Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Monopolies and Antitrust Topic in a week classroom post.

Monopolies and Antitrust Topic in a week classroom post.

Please use the following link provided to find a 2019- 2020 Anti-competitive behavior

In today’s economy, a large number of powerful companies, by all appearances, control massive segments of different markets. Using the Internet, identify one example, within the last year, of a large company that has (or might be) engaged in anti-competitive behavior, and explain the type of behavior.

Next, suggest three ways that this behavior could be viewed as either a horizontal or vertical restraint of trade. Be sure to explain and define these terms and provide support for your response. What are some defenses to the restraint you identified? Support your answer.

This is not an essay, but a weak classroom posting. Please include a reference.

Monopolies and Antitrust Topic in a week classroom post. Read More »

1. During the Great Recession,

1. During the Great Recession,

Topic 3 DQ 2

1. During the Great Recession, the U.S. government increased spending in an attempt to buoy the economy. Since, at the time, economic growth was stagnant—and even declining in some quarters—there was not enough government revenue generated to keep pace with spending. Consequently, the government engaged in “deficit spending.” What are fiscal deficits? What are the consequences of deficits?

2. Work on a one-sentence summary of recession. (Note: This is just a one sentence)

1. During the Great Recession, Read More »

PSY 3011 Social Psychology

PSY 3011 Social Psychology


Literature Review Part V

Final Project: Creating the Literature Review Section

This week, you will finalize the Literature Review section of your proposal. While developing Part 5, use the following guidelines:

  • Review the topic using articles pulled in prior weeks. Start with a broad overview of the topic, and narrow it down to the purpose of your research and your specific research question.
  • State your hypothesis(es) (your prediction of what your research will reveal based on the literature review)
Attached is my proposal and other prior assignments
Book: ISBN 9781259822261; Social Psychology – Bundle, 12th ed; McGraw-Hill, Digitalthe review needs to relate to social psychology

PSY 3011 Social Psychology Read More »

Reframing Organizations (Follow the specific instructions) this assignment requires a lot of reading and understanding the discussion questions. I have attached the book and a file with articles links and the questions. I know this work will take a time to do it but don’t worry I’ll give a generous tip for high quality work. Reading Assignment: · Bolman & Deal o Chapters 1 & 2 plus preface pages x-xii o Pages 45, 117, 188-189, 248 (regarding assumptions of each frame) · Other Readings (re: Confirmation Bias/Framing). [3 of these are really short; the other 2 you’ll thank me for and remember the examples the rest of your life]. o o (You are not so Smart is a fascinating blog with great examples) o o o     Measurable Assignment: 1. Based on what you know about each of the four frames, analyze a situation in terms of those frames. That is, in about 3-5+ sentences per frame, tell me what might have been motivating the actions of the actors in that frame. Specifically, analyze the following situations: A. The Trump presidency     2. “Once you learn about the confirmation bias, you see it everywhere.” A. Why is that statement kind of funny B. Give me an example of you using the confirmation bias. What did you do and what belief were you confirming. a. For example, I dislike the University of Kansas. I only read stories about KU that puts KU in a negative light. I also tend interpret any story about KU through a lens of negativity (e.g., “Oh, they won the xyz award? The judges were probably KU grads”).   3. One “habit of mind” I’d like for you to exercise often this semester is that of seeing other perspectives on peoples’ behavior (including your own). Human behavior is complicated. Your guess as to why a person behaved the way they did has a good chance of being wrong. Take a situation from the last week or so in which you thought you knew the reason for a person’s behavior. Now, consider a different reason for their behavior. Explain why your original judgment may have been wrong and why the alternative explanation is a reasonable explanation. Maybe do this in about 3-5+ sentences?   4. Create two (or more) discussion starters for our discussion of this topic. These should be questions or comments that get us working with the material at Bloom’s application level or above (the higher the better, as long as it’s reasonable to be at that level on that particular topic.   · Please include the question with the answer. Probably the easiest way to do that is just take this document and fill it in with your answers (then save it in pdf format).    

Reframing Organizations (Follow the specific instructions)

this assignment requires a lot of reading and understanding the discussion questions. I have attached the book and a file with articles links and the questions. I know this work will take a time to do it but don’t worry I’ll give a generous tip for high quality work.

Reading Assignment:

  • Bolman & Deal

o   Chapters 1 & 2 plus preface pages x-xii

o   Pages 45, 117, 188-189, 248 (regarding assumptions of each frame)

  • Other Readings (re: Confirmation Bias/Framing). [3 of these are really short; the other 2 you’ll thank me for and remember the examples the rest of your life].


o  (You are not so Smart is a fascinating blog with great examples)






Measurable Assignment:

  1. Based on what you know about each of the four frames, analyze a situation in terms of those frames. That is, in about 3-5+ sentences per frame, tell me what might have been motivating the actions of the actors in that frame. Specifically, analyze the following situations:
  2. The Trump presidency



  1. “Once you learn about the confirmation bias, you see it everywhere.”
  2. Why is that statement kind of funny
  3. Give me an example of you using the confirmation bias. What did you do and what belief were you confirming.
  4. For example, I dislike the University of Kansas.I only read stories about KU that puts KU in a negative light. I also tend interpret any story about KU through a lens of negativity (e.g., “Oh, they won the xyz award?  The judges were probably KU grads”).


  1. One “habit of mind” I’d like for you to exercise often this semester is that of seeing other perspectives on peoples’ behavior (including your own).Human behavior is complicated.  Your guess as to why a person behaved the way they did has a good chance of being wrong.  Take a situation from the last week or so in which you thought you knew the reason for a person’s behavior.  Now, consider a different reason for their behavior.  Explain why your original judgment may have been wrong and why the alternative explanation is a reasonable explanation.  Maybe do this in about 3-5+ sentences?


  1. Create two (or more) discussion starters for our discussion of this topic. These should be questions or comments that get us working with the material at Bloom’s application level or above (the higher the better, as long as it’s reasonable to be at that level on that particular topic.


  • Please include the question with the answer. Probably the easiest way to do that is just take this document and fill it in with your answers (then save it in pdf format).

Reframing Organizations (Follow the specific instructions) this assignment requires a lot of reading and understanding the discussion questions. I have attached the book and a file with articles links and the questions. I know this work will take a time to do it but don’t worry I’ll give a generous tip for high quality work. Reading Assignment: · Bolman & Deal o Chapters 1 & 2 plus preface pages x-xii o Pages 45, 117, 188-189, 248 (regarding assumptions of each frame) · Other Readings (re: Confirmation Bias/Framing). [3 of these are really short; the other 2 you’ll thank me for and remember the examples the rest of your life]. o o (You are not so Smart is a fascinating blog with great examples) o o o     Measurable Assignment: 1. Based on what you know about each of the four frames, analyze a situation in terms of those frames. That is, in about 3-5+ sentences per frame, tell me what might have been motivating the actions of the actors in that frame. Specifically, analyze the following situations: A. The Trump presidency     2. “Once you learn about the confirmation bias, you see it everywhere.” A. Why is that statement kind of funny B. Give me an example of you using the confirmation bias. What did you do and what belief were you confirming. a. For example, I dislike the University of Kansas. I only read stories about KU that puts KU in a negative light. I also tend interpret any story about KU through a lens of negativity (e.g., “Oh, they won the xyz award? The judges were probably KU grads”).   3. One “habit of mind” I’d like for you to exercise often this semester is that of seeing other perspectives on peoples’ behavior (including your own). Human behavior is complicated. Your guess as to why a person behaved the way they did has a good chance of being wrong. Take a situation from the last week or so in which you thought you knew the reason for a person’s behavior. Now, consider a different reason for their behavior. Explain why your original judgment may have been wrong and why the alternative explanation is a reasonable explanation. Maybe do this in about 3-5+ sentences?   4. Create two (or more) discussion starters for our discussion of this topic. These should be questions or comments that get us working with the material at Bloom’s application level or above (the higher the better, as long as it’s reasonable to be at that level on that particular topic.   · Please include the question with the answer. Probably the easiest way to do that is just take this document and fill it in with your answers (then save it in pdf format).     Read More »

Patient Care

Patient Care

Complete the discussion in Group A or B

Discussion A

Missy is 3 years old. She enjoys being with mom and grandma in the kitchen. She pulls a chair close to the stove, climbs on the chair and looks inside the pot of boiling water. The steam is hot on her face, she steps back and as she falls off the chair, the boiling water is pulled down on her. Missy is rushed to the emergency department. Grandma has put some butter on her fingers, but her face was not treated.

Review the Rule of Nines
In the ED, the nurse discovers that her hands, face, chest and arms are burned. The Dr. believes it to be a partial thickness burn, but notes her hands are blistered and very edematous.


Provide nursing care to this young patient that is complaining of pain, crying, and uncooperative. Educate the mother and grandmother on the extent of the burn and the on-going care that will be needed.
Include medication you may wish to request from the physician and the dosage.

Discussion B

Due to a fall from a second story townhouse, Jimmy sustained a fractured left femur and a mild head injury. Jimmy is 10 years old. He was reaching for a ball that had gotten lodged into the gutter over the small balcony of his parent’s bedroom. He thought if he stood on the railing and reached with the badminton racket he could get it.

Currently he is 2 days postoperative from repair of the left femur. He is being transferred out of the pediatric ICU where the Neurologist has stated he is stable but needs continued neuro checks every 2 hours. He has a full left leg cast. The Foley catheter is to be replaced today, or he can attempt to roll onto a bedpan if needed.


Please add the interdisciplinary team that needs to attend to this boy’s health care needs. Plan home care if appropriate. And continue the list of nursing diagnosis.

Patient Care Read More »

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