Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Tittle: Anti-Discrimination Law and Laws Protecting Individuals With Addiction

Tittle: Anti-Discrimination Law and Laws Protecting Individuals With Addiction
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: Discussion 1: Anti-Discrimination Law and Laws Protecting Individuals With Addiction
There are very specific laws and advocacy efforts to protect individuals with addictions. Only in the past thirty years have people with addictions had legal protection from discrimination (Lawinfo, 2009). Anti-discrimination laws exist to provide people struggling with addiction the opportunity to receive treatment without suffering punitive actions. These include:

Affordable Care Act
American with Disabilitites Act
Children’s Health Act
Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act
Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act
Sober Truth on Preventing (STOP) Underage Drinking Act
Trial Law and Order Act (TLOA)
For this Discussion, research the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and one other act listed above in the Walden Library and reputable Internet sources. Consider how you might respond to the scenario provided utilizing the two acts.

Imagine being at work, when suddenly, a colleague walks in visibly intoxicated. She is being loud, slurring her words, and bumping into people. Realizing that she is disturbing her co-workers, the intoxicated employee walks into the human resources department and tells them she is addicted to alcohol and needs treatment.

By Day 3

Post a brief description of the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and one other act you chose for this discussion as it relates to addictions. Explain how you might respond to the scenario provided utilizing the two acts. Identify the rights the employee has in this situation. Explain how the laws you discuss protect the employee who violated the company’s policy on drunkenness. Explain why such laws might be important.

Tittle: Anti-Discrimination Law and Laws Protecting Individuals With Addiction Read More »

uestion Description: Translational Research Graphic Organizer Template

uestion Description: Translational Research Graphic Organizer Template

Data Collection

Choose Topic: Health and Medical
Select number of pages: 2
Question Description: Use the “Translational Research Graphic Organizer Template” to compare three types of translational research with traditional (qualitative or quantitative) research. Make sure to include methodology, goals, and data collection in your organizer.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines Observations (Similarities/Differences)


uestion Description: Translational Research Graphic Organizer Template Read More »

Inequalities Faced by Migrant Workers

Inequalities Faced by Migrant Workers

Five-page Research paper

For this assignment, first formulate a sociological question related to (i) occupational socialization, (ii) occupational culture, or (iii) occupational inequality. It is advised that you formulate your question based on a specific occupational group. Ask yourself: ‘What occupational group do I wish to research and write about?’ For example, you could focus on migrant workers, computer programmers, police officers, bar tenders, hedge fund traders, or morticians. Second, after reviewing sociological studies on your selected occupational group, begin asking yourself questions about this group that relate to one of the following sociological topics: Socialization, culture or inequality. For example, you will want to ask: ‘What is the process by which individual workers learn their occupational roles and identities?’ Or, ‘what are the norms, values, attitudes, stories and rituals that integrate and regulate employees?’ Or, ‘what are the major forms inequality that stratify this workforce?’ Third, after gathering the information necessary to answer these questions, formulate a thesis — a statement that is put forward as an argument to be supported or proved — that provides a clear explanation to the specific research question you have developed. Lastly, in the body of your paper, provide sufficient evidence — in the form of collected research findings — to support your argument and defend your thesis.

Inequalities Faced by Migrant Workers Read More »

What is the best program offer employers benefits in reducing stress, having little or no capital outlay [equipment and labor], and describing associated health benefits.

What is the best program offer employers benefits in reducing stress, having little or no capital outlay [equipment and labor], and describing associated health benefits.

Students will prepare a rationale and expected results from implementing mind/body exercises or practices within an employee wellness program to reduce stress. [Scenario]

This week’s Assignment consists of reading about physical exercises and mind/body practices to reduce stress in the workplace thus improving morale, cultural engagement, and overall reduction of health care costs. Employers are interested in keeping their organizations healthy and employees have expressed an interest in mind/body exercises or practices at the worksite. After reading this information, students should decide on the best programs to offer employers benefits in reducing stress, having little or no capital outlay [equipment and labor], and describing associated health benefits.

This proposal should consist of a strong rationale, chosen mind/body exercise programs or practices, capital outlay, and benefits.

Directions: Your Assignment should be at least two full double-spaced pages in length, using size 12-point font in Word format. Be sure your paper is well written in paragraph form, with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. You may use external sources in addition to the required unit Readings. Cite any external sources used.

What is the best program offer employers benefits in reducing stress, having little or no capital outlay [equipment and labor], and describing associated health benefits. Read More »

Unit 3 Discussion Board Business Law

Unit 3 Discussion Board Business Law

Question 1 o Prompt: Discuss how some shrink-wrap agreements are enforceable, while certain terms may not be enforceable.

Discussion Question 2 o Prompt: Review the case of Pan Handle Realty, LLC v. Olins on pages 151-152. Answer the “For Critical Analysis—Legal Environment Consideration” question: How did the objective theory of contracts affect the results in this case?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum for each questions

Hello good to see you again. I think i have everything listed.

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