Author name: Rosemary Mosco

250 word post: Explain what psychological and behavioral factors play a role in those ‘homegrown’ individuals becoming radicalized.

250 word post: Explain what psychological and behavioral factors play a role in those ‘homegrown’ individuals becoming radicalized.

Explain what psychological and behavioral factors play a role in those ‘homegrown’ individuals becoming radicalized and conducting terrorist attacks within their own nation. Also, address at least one radicalization model mentioned that you feel accurately describes the process by which individuals become extremists.

Radicalization Models:

  1. Borum’s Pathway
  2. Wiktorowicz’s Theory of Joining Extremist Groups
  3. Moghaddam’s Staircase to Terrorism
  4. NYPD Radicalization Process
  5. Sageman’s Four Prongs Model

250 word post: Explain what psychological and behavioral factors play a role in those ‘homegrown’ individuals becoming radicalized. Read More »

organizationpersuasiveessay, linkorganizationaltechnology, value, and strategy

organizationpersuasiveessay, linkorganizationaltechnology, value, and strategy


In a persuasive essay, link organizational technology, value, and strategy. You may use a real-life organization you have researched (or worked for) in order to illustrate your argument. Cite at least one article using a CSU Online Library database to support your essay’s main ideas. Use section headers to share your findings, and persuade readers on the following topics:

You can find an article for this assignment by going to the CSU Online Library. Choose a database to search for your article, and then type key words in the database’s search box to find an article related to your topic. If you have any questions, the librarians’ contact information can be found on the right side of the library’s page.

Your essay should be two pages in length, not including the title page or reference page. You are required to cite at least one article from the CSU Online Library. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations in the proper APA format.

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Read Chapter 4 and 5 and answer 2 questions

Read Chapter 4 and 5 and answer 2 questions

Answer two of the following questions, and respond to at least one other student’s post afterward for a total of at least 400 words. This assignment is due by Sunday, August 23rd, at 11:59PM.

1. In Chapter 4, Sternheimer discusses the concerns about technology raised by the communications scholar Neil Postman, who was fond of saying “technology giveth and taketh away.” What were Postman’s main concerns about technology’s impact on our ability to think? According to Sternheimer, in what ways was Postman “partly right“? Given that she was writing in 2013, does her argument (and/or Postman’s) hold up in 2020? In your mind, what has the internet age done to our critical thinking skills, especially in regards to our current pandemic?

2. Discuss some of the scientific studies on television that have been conducted over the years. What were some of their key findings, and what seem to be some of their insights and limitations? Specifically, what links do these studies find between ADHD (and even autism) and television? Do we see similar issues surrounding internet access?

3. What problems does Sternheimer find with linking media to violence, and what approaches does she suggest as an alternative? What role might media play in making the public think that violence (and youth violence in particular) may be more common than it appears? (Think about current media coverage of “rioting” for example). Finally, what factors does Sternheimer suggest are better indicators for violence?

4. How has the media approached the relationship between violence and video games, particularly since the Columbine massacre in the 1990s? What issues does Sternheimer find with the argument that children are prone to imitating media violence? Finally, consider the followingnews report (Links to an external site.)

Minimize Videoon a crime blamed on Grand Theft Auto. Is this another example of media hysteria surrounding video games, or do you believe such games require closer scrutiny?

Note: In order to encourage earlier rather than later in the week postings to the discussion board, students who post at least 100 words (either as one or multiple postings) to the discussion board by midnight Wednesday each week will receive 5 points of extra credit added to their weekly point total. No partial credit will be given for early postings totaling less than 100 words.

Read Chapter 4 and 5 and answer 2 questions Read More »

Case Study – 3 Questions on a video

Case Study – 3 Questions on a video

CEMEX was founded in Mexico in 1906. It is the world’s largest building materials supplier and the third largest cement producer. In 1999, CEMEX launched Patrimonio Hoy, offering do-ityourself construction services to low-income households.

Consider the following questions as you watch the video below:

1. Why should we consider this an example of social entrepreneurship?

2. What was new and different about this social intrapreneurial venture?

3. What were the needs it addressed?

Compose your response to these questions using a maximum of 2 pages 1½ spaced. Use sources including the one below the video.

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