Author name: Rosemary Mosco

abstract 2132

abstract 2132



Abstracts must be typed double-spaced with 1″ margins.

No fonts larger than 12 point are to be used. Abstracts should be 1-1/2 to 2 pages in length.

Neatness (spelling grammar, appearance) counts. Do not use a

cover sheet. Any variation from the above format will result in loss of points. Abstracts may

be graded by an English grader for grammar and spelling, and I will grade for content. An

Averaged score will be given.

This is how it should look like.


Bibliography Citation


Author, “Title of Article”, Title of Periodical, date, page number(s).


Body (in your own words)


State briefly the content and main points of the article. Presentation of the

information in a logical, free flowing manner is imperative — a person should be

able to read your abstract and understand the main points without having to

read the article itself.




Critique the article as it relates to:

1. Content

2. Value to the profession

3. Methodology to apply content of the article

4. Other comments


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Discuss week 4

Discuss week 4


Regional Economic Integration (half page)


What are the economic and political arguments for regional economic integration? Given these arguments, why don’t we see more substantial examples of integration in the world economy?

Currency Flows and Regional Economic Integration (half page)

This week we studied currency rates, flows, and regimes as well as regional economic integration. As you think about how countries manage those currency flows, do you think that those policies adopted by individual countries are impacted by the onset of regional economic integration activities? Do you think that it impacts the Purchase Price Parity (PPP) and overall currency exchange rates?

Discuss week 4 Read More »

Gov 2305 Chapter 9

Gov 2305 Chapter 9

Here is the link to the book that we are using

Username: abarnes54

Password: Nicole14

Chapter 9 Assignment

Using the links to party platforms below, choose 4 issues that are important to you and tell me the party positions on each.You can complete a fifth for .5 extra credit.

Use the space below.

DO NOT CUT AND PASTE from the platforms- take a few seconds to paraphrase.Bullet points are fine.See sample below.

The ‘labels’ in the platforms may be different, so look for similar/related headings when searching for the positions.

Be mindful that the Libertarian and Green Party platforms are not quite as thorough as the Democratic and Republican platforms, so do the best you can with what you have. You can also infer their positions based on their overall statements of principle.

For the Libertarian and Green Party, tell me whether their position is more closely aligned with the Democrats or Republicans

Do not use the same issue as my sample (income inequality)

Please use my template and follow the sample.

Party Platforms:




oGreen Party:

****See Attatched Document*****

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Power point presentation for senior management

Power point presentation for senior management

For your final presentation, create a PowerPoint presentation which includes information about each of your three chosen countries.

1) describe your selection process for each country. Germany, Cuba, Nigeria

2) present your choice (or choices) of country for future expansion by your company. If you have found that none of the three countries are a good fit, you can make a case for that as well. That is the whole purpose of the due diligence process is to research so you can make and back up those educated decisions.

This should be presented as a professional presentation for senior management. What you would say during the presentation should be written out in the notes section at the bottom of each slide. (They will be listening to what you say in the presentation while they are looking at your slides. You do not want them to have to read your data.)

The information should come from the five milestone projects you have created.( all the info needed is attached below) You must have a title slide and reference slides at the end. You would not put citations on the slides, but into the notes area.

There is not a set number of slides which are required, but remember you are presenting to your senior management. You want to impress them with enough slides to get your points across, but not overload them. This is a high level presentation, so you are going to want to stick with what you found and how you came to your conclusions.

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