Pulse Nightclub Shooting
Pulse Nightclub Shooting
An evaluation of the motivations of the attacker(s), including the extent to which the attack was motivated by:
An evaluation of the motivations of the attacker(s), including the extent to which the attack was motivated by:
1.Review the case of Winstead v. Jackson on page 99. Discuss the court’s analysis and decision in the case and whether you agree with the decision. o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post,
2. A plant worker was ordered to climb a ladder to the top of a tower to perform maintenance. He fell when a ladder rung gave way and was injured. The employer argued the worker assumed the risk since the ladder was clearly old, rusty, and in poor condition. Using the information on pages 83 – 85, does their claim have legal merit?
o Requirements: 250 words minimum for each question
Using the following biblical passages, write a 500-word paper APA 7th edition on how this particular course should be understood differently at Belhaven than at a secular institution. The passages to be considered:
Exodus 20:1-17
Numbers 30:2
Nehemiah 9:38
Zechariah 7: 8-14 Hosea 10:1-4
The Value of Fair Treatment in the Workplace
You have been hired as a management consultant by a large company to examine the company’s business decisions regarding employee protections. The applicable laws are federal anti-discrimination laws, federal health and safety laws, and employer firing practices related to the employment-at-will (EAW) doctrine.
In response to the three questions below, write a 4–6 page paper in which you do the following:
Analyze, identify, and explain recent legislation, within the last 10 years, that helps to protect employees from discrimination in the workplace. Provide at least two federal legislative protections (Be sure the legislation is just that – passed law).
Provide some insight when the federal legislation conflicts with the state. (ie. what is the Supremacy Clause?)
Explain the EAW doctrine and all exceptions to the doctrine. (hint: There are more than three).Then, look at the scenarios below and determine whether the decision to fire the employee is a smart one. Identify why or why not, and determine all the possible exceptions per the EAW doctrine that are, might be, or could be applicable if the employee sues for wrongful termination.
Brenda, a manager, started a blog on the company website for employee grievances. She noticed that a worker was protesting that no Asian American employees had gotten a raise in two years at the company. The worker also criticized how much the CEO made and how the CEO was “out of touch.” Brenda reprimanded the worker. The next day, the worker talked to fellow co-workers about forming a union. Brenda subsequently fired the worker.
Jason, a department supervisor, requests approval to fire his secretary, Alice. Alice, a devout Christian, has been putting Right-to-Life flyers in the employee break room. Alice is also taking time out to pray each day during the busiest time of the morning. Brian, the head of the accounting department, refused to sign Lori’s leave request for jury duty. Lori is a tax attorney in his department. Brian wants to fire Lori for being absent without permission during their busiest time—tax season.
Peter has worked for the company for one year. He has a rare form of liver disease and works with chemicals that make his condition worse. Peter does not want to stop working, but his boss is not happy with his performance and wants to let him go.
Determine the federal law, requirements and procedures, (from an employer perspective who is hiring employees) regarding undocumented workers and whether they are eligible for state workers’ compensation in your home state. Advocate for or against this practice and substantiate your response with research to support your position.
3 sources for this paper, textbook should be one of them. Follow SWS for citing sources in the paper and on the
The textbook used is : It’s Legal, Ethical, And Global Environment 11th Edition
The instructions are n the above information. See you back in a few days to see if you need anything. remember no plagiarizing. The school uses Safe Assign.
Prepare a formal research paper regarding the selected issue. The assignment must be between 5-7 pages excluding quotations, in-text citations, cover page, and Works Cited page(s).
The essay should address the following:
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•Page count minimum requirements refer to the body of the essay only. The cover page, quotations, Works Cited pages, and any other addendums do not count. Only full pages count toward the page count (e.g. 3.5 pages of written text equals 3 pages). The minimum writing expectation for each assignment or activity must be satisfied to earn a grade. Incomplete assignments will receive a zero
Conduct research to locate at least two academic journal articles (aka: peer-reviewed or scholarly sources) that specifically address the issue you selected.
Carefully choose sources that provide a variety of perspectives on your selected topic. In addition to the minimum research requirements, you should use high quality sources for essential current events information relevant to your topic. These include academic sources that are not peer-reviewed (position papers), newspaper articles, magazine articles, and other quality or reputable sources.