Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Theories of Motivation Power point

Theories of Motivation Power point

10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation describing one of the motivational theories as assigned by your institutor. Your have been assigned to complete your presentation on the following topic.

Explain the concept of your assigned theory.

Describe the main causes and outcomes of job satisfaction related to motivational theories.

List major points in the slides using “bullet points,” keeping text to a minimum. Include detailed explanations in the speaker notes section of each slide.

Include videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Theories of Motivation Power point Read More »

500 words minimum _ Assignment

500 words minimum _ Assignment

I’m working on a Engineering exercise and need support.

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment.

Note: The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

500 words minimum _ Assignment Read More »

Incorporating Commentary on a Shakespeare Play, 750-1000 words (3-4 pages)

Incorporating Commentary on a Shakespeare Play, 750-1000 words (3-4 pages)

In Twelfth Night, characters wrestle with appearances—how others view their identities based on their bodies, social station, or attire. Choose one character from the play and discuss the rewards and dangers that the character faces when his/her external self does not reflect his/her real identity. Then relate this issue with appearances and identity to a main theme and the resolution of the play. Support your argument using ample quotations from the primary sources (the play) and one secondary resource (an article you locate on our library database). Keep in mind that you must read, understand, and apply what you have learned from the secondary source to your analysis. Simply dropping in a quote from an outside sources will not be enough.

All papers must be word-processed. Double space and use a 12-point standard font. Margins should be 1 inch all the way around the page.

You will use MLA-style documentation in all papers. Every paper will have a Works Cited and will use parenthetical, in-text citations. You must document all secondary sources as well as primary sources. Your textbook contains information about MLA style; or, you can ask me or the librarians for assistance.

See the Writing Guides for step-by-step instructions on development of the essay.

Incorporating Commentary on a Shakespeare Play, 750-1000 words (3-4 pages) Read More »

Art History Research paper, Japanese Yokai

Art History Research paper, Japanese Yokai

Research is more involved than simply looking things up online, just like there is more to cooking than popping something in the microwave. Cooking can actually serve as a good analogy: you can cook effectively using either store-bought, semi-processed ingredients or forage for wild plants. Likewise, you can do research that relies on published secondary sources, or gather firsthand information through field studies. But in both cases, it is necessary to learn how to recognize the quality of your ingredients and the how best to combine and process them in order to achieve worthwhile results. In this course, we will practice basic research skills by writing briefs on various topics.

Possible research topics are suggested for each module of the syllabus. Please choose one of the suggested options. The research brief is a 750–1000 word paper that reflects your independent exploration of that topic outside of class. The research brief consists of your own synthesis and analysis of the scholarly research on that topic that you have identified and reviewed from a comparison sources. In addition to any use you make of syllabus readings, please review three additional sources. Of the additional sources, at least two should be scholarly texts located through JSTOR or the Copley Library search interface, and no more than one can be a good-quality website.

Quote and cite all your sources (both syllabus readings and outside sources) using Chicago- style footnotes or endnotes, and make clear reference to your sources when detailing what you have discovered about your topic. Make sure to note any disparities of fact or position between the sources. Syllabus readings may be included among your sources, but a minimum of three outside sources (i.e., not on the syllabus) is required for each brief.

Hi, thank you for doing this, so In general this research will be based on the two articles I have attached as you can see in the description, in addition to that we need to use 3 outside sources to describe the yokai as a whole. Two sources from JSTOR or Copley library and the last source is from a good website

And the most important thing is using Chicago style citing for the sources

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DQ5 Culture in Nursing APA Format

DQ5 Culture in Nursing APA Format

Transcultural Perspectives in Childbearing

A nurse is taking care of a single mother who has conceived by anonymous sperm donation.

1. As the nurse, what issues would you focus on regarding the woman’s prenatal care and birth plan?

2. What supports will be beneficial to the new mother postpartum?

The essay must be submitted to the forum in the discussion tab titled “week 5 assignment”. The assignment must include at least 2 evidence-based references (excluding the class textbook). Reference should not be older than five years.


Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care (8th ed.)

Margaret M. Andrews, Joyceen S. Boyle, and John W. Collins

Publisher: Wolters Kluwer

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Annotated Bibliography on Fracking or Offshore Drilling

Annotated Bibliography on Fracking or Offshore Drilling

  1. Review the sample Annotated Bibliography on child beauty pageants (WORD DOC ATTACHMENT) and use it as a guide to create your own annotated bibliography.
  2. Put all the annotations in ONE document and format everything according to the sample bibliography (WORD DOC ATTACHMENT). Remember to list sources in alphabetical order according to the first word of each source citation.
  3. Start by creating the MLA heading, page numbering and title on your paper as shown in the sample bibliography.
  4. Use THIS thesis: I will argue that fracking is better than drilling because it is more environment-friendly and is more cost effective and more beneficial to social and economic life.
  5. Select the THREE most suitable sources from using only these two links to support your thesis. ( AND (
  6. Create a citation for each source using MLA Works Cited.
  7. Develop an annotation paragraph below each of the FIVE sources (THE THREE YOU FOUND USING THE TWO LINKS AND THE TWO PDF FILES). Each annotation should include:
    • a brief (100 word) summary of the whole article.
    • an evaluation (50 words) of how the source supports your argument and how you can use the information in your essay.

    That is all the info thanks! Please make sure both the links work you need them to find the three sources that support the thesis.I HAVE ATTACHED FIRST ARTCLE HERE SENDING MORE LATER

Annotated Bibliography on Fracking or Offshore Drilling Read More »

Discussion Post Precision Performance and Box Case Studies Discussion Topic

Discussion Post Precision Performance and Box Case Studies Discussion Topic


In preparation for this discussion, read Chapter 5 in your textbook and review the Harvard Business Review case study “Box: The Evolution of Management Practices in a Start-Up.”


Then, based on what you provided in the Module Two discussion question, share your response to the following question:

-What lessons did you learn from the Box case study that you could apply to the Precision case study? (The case study “Appraising Performance at Precision” can be found in Chapter 3 of your textbook.)

so what it is asking is to answer to part 3 questions (Pasted below) with the case study “the evolution of management practices” (sorry i included but told you to exclude so i have attached the correct case study)

basically reading “the evolution” case study WHAT LESSONS DID YOU LEARN and how you could apply to the Precision case study (in previous module i put responses on word document).

Discussion Post Precision Performance and Box Case Studies Discussion Topic Read More »

SWOT analysis for Southwest Airline Part 2

SWOT analysis for Southwest Airline Part 2

Related to E571

I’m stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.

1. I have lost some points as using outside source. See the comment image I attached below. PLEASE Use only the information from the case. Do not incorporate any outside information. I have attached the reading and the guideline again!

2. Please use the part 1 paper below since I made some adjustment based on your writing.

Requirement for part 2:

3. We will do plagiarize check when we submit this assignment. Please don’t use other source.

Step 3

Use the results of Steps 1 (the external environment) and 2 (the internal environment) from the prior assignment component to complete a SWOT table.
Take all external elements and categorize them as “O” or “T” in the table
Take all internal elements and categorize them as “S” or “W” in the table
Conduct “SWOT matching” keeping in mind this is used to formulate strategy in Step 4.
Use section 3 of the “SWOT analysis template” to guide your analysis

Step 4

Use the ‘Strategy Analysis template’ to recommend a cost or differentiation strategy for Southwest Airlines.

In your analysis be sure to:
Incorporate all your prior insights from prior modules (eg: resources, capabilities, industry analysis, etc)
Use the SWOT matching approach in section 3 to justify your recommendation of a cost or differentiation strategy
Provide at least 3 key areas of execution needed to implement the strategy you recommended. You may find the value chain useful in thinking of execution areas.( I HAVE ALREADY ATTAHED THE VALUE CHAIN BELOW)

I think it’s pretty clear already based on the guideline and the requirement above.

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Topic Statement; Discrimination in social thinking

Topic Statement; Discrimination in social thinking

I need help with a Psychology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Topic Statement; Discrimination in social thinking

In the final week of this course, you will design an intervention to address a specific problem you have identified utilizing social psychological insight. To ensure proper preparation for this cumulative work and to provide you with an opportunity for initial feedback, this week you will identify and describe a problem using relevant theory and research.

Your topic statement should encompass the following:

  • Describe a problem of interest to you, personally, or that you are likely to encounter, professionally.
  • Relate the behaviors that contribute to and result from this social issue.
  • Discriminate relevant theoretical perspectives from social psychology.
  • Generate potential intervention strategies.

Synthesize the information you have acquired from your review of the literature, guided by the above points.

Conclude with a paragraph that includes questions you have, additional directions you plan to explore through your research, initial thoughts about the final paper, and any problems you are experiencing or think you might encounter.

The Topic Statement

  • Must be at least 3 to 5 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style
  • Must address the topic with critical thought.
  • Must use at least three peer-reviewed scholarly sources. Additional scholarly sources are encouraged.

Hello Agneta, great to see you again!

I am uploading some material that maybe useful to help on what I went over in my course to select my topic, for the topic statement 3 peer review will be required to use, the material I am providing is the just course material and can be used in addition.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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Stages of Change Management

Stages of Change Management

Assignment 2: Stages of Change Management – (30 points)

Read the following online article: Know the Stages in Change Management? Use a Change Management Checklist to Guide Your Efforts in Managing Change (Heathfield, 2015) (Links to an external site.).

Discuss each of the 6 stages in change management as outlined by Heathfield (initiation, investigation, intention, introduction, implementation, integration). Identify potential limitations barriers which may occur in each stage, as well as identify strategies for successfully achieving each stage. In your discussion, use examples from your workplace pertaining to current change that is taking place or change that you wish to implement. Develop an 8-10 page paper and support the discussion through additional research (5-7 references).

Stages of Change Management Read More »

ARMY WRITING STYLE: 2 page paper on reading the profession of arms

ARMY WRITING STYLE: 2 page paper on reading the profession of arms

I’m studying and need help with a Political Science question to help me learn.

Instructions. You are to read the Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms, dated 8 December 2010.Prepare an essay addressing the importance of the role of Human Resources Sergeant in the Profession of Arms. The paper must be at least two pages and written IAW the Army writing style. Use APA format, Arial font, 12 pitch.

this is the ass

ARMY WRITING STYLE: 2 page paper on reading the profession of arms Read More »

strategy Development

please read the following then answer the questions below Category 2.1 Strategy Development & Category 2.2 Strategy Implementation sections of Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Application Summaries for Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center (2017).

12-2018 Memorial Hospital Baldrige Award Application Summary.pdfPreview the document

Evaluate the strategy development and implementation processes of Memorial considering what they described as being important factors in their Organizational Profile.

What do you see as their strategic imperatives, and key strategy development and implementation process strengths and opportunities for improvement?

For your takeaway(s), please explain:

a) the major concept(s) you learned;

b) why were they a meaningful learning for you; and

c) describe your ideas about a potential practical, real-world example or application of the knowledge you gained.

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Major Case Analysis Instructions (Victoria Secret)

Major Case Analysis Instructions (Victoria Secret)

For this assignment, you are required to address an issue or problem faced by your company of choice and will analyze it using the techniques taught in this course. The techniques learned are:

Defining the Problem / Business Economics & The Legal Environment of Business

Evaluating Evidence / Business Finance & Accounting)

Generating Alternatives / Management & Global Dimensions of Business

Ethical Decision-Making / Quantitative Analysis & Business Ethics

Selecting the Preferred Alternative / Information Management Systems

Developing an Action Plan / Marketing & Leadership

Bringing It All Together / Business Integration and Strategic Management

The write-up is limited to 12-15 double-spaced pages, not including a title page and exhibits (include as appendices).

Selecting an Organization

Explore news/current events to locate a business that has a complex problem which needs to be addressed. The problem may be related to any business topic (i.e. accounting, marketing, legal, etc.).

It is suggested that you select a recent problem of a public company, which will ensure that you will have access to the information necessary to complete your project.

As you select an organizational problem for your class project, it is important that you select an organization that is interesting, possibly useful to you in your career, industry, or interests. An organization or industry you are interested in should give you better access to information.

Use the 9-step case analysis process as a guide:

  • Skim the case to get an overview of the situation.
  • Read the case thoroughly to digest the facts.
  • Carefully Review information in exhibits.
  • Decide what the strategic issues are.
  • Begin your analysis with some number crunching.
  • Apply the concepts of strategic analysis.
  • Check out conflicting opinions
  • Support your opinions with reasons and evidence.
  • Develop recommendations and an action plan.

Your analysis and recommendations should be supported with high-quality evidence, including textbooks and peer-reviewed academic journal articles covering the appropriate topics that apply to your specific problem from the following list:

see my document I attached. It will ensure that the answer is consistent with my previous analysis.

Major Case Analysis Instructions (Victoria Secret) Read More »

AHS 8300 week 6 discussion

AHS 8300 week 6 discussion

Need help with my Writing question – I’m studying for my class.

Week 6 Discussion


Post a thread outlining the benefits of quantitative versus qualitative research and explain which you have chosen to be a part of your research proposal and why. Include in your explanation any challenges you think you may face and the benefit one method may have over the other.

Week 6 Readings and Resources


  • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

Please read the following:

AHS 8300 week 6 discussion Read More »

2x short discussions

2x short discussions

I posted it all in a word document. Here are the 2 questions though.


Review the “Value Chain” section in Chapter 1 of the text. Now consider your present position (or past position) and draw a simple value chain to include both primary activities and support activities. Do you have any recommendations to make your value chain more efficient or effective?


Review Table 2.1 “Comparisons of dependent and independent demand” in Chapter 2 of the text. Now consider your present organization (or past organization) and identify one of the demands that the organization utilizes. In 200-300 words, describe how your organization uses that demand methodology, and provide an additional demand methodology that you could recommend to your current or former organization.

2x short discussions Read More »

How cannursesworkcollaboratively with physicians and otherhealthcareprofessionals to improveprimarycare, reduceoverutilization and improveunderutilization of healthcareservices?

How cannursesworkcollaboratively with physicians and otherhealthcareprofessionals to improveprimarycare, reduceoverutilization and improveunderutilization of healthcareservices?

I’m working on a Nursing question and need guidance to help me study.

Reflecting on what you have learned about the social determinants of health, SDOH,

how can nurses work collaboratively with physicians and other health care professionals to improve primary care, reduce overutilization and improve underutilization of healthcare services? Include in your response how fostering an environment of diversity and cultural awareness among healthcare providers builds a stronger healthcare team and improves care delivery to healthcare consumers.

How cannursesworkcollaboratively with physicians and otherhealthcareprofessionals to improveprimarycare, reduceoverutilization and improveunderutilization of healthcareservices? Read More »

Write around 300 words about the topic

Write around 300 words about the topic

I’m stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.

Think about the estimating approaches at your organization on projects, then answer following questions

Think about the estimating approaches at your organization on projects, then answer following questions

1. Write a brief description of the current estimating practices

2. List at least two strengths and weaknesses of the approach used

3. If you prefer the current method, then discuss how the process might be improved? If you don’t prefer the current estimating method, then provide a justification of why the method should be changed.

4. Which approach is best for the project on planning phase?

Write around 300 words about the topic Read More »

FISV week 5 assignment: comparing the bias

FISV week 5 assignment: comparing the bias

As we continue this week learning about emotional biases, the purpose of this assignment is to evaluate and compare these biases to the other biases we have already covered: Belief Perseverance Biases and Information Processing Biases.

For this assignment, respond to the following:

  1. Briefly describe emotional biases in your own words. (hint – use your concept map!).
  2. Analyze and report on the similarities between emotional biases and belief preservation biases and between emotional biases and information processing biases. Then discuss the differences.
  3. Conclude with an analysis of how the management methods of emotional, belief preservation and information processing biases are similar and how they differ.

(NOTE: Please kindly notice that the assignment is related MBA Finance course–check the textbook of “Behavioral finance and wealth management: how to build optimal portfolios: that account for investor biases” (2nd edition)).

Your papers for this course should include substantial academic research beyond the textbook. Select academic papers addressing the topic for their contributions and findings. Simply reiterating the textbook is not meeting the expectations for these written assignments.

FISV week 5 assignment: comparing the bias Read More »

Research_Transgender Care and the Health Care Professional

Research_Transgender Care and the Health Care Professional

Can you help me understand this Nursing question?

Your paper should be between 4-5 pages long, not including your cover and reference page. A minimum of three PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES OR JOURNALS are required, published within 5 years.

APA 6th edition format will be strictly enforced.

Transgender patients face an extreme amount of resistance and discrimination within the community daily. Unfortunately, the health care arena is no exception. What challenges do transgender patients face within healthcare? How does discrimination from healthcare providers impact the transgender community? Afterward, what can be done to change or alleviate this issue–what program, system, or process can be created to help the transgender patient and the healthcare provider. How would you ensure that transgender patients don’t experience discrimination or ambivalence when seeking healthcare?

Research_Transgender Care and the Health Care Professional Read More »

Article Critique on Arbitration Case involving Unions

Article Critique on Arbitration Case involving Unions

I’m trying to learn for my Business class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

The format for the article critique is as follows:

  • Article Title
  • Journal Name and Date
  • Key Points: (Five to seven key ideas from the article)
  • Summary: (Two to three paragraphs summarizing the article in your own words)
  • Personal Evaluation: (Two to three paragraphs highlighting the relevance of this article to your position or occupation, your agreement or disagreement with the author and/or findings, and any additional insights you may have.)

Note: The arbitration does not need to be one specifically related to your occupation. It can involve any job field

Your response must be a minimum of two pages. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format.

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