Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Change Model

Change Model

Prepare a 20 slide PowerPoint presentation with foot note to present the Kotter Change model and demonstrate how this model is relevant to your organization and why it will work well within your organization’s culture. In conclusion, discuss why this model will lead to sustainable change when most change initiatives fail.Create a visual presentation of KOTTER”S EIGHT STEP CHANGE MODEL using a graphic POWER POINT of your choice . The design of your model will be unique and relevant to your organization, based on a critical analysis of its culture and behavior. However, your model must demonstrate the necessary steps for change implementation of the EHR. Your model will be assessed on the quality of strategic implementation you design, the support you present for your model, and inclusion of the following concepts:

  1. Methods to evaluate the need for change
  2. Approach and criteria for choosing individuals or teams necessary for a change initiative
  3. Communication strategies
  4. Strategies to gather stakeholder support and overcome resistance
  5. Implementation strategies
  6. Sustainability strategies

Prepare this assignment using APA format, and using the attached rubric for proper step.

Prepare the assignment using 5 citation reference, within 5years, with nursing content.

Read “Evaluating the Success of Strategic Change Against Kotter’s Eight Steps,” by Spencer and Winn, from Planning for Higher Education (2004/2005).

Read “Leading Change Through Vision,” by Huyer, from Leadership Excellence Essentials (2014).

Read Chapters/Steps 2 and 3 in The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations.

Change Model Read More »

Three article reviews x 1 page each review (3 pages total)

Three article reviews x 1 page each review (3 pages total)

3 articles reviews x 1 page each( 3 pages total)

Article Review Format: ( 1 page everything, each article)

Reference Information:

Purpose of Study:

Sampling Comments:


Findings/Results/Main Points


Will provide the articles and format example.

Now, this is an example of the format to use.


Article Review 1


Reference Information: Mohami, Z., Aghmi, A., & Jolai, F. (2020). A green closed-loop supply chain design using a queuing system for reducing environmental impact and energy consumption. Journal of Cleaner Prction, 242, 118452. Retrieved from…

Purpose of Study: This artcle aims to study and bring out the knowledge of the reducing environmental effects formed by the impacts transport fleets because it has never been examined broadly in forward and reverse logistics suply chains. The article designs a green supply chain with both the forward and reverse logistic considerations to fill the gap that has never been investigated well. The article also uses the quuing system for optimization of the transport and waiting time of the fleets network.

Sampling Comments: Gren supply chains are one of the most efficient matters connected to the ecological effects, and a lot of researches have been done to confirm this (Mohtashami, Aghsami & Jolai, 2020). Transport flees move products within the logistic centers and are among the vital factors rising the environmental consequences when moving products between the centers and waiting in the loading queue (Mohtashami, Aghsami & Jolai, 2020).

Measures: Green supply chain managent mostly focuses on the environmental aspect of sustainability, which can be influential in achieving a worable supply chain.

Findings/Results/Main Points: For GAMS software, the amount of objective function equals 65.451. The objective function of the genetic system apprch is equal to 66.276. They are evaluating the model’s sensitivity to changes of parameter results to proper knowledge of its behavior. Sensitivity analysis is done for several transport fleets, and the objective function has rising behavior with an inease of fleets.

Conclusion: The contribuons that shall make the model real are presenting an all-inclusive model, green supply chain control, assumption of tranport fleets as clients to load the systems and using S seers for every individual loading system.

In the Measures part: it is what the author of th article use as a measure mechanism like surveys, simulations, statistics analysis,

these are the APAreferences:

1-Bailey, K., & Breslin, D. (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic: What can we learn from past research in organizations and management. International Journal of Management Reviews.

2- Ivanov, D. (2020). Predicting the impacts of epidemic outbreaks on global supply chains: A simulation-based analysis on the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) case. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 136, 101922.

3 Crespo Márquez, A., & SIM Research Group. (2020). A COVID-19 Recovery Strategy Based

on the Health System Capacity Modeling. Implications on Citizen Self-management.

another example

Student Name Sample Article Review 1

Reference Information: Scanzoni, John (2001). From the Normal Family to Alternate Families to the Quest for Diversity With Interdependence, Journal or Family Issues, vol. 22 No. 6, September 2001, 688­710.

Purpose of Study: To look at the changes and the diversity of the households from the late 1960’s to present, both from the constructionist and the functionalistic view. And figuring out which family style works the best to meet both the family and societies needs.

Sampling Comments: Otto (1970), “man can create marriage and family possibilities uniquely suited to his time, place and situation.” Sussman and Cogswell (1972) “…adults must live for themselves and not only for their children.” The standard family (nuclear) stifled mutual confidant between mates. Single parenting was viewed as a temporary condition, which would resolve when the parent remarried, thus it wasn’t seen as a “real” family.

Measures: The standard family (or nuclear family) was faired to the different variant families such as single parents, homosexual, multi­marriages, and getting pregnant out of wedlock. Scanzoni reviewed and summarized the functionalist and constructionalist models and theories starting from post World War II to the present.

Findings/Results/Main Points: Functionalists support the model that views a new standard family were previous traditional roles are in place while the children are young in order to promote optimal child development. Scanzoni’s research found that developmentalists believe that it is more the lifelong encounters between a child’s genetic makeup, personality and social context and not just the first few years of life. While the functionalists want to exclude the community, the constructionalists believe that the community makes the family. “Families are produced and created by the actions of persons operating within the social structure and cultural milieu that surrounds them (Maines, 2000).” They also believe that if the community views a groups as not mainstream than that group is likely not to succeed.

Conclusion: While one believes that negotiations build a stronger family and community the other does not believe in negotiation of any type. The citizens that feel the neostandard model is better state they would have a hard time fairing up. This self­doubt along with lack of support may stifle their innovations. Most citizens admit to wanting the neostandard model for themselves and their children but are willing to accept the reality of the variant family. “Because there is no best family pattern to stray from, there can be no variants that are invariably judged as lesser. Then and only then have we taken the first step toward embracing genuine diversity, (Scanzoni 1989).” To date there is no one household model that is flawless but household variety has been found to enrich the family. Household diversity with interdependence that builds a strong sense of community has been found to be healthy.

Three article reviews x 1 page each review (3 pages total) Read More »

climate Change

climate Change

Climate change disproportionately affects communities of color; in the form of communities of color living near more polluted areas, poorer nations facing the brunt of the economic and ecological impact, etc. Racial inequality also means these communities that suffer the most adverse effects, also have the fewest resources to combat these issues. Now, more than ever, we need to work towards climate justice and an equitable future for everyone.

Prompt: Write a paper (3 page minimum – double spaced, Times New Roman 12, word doc) on how Climate Change Disproportionately Affects BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Communities. You should focus on finding papers that address this issue, summarize the key points and also provide a personal reflection on the topic.
Resource citations are not included in the page count.

climate Change Read More »

Essay Case Study Analysis 4 pages about article

Essay Case Study Analysis 4 pages about article

Read the Article in the text called Shaping the Vaccine

Synthesize the case using the format seen in the Case Study Analysis Please provide an introduction/background of the industry, a body and a conclusion and include supporting peer reviewed journal articles beyond the case in the text.

In your case analysis, incorporate findings from other sources like well as in the online library within academic literature. You can find excellent scholarly articles to support your opinion in the online library’s LIRN ProQuest database. In graduate work these sources are extremely important to use!

Generally, these case study analyses will be between 4- 6 pages long and APA formatted. Before you begin, please review the handouts on Case Study Analysis expectations and evaluation.

By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) SafeAssign™ services .

Main article is provided, with samples and directions for Case Study Analysis.

Need to get more articles for References, but need to be Peer Review like ProQuest or Google Scholar.

Essay Case Study Analysis 4 pages about article Read More »

How you and your community are meeting the challenges of Covid

How you and your community are meeting the challenges of Covid

-Diagnostic Essay.

-Format your paper correctly using MLA Guidelines.

-In 750 words, please take time to discuss how you and your community are meeting the challenges of Covid. You are welcome to include your own experience or the experience of those you work with, live with and identify with. If you would prefer privacy, you may instead evaluate the experiences of those you know, or the stories you have heard on the news.

How you and your community are meeting the challenges of Covid Read More »

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