Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Research the organization to understand the challenges that theyfaced and how theyintended to useCloudComputing to overcometheirchallenges.

Research the organization to understand the challenges that theyfaced and how theyintended to useCloudComputing to overcometheirchallenges.

For this project, select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage. Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges. The paper should include the following sections each called out with a section header with proper APA formatting:

• Company Overview: The section should include the company name, the industry they are in and a general overview of the organization.

• Challenges: Discuss the challenges the organization had that limited their profitability and/or competitiveness and how they planned to leverage Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.

• Solution: Describe the organization’s Cloud Computing implementation and the benefits they realized from the implementation. What was the result of implementing Cloud Computing? Did they meet their objectives for fall short?

• Recommendations: What recommendations would you provide to this organization to better accomplish the challenge(s)? This is from your opinion not someone else on the Internet.

• Conclusion: Summarize the most important ideas from the paper and also make recommendations or how they might have achieved even greater success.


The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages. There should be at least six (6) scholarly sources listed on the reference page (with in-text citations). Each source should be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due. Per APA, the paper should use a 12-point Time New Roman font, should be double spaced throughout, and the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented .5 inches. The body of the paper should be 2000 words in length. The Title, Abstract, Table of Contents (if applicable), and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirements. All references must be scholarly references (NOT WIKIPEDIA). Use one of the methods provided in residency for researching scholarly journals and websites.


• Equifax

• Any Cell Phone Company


• Amazon

• Microsoft

• Adobe

• Capital One

• LinkedIn

• eBay

Research the organization to understand the challenges that theyfaced and how theyintended to useCloudComputing to overcometheirchallenges. Read More »

AHS 7685 week 7 final assignment

AHS 7685 week 7 final assignment

For the final Fund Development Plan assignment, include the following:

  • Use APA template. Maximum APA paper length should not exceed 15 pages. Length includes your cover page, abstract and reference page. Submit your paper using the assignment link.
  • Be sure to use headers to clearly identify your response to the final project elements that follow.
  • Header “Abstract” – Create an Abstract Page: Define your organization’s overall fundraising type and what elements will be included in your fundraising plan.
  • Header “12-Month Plan” – Use Appendixes 5-A and 5-B (pages 96-98) as the structure/framework, to create a 12 month fund development action plan to raise funds for your nonprofit organization. Use your check in’s #3 and #5 to get “real, relevant” feedback from your nonprofit point of contact. Be sure to cite your interviews on your reference page for any content they share in the form of their responses/feedback to you,.
  • Header “Calendar” – Create the strategies for your action plan calendar, as done in Appendix 5-B for your nonprofit organization. Use your check in’s #3 and #5 to get “real, relevant” feedback from your nonprofit point of contact. Be sure to cite your interviews on your reference page for any content they share in the form of their responses/feedback to you,.
  • Header “Strategies and Action Steps” – Complete your fund development plan using template 5-C on page 99. Be specific in noting your strategies/action steps and to whom you would assign the responsibilities for your nonprofit organization. Use your check in’s #3 and #5 to get “real, relevant” feedback from your nonprofit point of contact. Be sure to cite your interviews on your reference page for any content they share in the form of their responses/feedback to you,.
  • Header “Profiles” – List at least two specific donor prospects in sections 5, 6, 7 OR 10. (Provide a maximum two paragraph -summarized profile – of each of your targeted donors in sections 5, 6, 7 OR 10. Note: Refer back to Week 2 Stakeholders Profile assignment. Describe what is important to your donors to financially support your cause. This will help validate that you are targeting the right person/groups to support your cause).
  • Header “Marketing and Communications” – Create a Marketing and Communications plan: Describe the marketing tools you will use to raise funds. How will you promote your nonprofit and its programs? Which social media avenues (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram etc.) would be included in your fundraising plan? What information would be incorporated into your agency’s website to raise funds?
  • Header “S.W.O.T.” – Referring back to your SWOT analysis, list the top strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat for your nonprofit organization as validated by your key point of contact.
  • Header “Conclusion” – Create a Conclusion Page: Describe how your nonprofit organization’s fundraising strategy has been impacted by COVID-19, what aspect of their fundraising plan has been impacted most, least, or unchanged and what, if any, best or promising practices the organization will continue beyond COVID-19. Most of this you will already have through your check ins and discussion board posts.

Resources for Assessment:

This activity is matched to the following Learning Outcomes: Students will examine critical fund development issues facing today’s nonprofits. Review and evaluate an agency’s existing fund development program elements with their fellow classmates. Discuss past elements and their success of an agency’s overall fund development plan. Create a return on investment model for future elements of a development plan for longevity and relevance of the programs to an agency’s mission. Prepare and submit various special events, direct mail/online and leadership giving elements for class review and evaluation. The student will review historical funding sources and determine future interest areas and niche development opportunities to support a nonprofit agency. Students will us appropriate writing and oral skills. Prepare written work using the appropriate APA style.

Resources for Assessment:


Please follow all instructions given and no plagiarism

You will use check in #2 and 3# interviews for this assignment also..

AHS 7685 week 7 final assignment Read More »

8-page paper on Budgetary Planning

8-page paper on Budgetary Planning

Write an 8-page paper on Budgetary Planning with at least 5 references in APA 7th ed. format.

You will need a:

  • Cover page
  • Body of paper
  • Reference page

Articles from 2009 – present only. Use your online library. No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is accepted.

Essay accounting from book: Noreen, E.W., Brewer, P.C. & Garrison, R.H. (2020). Managerial Accounting for Managers. 5th edition.

Also can look information from: Walther, L. (2020). Retrieved from

With references: Articles from 2009 – present only. Use the University online library, searches like ProQuest. Will help provide articles later on.

No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sitesthat challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is also accepted.

Could use information from The Big 4 CPA firms’ websites provide current (published in 2017 or 2016) publications relevant to this course. Here are the Big 4 CPA firms’ websites:

Format everything, including references APA Version 7th.( Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th ed. (2019, October 1). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association ).

Also can look information from: Walther, L. (2020). Retrieved from

References: Articles from 2009 – present only. Use the University online library, searches like ProQuest. No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is also accepted.

8-page paper on Budgetary Planning Read More »

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