Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Final Discussion

Final Discussion

In this course, we have examined public policy and theories of criminology and evidence-based practices (EBP) and how these concepts are being used and applied across the spectrum of the criminal justice system in the United States. In your initial post, reflect on the following questions using the knowledge you have gained in this course:

  1. Can our society adjust to the use of EBP as a foundation for decision making by the actors within the criminal justice system? Or is this just a “fad”?
  2. Can a country like the United States, which has more of its population incarcerated than any other nation, feel comfortable and safe incarcerating fewer people and instead using EBP to cater to the needs of specific inmates? Can society take that risk?
  3. Can law enforcement rethink policing and police based on evidence and not tradition?
  4. Can courts view “justice” with an evidence-based foundation

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Defend or refute this statement : The European Expansion was motivated purely by religious rivalries among the European powers.

Defend or refute this statement : The European Expansion was motivated purely by religious rivalries among the European powers.

1.PLEASE write 4 paragraphs ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY (Introduction + body 1 use STRONG evidence and facts to DEFEND OR REFUTE This statement + Body 2 start it with a topic sentence that contradicts or elaborates on Body Paragraph #1 + conclusion)

2. The essay need be well-organized, demonstrate a genuine understanding of the material, and will be written in proper, scholarly language. Arguments and assertions will be supported by appropriately deployed facts.

2. You must use the format that I upload (defend and refute guide) to write this essay

3. More requirements please follow my document ( defend and refute guide) !

Defend or refute this statement : The European Expansion was motivated purely by religious rivalries among the European powers. Read More »

Writing an essay on art history

Writing an essay on art history

Choose one of the topics below and answer it in 3-5 typed pages double-spaced. Demonstrate knowledge of citation practices by citing your textbook as a consulted work. You can pick any format to use (Chicago, MLA, etc.), as long as you are consistent. The textbook is called GARDNER’S ART THROUGH THE AGES 15th edition.I do not expect you to do any additional research as the information in this course and from the textbook should be sufficient. Because these topics below are broad, I will expect you to narrow the one you choose appropriately. Make sure to have a thesis statement and use examples from the art we have studied in this unit (chapters 1-7) to prove your thesis. Make sure you include examples from the majority of chapters covered.

Here are the topics in Bold with thought provokers following:

  1. Describe the development of depicting the human form from Paleolithic art through the arts of Ancient near-East, Ancient Egypt, the Aegean and Greek cultures. Think about how humans are represented and what functions representation of humans have served. Is there in fact a clear “development”?
  2. Use examples from the art we have studied to defend the statement, “representation is a matter of function.” In Western culture we often get caught up in the idea of “primitive” versus “realistic” imagery when in effect each culture creates signs and symbols and a method for delivering them. In other words, the art worked for the culture that produced it and you can explore different pictorial methods and devices and how they were effective for their respective cultures.
  3. In what ways has architecture informed us of the cultures we have studied? What do we learn about a culture form their architecture? How is it unique from other art forms? How does architecture reflect and promote ideas?

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Financial Management

Financial Management

Q. Using the CSU Online Library find one article that discusses financial statements, cash flow, or ratio analysis. Briefly summarize the key points of the article as it relates to this unit. You may use any of the databases, but Business Source Complete is a good starting place.

Textbook: Titman, S., Keown, A. J., & Martin, J. D. (2014). Financial management: Principles and applications (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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