Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Answer the question in 3 paragraphs

Answer the question in 3 paragraphs

How have any of the authors from Humanities challenged or reaffirmed something that you learned from an earlier humanities class?

I am taking this class “Humanities” and during the course I’ve learn about these authors: Martin Luther King, Octavia Butler, Aime Cesaire, Malcom X, and Audre Lorde.

You can pick one or more of the authors above to draw comparison…. you can pretend to be me to give your own experience.

Please answer it in 3 paragraphs (600 to 750 words)

Answer the question in 3 paragraphs Read More »

Week 1 assignment

Week 1 assignment

Examine the case of Baby Boy Doe (Darr, 2011, p. 16.) The objective of this assignment is to get you to think critically about real-life ethical dilemmas and the moral principals involved. There is no right or wrong answer, just try to look at this case subjectively. Most of the time, resolving ethical dilemmas is not so “black and white.” Discuss arguments for and against the issues below

1. Discuss what makes this an ethical dilemma (read pp. 3 and 4).

2. Discuss the implications of this study in terms of the moral principles described in chapter 1.

Here are some questions that may guide your thinking:

Respect for persons: Did the hospital/ physicians allow the parents to be autonomous in their decision-making? Do you see any elements of paternalism on behalf of the physicians?

Beneficence: Did the hospital/ physicians act beneficently?

Nonmaleficence: Did the hospital/ physicians consider nonmaleficence?

Justice: Did the hospital act in a just way?

3. Finally, do you think that the hospital did all that it could in this situation? Did it act appropriately? Explain.

Assignments are to be a minimum of 2 full pages of text and 3 reputable references in proper APA format.

Reference: Darr, K. (2011). Ethics in Health Services Management. (5th Edition). Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press, Inc

Assignment Grading Rubric
100 %
4 pts
3.2 pts
2.8 pts
2.4 pts
Did not attempt
0 pts
25 %

Student demonstrates proficient command of the subject matter in the assignment. Assignment shows an impressive level of depth of student’s ability to relate course content to practical examples and applications. Student provides comprehensive analysis of details, facts, and concepts in a logical sequence.


Student exhibits above average usage of subject matter in the assignment. Student provides above average ability in relating course content in examples given. Details and facts presented provide an adequate presentation of student’s current level of subject matter knowledge.


Student exhibits a general and average understanding of subject matter in the assignment. Whereas, there are areas of some concerning in the linkages provided between facts and supporting statements. Student generally explains concepts, but only meets the minimum requirements in this area.


Student tries to explain some concepts, but overlooks critical details. Assignment appears vague or incomplete in various segments. Student presents concepts in isolation, and does not perceive to have a logical sequencing of ideas.

Did not attempt

Did not attempt


25 %

Student exhibits a defined and clear understanding of the assignment. Topic is clearly defined and thesis is well-constructed to help guide the reader throughout the assignment. Student builds upon the thesis of the assignment with well-documented and exceptional supporting facts, figures, and/or statements.


Student establishes a good comprehension of topic and in the building of the assignment. Student demonstrates an effective presentation with most support statements helping to support the key focus of assignment.


Student exhibits a basic understanding of the intended assignment, but the thesis is not fully supported throughout the assignment. Some difficulty in seeing linkages between thoughts. While student has included a few supporting facts and statements, this has limited the quality of the assignment.


Student exhibits a limited understanding of the assignment. Reader is unable to follow the logic used for the thesis and development of key themes. Introduction of thesis is not clearly evident, and reader must look deeper to discover the focus of the writer. Student’s writing is weak in the inclusion of supporting facts or statements.

Did not attempt

Did not attempt


25 %(Critical Thinking Skills)

Student demonstrates a higher-level of critical thinking necessary for undergraduate level work. Learner provides a strategic approach in presenting examples of problem solving or critical thinking, while drawing logical conclusions which are not immediately obvious. Student provides well-supported ideas and reflection with a variety of current and/or world views in the assignment. Student presents a genuine intellectual development of ideas throughout assignment.


Student exhibits a good command of critical thinking skills in the presentation of material and supporting statements. Assignment demonstrates the student’s above average use of relating concepts by using a variety of factors. Overall, student provides adequate conclusions, with 2 or fewer errors.


Student takes a common, conventional approach in guiding the reader through various linkages and connections presented in assignment. However, student presents a limited perspective on key concepts throughout assignment. Student appears to have problems applying information in a problem-solving manner.


Student demonstrates beginning understanding of key concepts, but overlooks critical details. Learner is unable to apply information in a problem-solving fashion. Student presents confusing statements and facts in assignment. No evidence or little semblance of critical thinking skills.

Did not attempt

Did not attempt


Writing Skill
15 %

Student demonstrates an excellent command of grammar, as well as presents research in a clear and concise writing style. Presents a thorough, extensive understanding of word usage. Student excels in the selection and development of a well-planned assignment with error-free and reflects student’s ability to prepare graduate-level writing. APA formatting guidelines followed with no errors in citations. Incorporate a variety of resources with at least 3 academic references.


Student provides an effective display of good writing and grammar. Assignment reflects student’s ability to select appropriate word usage and presents an above-average presentation of a given topic or issue. Assignment appears to be well written with no more than 1-2 grammatical errors. Student provides a good final product that covers the above-minimal requirements. APA format; 1-2 errors in citation. Incorporate 2 academic references.


Assignment reflects basic writing and grammar, but with more than 5 grammatical errors. Key terms and concepts are somewhat vague and not completely explained. Student uses a basic vocabulary in assignment. Student’s writing ability is average, but demonstrates a basic understanding of the subject matter. APA format, but with several omissions and with more than 2 errors in citation. Incorporate 1 academic references.


Topics, concepts, and ideas are not coherently discussed or expressed in assignments. Student’s writing style is weak and needs improvement, along with numerous proofreading errors. Assignment lacks clarity, consistency, and correctness. Student needs to review and revise assignment. Several grammatical errors. APA format not used and errors throughout paper & citations. Lack of appropriate references or source materials; The paper is not of acceptable quality for graduate-level work.

Did not attempt

Did not attempt


10 %

Student thoroughly understands and excels in explaining all major points. An original, unique, and/or imaginative approach to overall ideas, concepts, and findings is presented. Overall format of assignment includes an appropriate introduction, well-developed paragraphs, and conclusion. Finished assignment demonstrates student’s ability to plan, and be organized in a logical sequence.


Student explains the majority of points and concepts in the assignment. Learner demonstrates a good skill level in formatting and organizing material in assignment. Student presents an above average level of preparedness, with few formatting errors.


Student applies some points and concepts incorrectly. Student uses a variety of formatting styles, with some inconsistencies throughout the paper. Assignment does not have a continuous pattern of logical sequencing.


Assignment reveals formatting errors and a lack of organization. Student presents an incomplete attempt to provide linkages or explanation of key terms.

Did not attempt

Did not attempt

Week 1 assignment Read More »

class final essay

class final essay

For this Final Assignment, you will write an essay based on the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Letter from a Birmingham Jail you can access it here (Links to an external site.)

You will write an essay that covers the following topics:

  • Define the purpose of the letter
  • Summarize three main points of the letter,
  • Who is his audience?
  • Analyze the letter and describe how it fits into the Rogerian Model.
    • use explicit examples and the terminology (from your book) that informs the reader of the manner in which this letter meets the criteria for the Rogerian model.
    • how does the letter achieve the following: (HINT : Build your thesis around these items)
      • is non-confrontational, friendly
      • respects the views of others and allows for multiple truths
      • seeks to achieve some degree of agreement rather than absolutely convince
  • Requirements:
    1. Must use MS WORD
    2. must be in MLA format (30 pts deduction for non-MLA format)
    3. 1250 word count
    4. use 3-5 quotes from the text
    5. Include a Works Cited

class final essay Read More »

Forum Week 1

Forum Week 1

Select ONLY ONE question listed below to write an essay for this week’s discussion forum.

1. From Chapter 1 as a manager, identify the moral or principles you most relate to and describe why. Explain why it is important, in your opinion, for managers to embrace.

2. From Chapter 2 and Figure 4 (Schema for solving ethical problems), describe some of the administrative/organizational challenges as it relates to ethics that managers must consider when looking to solve ethical problems.

Forum Week 1 Read More »

What is the role that fate and freewillplay in the literatureread in PopLit this year?

What is the role that fate and freewillplay in the literatureread in PopLit this year?

What is the role that fate and free will play in the literature read in PopLit this year?


  1. Choose 3 pieces of literature to examine..
  2. Write a concise essay to include:
    1. Introduction Paragraph
      1. Make sure to mention the title of all literature (plays, novels) in italics = Hamlet, Iliad, Oedipus the King
      2. Mention all authors’ full names (William Shakespeare is a playwright)
      3. When mentioning character names, do not italicize = Oedipus, Hamlet
    2. Body Paragraphs with supporting quotes
      1. To parenthetically cite the line numbers used in Shakespeare’s work, list as follows in parenthesis: (Ham. act.scene.line).
      2. Ex: Hamlet wrestles with his inability to act upon his father’s murder, as he contemplates “How all occasions do inform against [him] and spur [his] dull revenge” (Ham. 4.4.34-35).
    3. Conclusion paragraph
  3. Follow MLA guidelines
    1. MLA Heading
    2. 12 point font
    3. Ariel or Times New Roman font style
    4. Double spaced
    5. Centered original title
    6. Page numbering
    7. Works Cited Page with all three pieces of literature you used.
    8. Consult OWL Purdue for more help and sample essay format
  4. Remain objective; no first person (I, me, my, us, ours, we). Not opinion essay
  5. Argument Outline found here

How are the storylines and characters controlled by fate or free will? Examine all characters’ actions that led to their conclusions; was it fate or free will that dictated where they ended up? What impact might fate or free will have upon the society or times in which the stories were written? Choose 3 pieces of literature with textual evidence to support your claim.

What is the role that fate and freewillplay in the literatureread in PopLit this year? Read More »

Risk Mitigation Plan

Risk Mitigation Plan

Senior management at Health Network allocated funds to support a risk mitigation plan, and have requested that the risk manager and team create a plan in response to the deliverables produced within the earlier phases of the project. The risk mitigation plan should address the identified threats described in the scenario for this project, as well as any new threats that may have been discovered during the risk assessment. You have been assigned to develop this new plan.

Risk Mitigation Plan Read More »

Please find the question in the comment section

Please find the question in the comment section

1. Go to Google Scholar ( Conduct a search to find two papers written in the last five years that compare and contrast multiple machine-learning methods for a given problem domain. Observe com- monalities and differences among their findings and prepare a report to summarize your understanding.

2. What is an artificial neural network and for what types of problems can it be used?

3. Compare artificial and biological neural networks. What aspects of biological networks are not mimicked by arti- ficial ones? What aspects are similar?

4. What are the most common ANN architectures? For what types of problems can they be used?

5. ANN can be used for both supervised and unsupervised learning. Explain how they learn in a supervised mode and in an unsupervised mode

question 1 is limit to 1-2 pages. questions from 2-5 can be on 2 pages. all 6 question should be in one doc with APA formating.

Please find the question in the comment section Read More »

Questions on Enterprise Risk Management

Questions on Enterprise Risk Management

1. This is a relatively brief case study; yet the problems faced are quite complex. In your workshop, how did you handle uncertainty in the information you have been given and how does this translate into real-world workshops where not all the answers can necessarily be given at the table?
2. What were some of the risk sources that emerged repeatedly in evaluating the risks? How is this helpful?
3. How would this risk assessment aid in the decision on whether or not to proceed with the new HR strategy?

Atleast 300 words for each question and reference for each question. APA format.

Total 900 words

Please use Chapter 27: Nerds Galore Case and provide response for the questions

Questions on Enterprise Risk Management Read More »

Non profits-need by Sunday

Non profits-need by Sunday

Your assignment this week is to conduct an interview of a non-profit leader. You can choose a CEO, Executive Director or person in an upper level leadership position. You should develop a list of questions designed to obtain information about the non-profit including information about the purpose and role the organization fulfills in society. You will submit a 660-to 990-word analysis of this organization that includes the impact the organization has on the community it serves. You will also evaluate whether or not the existence of this organization benefits society in general, providing a substantiated opinion of your evaluation. Your paper must be supported by a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references.


here is the book that is needed, I will also post the instructions again.

Tschirhart, M., & Bielefeld, W. (2012). Managing nonprofit organizations.San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 9780470402993 Located in ebrary

Your assignment this week is to conduct an interview of a non-profit leader. You can choose a CEO, Executive Director or person in an upper level leadership position. You should develop a list of questions designed to obtain information about the non-profit including information about the purpose and role the organization fulfills in society. You will submit a 660-to 990-word analysis of this organization that includes the impact the organization has on the community it serves. You will also evaluate whether or not the existence of this organization benefits society in general, providing a substantiated opinion of your evaluation. Your paper must be supported by a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references.

Chapter 1

Non profits-need by Sunday Read More »

Help with questions

Help with questions

HI. I need to answer all questions listed , I have attached the book read and answer questions below .

  1. Under what circumstances does John become invisible?2. What does it mean to be “not a drooler.” How does this explain the definition of mental retardation? 3. What does it mean, “As men grow more civilized…a complex mutual dependence becomes the universal rule?” 4. What is the ethical implication of James Watson’s paper Looking Forward? Which side of the debate are you on and why? 5. What was the underlying cause of John’s physical outbursts? 6. What was Darwin’s personal dilemma? What might have happened had he wrote his book after he faced this dilemma? 7. Who were Eldridge Cleaver and Floyd Cochran and how did their personal experiences change their worldview? What might the world be like if there were no “defective” individuals? 8. John was featured in a newspaper article. What effect did that have on John? 9. What happened when Dr. Smith moved to South Carolina? 10. What did Dr. Smith conclude about his impact on John’s life?

here are the questions in order

1.Under what circumstances does John become invisible?

2.What does it mean to be “not a drooler.” How does this explain the definition of mental retardation?

3.What does it mean, “As men grow more civilized…a complex mutual dependence becomes the universal rule?”

4.What is the ethical implication of James Watson’s paper Looking Forward? Which side of the debate are you on and why?

5.What was the underlying cause of John’s physical outbursts?

6.What was Darwin’s personal dilemma? What might have happened had he wrote his book after he faced this dilemma?

7.Who were Eldridge Cleaver and Floyd Cochran and how did their personal experiences change their worldview? What might the world be like if there were no “defective” individuals?

8.John was featured in a newspaper article. What effect did that have on John?

9.What happened when Dr. Smith moved to South Carolina?

10. What did Dr. Smith conclude about his impact on John’s life?

Help with questions Read More »

BUS303 Business Communication Module 2 Persuasion

BUS303 Business Communication Module 2 Persuasion

Learning Outcomes

Persuasive Communication

Please complete the following:

A persuasive memo that incorporates the persuasive models of Conger, Cialidini and other persuasive communication principles from the background reading.

Please pay particular focus to the principles outlined by Cialdini (n.d.), Conger (1991), and Beason (2001). The Purdue OWL site (2013) and Sant (2012) readings also offer effective strategies to use in your persuasive memos.

You are the Vice President of Operations at a company who is tasked with researching and determining if your company should offer an internship program. Your boss, Daymond John, asks for a memo with your findings and suggestions about implementing an internship program at the company, due first thing Monday morning.

Proponents of the internship program at your company believe the program can be a win-win for the company and the intern. They believe the program can attract a lot of young talent from the region; the company can use the extra help; interns will gain valuable work experience; and the company can save money on manpower, among other reasons.

Opponents at your company believe that finding work for interns to complete, the supervision they require, and the time associated with training them will drain the organization of time that can be better spent somewhere else. There is also no certainty that this program will benefit the intern. Opponents are also concerned with the company violating labor laws that may impact the program, among other concerns.

Write a persuasive memo to Daymond John, your close colleague and direct supervisor. Use the persuasive techniques from the background reading to explain to him the issues and make a suggestion on whether or not the company should pursue an internship program. Use the Internet to further research the topic, and learn what seven requirements help the government determine whether an intern is a paid employee. Use persuasive strategies you have studied to clearly and concisely explain your position on the issue.

1This is a fictitious case.

Assignment Expectations

In your memo, you are expected to apply the persuasion concepts to demonstrate your ability to craft an effective persuasive memo. Please use proper English. Sentences must be properly constructed and free of grammatical and typographical errors. No citations are needed in the memo.

Case General Expectations

In the Case Assignments, students will assume the role of a Manager in Employee Communications at a large service firm, such as a bank, or an advertising or consulting firm. Students will assume this role throughout the Case Assignments and be challenged with different scenarios, requiring written and verbal communication.

Formal citations and a bibliography are required unless otherwise stated.

Beason, L. (2001). Ethos and error: How business people react to errors. College Composition and Communication, 53(1), 33-64. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Cialdini’s six principles of influence. (n.d.). Retrieved from…

Conger, J. A. (1991). Inspiring others: The language of leadership. The Executive, 5(1), 31-46. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Mazur, T. C. (1993). Lying. Retrieved on January 31, 2015, from…..

Sample memo. (2015). Retrieved from…

Using rhetorical strategies for persuasion. (2015). Retrieved from…

Sant, T. (2012). Chapter 5: Winning by a NOSE: The structure of persuasion. In Persuasive business proposals: Writing to win more customers, clients, and contracts. New York: AMACOM. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Stanford University Persuasive Technology Lab. (2015). Available at

University of Minnesota. (2015). Chapter 14: Presentations to persuade. In Business communication for success. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. Retrieved on January 29, 2018, from….

BUS303 Business Communication Module 2 Persuasion Read More »

Outline the concept of professional accountability as it pertains to nursing. Provide examples of how a nurse demonstrates professional accountability in clinical expertise, the nursing process, and evidence-based practice.

Outline the concept of professional accountability as it pertains to nursing. Provide examples of how a nurse demonstrates professional accountability in clinical expertise, the nursing process, and evidence-based practice.

Outline the concept of professional accountability as it pertains to nursing. Provide examples of how a nurse demonstrates professional accountability in clinical expertise, the nursing process, and evidence-based practice.

(I need at lease 500 words)

Outline the concept of professional accountability as it pertains to nursing. Provide examples of how a nurse demonstrates professional accountability in clinical expertise, the nursing process, and evidence-based practice. Read More »

People of HaitianHeritage and People of IranianHeritage

People of HaitianHeritage and People of IranianHeritage

People of Haitian Heritage

People of Iranian Heritage

Read chapter 15 and 32 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Read content chapter 32 Davis Plus Online Website. Once done, present a 800 words essay discussing the Haitian and Iranian Heritages. The essay must contained the following;

-Geographical localization and topography

-Politic and economy

-Health care beliefs and the relationship with their religious beliefs

-How they view the health, illness and death concepts

You must used at least two evidence-based references (excluding) the class textbook.

People of HaitianHeritage and People of IranianHeritage Read More »

Discussion Post (1/2-1 Page)

Discussion Post (1/2-1 Page)


  1. What do you think are the strengths and the weakness of of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children? How do you think that the UNCRC translates into different cultures?
Please include references and provide the url link to all journal articles you use as references. Use current (meaning within the past 2 years) scholarly journal articles as references. Use APA 6th edition format. Thanks!

Discussion Post (1/2-1 Page) Read More »

Goal-Setting Theory Discussion 1: Goal-Setting Theory

Goal-Setting Theory

Discussion 1: Goal-Setting Theory

Pinder (2008) describes goal-setting theory as “the most powerful and useful model of motivated work behavior extant” (p. 389). Therefore, understanding the principal tenets of this theoretical framework is essential in your future role as an organizational psychology professional. Understanding the relationship between motivational mechanisms and designing achievable goals is fundamental to the practical application of this theoretical model.

Goal setting is common among organizations. However, predicting success in attaining goals can present challenges because there are many factors that can influence goal attainment. Think about factors that might be considered when attempting to explain entirely different results for two workers with nearly identical skills and training. What accounts for one worker’s success and another’s failure in meeting a desired goal?

For this Discussion, select at least two factors that might influence successful attainment of goals by employees. Then think about how assigning goals has been used effectively or ineffectively in your current or previous job.

Note: If you have never worked, think about how assigning goals has been used effectively or ineffectively in your academic studies.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post by Day 3 a brief description of the factors you selected. Then explain how each might influence the successful attainment of goals by employees. Finally, explain how assigning goals has been used effectively or ineffectively in your current or previous job. Support your response with references to goal-setting theory, the Learning Resources, and current literature. APA Format.

Note: If you have never worked, explain how assigning goals has been used effectively or ineffectively in your academic studies. Support your response with references to goal-setting theory, the Learning Resources, and current literature.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.


Locke, E., & Latham, G. P. (2006). New directions in goal-setting theory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15(5), 265–268.

Fried, Y., & Slowik, L. H. (2004). Enriching goal setting theory with time: An integrated approach. Academy of Management Review, 29(3), 404–422.

Goal-Setting Theory Discussion 1: Goal-Setting Theory Read More »

See bellow

See bellow

1. Discuss the role social justice and health equity play in community and public health nursing.

2. Explain what the purpose of a logic model is when associated with the creation of a community-based health program.

3. Discuss the process implemented to perform a community assessment and the steps involved in completing a community assessment.

4. How a health assessment conducted by a community health nurse affects changes in the health of the community

Present your assignment in an APA format word document. A minimum of 3 evidence-based references no older than 5 years must be used. Sustained with the proper references no older than 5 years as well and make sure the references are properly quoted in your assignment. A minimum of 800 words not to exceed 1,000 are required without counting the first and last page.

See bellow Read More »

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