Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Article Critique on Arbitration Case involving Unions

Article Critique on Arbitration Case involving Unions

I’m trying to learn for my Business class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

The format for the article critique is as follows:

  • Article Title
  • Journal Name and Date
  • Key Points: (Five to seven key ideas from the article)
  • Summary: (Two to three paragraphs summarizing the article in your own words)
  • Personal Evaluation: (Two to three paragraphs highlighting the relevance of this article to your position or occupation, your agreement or disagreement with the author and/or findings, and any additional insights you may have.)

Note: The arbitration does not need to be one specifically related to your occupation. It can involve any job field

Your response must be a minimum of two pages. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format.

Article Critique on Arbitration Case involving Unions Read More »

Nur 555 Appraise a quantitative article from your PICO search on your topic of interest

Nur 555 Appraise a quantitative article from your PICO search on your topic of interest

I need support with this Nursing question so I can learn better.

My final PICOT statement is: Healthcare workers (P) hand hygiene and proper wearing and disposal of PPEs (I) as opposed to no Intervention (C) reduces prevalence for hospital-acquired infections (O) in 6 months(T).

Appraise a quantitative article from your PICO search on your topic of interest.. Write a summary by briefly answering the following questions:

  • List the citation for the article in APA Format
  • Name the Database where you found the article (such as CINAHL, Medline, etc)
  • What was the study’s purpose, design, sampling technique, sample size, and characteristics of the sample?
  • Identify the hypothesis, independent and dependent variables.
  • How was the data evaluated (measurement tool, etc)?
  • Would the study help you with your PICOT problem? Explain.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses to consider if you were to include it in your Evidence Based Practice Change Proposal?
  • Begin with CINAHL (used advance search options for full text resources) Look in others such as (, Cochrane, Medline, Embase, PsyINFO, Cochrane, etc.).
  • Searchoptions are limited to the above mentioned References/sites only
  • Must be written using correct grammar, and college level English
  • Must have Knowledge of the question
  • 7th edition APA format
  • At least 4 references
  • Minimum 500 words

Nur 555 Appraise a quantitative article from your PICO search on your topic of interest Read More »

how conflict affect a team positive or negative

how conflict affect a team positive or negative


How conflict affects a team:–> positive and negative-


Negative conflict:


No conflict:

  1. Group think- close-mindedness- stereotyped views of outgrips- effect on conflict those who are opposed to the group are viewed as weak, evil, biased, spiteful, impotent, or stupid. Negative views of the ‘enemy’ make effective responses to conflict seem unnecessary.

Dysfunctions of a team #2 -fear of conflict

-Fear of conflict leads to artificial harmony

-Productive ideological conflict versus destructive fighting and internal politics

-Create environments where back channel politics, personal attacks and harassment thrive


Productive conflict:

Productive/good conflict = lack of commitment

The purpose of healthy debate or productive conflict is to:

  1. Produce the best possible solution and resolve issues more quickly and completely

    Good conflict is about unfiltered, passionate debate around issues

    Conflict norms must be clear

    Purpose of productive conflict is to:

  1. Produce the best possible solution

    -Discuss and resolve issues more quickly and completely

how conflict affect a team positive or negative Read More »

How Group Norms Affect Individual Behavior

How Group Norms Affect Individual Behavior

I’m studying for my Law class and need an explanation.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper discussing how group norms exert influence on an individual’s behavior.

Discuss ways employees can avoid the pitfalls of negative peer pressure and how employers can use mentors to foster positive peer pressure to create an effective team.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment and be prepared to discuss in class.


How Group Norms Affect Individual Behavior Read More »

Why many software projects fail

Why many software projects fail

I need help with a Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.


Please help me to write a 600+ word essay on the topic “Why many software projects fail” with at least 3 academic sources.

I attached some articles that I have downloaded for you. However, you are welcome to use other academic articles.

If you need unlock some articles, just post the name of those articles or the links here. I have access to many academic websites.

Here is the rubric of this paper:

1. There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main ideas are clear and are well supported by detailed and accurate information.

2. All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.

3. Writing is entirely in the author’s own words. References are appropriately and consistently cited. Limited use of Wikipedia or other non peer-reviewed sources.

Here is one of the sources articles:…

Thank you very much for bidding my essay. I think that’s I have share all the information. However, if you have any question, please let me know. I will answer you as soon as possible.

Why many software projects fail Read More »

Moral and Ethical Development Presentation

Moral and Ethical Development Presentation

Moral and ethical development in children affects student learning and school/classroom interactions. Teachers need to ensure moral and ethical instruction and interactions are taking place in the classroom/school.

For this assignment, you will create a 12-15 slide digital presentation on the subject of the moral and ethical development of children birth through adolescence. Kohlberg is considered the most important theorist in moral and ethical development in education; however, if your research uncovers a related theory, you can choose to create your presentation based on that theory. This presentation would be used as a professional development that could be shared with teachers, aides, and staff at your school.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • A description of key terms related to moral and ethical development in toddlers to adolescence, including moral and ethical development, moral behavior, moral reasoning, prosocial behavior, and emotional attribution.
  • A general overview of Kohlberg’s or your chosen theory of moral development, addressing birth through adolescence. Provide examples.
  • An explanation of which of the six stages of Kohlberg’s theory most influences childhood and examples of behaviors that might occur within these stages. If another theory was selected, explain any stages that occur and discuss the influences on childhood as well as examples of behaviors.
  • A summary of the implications of Kohlberg’s or your chosen theory on classroom instruction and management, including three classroom-based examples of what K-3 teachers can do to help students develop morally and ethically.
  • An explanation of how to support Pre-K-3 students who are struggling with moral and ethical behaviors or choices.
  • Two researched programs that address common behavioral issues (such as bullying) to support the good of the culture and society, and how they could be implemented in your school.
  • Include a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.

Support your presentation with 2-4 scholarly resources.

While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.



Read pages 59-89 and read Chapter 13.

Read “The Basics of Prosocial Behavior,” by Cherry, located on the Verywell Mind website (2017).

Read “Using Children’s Literature for Dynamic Learning Frames and Growth Mindsets,” by Enriquez, Clark, and Calce, from Reading Teacher (2017).

Read “Fostering Goodness & Caring: Promoting Moral Development of Young Children,” by Wilson, located on the Earlychildhood News website.

Explore “Behavior Disorders: Definitions, Characteristics & Related Information,” located on the Council for Exceptional Children website.

Read “Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development,” located on The Psychology Notes HQ website (2016).

Read “5 Stages of Moral Growth of Children,” located on the Ask Dr. Sears website.

Read “Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development,” by Veritas, located on the American College of Pediatricians website (2017).

Moral and Ethical Development Presentation Read More »

Answer question follow the book, write 200 words

Answer question follow the book, write 200 words

Directions: please write AT LEAST a 200-word response to the following prompt providing at least two examples from the reading.

Q: How are the rise and fall of the Egyptian, Hebrew, and Assyrian empires connected? Why was there so much shifting of power and what was the purpose of attaining more power?

Please log in :

read chapter 2 :

The Egyptians

The Nile and the God-King

Egyptian Society and Work

Migrations, Revivals, and Collapse

The Emergence of New States

The Hebrews

The Hebrew State

The Jewish Religion

Hebrew Society

The Assyrians and Persians

Assyria, the Military Monarchy

Please log in :


code: 19970826Zcc@

Answer question follow the book, write 200 words Read More »

Essay 800-1000 words. 1. A comparison between Confucius’ thoughts and Taoist thoughts in Classic China.

Essay 800-1000 words.

1. A comparison between Confucius’ thoughts and Taoist thoughts in Classic China.

The essay should follow the very basic format: an introduction, a set of arguments to support your opinion or present your comparative points, and a conclusion. (It is obvious to me that most of the essays relied too much on the Internet sources often neglect the use of such a format.)

You can certainly use materials from other sources, including sources from the Internet, but make sure you are introducing Hindu traditions and the comparison of Classical Chinese thoughts in their proper time periods. You must make proper judgments as to what materials and views should be included in your writings in your research.

The paper should be of two or three pages of length, typed in a double space and font 12 format, and having footnote/endnote been properly displayed.

Essay 800-1000 words. 1. A comparison between Confucius’ thoughts and Taoist thoughts in Classic China. Read More »

Roles of Healthcare Professionals

Roles of Healthcare Professionals

I’m studying for my Nursing class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

This assignment will be at least 1500 words or more. Reflect on the roles of nurses, and other healthcare professionals as the roles of physicians in the healthcare system moves from one of working in silos to a more progressive value-based system. Write a paper that discusses in detail why a value-based system may improve health care in the U. S. and address the following questions:

  • How has current policy transformed the current practice of nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals?
  • What distinction can you make between physicians/healthcare providers working in a fee-for-service system and a value-based care system?
  • How do you view shared power between physicians and nurses in your healthcare system? How does it impact care?

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1500-2000 words in lengthStructure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Roles of Healthcare Professionals Read More »

Course Project Part I

Course Project Part I

This week, you will begin Part 1 of your Course Project. You have now explored CBT and REBT and have begun to explore third-wave approaches. Which approach resonates with you the most so far? Which are you interested in researching in-depth?

To prepare:

  • Choose the therapy approach that you would like to research for your project (either CBT, REBT or a Third-Wave therapy such as mindfulness-based CBT, dialectical behavior therapy, or acceptance and commitment [ACT]).
  • Reflect on the techniques used within your selected approach. Also perform research in the Walden Library about its applications to specific issues and populations.

The Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • Briefly introduce the approach you have selected and summarize its theoretical foundation and major techniques/interventions.

Required Readings

Fruzzetti, A. E., & Erikson, K. R. (2010). Mindfulness and acceptance interventions in cognitive-behavioral therapy. In K. S. Dobson (Ed.), Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapies (3rd ed.) (pp. 347–356). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Cully, J. A., & Teten, A. L. (2008). A therapist’s guide to brief cognitive behavioral therapy. Retrieved from…

  • (pp. 6–24)

Evans, S., Ferrando, S., Carr, C., & Haglin, D. (2011). Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and distress in a community-based sample. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 18(6), 553–558. doi:10.1002/cpp.727
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Felder, J. N., Dimidjian, S., & Segal, Z. (2012). Collaboration in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68(2), 179–186. doi:10.1002/jclp.21832
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Henderson, V. P., Clemow, L., Massion, A. O., Hurley, T. G., Druker, S., & Hébert, J. R. (2012). The effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on psychosocial outcomes and quality of life in early-stage breast cancer patients: A randomized trial. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 131(1), 99–109. doi:10.1007/s10549-011-1738-1
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Required Media (Producer). (n.d.). Mindfulness for life: An interview with Jon Kabat-Zinn [Video file]. Author.
Note: You will access this video from the Walden Library databases.

Rampes, H. (Producer). (2015). MCBT raisin exercise: Mindfulness meditation practice [Video file]. Retrieved September 28, 2016, from

Optional Resources

Matchim, Y., Armer, J. M., & Stewert, B. R. (2011). Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on health among breast cancer survivors. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 33(8), 996–1016. doi:10.1177/0193945910385363

Robbins, C. J., Keng, S., Ekblad, A. G., & Brantley, J. G. (2011). Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on emotional experience and expression: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68(1), 117–131. doi:10.1002/jclp.20857

Course Project Part I Read More »

3-2 Final Project Milestone One: Benefits and Compensation Analysis (Section I, Parts A–C)

3-2 Final Project Milestone One: Benefits and Compensation Analysis (Section I, Parts A–C)

I don’t understand this Business question and need help to study.



Guidelines for Submission: This milestone should be 3–4 pages in length (in addition to a cover page and references section) and should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Use at least three sources, which should be cited according to APA style.

3-2 Final Project Milestone One: Benefits and Compensation Analysis (Section I, Parts A–C) Read More »

Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose

DIRECTIONS: Please provide a statement of no more than 500 words regarding your application for a degree. Your answer should use proper sentence structure and begin a new paragraph for each of the four main questions. You should respond to these points:

1. Summarize your professional and personal goals, being sure to include the motivation behind your decision to pursue a degree and how the degree will contribute to your goals.

2. Explain your past academic history and how you plan to be successful here at NWU. Please address any instances that resulted in poor academic performance or consequences at another academic institution. Outline what specific circumstances have changed in order to allow for your success now.

3. Describe your strengths and challenges as a learner. How will you address your challenges in order to maintain your academic success?

4. Provide a detailed study plan that includes the days of the week, location where you’ll be studying/completing assignments, and the specific times during the day that you’ll be devoting to your studies (e.g. Monday 2-4 pm, Tuesday, 5-7 pm).


Note: Student dropped out of high school. Student had no direction and wasn’t focused in high school. Student has a GED and decided to start college in 2019. Student completed few credits at a community college and wants to transfer to NWU because of the school’s flexibility and short terms. Student is now an adult and is more focused than before. Student realized later in life how important it is to have an education and is determined in getting a Bachelor degree in Business Management. Student believes that this degree will help him in growing his business and become a better leader.


Note: For every course taking, study time should be 10-15 hours a week. Student will take two courses per term. Study time for the week should be 20-30 hours a week total.

Admission is very particular. Please answer all four questions with proper grammar and sentence structure. No plagiarisms please. Thanks.

Statement of Purpose Read More »

MAN551 International Business

MAN551 International Business

Write minimum 4 – 5 full pages of text (content) on all three agencies:

  1. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) whose international economic organization whose purpose is to promote international monetary cooperation to facilitate the expansion of international trade,
  2. The World Trade Organization – deals with the rules countries use when trading between each other and
  3. The World Bank.

You will need 4-5 references in APA Format. You can go over 4 pages but not under. Remember your cover page.

In addition to the textbook, you may go to;, and, also the CIA Factbook.

No Wikipedia, BLOGS with ads from or search engines;; or site that challenge as they present a biased opinion.

Please submit your assignment here and it will also check originality.

MAN551 International Business Read More »

Questions about America after civil war.

Questions about America after civil war.

I’m stuck on a History question and need an explanation.

Discuss the various stages of Reconstruction. What impact did it have on African-Americans?

Describe the significance of J.D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie. Discuss the growth of their respective industries. What philosophies did both men embrace?

Discuss the plight of African Americans after the Civil War. What methods were incorporated to disenfranchise black Americans?

Who were the so-called “New Immigrants”? How were they received by native-born Americans?

Questions about America after civil war. Read More »

2 page essay – Important components dealing with business management

2 page essay – Important components dealing with business management


This first course assignment has you demonstrate the applications of the important components dealing with business management. In this assignment, explain the importance of planning, organization, staffing, directing, and controlling for effective business management. Share your own experiences tied to management skills, principles, and strategies you have implemented that have or have not worked in your past or current careers. If you do not have any experience tied to management skills, address what you like to see in managers who you have worked for in the past. Your essay submission must be at least two pages in length. You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation.

Your essay response should be formatted in accordance with APA style

2 page essay – Important components dealing with business management Read More »

Do you think that ISO 27001 standard would work well in the organization that you currently or previously have worked for? If you are currently using ISO 27001 as an ISMS framework, analyze its effectiveness as you perceive in the organization. Are there

Do you think that ISO 27001 standard would work well in the organization that you currently or previously have worked for? If you are currently using ISO 27001 as an ISMS framework, analyze its effectiveness as you perceive in the organization. Are there

The required article readings this week give a good discussion and look at some of the frameworks that are used to manage risk within organizations and enterprises. One of the readings this week provided an introduction and comparison of different frameworks. As with anything, there are going to be strengths and weaknesses to all approaches.

For your week 6 research paper, please address the following in a properly formatted research paper:

  • Do you think that ISO 27001 standard would work well in the organization that you currently or previously have worked for? If you are currently using ISO 27001 as an ISMS framework, analyze its effectiveness as you perceive in the organization.
  • Are there other frameworks mentioned has been discussed in the article that might be more effective?
  • Has any other research you uncover suggest there are better frameworks to use for addressing risks?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing

Al-Ahmad, W., & Mohammad, B. (2013). Addressing Information Security Risks by Adopting Standards. International Journal of Information Security Science, 2(2), 28–43.

Do you think that ISO 27001 standard would work well in the organization that you currently or previously have worked for? If you are currently using ISO 27001 as an ISMS framework, analyze its effectiveness as you perceive in the organization. Are there Read More »

3 page essay on marketing myopia

3 page essay on marketing myopia


Marketing Myopia Essay

The marketing concept consists of elements that concern market segmentation and how it relates to target markets. Also, recall that promotion is used to reach those target markets.

In this essay, define the marketing concept and summarize its relationship to marketing myopia. Give an example of marketing myopia that you have seen.

  • Your essay must include an introduction.
  • You must also reference at least one journal article from the CSU Online Library and one article from a business-related or news website; therefore, your essay should be supported by at least two sources.
  • Your essay must be at least three pages in length and double-spaced—not counting the title and reference pages.
  • All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations
3 Attachments

3 page essay on marketing myopia Read More »

Key differences between data, information, information technology (IT), and information systems (IS)

Key differences between data, information, information technology (IT), and information systems (IS)

In this unit, you have learned about management information systems (MIS) and the importance of it. For this assignment, compose a paper that discusses the key differences between data, information, information technology (IT), and information systems (IS). Your paper should address the components listed below.

  • Define what is meant by information.
  • Define what is meant by data.
  • Create two matrices (one for data and one for information) that illustrate the key differences between information and data, place the matrices into your paper, and briefly discuss the differences in one or two paragraphs. Each matrix should contain characteristics and/or facts about the subjects (data and information) that show how they are different.
  • Define IT.
  • Define IS.
  • Using the five-component model as an example, discuss some differences between IT and IS.

If you are using Microsoft Word, you can develop a matrix using this program. For an example of how to create a matrix using Microsoft Word, see the explanation by clicking the link below.

Microsoft. (n.d.). Create a matrix. Retrieved from

You may use another computer software program that you are familiar with to create the matrices. However, you must submit your assignment in a Microsoft Word document, and the matrices should be included in the body of your paper.

Your paper must be a minimum of two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages), and you must use at least two resources as references. Any information from these resources must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Key differences between data, information, information technology (IT), and information systems (IS) Read More »

Details provided below

Details provided below

When politics and medical science intersect, there can be much debate. Sometimes anecdotes or hearsay are misused as evidence to support a particular point. Despite these and other challenges, however, evidence-based approaches are increasingly used to inform health policy decision-making regarding causes of disease, intervention strategies, and issues impacting society. One example is the introduction of childhood vaccinations and the use of evidence-based arguments surrounding their safety.

In this Discussion, you will identify a recently proposed health policy and share your analysis of the evidence in support of this policy.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Congress website provided in the Resources and identify one recent (within the past 5 years) proposed health policy in California.
  • Review the health policy you identified and reflect on the background and development of this health policy.

By Day 3 of Week 7

Post a description of the health policy you selected and a brief background for the problem or issue being addressed. Explain whether you believe there is an evidence base to support the proposed policy and explain why. Be specific and provide examples.

Rubric provided, APA format, use 3 credible sources (within 5 years). Please red carefully on the bolded instructions.

Details provided below Read More »

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