Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Before you answer the questions below, review the Discussion Board Forum – Thread Grading Rubric, Discussion Board Forum – Replies Grading Rubric, and the specific requirements of Discussion Board posts, including length, at least 3 scholarly sources (other than the textbook and course materials), current APA citations, and Biblical worldview integration.

Thread Prompt:

Rarely does one individual’s decision or action create an ethical crisis entirely by itself. More often, someone’s unethical or illegal idea is adopted by other members of the company, and the problem grows within the organization until it erupts in headlines, bad publicity, and sometimes criminal penalties. After the fact, the questions always arise: How did that happen? Did not anyone know it was going on? Why did not someone stop it?

Volkswagen found itself in just such a position when it was discovered that the software in the company’s diesel vehicles had been programmed to provide false data to regulators regarding the level of emissions produced by the cars. While the scandal was discovered in 2015, the company and the industry are still dealing with the repercussions (Boston, 2019).

In his article “Volkswagen: Where Were the Lawyers?” Lippe (2015) questions the role that several groups within the company played in the scandal, most notable, the company’s lawyers and engineers.

Review this situation from legal, ethical, and Biblical perspectives. Fully explain the following:

As an employee or a manager in either the legal office or the engineering department, how would you have prevented this incident?

As the CEO of the diesel division of Volkswagen, how would you have responded when the situation became public? How would this response prevent future incidents?

Boston, W. (2019, September 25). Volkswagen CEO faces charges from scandal. Wall Street Journal, A.1.

Lippe, P. (2015, October 13). Volkswagen: Where were the lawyers? ABA Journal. Retrieved from

Your thread must also be at least 1,000 words and follow the guidelines outlined in the Student Expectations.

Business Ethics Read More »

Decision making or Problem Solving or Critical Thinking,

Decision making or Problem Solving or Critical Thinking,

Leadership week 1

Week 1

Decision making or Problem Solving or Critical Thinking, or Clinical Reasoning: Pick one of these subjects and discuss its role in nursing leadership.

Pick which one you prefer

You must cite at least 3 evidence-based. A minimum of 300 words must be presented excluding the first and reference page. APA format.

Remember the questions do not go into the writing.


Please Free of Plagiarism

Decision making or Problem Solving or Critical Thinking, Read More »

Introduction to American Politics – What about considering Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”?

Introduction to American Politics – What about considering Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”?

Please reply to the question and comment constructively on a classmates’ posting.

Question (200 words)

Q: What about considering Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”?

You might look up an online full-text version of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” (a great expression of sentiment). What is this about? Deal with some original passages. Discuss. Great reading! Have a look. Cite websites if used.

Here is classmate’s posting from question. Please reply in 1st person point of view.

Introduction to American Politics – What about considering Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”? Read More »

MT435-3: Compare human resource management and project management principles to those of operations management.

MT435-3: Compare human resource management and project management principles to those of operations management.

MT435-3: Compare human resource management and project management principles to those of operations management. GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. GEL-8.03: Apply critical thinking to formulate a logical solution to a problem.

MT435-3: Compare human resource management and project management principles to those of operations management. Read More »

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