Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Answer 2 parts of questions, Each Part must be at least 1 page long.

Answer 2 parts of questions, Each Part must be at least 1 page long.

Part 1:

Discuss the following:


Bosworth (2010) ask: “How is it that, despite their manifest failings, prisons are seemingly so legitimate and uncontested?” (p.2). Respond to the question based on your understanding of the assigned readings this week (i.e. Bosworth and Brown). Make sure to discuss the concepts of penal populism (Bosworth, 2010) and penal spectatorship (Brown, 2009).

Part 2:

Think critically about the recent criminalization of abortion in the context of this podcast. If crime rates dropped as a result of an increase in abortions due to legality, availability, (and social acceptance?), what does that mean for our ‘tough-on-crime’ society as described by Bosworth?

What is your reaction to the data presented in the podcast? Do you see a moral dilemma in connecting abortion with declining crime rates? Why do you think the same politicians that run on law and order/tough on crime platforms also criminalize abortion?

should be no less than one (1) page, must be written in formal English, in Times New Roman, 12pt. font, and double-spaced. You must cite the chapter at least one (1) time in your answer for each part. All citations and references must be in APA-style formatting.

for part 1:, and

for part 2: and

Answer 2 parts of questions, Each Part must be at least 1 page long. Read More »

Picking up the pieces- documentary 3 page paper

Picking up the pieces- documentary 3 page paper

Write a review about the individuals’ binge drinking while in college. Have you witnessed this type of behavior as a college student? How does the family disease model relate to individuals in the video?

Support your answer with peer-reviewed journal articles and the textbook only. Must have at least 3 references and be at least 3 or more pages length. The paper must be type written, doubled space, Times New Roman 12 font, and in APA format. View the Grading Rubrics in the Course Information Syllabus section for grading standards.

Picking up the pieces- documentary 3 page paper Read More »

Conduct a SWOT Analysis

Conduct a SWOT Analysis

Continue with the scenario that you are the athletic director at Champ University, which is considering making the jump from Division II to Division I of the NCAA. As the athletic director, you will spearhead this momentous passage. Before you take your proposal to the University President and the Board of Regents, you realize you must do your homework and prepare your argument from all sides.

For this week’s assignment, conduct a SWOT analysis of Champ University’s athletic department and the possibility of moving from Division II to Division I.

Review the literature and example regarding how to conduct a SWOT analysis, what aspects are necessary to include in a SWOT analysis, and how this SWOT analysis will assist you in moving forward with your decision of moving divisions.

Remember that a SWOT analysis contains four elements: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Each element is just as important as the others. Be sure to highlight and develop multiple components within each category. It should be noted that when identifying and classifying relevant factors, the focus is not just on internal matters, but also external components that could influence the success of the athletic department and the university as a whole.

As always, you should discuss Champ’s mission, vision, values, and goals, and then reflect these in the university’s current or future plans. Be sure to explain why Champ University has been a successful athletic program and why it has the capacity to reposition itself as a Division I institution. Then, justify the strategies for advancement and expansion, and ways that a change of divisions could benefit the university and your athletic program. Be sure to also address any possible drawbacks of transitioning to Division I. Remember that bigger is not always better!

Research the requirements of a NCAA Division I institution and explain whether you think that Champ University has the ability to meet these standards.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Minimum of three to five scholarly resources

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Review The Basics of APA Style.

Resource links (SWOT Analysis)

I’ve sent you everything that I had for this assignment and I sent my paper that talks about the fictional champ university.

Conduct a SWOT Analysis Read More »

Compare and contrast at leasttwodifferentradicalizationmodels that explainterroristmotivations

Compare and contrast at leasttwodifferentradicalizationmodels that explainterroristmotivations

Compare and contrast at least two different radicalization models that explain terrorist motivations. In this research paper also summarize behavioral and psychological factors associated with disengaging from terrorism and describe what efforts or programs are most effective in countering radicalization and why.

Recommended Source: King, M. and Taylor, D. M. (2011). The Radicalization of Homegrown Jihadists: A Review of Theoretical Models and Social Psychological Evidence. Terrorism & Political Violence, 23(4), 602-618. You should start with this article and then use other sources as well to make sure you hit the 8 expected scholarly references for this research paper.

Radicalization models:

  1. Borum’s Pathway
  2. Wiktorowicz’s Theory of Joining Extremist Groups
  3. Moghaddam’s Staircase to Terrorism
  4. NYPD Radicalization Process
  5. Sageman’s Four Prongs Model

All the requirements should be covered above. The format for the references page has to be Author.Date.Title of article.Website. It is nothing crazy. Also, feel free to write about whatever two you’d like and I provided an example essay to reference if you want. If you need anything else let me know! Thanks!

Website from above (If it doesn’t work let me know and I’ll figure something out):

Attached is a sample and a PDF of the recommended source.

Compare and contrast at leasttwodifferentradicalizationmodels that explainterroristmotivations Read More »

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