Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Making Acquaintances: Differences and Similarities

Making Acquaintances: Differences and Similarities

The country is Iraq

1. Each student will provide a brief cultural write-up relating to his/her representative country (chosen for Making Acquaintances: Do’s and Don’ts): (20 points)

  1. Historical background
  2. Communication styles (language, both verbal and non-verbal)
  3. Beliefs (religion, family, nature, etc.)
  4. Society structure (gender equality, role of children, family, ethnic groups, leaders, government, political ideologies, hierarchies)

VERY IMPORTANT – your final score will greatly depend on this.

In the next sections, associations SHOULD be made with the value orientations addressed in the Values portion of this course:

  • Human Nature (Universalism-Particularism, Good/Evil, High-Context/Low-Context, Uncertainty Avoidance)
  • Relation to Nature (Subjugation, Harmony, Mastery, Inner-/Outer-Directed)
  • Activity Orientation (Achievement/Ascription, Doing-Being-Being-Becoming)
  • Human Relationships (Affectivity/Affective Neutrality, Instrumental/Expressive, Self (Individualistic)/Collective (Collateral)/Linear, Egalitarian/Hierarchical, Power Distance)
  • Relation to Time (Past-Present-Future, Monochronic/Polychronic, Low-Context/High-Context

2. Each student will provide a list of ‘Reasons for Codes of Cultural Behavior’ for tourists visiting his/her representative country. This list will explain to tourists why it is important that they follow each of the Do’s and Don’ts (that you listed in your Making Acquaintances: Do’s and Don’t’s assignment) (attached is the Do’s and Don’t assignment from the previous one), from the hosts’ cultural (values of the culture) perspective, and should include the following: (40 points)

  1. Five major ‘Do’s’ for tourists
    1. At least one appropriate value orientation of the culture for each ‘Do’ (20 points) (Describe in detail one distinct value orientation for each Do. Do not repeat value orientations for the items on the list of Dos.)
  2. Five major ‘Don’ts’ for tourists
    1. At least one appropriate value orientation of the culture for each ‘Don’t’ (20 points) (Describe in detail one distinct value orientation for each Don’t. Do not repeat value orientations for the items on the list of Don’t’s.)

3. Each student will provide APA-style citations within the text whenever applicable and compile a list of APA-style references (reference page) for all resources used in his/her write-up (5 points).

4. On the ‘Making Acquaintances Part 2’ discussion forum, each student will post his/her findings about the representative country in a thread by the due date.

Making Acquaintances: Differences and Similarities Read More »

Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being

Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 2
Question Description: Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being

Many addiction treatment programs incorporate a multi factor approach to treatment, focusing on the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well being of the individual (Alcoholics Anonymous, 2012). Not only does addiction harm the body, it may also affect the mental well being of an individual. In addition, spirituality may also play an important role in addiction treatment. Each area of well being must be carefully assessed, examined, and treated. Failure to do so may result in a greater chance for relapse. It is also essential to consider the influence of gender for a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well being when treating addiction (Myers & Salt, 2013).

For this Discussion, review this week’s resources and consider how physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well being are influenced by addiction. In addition, think about how men, women, or people with gender variant or gender non-conforming identities with addiction might experience the areas of well being differently.
By Day 3
Post an explanation of two ways addiction impacts the physical, emotional, and spiritual well being of clients with problems with addiction. Then, explain how gender might influence the physical, emotional, and spiritual well being of clients with problems with addiction. Support your response using the resources and the current literature.

Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being Read More »

TwoQuestions in Regards to financialobligtions and benefits for employees.

TwoQuestions in Regards to financialobligtions and benefits for employees.

1. Companies have financial obligation to its employees. The issue of organizations having the ability to pay the employees can be an important factor during the negotiation process. In efforts to make certain the organization has the ability to meet the financial responsibility to the employees, some things should be considered. Not only do the organization look at the financial obligation, they should also look at the worth or importance of the job. Based on what you have learned, define job analysis. Identify and discuss in detail two things that are a result of the job analysis.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

2. Social security, unemployment insurance, and workers’ compensation are employee benefits required by law and are not negotiated. Based on the reading in this unit, identify and discuss the 5 groups of those benefits that are mandatory issues for negotiations. Provide an example of each.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Word document has been attached, along with a guide.

TwoQuestions in Regards to financialobligtions and benefits for employees. Read More »

Explain in a two-page essay the process and steps your company will have to take to defend this action

Explain in a two-page essay the process and steps your company will have to take to defend this action

Assume that an unfair labor practice charge was filed against your company by several employees and three prospective employees. See the form linked below indicating the charge, which outlines the scenario below:

On July 29, 2016, Delphi Golf, Inc. and the union entered a collective bargaining agreement. The majority of the company’s employees covered by the agreement had not designated the union as their collective-bargaining representative. The agreement contains a union-security clause requiring employees who are members in good standing of the union to maintain their membership in good standing and all other employees to become members of the union on or before the 31st day following the effective date of the agreement or the date of their hire. The union instructed Delphi Golf, Inc. not to employ three servers for restaurant positions in the company because the servers were not members of the union. The company is an employer within the meaning of Section 2(2) of the act engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the act.

Explain in a two-page essay the process and steps your company will have to take to defend this action. Explain the defenses to the action and if the union employees have valid claims. What actions by the employer should have been done differently, if at all? What actions by the union should have been done differently? Who, if anyone, is liable?

You are required to use at least your guide as source material for your response. All sources used, including the guide, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA style citations.

Guide has been attached. As well as the Case

Explain in a two-page essay the process and steps your company will have to take to defend this action Read More »

DQ6 Community Nursing APA Format

DQ6 Community Nursing APA Format

Chapter 10: Cultural Competence: Awareness, Sensitivity, and Respect

Think for a while about cultural practices and how they affect health or illness in your own family. They may be difficult to identify as such at first, but they do exist. What ideas about illness prevention does your family adhere to? What do you do when someone gets sick? What rituals does your family practice when someone dies?

DQ6 Community Nursing APA Format Read More »

Health Care system

Health Care system

Research the delivery, finance, management, and sustainability methods of the U.S. health care system. Evaluate the effectiveness of one or more of these areas on quality patient care and health outcomes. Propose a potential health care reform solution to improve effectiveness in the area you evaluated and predict the expected effect. Describe the effect of health care reform on the U.S. health care system and its respective stakeholders. Support your post with a peer-reviewed journal article.

Health Care system Read More »

Health Care system

Health Care system

Research the delivery, finance, management, and sustainability methods of the U.S. health care system. Evaluate the effectiveness of one or more of these areas on quality patient care and health outcomes. Propose a potential health care reform solution to improve effectiveness in the area you evaluated and predict the expected effect. Describe the effect of health care reform on the U.S. health care system and its respective stakeholders. Support your post with a peer-reviewed journal article.

Health Care system Read More »

you need to choose ONLY ONE journal on marketing and write 500 words on what the journal was about.

Fundamentals of marketing

you need to choose ONLY ONE journal on marketing and write 500 words on what the journal was about.

for example: you are interested in creating product value, so you can choose a journal that is talking about it

• What are the key themes in the article?

• What is the purpose of the study?

• Who is the intended audience for the work and is there background information to the ‘problem’ or research question?

• Is there discussion of how significant the work is to an understanding of Marketing?

• How many sources were used to write the paper?

• Are all the references used relevant to the ‘problem’ or research question?

• Does the author\s critically analyse the references e.g. question their relevance or outcomes

• Is the empirical research study qualitative or quantitative? Why?

• What is the size of the sample? Why is this important?

• How was the research data collected?

• How are the results presented? Are the results significant? Are the results unexpected?

• Are the results easy to follow?

• Is there evidence of ‘new’ findings?

• Were the new findings related to theory and\or practice?

• What were the key limitations of the article?

these are the questions that your journal should be able to answer. you don’t have to answer them like questions and answer. but more like in a paragraph.

you need to choose ONLY ONE journal on marketing and write 500 words on what the journal was about. Read More »

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:

Healthcare professionals would be thrilled if individuals made decisions about what to eat based on a solid knowledge of what constitutes a “healthy diet.” Unfortunately, that is not typically the case. Many people do not know what constitutes a healthy diet. There are also those who do know but make less healthy choices for several reasons.

The food choices that people make are influenced by a variety of factors. Factor-categories include, but are not limited to, environmental cues, socioeconomic realities, cultural/religious beliefs, and the availability of foods in the community.

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:

  1. Explain what nutrition is and why it is important.
  2. Describe the characteristics of a healthy diet and provide supporting examples.
  3. Identify at least two (2) factors (other than culture) that can impact a person’s food choices and provide a specific example for each.
  4. Research a culture (e.g., ethnic, religious, dietary) where specific food restrictions are dictated and address the following:
    1. Describe the restrictions.
    2. Explain how the restrictions could make it difficult for an individual to achieve a healthy diet.
    3. What dietary alternatives could be incorporated to overcome the dietary restrictions?
  5. Cite at least 3 credible references and present the resources in APA format on the References page

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following: Read More »

DEFM200 Acquisition Cycle and Process

DEFM200 Acquisition Cycle and Process

After completing the readings for the week, offer your perspective on what is contract management, the contract life cycle, and contracting competencies. Consider the four supply chain alignment configurations discussed in the Dynamic Supply text. The four supply chain configurations are lean supply chains, agile supply chains, fully flexible supply chains, and continuous replenishment supply chains.

Please review the PowerPoint regarding an overview of Program Management and the overview regarding ethical behaviors in Government Contracting.

Initial response 250

DEFM200 Acquisition Cycle and Process Read More »

Discussion Post (1/2-1 Page)

Discussion Post (1/2-1 Page)


  1. Look through the Human Right’s Campaign’s map of state policies. We can see that gay marriage is legal in all states. Check out some of the other policies and compare different states. Why do you think that advocacy for LGBT rights are still important after the right to marriage has been won?

Resources for Assessment:

Please include references and provide the url link to all journal articles you use as references. Use current (meaning within the past 2 years) scholarly journal articles as references. Use APA 6th edition format. Thanks!

Discussion Post (1/2-1 Page) Read More »

make sure it’s 8 sentences, no plagiarism!

make sure it’s 8 sentences, no plagiarism!

Sexual orientation and gender identity are the largest share of reported hate crimes in the District of Columbia and they are up in 2017 compared to 2016, according to data compiled by the Metropolitan Police Department.

The analysis looked at 43 defendants arrested by D.C. police between 2016 and 2018 for suspected hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity and sought the outcome of the cases.

(Links to an external site.)

None of the 43 defendants have been successfully prosecuted under the District’s hate crimes law, which allows a sentencing enhancement of 1.5 times the punishment for the underlying crime. The data also show that just 16 percent of those defendants ended up being charged by prosecutors for a hate crime.

Forty-nine percent of the cases were dismissed, either by pre-trial diversion or because the United States Attorney’s Office dropped the charges.

LGBT rights advocate and Casa Ruby founder Ruby Corado called FOX 5’s findings disappointing.

“It really creates a culture of impunity because people can they know they can come from outside the region and find targets,” said Corado.

Casa Ruby is a safe space and drop-in center for LGBT people, many of whom are transgender and homeless. Corado herself has also been a victim of a hate crime.

“I suffered an attack where a person left me for dead in the living room of my own apartment and I didn’t even show up for court because I was so wounded,” she said.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office declined to speak on camera with FOX 5. A spokesman did email a statement saying:

“The U.S. Attorney’s Office is committed to investigating and prosecuting individuals who carry out bias-related crimes in the District of Columbia.

“We seek enhancements in cases that we believe will meet the legal threshold in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. In order to meet that standard, we must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed a specific criminal act covered by federal or D.C. law and that the crime was motivated by prejudice. In assessing whether the crime was committed because of specific bias, we carefully evaluate factors such as the words used by defendants while committing the crimes, the use of symbols of hatred, patterns of conduct on the part of the defendants, and any other information that indicates that the defendants were motivated in whole or in part by animus against a particular group. We investigate those cases flagged by our law enforcement partners as well as others that come to our attention. As in all of our matters, we make decisions based on the applicable law and the facts and circumstances of each case.”

The U.S. Attorney’s Office did share that it is currently prosecuting six defendants for hate crimes based on sexual orientation or gender identity and seeking the hate crimes enhancement for sentencing. They include four people accused of robbery and murder after allegedly shooting and killing 22-year-old Deenequa Dodds (Links to an external site.) on July 4, 2016 in Northeast D.C. Dodds was transgender.

Victims can also play a role in the failed prosecution of hate crimes. In one instance in 2016, a man was called a homophobic slur, punched and knocked out inside Union Station. The victim did not want to be identified, but told FOX 5 on the phone he asked prosecutors not to seek a hate crimes charge because he believed the suspect was mentally ill and needed treatment.

Corado and other LGBT advocates believe prosecutors should try harder to seek convictions for hate crimes.

“No one wants to live in a city where you yourself can become a target one day, where a criminal can come and say I will hurt you knowing that nothing will happen,” said Corado.

First, read the article in our module this week, and watch the video embedded in the article, about the prosecution of hate crimes.

Let’s discuss hate crimes.

Why do we classify hate crimes differently than other crimes? What enhancement to punishment exists in DC for hate crime cases (according to the article and video)?

The article states that in DC, very few hate crime cases get prosecuted. Why do you think that is?

Now do some research about hate crime statistics in another state, city, or in the US overall. What do the statistics tell us?

Lastly, in your opinion, is hate crime legislation necessary?

make sure it’s 8 sentences, no plagiarism! Read More »

Practical Connection Assignment : Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment

Practical Connection Assignment : Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment

Course Name: Enterprise Risk Management

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

****This is a Practical Connection Assignment

So far the Topics covered in this course:

Week 1 Topic: Risk Management and Enterprise Risk Management

Summary: We had an informative introduction over risk management and enterprise risk management practices. We also had the opportunity to review the literature in the risk management body of knowledge.

Week 2 Topic: Risk Management and Enterprise Risk Management

Summary: We had an informative introduction over risk management practices. We also had the opportunity to discuss the value provided by the ERM program and development of enterprise risk management.

Week 3 Topic: Integrating ERM with Strategy

Summary: In week 3 discussed about how to improve the performance of risk management strategies. In addition, we will also discuss enterprise risk management strategy.

Week 4 Topic: Integrating ERM with Strategy

Summary: In this week’s chapters, we will study the different compliance and governance models and how they are used in a risk management program.

By reading the Integration of ERM with Strategy Case, it supports the premise that increasing complexity due to industry changes, globalization, and shifts in technology and business cycles can produce more strategic risks than ever. Linking ERM to a company’s strategic planning can help ensure that strategic initiatives are connected to risk-mitigation strategies and that changes are met with thorough analysis to help a firm sustain its competitive advantage.

Week 5 Topic: Risk Management Frameworks

Summary: In this week’s chapters, we will study and discuss organization’s relationship between information security and ISO 27001

Week 6 Topic: Risk Management Frameworks

Summary: We had several activities that supported our learning about frameworks used to manage risk within organizations and enterprises. Information systems are susceptible to cyber-crime and this can range from minor security breaches to breaches that can lead to huge financial losses for an individual or a company.

Week 7 Topic: Risk Management Frameworks and Assessment

Summary: The activities this week will help us to know about the risk factors associated with using cloud based technology, which include:

In the article, The Cloud is Rising to the Cybersecurity Challenge, Kalev Leetaru states that a common cause of data breaches relative to the cloud occur because of “misconfigured access restrictions on storage resources

This is is practical connection assignment the paper should strongly demonstrates the practical application, or ability to apply, of course objectives within a work environment.

consider me working as a cloud Engineer at a major telecommunication client .

Practical Connection Assignment : Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment Read More »

Operational Excellence and Competitive Advantage

Operational Excellence and Competitive Advantage

  • What are the top 2 operational challenges in your industry?(Tesla)
  • What differentiates the most competitive organizations from the laggards in your industry?
  • What do you hope to get out of this course as it relates to operations management in your workplace?……

Operational Excellence and Competitive Advantage Read More »

Discussion Board – 75-100 words

Discussion Board – 75-100 words

Provide an example of a time when you were either the manager or a subordinate and there was a lack of planning that affected a human resources-related effort you were part of. Share one issue that occurred, and identify what you, as a manager (or subordinate), did to recover and move on from this incident.

No formatting necessary, just provide a paragraph.

Hello, this is just a discussion post and there is not any formatting necessary. Just one paragraph typed into this response box that answers the questions will suffice.

Discussion Board – 75-100 words Read More »

AHS 8300 week 6 progress report

AHS 8300 week 6 progress report

Please submit your Weekly Progress Report for Week 6.


Prof feedback on week 5

Hi Isha, 1) Can we consider all dissertations and theses available from ProQuest Dissertations &Theses Global scholarly articles for the literature review? As Dr. Campanicki explained, you may read dissertations and theses, but these are typically not included within the references in your Literature Review. You cannot quote the author of a dissertation or thesis. However, you can use these documents to give you ideas for writing your own thesis. Additionally, you can look through the references they used and if pertinent, include them within your paper.

2) Are there limits in the use of academic sources to give evidence for research? No, there are no limits. However, you need to strike a balance of different sources used in developing your paper. You should have a diversity of sources with which to draw upon for developing information in your paper

Please see the feedback and recommendation made by the predecessor

This are his response to the question on week 5 progress report

AHS 8300 week 6 progress report Read More »

need to write short answer of 3 question

need to write short answer of 3 question

How would the task environment of a new internet-based company compare to that of a large government agency?

What are some ways in which the international sector affects organizations in your city or community?

Do you think planning becomes more important or less important in a world where everything is changing fast? Why or why not?

just need to write short answer of three question maybe one each reference

need to write short answer of 3 question Read More »

Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions

Sunyer et al. (2013), Hughes et al. (2014) – Questions for Discussion 10/9/20

1) What categories did Sunyer et al. (2013) use to classify “acorn use” and “mice behavior”? Broadly, what were the tools Sunyer et al. used to track these uses and behaviors? (2 pts)

2) What was the role that scent played in influencing mice behavior (i.e. the 4 behavior categories)? How did Sunyer et al. (2013) determine this? (2 pts)

3) How would the role of genets change if live genets were used instead of their scent? What might happen to the population size of mice and their seed predation patterns? (2 pts)

4) In Sunyer et al. (2013), compare and contrast the observed effects of conspecific and predator scents on mice acorn predation and dispersal. (2pts)

5) In the Hughes et al. (2014) paper, what was the observed difference between acoustic and chemical cues? What environmental conditions might affect the chemical cues? (2 pts)

6) In Hughes et al. (2014), what explanation do the authors give for the black drum and catfish acoustic cues having a greater effect on crab foraging behavior than the toadfish or snapping shrimp? (2 pts)

7) What physiological mechanisms within crabs allowed them to detect acoustic cues from marine fish? (1 pt)

8) What are non-consumptive effects? From your reading of Sunyer et al. (2014) and Hughes et al. (2014), what aspects of prey can we measure to understand if non-consumptive effects are influencing prey populations? What would we need to measure to understand consumptive effects? (3 pts)

9) Define “cascading effects” and explain an example of these effects from either Sunyer et al. (2013) or Hughes et al. (2014). (2pts)

10) Write out the citation for both journal articles using Journal of Ecology formatting. (2 pts)


**Please answer the top question after reading the two articles, and follow the other document for ecology citation.

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Community needs assessment of your zip code/ neighborhood. Utilizing the community assessment components (People, Place/Environment, and Social Systems)

Community needs assessment of your zip code/ neighborhood. Utilizing the community assessment components (People, Place/Environment, and Social Systems)

For this scholarly paper, you will complete a community needs assessment of your zip code/ neighborhood. Utilizing the community assessment components (People, Place/Environment, and Social Systems), address the guidelines listed below: Describe the Community 1. People (demographic data and biological, social, and cultural factors) 2. Place/Environment (physical and environmental factors) 3. Social Systems (health systems, economic factors, resources, and services) Research and Analysis of the Community  Conduct a windshield survey of your neighborhood.  Analyze the data on your community (the windshield survey information along with any data and statistics you found).  Identify your community’s needs and strengths.  Identify a community health program/resource that your community could utilize to alleviate the needs you’ve indicated.  Summarize how this community health program/resource helps meet the Healthy People 2030 initiatives.  Reflect on what you learned from the assignment and how it will impact your practice in the future. Requirements:  Your paper must be APA format and at least 750 words not to exceed 1000 words.  Double space your paper and use Times New Roman 12-point font and 1” margins.  Proofread your paper; visit and present proof of seeing a writing tutor before submitting your paper to “Turn-it-in”.  A minimum of two (2) scholarly references (ex. Healthy People 2030 and Center for Disease Control) must be used. APA format must be used in citing and referencing sources.

Community needs assessment of your zip code/ neighborhood. Utilizing the community assessment components (People, Place/Environment, and Social Systems) Read More »

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