Professional Portfolio
Professional Portfolio
Compile professional documents specific to a post-undergraduate program or job application and set personal goals. In order to fulfill this, you will first need to find either a specific post-undergraduate program, a potential job listing, or an internship. Then, depending on the application requirements, you will construct either a résumé or curriculum vitae and a statement of purpose or letter of interest.
Furthermore, to demonstrate your understanding of the text What the Best College Students Do and basic rhetorical concepts we considered throughout the semester, write a Book and Goals Reflection that answers the prompt: What piece of advice stood out to you most in Ken Bain’s book? Was it presented in a convincing manner? How does it relate to your future goals?
- Résumé or Curriculum Vitae (page length dependent upon form): This should demonstrate your many skills, be well-worded, and use formatting creatively.
- Statement of Purpose or Letter of Interest (1-2 pages single-spaced): For whichever of these you end up writing, refer back to your personal narrative or your correspondence letter and draw from the skills you developed on those projects.
- Book and Goal Reflection (2 pages double spaced): Your reflection should be written as a mini-essay. There should be a clear thesis, analysis of evidence from Bain’s book, and a discussion of a major goal (or goals) that you have.
- Please compile all three assignments into one document following the numbered list above.
Actually, I am in my sophomore year in the Accounting field, I try to finish my bachelor degree at the end of 2021.