; find two peer-reviewed journal articles on signal detection theory. In your synopsis, you will include:

  • A summary of each of the journal articles
  • The main points discussed in each of the journal articles and how they relate to the week’s course and text readings
  • Your thoughts and perspectives regarding the concepts covered in each of the journal articles

Submission Details:

From your course textbook, Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience, (4th ed.), read the following chapter:

  • Chapter 3: Perceptions
  • Chapter 10: Visual Imagery

From your course textbook, CogLab on a CD, read the following experiment:

  • Signal detection

I think it should be ok as long as it covers the topic in questions, like

PSY 3002 cognitive Psychology Lab Read More »

School Health & Occupational Health

School Health & Occupational Health

Please read chapters 29 and 30 of the class textbooks and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Once done answer the following questions;

1. Discuss how Healthy People 2020 can be used to shape the care given in a school health setting. Give at least one example.

2. Identify and discuss the eight components of a comprehensive school health program.

3. Identify and discuss the skills and competencies germane to occupational health nursing.

4. Describe and discuss a multidisciplinary approach for the resolution of occupational health issues

Use APA formt. A minimum of 3 evidence-based references besides the class textbook no older than 5 years must be used and quoted according to APA guidelines. A minimum of 800 words are required.

School Health & Occupational Health Read More »

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