Author name: Rosemary Mosco

1200 words work

1200 words work

Psychological Testing Using the ___________” (the instrument you select)

NOTICE***(Due Sunday by midnight at the end of week 3)

  • This month you are to write a 1200-word research paper on psychological testing using one of the following instruments: California Psychological Inventory, 16 Personality Factors or the MMPI.
  • This paper is worth 15% of your grade.
  • Please use the APA format and cite at least four (4) sources. Take time to review the APA video posted in the Getting Started area of the course.
Assignment Requirements (Use as a checklist):

You will select one of the above testing instruments:

  • CPI
  • 16PF
  • MMPI

and research and discuss the following aspects of the test:

  1. Development and Description
  2. Uses
  3. What does it measure
  4. Strengths
  5. Weaknesses
  6. Reliability
  7. Validity
  8. Administration
  • Use a 10 or 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman Font
  • Double-space paper
  • Minimum of 1200 words. No more than 2,000 words
  • Minimum of four (4) cited sources
  • Use APA format and parenthetical citations right after cited material (See below)
  • Make sure your name is on your paper
  • Paper should contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion

* There will be a 20 pt penalty for writing less than 1200 words on this assignment.

Suggested Outline

  • Name on top right corner of page
  • Title centered 4 spaces under name
  • Introduction – 1st paragraph.

State thesis: purpose of paper. This is the last sentence of your introduction. (E.g., “Since families play such a major role in our lives, it is very important to understand the theories and systems at work within them.”)

  • Body – 2nd thru 6th or 8th paragraphs ( as needed)
  • Conclusion – Last paragraph
  1. Restate your thesis or the purpose of your paper
  2. Write about why this is important
  3. Remember to make the conclusion similar in length to the other paragraphs

Many students write a one or two sentence conclusion. Do not do that.

Grading Rubric for Final Project

Item DescriptionPercent
Correct definition of Concepts10%
Statement of main points and thesis in introduction5%
Properly indented paragraphs5%
Content in introduction5%
Content in body40%
Content in conclusion5%
Balance – paragraphs similar in length – about 150 words5%
Organization – followed format (intro, body, conclusion)5%
  • There will be a 10pt. penalty for each day the assignment is late. It is due Sunday, by midnight, of week 3.
  • There will be a 100 pt. penalty for plagiarizing. This means a 0. If in doubt, cite, cite, cite.

1200 words work Read More »

Discussion Questions: Strategic Management

Discussion Questions: Strategic Management


  1. Understand the basic concepts and terminology used in Strategic Management. (Lo 1.2)
  2. Understand the Corporation Social Responsibility (Lo 1.4).
  3. Explain how executive leadership is an important part of strategic management (Lo 3.4)



ü Question 1:  How does strategic management typically evolve in a corporation?



ü Question 2: Discuss the influence of globalization, social responsibility and environmental sustainability on strategic management of a corporation.


ü Question 3: In what ways can a corporation’s structure and culture be internal strengths or weaknesses? Justify your answer by examples from real market.



ü Question 4: When does a corporation need a board of directors? Justify your answer by an example from Saudi market. 


Discussion Questions: Strategic Management Read More »

Compose a 1000- to 1200-word news article on a topic that is relevant to your local community.

Compose a 1000- to 1200-word news article on a topic that is relevant to your local community.

  • Compose a 1000- to 1200-word news article on a topic that is relevant to your local community.
    • Must be a multi-draft composition: it should be brainstormed, planned, drafted, redrafted, revised, and edited, and should appear in its final draft form as a fully realized, carefully crafted, and meticulously revised and edited composition.
    • Must write for your community or your campus, so you must choose a local story or a broader story with a local focus: this means you can cover a national story but from a local angle.
    • Must NOT use other news stories as sources for your own story. You must conduct your own interviews and dig up data and facts from primary sources on your own. In other words, you cannot build your news story off the legwork of other journalists, and since you are writing a local story, this should be easier than you think. Interview neighbors, city council members, participants, and so on and turn to government websites (like the Dallas County COVID website, for example), police reports, surveys, and so on.
    • Must be purely objective; in other words, you cannot express your opinion or judgment in any way. You must purely report the news.
Must apply all the genre elements and design and style elements addressed in Chapter 9 of our book.

hi, this is all the question has. You can get started.

Compose a 1000- to 1200-word news article on a topic that is relevant to your local community. Read More »

Trident, ENG 102 Case 2

Trident, ENG 102 Case 2

We have all heard about the girl who wants to join the wrestling team and the boy who wants an Easy-Bake Oven. Think about some of your earliest experiences with gender. Consider at school, extracurricular activities, your parents, your friends, etc. Discuss gender roles, stereotypes, myths, and/or controls in society that existed then and you see exist today. Do you feel that males or females have more or less “controls” placed on them by society? Is it fair? Do you believe that boys and girls/men and women should stick to the qualities, interests, etc., that society deems appropriate for their gender?

No more than 300 words.


Prepare an outline for the essay assigned for the Module 2 Case using the Formal Essay Outline.


Note: Module 2 SLP should be completed before the Module 2 Case.

Reflecting on the four gender-related videos for Module 2, write a well-organized and well-supported essay in which you help challenge society’s limiting gender narratives.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it would be an explanation of gender roles, stereotypes, myths, and/or controls in society today. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be a statement affirming what needs to be done to limit gender narratives in society today.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Will you have a paragraph for each change? Will you divide the body of your paper into three or more paragraphs, one for each point? In any case, each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. In this case, where is our society headed? Is it too late for change?

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 2 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English.

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins.

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.

This essay must include a combination of no fewer than SIX in-text citations from the four assigned background sources for Module 2. Citations are to be a combination of direct quotations and paraphrased quotations with or without the author’s name. No additional outside sources are to be used for this assignment.

Assignment Expectations

  • Write an essay (no fewer than four pages in length) that states and supports an original thesis statement in which you help challenge society’s limiting gender narratives.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify credible and reliable sources for use in a well-supported and cohesive essay.
  • Demonstrate the ability to write a direct quote, paraphrased, or summary citation in APA Style

Argumentation, Trident University International

Integrating Sources and Intro to APA, Trident University International

Evaluating Sources: General Guidelines…

4 Ladies get the ‘cover model’ makeover of their dreams … And then hate the results. (n.d.). Upworthy. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from…

Geena Davis & Media’s Portrayal of Women | Full Frame. (2017, October 25). Retrieved from…

The mask you live in. (n.d.). The Representation Project. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from…

Watch these 4 girls destroy the female stereotype like the monsters they are. (n.d.). Upworthy. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from…

Trident, ENG 102 Case 2 Read More »

MAN551 International Business

MAN551 International Business

Topics: Regional Trade Pacts Give the Mexican Auto Industry an Edge (NAFTA and BRICS) & Global Human Resource Management

Human capital is a company asset, but it’s not listed on the balance sheet. Human capital is all of the creative skills, knowledge, talents, and abilities that embody employees.

Explain the unique characteristic of human capital for the right fit for International Human Resources Management operations of hiring expatriates.

Define ALL four ERPG Model of (1) ethnocentric, (2) geocentric, (3) polycentric, and (4) regio-centric/region-centric staffing approaches with the ability to adapt to different cultures in foreign environments. What are the strategies and challenges?

Write 3-4 FULL pages of text with 3-4 references in APA Format using the most recent data. You can go over 3 pages but not under.

No Wikipedia, BLOGS with ads from or,;; or site that challenge as they present a biased opinion.

MAN551 International Business Read More »

Apply: Case Study Analysis Assignment Content

Apply: Case Study Analysis

Assignment Content

  1. Read “Case 12: Chipotle Mexican Grill’s Strategy in 2018: Will the New CEO Be Able to Rebuild Customer Trust and Revive Sales Growth?” in your Connect textbook.
    Write a 350- to 700-word response that addresses the following questions:

    • What factors contributed to the loss of confidence in the Chipotle brand?
    • Do the actions taken to date present a strategy that would improve consumer trust? Why or why not?
    • Consider Chipotle’s competitors. How does Chipotle’s internal environment compare to the internal environment of one of Chipotle’s competitors? Based on this analysis, what is the probability that the strategic moves implemented by Chipotle would lead to a sustainable competitive advantage? Explain.
    • What additional recommendations would you make for Chipotle to gain consumer trust and reclaim a leadership role in the fast food industry? Provide justification for your response.
    • Based on the information presented in this case study, what kind of business strategy would you suggest to help Chipotle achieve a competitive advantage?

    APA Format
    Submit your assignment.

I screenshot the reading (Case 12: Chipotle Mexican Grill’s Strategy in 2018: Will the New CEO Be Able to Rebuild Customer Trust and Revive Sales Growth?) it would only allow me to add 5. I will add the rest.

Apply: Case Study Analysis Assignment Content Read More »

Mini Business Plan PowerPoint

Mini Business Plan PowerPoint

Prepare a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint presentation will be a business venture you want to launch. You can use the information in the required readings and information from other reliable sources. You may use the slide notes function to explain slide contents, if necessary.

  • Describe what you want to do (this is a strategic plan) (five slides).
    • Identify the goal.
    • Explain why the opportunity is promising.
    • Make an estimate about how long you think this will take.
    • Make a statement about the advantages of your business and the desire to pursue it (vision/mission statement).
    • Distinguish strategic planning from other managerial actions within your strategic plan.
  • Describe why you will be successful (three slides).
    • Describe your past performance (company history, if any, what you have done and are doing).
    • Explain the tools or services available (investors? services? local association?).
  • Describe what you need in order to do this (three slides).
  • Describe the products and services you plan to offer (one slide).
  • Identify management (three slides).
    • Are you the manager (other owners/officers, board members, consultants, or attorneys)? Describe why these choices best fit the plan.
  • You are required to use at least one outside source to support your PowerPoint presentation.Evaluate the role of strategic planning within the decisions you will be making for the company.

Mini Business Plan PowerPoint Read More »

Read attached files, and answer the four questions. Each answer should be 250 words.

Read attached files, and answer the four questions. Each answer should be 250 words.

#1: List and describe the six main types of menus. List and briefly describe three popular forms of ownership used in the lodging industry that allow for rapid expansion.

#2: Using the four facets of the hospitality industry (travel, lodging, foodservice, and recreation), differentiate between the method of service offered to customers. Use specific examples. Explain the significance of the following ratios (i.e., how are they applied in the “real world”): Food cost, labor cost, and pour/cost percentage.

#3: List five classifications of restaurants and briefly describe each. List and briefly describe the six steps in wine production.

#4: Compare and contrast the following concepts: franchise, partnership, leasing and syndication. List the steps in the guest cycle. Is one step more important than another? Why or why not?

Here are two more files, just simply look at those power points and answer those questions. You had read them before when you were doing my other assignments.

Read attached files, and answer the four questions. Each answer should be 250 words. Read More »

what are Joint Commission’s role in qualityhealthcare.

what are Joint Commission’s role in qualityhealthcare.

Reflect upon the patient experience, patient safety, and healthcare cost as well as Joint Commission’s role in quality healthcare. Write a paper that addresses the following questions:

  • How would you apply the principles of the Triple Aim initiative to improve quality, safety and satisfaction in the acute care or long-term care setting?
  • Reflect on your current or future role in healthcare. How you would you, in the role of director of nursing or healthcare administrator contribute to improving cost effective quality care, patient satisfaction, and patient safety?
  • What practices would you apply to minimize medical errors among front-line nursing staff?

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1500-2000 words in length

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

what are Joint Commission’s role in qualityhealthcare. Read More »

Draft a Discussion Board Post

Draft a Discussion Board Post

Create an original Discussion Board Post. Here are the instructions:

Integrating Faith and Learning ‐ Main Thread Integrating Faith and Learning. Reflect on the entire course content and think about the level of knowledge and skill required to effectively conduct meaningful and accurate quantitative analysis. Reflect on the Keller book “Every Good Endeavor” and think about God’s plan for how we should handle challenging work, the problems we can face at work, and better ways to honor God with our work. Develop and post a 600 word discussion:

 Introduction

 Discuss the work required to conduct meaningful and accurate quantitative analysis in a dissertation.

 Discuss God’s perspective on that work to include how we should manage it and potential problems we might face.

 Discusses better ways to honor God as we accomplish this work

Draft a Discussion Board Post Read More »

Training Development

Training Development

Last week, you submitted a proposal for the design of a two-day workshop to train managers on how to use effective feedback skills when delivering one-on-one performance reviews to employees. Design a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation that would be used in this training workshop (excluding the title and reference slides). Use the features of PowerPoint to effectively present the material to managers. Create a professional visual using various design elements, such as: background, color, font style, animations, transitions, audio, images, etc. Include approximately 50 words of speaker notes on each slide (a total of approximately 750-1,000 words). These notes are the a facilitator’s script. Identify at least three specific learning objectives for this training (making any necessary modifications to the learning objectives that were submitted in the proposal last week).

Your introductory slide must include a clear and concise description of the training. Your presentation must also include citations and references from the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text and at least three additional scholarly sources. Your final submission should include: 1) the PowerPoint with facilitator notes, and 2) a comprehensive APA-formatted Word transcript of all slide notes/ facilitator’s script (a total of approximately 750-1,000 words), including a reference page.

Hey there I will put the last paper on here That I had turned in so that you can see the design proposal.

Training Development Read More »

Research the culture of the chosen city, and write a two-page essay to describe what you need to know about three cultural differences that would help you open a subsidiary, hire staff, and manage it for your corporation successfully in that country.

Research the culture of the chosen city, and write a two-page essay to describe what you need to know about three cultural differences that would help you open a subsidiary, hire staff, and manage it for your corporation successfully in that country.

Choose a city in one of the following countries: Taiwan, Spain, Uruguay, Australia, or Turkey. Research the culture of the chosen city, and write a two-page essay to describe what you need to know about three cultural differences that would help you open a subsidiary, hire staff, and manage it for your corporation successfully in that country. Your essay should be properly formatted to include a title page and reference list, which will not be included in the minimum page count. The paper should follow APA guidelines for all resources for in-text citations, paraphrasing, and references.

Research the culture of the chosen city, and write a two-page essay to describe what you need to know about three cultural differences that would help you open a subsidiary, hire staff, and manage it for your corporation successfully in that country. Read More »

Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following: Communication techniques that can be used to promote safety within the healthcare facility. How communication can assist in providing optimal patient care. You should be

Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following: Communication techniques that can be used to promote safety within the healthcare facility. How communication can assist in providing optimal patient care. You should be

Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following:

You should be using complete sentences to answer the questions. Ensure that you are using correct grammar. In addition, support your answers using your textbook, course materials, credible internet resources, and scholarly journals. All citations must be in APA format.

Please click here to download the Communication Techniques Worksheet.


I have sent you the worksheet to be completed.

Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following: Communication techniques that can be used to promote safety within the healthcare facility. How communication can assist in providing optimal patient care. You should be Read More »

Assignment: CourseProjectPart 2

Assignment: CourseProjectPart 2

Last week, you selected the CBT approach you are using for your Course Project and wrote the first part of your paper, explaining the theoretical foundation and major techniques of the approach. This week, you continue your research with the approach by exploring its application to a particular population or disorder. For instance, if you selected pure CBT last week, you might now research its application in treating someone with cerebral palsy. After you have completed your research, you will create a brief PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the research on applying this approach to this population/issue.

To prepare:

  • Apply the therapy you selected in Part 1 to a diverse population (e.g., Native Americans, refugees) and a specific DSM-5 disorder (e.g., agoraphobia).
  • Perform research in the Walden Library about the extent to which your approach has been applied to your selected population and issue. Is its use with this population/issue growing or evolving?

The Assignment:

  • Summarize (in 2–3 pages) the history of your approach being applied to your selected population and selected issue. Provide references to the literature to support your summary.
  • Using a presentation technology program of your choosing (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides. Prezi) create a media presentation of your project to present during Week 10 of your residency. You will have 15 minutes to present during residency, so practice at home to make sure your presentation adheres to this guideline.

Use your Learning Resources and your research to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and citations.

Required Readings

Arch, J. J., Eifert, G. H., Davies, C., Plumb Vilardaga, J. C., Rose, R. D., & Craske, M. G. (2012). Randomized clinical trial of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) versus acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for mixed anxiety disorders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(5), 750–765. doi:10.1037/a0028310
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Cullen C. (2008). Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT): A third wave behavior therapy. Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy, 36, 667–673. doi:10.1017/S1352465808004797
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): A ThirdWave Behaviour Therapy by Cullen, C., in Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, Vol. 36/Issue 6. Copyright 2008 by Cambridge University Press – US – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Cambridge University Press – US – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Cully, J. A., & Teten, A. L. (2008). A therapist’s guide to brief cognitive behavioral therapy. Retrieved from…

  • p. 28–43

Fruzzetti, A. E., & Erikson, K. R. (2010). Mindfulness and acceptance interventions in cognitive-behavioral therapy. In K .S. Dobson (Ed.), Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapies (3rd ed.) (pp. 358–360). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Ruiz, F. J. (2012). Acceptance and commitment therapy versus traditional cognitive behavioral therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of current empirical evidence. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 12(3), 333–357. Retrieved from the PsycINFO database (Accession No. 2012-27684-002).
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. (n.d.). Embracing your demons: An overview of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Retrieved September 28, 2016, from…

Documents: Course Project Overview (PDF document)

Required Media

Big Think. (Producer). (2012). Big Think interview with Steven Hayes [Video file]. Retrieved September 28, 2016, from

Optional Resources

Howells, K. (2010). The “third wave” of cognitive-behavioral therapy and forensic practice. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 20, 251–300. doi:10.1002/cbm

Springer, J. M. (2012). Acceptance and commitment therapy: Part of the “third wave” in the behavioral tradition. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 34(3), 205–212. doi:10.1080/14639947.2011.564824

Assignment: CourseProjectPart 2 Read More »

Disney Questions

Disney Questions

Case Analysis 4 – Managing Innovation Teams at Disney (40 pts)

Please answer the following questions:

  1. Why does Disney keep its development team small?
  2. What are the pros and cons of the teams being so autonomous?
  3. Is Disney’s team approach most suited to creative projects, or would it work equally well in other kinds of industries?
  4. Importantly, apply as many of the COs (Course Objectives) as you can to the case. These are given for reference below.

Your Case should be 2 1/2 – 3 pages (approximately 600 – 750 words), double spaced, have at least three references using APA format (you may use one or two references cited from the case but you should have at least one additional unique reference from your own research) , and typed in an easy-to-read font (Times New Roman 12 font recommended) in MS Word (no pdfs or rtfs or non standard formats). Please include a cover sheet with your full name, the case name, our course number (NETW583), and the date you submit.

Disney Questions Read More »

Public health issues

Public health issues

1.4 Participate in health care policy development to influence nursing practice and health care.

Research public health issues on the “Climate Change” ( or “Topics and Issues”( pages of the American Public Health Association (APHA) website. Investigate a public health issue related to an environmental issue within the U.S. health care delivery system and examine its effect on a specific population.

Write a 750-1,000-word policy brief that summarizes the issue, explains the effect on the population, and proposes a solution to the issue.

Follow this outline when writing the policy brief:

  1. Describe the policy health issue. Include the following information: (a) what population is affected, (b) at what level does it occur (local, state, or national), and (c) evidence about the issues supported by resources.
  2. Create a problem statement.
  3. Provide suggestions for addressing the health issue caused by the current policy. Describe what steps are required to initiate policy change. Include necessary stakeholders (government officials, administrator) and budget or funding considerations, if applicable.
  4. Discuss the impact on the health care delivery system.

Include three peer-reviewed sources and two other sources to support the policy brief.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Public health issues Read More »

Writing a research paper on minimum wage

Writing a research paper on minimum wage

The paper can either be a theoretical exploration or an empirical analysis of the topic.Final papers should be at least 3000 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman, Font size 12 with 1-inch margins, with at least 10 citations in the APA format.Please include annotated bibliographies (literature review) of at least three peer-reviewd articles, proposal, and outline.

Make sure that you include summaries of both of these as part of the Annotated Bibliographies. (Links to an external site.)

This is my thoughts on this topic.

Does raising the minimum wage impact the well-being of the age group of 18-24 years old.

  • The impact of raising minimum wage on the labor market for them
  • How raising minimum wage changes education decision
  • How the combining effect on labor market and education decision increase income inequality between those high school graduates and degree holders.

Writing a research paper on minimum wage Read More »

In this discussion, we’ll talk about the nurse-client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication as an important part of that relationship. Please answer the following questions: What are your concerns or fears about mental health nursing in … In this discussion, we’ll talk about the nurse-client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication as an important part of that relationship. Please answer the following questions: What are your concerns or fears about mental health nursing in general? Are you interested in mental health nursing, or do you approach the topic with some anxiety? What do you feel are essential aspects of a good nurse-client relationship? Please include an example of how you established good rapport and a good professional relationship with a patient in the work or clinical setting. What nonverbal and verbal techniques did you use in this relationship? appropriate writing mechanics including using proper language, cordiality, and proper grammar and punctuation. If you refer to any outside sources or reference materials, be sure to provide proper attribution and/or citation.

In this discussion, we’ll talk about the nurse-client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication as an important part of that relationship. Please answer the following questions: What are your concerns or fears about mental health nursing in …

In this discussion, we’ll talk about the nurse-client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication as an important part of that relationship. Please answer the following questions:

  • What are your concerns or fears about mental health nursing in general? Are you interested in mental health nursing, or do you approach the topic with some anxiety?
  • Please include an example of how you established good rapport and a good professional relationship with a patient in the work or clinical setting. What nonverbal and verbal techniques did you use in this relationship?

appropriate writing mechanics including using proper language, cordiality, and proper grammar and punctuation. If you refer to any outside sources or reference materials, be sure to provide proper attribution and/or citation.

In this discussion, we’ll talk about the nurse-client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication as an important part of that relationship. Please answer the following questions: What are your concerns or fears about mental health nursing in … In this discussion, we’ll talk about the nurse-client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication as an important part of that relationship. Please answer the following questions: What are your concerns or fears about mental health nursing in general? Are you interested in mental health nursing, or do you approach the topic with some anxiety? What do you feel are essential aspects of a good nurse-client relationship? Please include an example of how you established good rapport and a good professional relationship with a patient in the work or clinical setting. What nonverbal and verbal techniques did you use in this relationship? appropriate writing mechanics including using proper language, cordiality, and proper grammar and punctuation. If you refer to any outside sources or reference materials, be sure to provide proper attribution and/or citation. Read More »

HCAD 635: Case Memo Week 9 Assignment

HCAD 635: Case Memo Week 9 Assignment


Pick a case scenario from the Case Presentations (SP19) (See attached). Develop 2-4 pages Memorandum to evaluate the managerial issue and to answer the questions. Make sure to provide credible evidence supporting your recommendations and conclusions. Do not copy the case in the memo, but make sure to refer to its number for the faculty to have a reference for grading.


APA 7TH Edition Format is REQUIRED

3-5 References REQUIRED

Attached are some readings. You can also use other sources that you deem fit to assist with this assigment

HCAD 635: Case Memo Week 9 Assignment Read More »

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