Author name: Rosemary Mosco

PPD Team Presentation

PPD Team Presentation

Public Policy and Management

1. Tutor must thoroughly read the assigned reading on: Shui-Yan Tang and Daniel A. Mazmanian (2010) “Understanding Collaborative Governance from the Structural Choice Politics, IAD, and Transaction Cost Perspectives,” Working Paper, USC Bedrosian Center on Governance, and the Public Enterprise. (Attached to this question).

2. Tutor MUST collectively decide on 5 to 7 key ideas from the reading. Once you have these ideas, you should conduct research on a policy issue or public organization that the ideas from the reading could apply to. Good places to find policy issues are national newspapers (NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal etc.) or local newspapers (LA Times, Orange County Register, etc.). Public organizations to consider are: Federal government and agencies, state governments and agencies, county or local governments and agencies, and national or local non-profits.

4. When linking the reading to the specific policy issue or public organization you choose, you should keep the following in mind:

a. What key facets of the policy issues or public organization connect to the reading?

b. How does theory come to life in the policy issues or public organization you have chosen?

c. How can this policy issue or public organization help us learn the 3 to 5 key ideas from the reading you have identified?

d. Are there any gaps, inaccuracies, or other problems you see in the reading? Is this reflected in the real-world context you have chosen to examine?

5. When developing your 5 to 7 key ideas from the reading and how they link to your specific policy issue or public organization, remember to avoid making your presentation a mechanical summary of the reading. The goal of this exercise is to build your critical thinking skills and to develop you understanding of how theory connects to the real world. You should make attempts at novel insights and aim to join theory to practice. You MUST have a 3-10 PowerPoint slides to accompany your presentation.

6. After presenting your 5 to 7 key ideas and how they connect to the policy issue or public organization you have chosen, the team should raise 1 to 2 questions for class discussion. You are encouraged to use creative ways to organize the discussion around your key ideas and related real-world application.

7. Include a related video (3 min or less) from a news organization, think tank, or other credible source that relates to your presentation.

8. The evaluation of presentation will be based on the following criteria:

a. Thoughtfulness: creativity, insights, etc. (the key is to go beyond any mechanical summary) (5 points)

b. Delivery, i.e., whether each team member explain the ideas clearly and effectively; whether presentation guidelines are followed (5 points)

c. Quality of the discussion questions, and whether they trigger fruitful discussion (5 points).

*** Ensure that all work is not plagiarized and meets the standards posed above, otherwise payment will not be remitted***

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Fwd: G501: 1 page, due 1pm

Fwd: G501: 1 page, due 1pm

Tittle: Argumentative essay
Choose Topic: English
Select number of pages: 1
Question Description: Scenario: You are presenting your end-of-class celebration plans to a jury whose sole purpose is to approve or reject end-of-class celebration plans. This jury has decided many such cases, so it is your job to make your case compelling, engaging, exciting, unique, and argumentatively sound.

Toward that goal, and in three fully-developed paragraphs, please address the prompt questions .

A special note: While you should employ pre-writing, planning, and drafting techniques, please use a separate document or notebook for those pre-writing, planning, and stages. The final draft of your 3 exam paragraphs should be the only items you submit.

Fwd: G501: 1 page, due 1pm Read More »

Describe what “euphoric recall” is. What would it mean to individuals who are trying to stop using alcohol/drugs and how would they be able to work with that as counselors.

Describe what “euphoric recall” is. What would it mean to individuals who are trying to stop using alcohol/drugs and how would they be able to work with that as counselors.

Type a paragraph to answer the question. Describe what “euphoric recall” is. What would it mean to individuals who are trying to stop using alcohol/drugs and how would they be able to work with that as counselors.

Describe what “euphoric recall” is. What would it mean to individuals who are trying to stop using alcohol/drugs and how would they be able to work with that as counselors. Read More »

Social Issue Narrative Essay

Social Issue Narrative Essay

Please be sure to complete by 8/28

Length: 750 word minimum

Format: MLA (12 pt. times new Roman font, double spacing, 1 in. margins)

The goal of this project is to develop skills in generating ideas by reflecting on personal preferences and experiences and how they enhance your knowledge or interest in the future. You will need to assess your audience and follow conventions of narrative essays to complete this project successfully. You will also use the steps of the writing process to compose a successful draft. Purpose: The goal of this assignment is to show your audience how a real life event inspired your interest in a social issue. You will have to choose a social issue that is important to you (this can be as simple as hair care or as complex as a key political issue). The story should be used to show your audience why this social issue is important to you. Beyond telling a story, you are explaining why that story is important to your interest and understanding of your issue. Content: This genre requires details and information that will help your audience visualize the events you are recounting. You are telling a story about a single event that influenced your interest in the social issue you are discussing. You get to choose the issue and decide how to approach it. This is creative non-fiction and you must focus around an actual event, but this can be interspersed with details that have the essence of the event even if they are not completely accurate. For example, if you cannot recall a conversation verbatim, you can still use that conversation in text by telling your audience the essence of what was said, even if it is not the exact language used. The conversation and topic must be based on real events. The overall goal of this essay is to relate an event to your interest in your chosen social issue. Do not focus solely on the narrative aspects of your experience and fail to explain what it led to and what it taught you about your issue.

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Read 2 chapters and answer 2 questions

Read 2 chapters and answer 2 questions

1. According to Sternheimer, in what ways has sex been a controversial issue in American popular culture for nearly 100 years? When did politicians first begin calling for government censorship of Hollywood, and for what reasons, including those having nothing to do with sex? Do you believe that Hollywood films still represent sexuality in distorted ways, especially when compared to films from other countries? How so?

2. Discuss the recent controversy over teen “sexting.” What are some of the key underlying fears, and what actual evidence supports or undermines these concerns? How does present teen sexual activity compare to decades past, and what demographic patterns seem to exist?

3. What arguments are presented linking popular culture to obesity, particularly advertising and television, and why does Sternheimer find this connections more complicated than they appear? What other socioeconomic factors may play a greater role?

4. What are some of the possible links between the fashion industry and eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia? What other factors does the author propose as greater indicators in girls’ lives? In your own experience, to what degree do you believe media and popular culture influence our perceptions of our bodies and beauty as a whole? Do you think that advertisers and the fashion industry bear a responsibility to promote a greater diversity of each?


This week we are doing exactly the same thing again here. 400 words minimum, and please follow the question and answer format.

Book. Sternheimer, Karen (2013). Connecting Social Problems and Popular Culture: Why Media is Not the Answer, Second Edition. Westview Press. ISBN 081334723

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