Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Assignment about successful communication.

Assignment about successful communication.

-Use the eight phases of the communication process to analyze a miscommunication you’ve recently had with a co-worker, supervisor, classmate, teacher, friend, or family member. What idea were you trying to share? How did you encode and transmit it? Did the receiver get the message? Did the receiver correctly decode the message? How do you know? Based on your analysis, identify and explain the barriers that prevented your successful communication in this instance.

– Complete this assignment in approximately two-three pages.

Assignment about successful communication. Read More »

What are the most important attributes or skills a therapist should have to be effective in working with their clients?

What are the most important attributes or skills a therapist should have to be effective in working with their clients?

What are the most important attributes or skills a therapist should have to be effective in working with their clients?

Write 2 paragraphs for the above question

What are the most important attributes or skills a therapist should have to be effective in working with their clients? Read More »

Letter To A Non-Profit Board-Need by 10/25

Letter To A Non-Profit Board-Need by 10/25

This week, we have introduced social capital and why it is important in our society. Assume that you have been hired as a consultant for a local community-based organization. After a month-long observation period, one of your recommendations is to increase social capital. Write a letter to the organization’s board of directors explaining your recommendation and why social capital is a critical aspect of any organization. Integrate personal experiences and suggest creative ways to increase social capital.

Letter To A Non-Profit Board-Need by 10/25 Read More »

TED talk reflection

TED talk reflection

  1. Watch one of the videos from the list at the bottom of this page. Each is around 15-20 minutes long. You may only choose from this list.
  2. Write a short reaction paper, approximately 2-3 double-spaced pages, in which you relate the talk to at least 3 separate course concepts. These can be terms that relate directly to what’s in the video, or terms that come up as you reflect further

Grading criteria

  • Your answer needs to explain both of the following:
  • Did you relate the video or your additional thoughts to at least 3 separate course concepts? Remember that when you cite the concept, you will need to include a page number (or section number, if reading the book in Revel) in parentheses.
  1. Watch one of the videos from the list at the bottom of this page. Each is around 15-20 minutes long. You may only choose from this list.
  2. Write a short reaction paper, approximately 2-3 double-spaced pages, in which you relate the talk to at least 3 separate course concepts. These can be terms that relate directly to what’s in the video, or terms that come up as you reflect further. How does the speaker’s ideas or information help us better understand the different types of personal variables—biological, cognitive, and/or social/emotional—that can shape human behavior? And how do those ideas help us better understand how development is shaped by both immediate variables (i.e., personal factors, microsystem, mesosystem) and wider variables (i.e., exosystem, macrosystem, historical context)?
    • Note: When you cite course concepts, you will also need to include a parenthetical citation with the page number (or the section number, if you read the book in Revel).
    • You can use pretty much any course concepts in your paper, except for the different levels of Bronfenbrenner’s model.
  3. At the end of the paper, you will need to include a reference list. It starts on a new page, but should not be a separate Word file. The only items on the list should be the TED talk and your textbook, unless you choose to bring in other resources (which is very definitely not required). You will also need to ensure you don’t plagiarize from either source, and that you include parenthetical citations for any direct quotes, plus page or module numbers in parentheses for information from the book.

The book that I want to use is ” human development, a cultural approach” jeffrey Jensen Arnett

TED talk reflection Read More »

How has Anheuser-Busch followed Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and succeeded?

How has Anheuser-Busch followed Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and succeeded?

Papers should be seven (7) pages double-spaced. Longer papers are cheerfully accepted and read carefully. For citations, MLA format is preferred but not required. A minimum of seven citations is a good start. NEVER use Wikipedia as a citation.
Please give a BRIEF history of the company or brand in the opening paragraph. You may finish with a brief opinion at the end regarding the company’s prospects.

How has Anheuser-Busch followed Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and succeeded? Read More »

FIN 350: Determine the most significant monetary policy that the Federal Reserve Bank has been responsible for implementing in the past 12 months and the resulting impact on the U.S. economy.

FIN 350: Determine the most significant monetary policy that the Federal Reserve Bank has been responsible for implementing in the past 12 months and the resulting impact on the U.S. economy.

Determine the most significant monetary policy that the Federal Reserve Bank has been responsible for implementing in the past 12 months and the resulting impact on the U.S. economy.

  • Analyze how the U.S. monetary policy affects the global economy.

FIN 350: Determine the most significant monetary policy that the Federal Reserve Bank has been responsible for implementing in the past 12 months and the resulting impact on the U.S. economy. Read More »

Read below

Read below

APA format word document A minimum of 3 evidence-based references no older than 5 years must be used.

A minimum of 800 words not to exceed 1,000 are required without counting the first and last page.

Read below Read More »

theoretical application & psychoanalytic analysis

theoretical application & psychoanalytic analysis

Culture, Diversity and Legal/Ethical considerations are required. Please integrate factors relevant to culture and diversity in your discussions of each vignette. Identify and discuss legal and ethical issues present in each vignette. Six questions

There are six questions with three different essays two questions per essay

Assignment 5
Assignment Outcomes
Analyze case studies through a theoretical lens.
Explore issues related to culture, diversity and special populations.

Please use the APA and ACADEMIC WRITING RESOURCES links located under the Resource tab.

This assignment provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to apply the concepts covered throughout the course. This assignment MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, 7th edition, and must be written at graduate level English. You must integrate the material presented in the text and cite your work according to APA format.

Culture, Diversity and Legal/Ethical considerations are required. Please integrate factors relevant to culture and diversity in your discussions of each vignetteIdentify and discuss legal and ethical issues present in each vignette.  [This information can be found in Part I as well as in chapters throughout the course text]. You are also encouraged to use outside cultural resources to enhance your understanding.

Use the Case of Stan and Case of Gwen as a guide to theoretical application, referencing in APA style.

See Sample Vignette Analysis located under Resources

Your response to each vignette should be 1-2 pages per vignette for a total of 5-6 pages for the entire assignment plus a title and reference page.
Do not copy and paste the vignettes into your written response

Vignette One
Jack, a 28-year old man, tells you: “Most of my life I have felt pushed and pulled. My father pushed me into school, sports, and so forth, and over the years my resentment grew for him. He was always directing and controlling my life and beating me when I challenged his authority. My mother always gave me a warm, unconditional love and tried to pull me under her protective wing. My parents divorced when I was 18 and without parental control I began a life of self-will in my relationships and in my use of drugs and alcohol. On graduating from college, I rejected my father’s wishes to pursue a career and returned to school to seek another degree. In some ways, it’s just a place to be that I like. Most of my life revolves around living for today, a hedonistic style that has no concreteness of goals and aspirations, with a lack of definition of `what a man should be.’ I float in and out of people’s lives. They see an image of me as disrespectful to women, a drug freak, and a cold human being. My fear is that I am nothing more than that image, that I am empty inside. I want to be able to open up and let people see the warmer, more sensitive sides of me, but I have terrible difficulty doing that. I have a strong need to become close and intimate with others, yet I never let myself become vulnerable because I fear being dependent on them and trapped by their love.”

Assume that Jack comes to you for personal therapy and that all you know about him is what he told you above. Answer the following questions on how you might proceed with Jack within a Psychoanalytic frame of reference:

1.    As a psychoanalytic therapist, do you think that Jack’s current unwillingness to become vulnerable to others out of his fear of “being dependent on them and trapped by their love” has much to do with his mother’s unconditional love? How might this experience be related to his relationships with women now?

2.    Jack describes his father as an authoritarian, controlling, and cruel man who apparently had conventional ideas of what he wanted Jack to become. What are the underlying psychological aspects that you see involved with Jack’s rejection of his father’s wishes? How might you use psychoanalytic counseling theory to explain the fact that in many ways he became what his father did not want him to become?

Vignette Two
Alice and Javier, both in their early 30’s, have been married for 7 years and have three young children. Javier identifies as a Latino-American. Alice identifies as an East Asian-American, born in Taiwan. Neither his family nor hers was very supportive of marrying a person “not of your own kind.” Consequently, Javier and Alice do not see their parents very often. She feels a real gap without this connection with her family; he maintains that if that’s the way his family wants it, so be it. They have been having a great deal of difficulty as a family for several years. Alice seems to think that Javier is far too strict with the children, demanding full obedience without question. He admits he is a hard taskmaster, but he says that’s the way it was for him in his family.
Alice would like to get a job, yet she stops herself from considering it because Javier becomes extremely upset when she even mentions the issue. His response is: “Why can’t you be satisfied with what you have? It reflects poorly on me if you have to go outside and get work!” Alice has tended to assume the role of keeping peace in the family, almost at any price. This means not doing many of the things she would like to do, lest it lead to an escalation of the conflicts between them. Alice has finally decided that even if it rocks the boat and causes a storm, she cannot continue living as she has. She has asked Javier to go to counseling with her. He has agreed, reluctantly, mostly to understand her better and “do whatever can be done to help her.”

Assume that Alice and Javier come to you for personal therapy and that all you know about them is what they told you above. Answer the following questions on how you might proceed with this couple within an Adlerian frame of reference:

1.    As an Adlerian therapist you will want to make sure that your goals and the goals of Alice and of Javier are in alignment. How might you go about this? What if Javier and Alice have different goals? How might the fact that he is a Latino and she of East Asian descent be significant in setting goals?

2.    If you had to speculate at this moment, what are Alice’s “basic mistakes”? Javier’s?  What specific Adlerian techniques might you be most inclined to employ in working with this couple?

Vignette Three
Paul, a 30-year old gay man, has recently found out that he has AIDS. He knows that the disease is serious and likely requires treatment throughout his life. Paul is seeking counseling to help him deal with accepting his diagnosis without resentment and hostility. He is filled with rage over his fate; he keeps asking why this had to happen to him. He tells you that at first, he could not believe the diagnosis was correct. When he finally got several more professional opinions that confirmed he had AIDS, he began to feel more and more anger—toward God, toward his healthy friends, whom he envied, and generally toward the unfairness of his situation. He tells you that he was just starting to live the lifestyle he denied himself all of his adult life and that he had a direction he was going in professionally. Now everything will have to change. After he tells you this, he is sitting across from you waiting for your response.

Assume that Paul comes to you for personal therapy and that all you know about him is what he told you above. Answer the following questions on how you might proceed with Paul within an Existential/Person Centered frame of reference:

1.    Paul tells you that one of the reasons he is coming to see you is his desire to accept his fate. How would you work with him to gain this acceptance? What specific things might you do to help him find ways of living the rest of his life to its fullest?

2.    Do you see any possibilities for helping Paul find meaning in his life in the face of death? What diversity issues and ethical considerations might arise in your work with Paul?

theoretical application & psychoanalytic analysis Read More »

Advance Family Care of family Practicum

Advance Family Care of family Practicum

week submit APRN Protocol contract negotiation Presentation. You will develop a PowerPoint with no more than 6 slides explaining the part of a APRN protocol or contract negotiation. The student will obtain a copy of the contract from preceptor or the internet and will demonstrated with examples their understanding of contract development.

No more than 6 slides

Advance Family Care of family Practicum Read More »

Trident week 3

Trident week 3

Prepare an Annotated Bibliography for the two sources used in the Module 3 Case essay. Use the information at to help you.

The Module 3 Case study is an Argumentative essay in which the writer takes a stance on technology and children and provides three or more supporting points as support.

After reflecting on “The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child” and “Is the Internet hurting children?” write a well-organized and well-supported essay on technology and children.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it would be brief summary on technology and children today. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be a statement affirming the impact of technology on children today.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Will you have one or two paragraphs for each supporting point? Will you divide the body of your paper into three or more paragraphs, one for each point? In any case, each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph, which in this case would be each supporting point.

This essay must include no fewer than EIGHT citations from:
ONE of the assigned background materials for Module 3 and
ONE additional credible and reliable source selected by the student.

Citations are to be a combination of direct quotations and paraphrased quotations with or without the author’s name.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. In this case, where do we go from here?

The essay must also include a Reference List.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 3 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English.

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins.

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.



  • Write an essay (no fewer than five pages in length) that states an original thesis statement on technology and children.
  • Demonstrate the ability to make and support an Argumentative claim in a well-supported, organized, and cohesive essay.
  • Demonstrate the ability to select credible and reliable sources for use in a well-supported and cohesive essay.
  • Demonstrate the ability to write a direct quote, paraphrased, or summary citation in APA Style

these are the Background links

Clinton, C., & Steyer, J. (2012). Is the Internet hurting children? CNN. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from

Little boys learn a lot from watching ‘Star Wars,’ and it isn’t all good. (n.d.). Upworthy. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from

Rowan, C. (2013, May 29). The impact of technology on the developing child. The Huffington Post. Retrieved February 19, 2014, from

Trident week 3 Read More »

Need 5 annotated bibliographies over child abuse and a self edit form over the bibliographies

Need 5 annotated bibliographies over child abuse and a self edit form over the bibliographies

An annotated bibliography is a paper in which you summarize/paraphrase what the article is about, and includes a critical evaluation of the article. You must include author/s credentials. You must also include a brief statement re why this article is important to your research and/or how you intend to use it. For example, it might contain important background info, statistics, etc. You must also include a quote or two from the article and cite afterwards.

There must be a title page-the title is: Annotated Bibliographies. The heading of the first page of each annotation is a Works Cited listing (with all of the usual bibliographic information). Each annotation must be one and a half to two pages in length. You must have a working link to each article on the Works Cited, or it will count as no article, and will result in a failing grade. There will be a final total of fifteen copies of articles. We will be working on summarizing, paraphrasing, citing, and finding good, scholarly sources.

NOTE: If your topic has multiple viewpoints, one or two articles must address the opposite views.

Grading Criteria for final Paper III:

1) correct References/Works Cited format

2) organization of body of each annotation

3) ability to summarize/paraphrase source

4) critical evaluation of source; including author/s’ credentials

5) inclusion of statement of use of article

6) mechanics: spelling, sentence structure, grammar, etc.

7) inclusion of articles; use of credible sources

8) previously completed annotations & peer edits

9) proper use of quotes in text and correct in text citing

Self -Edit: Your Name:

1) What are the names of the authors?

2) What is the title of the article and journal?

3) What year was the article published?

4) What are the author/s credentials?

5) Was a quote used?If yes, was the citation correct?If not, write the correction:

6) What is the key idea in the paper, according to your annotation?Do you need to revise this?

7) Did you include why you are using this article?If not, add this.

8) Do you use paragraphs (not one long paragraph), and have you cited at the end of paragraphs?

9) If you have one long paragraph, where do you need to begin new paragraphs?

10) Explain why your sources are credible:

11) Is the Reference/Works Cited section at the head of each annotation, and is it correct?Revise if needed.

12) Is your spelling, punctuation, verb tense correct?Where are errors?

13) If your annotation is shorter than one and a half pages, where can you add more information?

Student has agreed that all tutoring, explanations, and answers provided by the tutor will be used to help in the learning process and in accordance with Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.
This is due Friday and the citations have to be MLA format. Also, there has to be a quote or two from the article.

Need 5 annotated bibliographies over child abuse and a self edit form over the bibliographies Read More »

Why and how do feminists make a distinction between sex roles and gender roles? How can this argument be extended to pertain to classism, racism, and ethnocentricity?

Why and how do feminists make a distinction between sex roles and gender roles? How can this argument be extended to pertain to classism, racism, and ethnocentricity?

  1. Write a short essay, two to three pages, in which you answer the following questions. Be specific and use examples from lectures, films, and especially from the readings to support your argument.

Why and how do feminists make a distinction between sex roles and gender roles? How can this argument be extended to pertain to classism, racism, and ethnocentricity?

I am going to attach some of the readings below.

Why and how do feminists make a distinction between sex roles and gender roles? How can this argument be extended to pertain to classism, racism, and ethnocentricity? Read More »

Unit 2 Survey World Lit Writing Assignment

Unit 2 Survey World Lit Writing Assignment

    • The Romantic poets reacted against the Enlightenment in many spheres of thought. They witnessed the ugly side of urban progress, and favored mankind’s natural state. Instead of viewing the world through the lens of skepticism and reason, they expressed an interest in the sublime experience of nature and the mystic experience of the supernatural. Their art sought to inspire rather than merely instruct. Using quotations from today’s readings, provide examples of all of these tendencies and explain them for the reader.
    • The writers of the Enlightenment and Romanticism had diametrically opposed worldviews. Which of these understandings of the world comports more easily with a biblical worldview? Explain why.
  • Requirements: The response paper should adhere to APA formatting and be 350 words in length.

Unit 2 Survey World Lit Writing Assignment Read More »

Review Questions

Review Questions

1.What are the general wage concerns that management andemployee representatives bring to the negotiating table?
2.Why have profit-sharing plans replaced COLAs in somerecently negotiated agreements?
3.Why have unions and employers negotiated more wageconcessions in recent years?
4.How can wage surveys be effectively used in collectivebargaining?
5.Why are labor and management negotiators likely to respondto consideration of the company’s ability to pay higher wages?
6.What are the pros and cons of two-tier pay systems?
7.Why must labor and management be able to determineaccurately the cost of wage proposals?

Review Questions Read More »

Inhaler technique and patient compliance

Inhaler technique and patient compliance

The research paper will be about a topic of your choice related to your degree. I chose inhaler techniques and patient compliance. I will upload my introduction and my references for help.

Prepare the Research Paper using the following guidelines:

  • 1,500 – 2,000 words
  • APA-compliant formatting, including title and reference pages
  • Minimum of five scholarly references
please use the introduction file that I uploaded to help with the paper,  include other relevant subtopics and then end with a conclusion. Also I need the references that are uploaded (file name References-paper) Is the correct one. Please use those to also complete the paper.

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