Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Healthcare quality concepts

Healthcare quality concepts

tittle: Healthcare quality concepts – Hospital/Healthcare Acquired Infections
Choose Topic: Health and Medical

Select number of pages: 2

Healthcare quality concepts – Hospital/Healthcare Acquired Infections


Write a 2-page APA styled paper on the following:

Discuss Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI).


How can HAI be measured? E.g. rates


What is the standard for acceptable levels of HAI? E.g. Less than X number of cases per year.



In the context of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Six Quality Dimensions, discuss how reducing HAI delivers higher quality healthcare as follows:


1) Patient safety: Care should be as safe for patients in healthcare facilities as in their homes. 

2) Effective – Care should apply science and, evidence based medical practices and standards

3) Efficient – Care should be cost-effective, and waste should be removed from the system.

4) Timely – Patients should experience no waits or delays when receiving care and service.

5) Patient Centered – The system of care should revolve around the patient, respect patient preferences, and put the patient in control.

6) Equitable – Unequal treatment should be a fact of the past; disparities should be eradicated.

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PhysicianProfiling and quality report cards

PhysicianProfiling and quality report cards

Tittle: Physician Profiling and quality report cards
Choose Topic: Health and Medical
Select number of pages: 2
Question Description:

Physician Profiling and quality report cards


Write a 2 paged APA style essay on:


Analyze Physician Practice Profiling (data on physician practice patterns, utilization of services, decision making and outcomes of care) as it pertains to provider healthcare quality performance. 


Identify three strategies for improving physician quality practice rankings on physician profiling and quality report cards. Be sure to justify your recommendations.

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Tittle: Drugs of Abuse

Tittle: Drugs of Abuse

Tittle: Drugs of Abuse
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: There are 7 drug categories – Stimulants, Depressants, Hallucinogens, Inhalants, Narcotics, Steroids, Cannabis. Each category impacts brain function and behavior, has particular ways of ingestion, and creates a certain reaction within the body.

For this Assignment, you compare substances within two of the seven drug categories.

By Day 7
Submit a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

Choose two drug categories. For each drug category:
Identify the drugs that belong to that category
Briefly discuss the history of substance use and social response related to the drug category (e.g., how were the substances created, when did people start to use these types of substances, how or in what ways did these substance affect society).
Identify how the drugs are administered (e.g., inhalation, injection, orally, nasally) in this category.
Discuss how substances in the category impact the brain including which neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that are affected.
Explain the physical impact the substances in this category may have on the body.
Compare the similarities and differences between the drug categories.

Explain any differences in treatment approaches for the two different drug categories, and why it is important to understand the different drug categories as a social worker.
Class text book, must use


Third Edition
David Capuzzi
Walden University
Johns Hopkins University
Professor Emeritus, Portland State University
Mark D. Stauffer
Walden University

Tittle: Drugs of Abuse Read More »

Infotech in Global economy

Infotech in Global economy

I need points on how the knowledge, skills, or theories of the above course have been applied and how it is useful for a Network administrator in his work environment.

Provide a 500 word or 2 pages double spaced minimum reflection.
Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment.

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Each question is 500 to 750 word paper in APA format discussing

Question 1

1.How do you classify China’s economic system, as it currently exists?

2.Has China’s economy undergone a transition? Explain your rationale.

3.What is driving the China economy’s enormous growth in recent years?

4.Has currency manipulation been a factor? Why not, or how so?

5.Will this success continue into the foreseeable future? If not, what might derail it?


Question 2

1.Classify the EU economy. Are all of the member nation economies classified the same?

2.Are the U.S. and EU economies linked? Why do you think not, or how so?

3.What measures have the EU (or member nations) taken to mitigate the current economic problems?

4.What is your economic outlook for the EU nations (you may address the EU as a whole or choose a specific member nation)?


How to Save the Euro–and the EU. By: Farrell, Henry, Quiggin, John, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, May/Jun2011, Vol. 90, Issue 3

Question 3

1.Classify the U.S. economic system.

2.What were the immediate causes of the significant downturn (commonly referred to as the great recession of 2008)?

3.What has the U.S. government attempted to do to correct the situation?

4.Were the government’s steps effective? Why not, or how so?


McCallum, B. T. (2010). ALTERNATIVES TO THE FED?. CATO Journal, 30(3), 439-449.…


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