This assignment must be completed in strict, current APA format and include a cover page, reference page, and be double-spaced throughout.
Part 1 Short Essay – The first step to gathering information for this project is to review the information found on Christian Worldview, a Focus on the Family website. Take some time to reflect upon the reading and give your thoughts concerning a Christian worldview in a short essay. Consider asking yourself how important is a Christian worldview? Is it a main factor in running a nonprofit organization? What are some potential positive or negative effects of basing nonprofit management on a Christian worldview? Part 1 must be a minimum of 1–2 full pages.
Part 2 – Select 10 organizations from and then write a 250-word description for each of the selected organizations. Also, explain how these organizations demonstrate the 6 characteristics defined in chapter 3 of the Worth text. You will need to select at least two Christian organizations, and reflectively answer these questions: From what you have read about Christian worldviews, does it seem obvious that the organization is based upon Christian principles? Are there any distinctive marks of Christianity in the vision, mission, purpose, and goals of the organization? Part 2 must be a minimum of 5–6 full pages.
Part 3 – Select one of the 10 organizations in Part 2 to perform an in-depth evaluation/assessment of 1 organization. Identify the vision, mission, and purpose of this organization. Select 5–7 key concepts (i.e. volunteerism, governing board responsibilities) from your course Reading & Study material that are of most interest to you and apply it to the selected organization. Does the organization look as though it is successful in accomplishing its purpose in the light of what you have learned thus far? If it is, what are some of the contributing factors to the organization’s success? From the information that you can gather, identify strategic issues. Part 3 must be a minimum of 5 full pages.
Part 4 – Now that you have completed your assessment of the organization of choice, provide a list of 8 recommendations that you think would be of benefit to the organization. Your recommendations must be well-supported using the course Reading & Study material as well as other credible resources (a minimum of 3 sources).
Write a professional letter introducing yourself to the organization you have been evaluating. Inform them of this course and the analysis you had to perform, and provide them with the list of recommendations that you hope will be of benefit to them. Part 4 must be a minimum of 5 full pages.
In your paper, clearly identify the age group and developmental stage selected. Describe the important physical, emotional, cognitive, and social features of that age group. Analyze that developmental stage from the point of view of at least three developmental theorists (For example, but not limited to the viewpoints of; Piaget, Freud, Erickson, etc.). Summarize the theory you find most useful to explain that developmental stage.
In the creation of the paper, support your selections and conclusions with reasoned arguments. A minimum of three peer-reviewed articles are required for this paper.
The paper
Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style.
Well articulated points with good grammar presentation and subheadings as per the instructions above.
HCAD 640 Financial Management of Health Care Organizations
Discussion 1 Questions –
Instructions: Please answer using your own words in a minimum of 400, maximum 500 words PER QUESTIONSINGLE spaced. Referenced with two (2) peer-reviewed journal articles or qualified text publish within the past five years and follow APA Manual 7th editions scholarly writing guidelines. When writing replies, please provide your experiences, new ideas, add probing questions and new literature on the topic to enhance the learning opportunity.
1.1. Major trends affecting the future of healthcare administration
After you read over the slide presentation posted for this weeks about some of the macro trends affecting the US healthcare system, think about how those trends may be affecting the future of the healthcare profession. For example, what do you think about these following future possibilities?
Geriatric Care Management companies use mobile technology as an alternative to institutionalization of old people.
Companies reduce the cost of care by moving services currently provided in a hospital to out in the community.
New mobile, robotic, and AI technologies become standard tolls for improving quality by reducing variations in the provision of healthcare services.
The overall healthcare marketplace remains nervous as it faces major changes in the Medicare program and the still unclear future of the Affordable Care Act, so it keep looking for all kinds of new ways to do more with less.
These questions are intended to get our thinking started.
What else do you see in the future of our profession as healthcare managers and administrators?
1.2. Empathy
A deep desire to help is common to those who enter healthcare. Yet, that compassion can be dampened by the demands of the workday.
By now, you should have viewed the Cleveland Clinic Empathy Video. What are your thoughts?
1.3. What will the job market look like in 5 or 10 years?
Lecture: While the US healthcare system represents around $3 trillion in annual spending and is the largest single sector of the overall economy, it also sits inside larger “macro trends” that help define the landscape of jobs.
For example, such factors as globalization, the frantic pace of innovative handheld and genomic technology (like the iPhone 6 and mapping the human genome project), 78 million Americans all hitting old age (and higher healthcare utilization) at the same time, and radically changing values and beliefs are all working together to create a larger “context” for new jobs in the healthcare system.
So what difference do all these big changes mean to us? The answer is both obvious and complicated. I will answer the obvious part and leave the complicated part to you to discuss.
The obvious answer is that these big changes are changing the way we live our lives. Just think that it wasn’t that long ago that classes on the internet like ours didn’t exist. And now, we just sort of assume, without even thinking about it, that such classes are perfectly normal.
So the obvious part is that such factors as globalization, technology, the aging of our society, and changing cultural values are all working together to change pretty well everything that used to be – into something else.
The hard part – and the part you need to think about – is what do all the changes really mean to the careers of healthcare professionals?
If we think that healthcare professionals will continue to do exactly what they are doing now over the next ten years then we are not paying attention to how much the work world has already changed from the way it worked ten years ago.
How will smart phones create new jobs in healthcare?
Will genomic research eliminate certain diseases by modifying DNA? What issues are raised by DNA manipulation?
How will the massive chronic care needs of the elderly create new career opportunities?
How will healthcare systems evolve to best leverage a global market for their services?
What new jobs may be created to best meet new consumer demands for more patient-focused care? Less institutionalization of the elderly? And better access to culturally appropriate care givers?
Answer Question:
So what do you think? What’s the job market likely to look like for you in ten or so years?
1.4 Introduction to Healthcare Financial Management
Read Hirsch, J.A., Harvey, H.B., Barr, R. M., Donovan, W. D., Duszak, R., Nicola, G. N., … & Manchikanti, L. (2016). Once you have read the article, discuss the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate. “The SGR target is calculated on the basis of projected changes in 4 factors:
1) fees for physicians’ services,
2) the number of Medicare beneficiaries,
3) US gross domestic product, and
4) service expenditures based on changing law or regulations (Hirsch, et al. 2016).”
How have these 4 factors been tied to fiscal performance? Find some additional sources and support your position through an original post in a few paragraphs. Once you have completed your post, review the link of at least two of your peers.
Cost accounting is one of the most challenging areas in accounting to understand. “A cost accounting system is a system for recording, analyzing and allocating cost to the individual services provided to patients (e.g., medications, procedures, tests, room and board) (Becker’s Hospital Review, 2014). The healthcare industry has been working toward the goal of correlating cost with quality. Read Porter, M. E., & Lee, T. H. (2016). From volume to value in health care: the work begins. Jama, 316(10), 1047-1048. Discuss how healthcare providers and patients can benefit when cost is correlated with quality of the healthcare services provided. Post an original discussion of a few paragraphs and support your statements with research.
Financial reporting is critical to the success of any organization because this is how managers and other stakeholders evaluate the sustainability and profitability of an organization. The healthcare industry accounts for nearly 20% of the US GDP as of 2018 (BEA, 2019). While there is guidance for financial reporting to the respective government agencies, there is no consistency in the development of financial reports among private healthcare organizations. Discuss the importance of consistent financial reports across all healthcare organizations. Support your statements with research and post your discussion in a few paragraphs
Instructions: Please answer using your own words in a minimum of 500 words (2-3 paragraphs). PER QUESTION 6 in total. Referenced with two (3) peer-reviewed journal articles or qualified text publish within the past five years and follow APA Manual 6th or 7th editions scholarly writing guidelines. APA in-text Citation formatting is required. When writing replies, please provide your experiences, new ideas, add probing questions to engage readers and new literature on the topic to enhance the learning opportunity.
1.1. The LTC Continuum
Let us begin by exploring the “big picture” view of Long Term Care (LTC). Seventy percent of people 65 and over will need some form of LTC service during their lifetimes. Take some time to review these two sites listed in the class schedule: Genworth 2019 Cost of Care and 2019 Alzheimer’s Association Facts and Figures.
What are your initial impressions? Discuss why understanding LTC is an important aspect of healthcare leadership. Support your opinions with valid references.
1.2. The LTC Continuum – 1
Care at Home, Community Based Programs and Services, Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities, Assisted Living, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, and caregiver issues. Your Answer should be in the form of a case study analysis. Here is an example of how to format one: You can use another similar approach or a variation of this example.
Consider this scenario, a composite of actual circumstances.
Bob and Mary were happy when their military service ended, they married and embarked on their civilian careers. Bob and Mary were healthcare professionals; Bob was a professor at the local medical school and Mary was a hospice nurse. Bob and Mary were always active in their church and volunteered their time in the community. They both retired at age 65 to pursue their dream of domestic and international travel. During the early years of their retired life, the couple continued to work part time, travel extensively, and spend time with their grandkids. When Mary turned 78 years of age Bob noticed that she was having memory problems.
Mary always kept up on the latest topics and was always the first to complete the crossword puzzles and other logic games in the newspaper. However, Mary seemed to become increasingly forgetful; she would run errands to purchase specific items and return home empty-handed. The couple decided to seek help from a gerontologist. An extensive battery of cognitive and neuropsychological tests determined that Mary’s language skills and mental abilities had markedly diminished. Mary was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, an incurable terminal brain disease. After the initial shock of the diagnosis, the couple developed a plan that included Bob serving as Mary’s sole caregiver.
Over time, the disease progressed making it difficult for Bob to meet Mary’s needs. In addition, the progression of the disease was tough for both Bob, the children and grandchildren to witness. At first Mary became confused, then she became progressively irritable and aggressive. Five years after the diagnosis, Mary became almost totally withdrawn. Her appetite was nonexistent, and she became incontinent. Additionally, Mary was diagnosed with “sundowners’ syndrome” – a phenomenon whereby the individual experiences confusion and exasperation during the late afternoon or early evening hours.
Bob struggled to care for her and keep an upbeat attitude; however, he too was experiencing health issues due to aging. Bob was a competitive runner for years which impacted his knees and other joints. At times, this condition prevented him from daily activities, self-care and taking care of Mary.
Bob eventually hired a home health aide to visit daily to assist Mary and also do some light household chores. As Mary’s condition grew more serious, he had to make a decision. He was no longer able to care for her, and his own ailments were starting to severely impact his ability to take care of himself.
Bob and Mary had no assets and their retirement savings was gone. They were forced to ask for financial assistance from their children. Luckily, their children were professionals and able to assist Bob and Mary financially. The family had a meeting and agreed that Bob and Mary need to move into a home where they can both get the care that they need.
What long-term care options should be considered by Bob and his family for both himself and Mary?
What are the requirements necessary to access the care you have chosen in Question 1?
What funding mechanisms are available to Bob and Mary, and how does this affect the choice of their care options?
What could Bob and Mary have done to plan their care during their later years?
What is your plan to prepare for the possibility of your need for long-term care?
1.3. The LTC Continuum – 2 Caregivers
Skilled Nursing Facilities, Palliative Care, Hospice and End of Life Care.
You have been hired as a consultant to the city government to conduct a survey of caregivers. Who will you define as a caregiver? How will you pick your sample? What will you ask? What are the salient issues that you will want to cover?
What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the nursing home survey process in assuring that residents have high levels of quality of care and quality of life?
1.5 Beyond the Four Walls
What do you consider to be the key areas for developing quality metrics in home and community based care? Which ones are easier to measure than others?
1.6 The Price is Right
Every discussion of Long Term Care eventually arrives at the subject of cost. In preparation for Week 10, test your knowledge on Medicare and Medicaid.
All stakeholders in LTC should strive to understand how both Medicaid and Medicare are implemented.
YOU NEED TO WRITE 250 WORDS CORRELATING my job responsibilities(Electrical Engineer) TO MY COURSE (CYBER SECURITY)
1. Need to Correlate my job responsibilities(ELECTRICAL ENGINEER) with the eight-week online course Cybersecurity.
This course examines aspects of cyber security and the associated computer and network hardware and software used to identify harmful digital activities and associated actions used to prevent harmful data breaches. Students will investigate network domains such as Internet, Intranet, Extranet, and the different instantiations of Cloud Computing. Studies will include: 1) domain and network layers of the OSI model; 2) intrusion detection system (IDS)
– systems used to monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and issues alerts when such activity is discovered; 3) intrusion prevention systems (IPS) which operates much line IDS but adds a layer of security to reject (or nullify) the potentially malicious activity; 4) Honeypots – used to attract harmful activities in order to understand the mechanisms used; malicious software 6) software vulnerabilities; 7) cryptography – the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties called adversaries; 8) encryption and decryption techniques used to secure data and limit the potential for data breaches. Please see Cyber Security Knowledge Areas in this syllabus for additional details.