Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Final Paper—Self-Reflective Paper

Final Paper—Self-Reflective Paper

During this course, you have examined theory, process, and methods in the fields of consultation and supervision. You have ideally gained theoretical and empirical knowledge as well as relevant practical skills needed to function as consultants and supervisors.

For the Final Paper, you demonstrate your self-awareness and insight via a paper that synthesizes your reflections from both the in-residence and online components of this course.
In this paper, you should choose either supervision or consultation (clearly identifying which area) and include the following:

  • Your follow-up thoughts and reflections based on feedback you received and experiences you had in-residence
  • A discussion of your strengths and skills that require further development
  • Specific plans for professional growth related to your skills that require further development, including an honest evaluation of your ability to provide culturally competent supervision or consultation
  • A description of your current theoretical orientation to supervision or consultation, how you arrived at this decision, and the key factors that have influenced you

The paper should be 10 pages, in correct APA format (1 inch margins, 12 point font), and should include relevant citations and references that are listed in hanging, indented format.

Required Readings

Ardichvili, A. (2000). Critical dilemmas for the independent consultant. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 52(2), 133–141.
Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Brown, D., Pryzwansky, W. B., & Schulte, A. C. (2011). Psychological consultation and collaboration: Introduction to theory and practice (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Leonard, H. S. (1999). Becoming a consultant: The real stories. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 51(1), 3–13.
Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Required Media (Producer). (2006). Irvin Yalom: Live case consultation [Video file].
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 90 minutes. (Producer). (2007). Arnold Lazarus: Live case consultation [Video file].
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 66 minutes.

Final Paper—Self-Reflective Paper Read More »

History of private health insurance and manage care and how it involved into a healthcare industry?

History of private health insurance and manage care and how it involved into a healthcare industry?

Consider how compensation for healthcare services shape delivery of care, and reflects policy and policy changes and write a paper that addresses the bullets below. Be sure to completely address each bullet point. There should be four (4) sections in your paper; one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear brief heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Include a “Conclusion” section that summarizes all topics. This assignment will be at least 1250 words.

This week you will reflect upon accountability in healthcare finance to address the following:

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1250-1500 words in length

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Attachments area

History of private health insurance and manage care and how it involved into a healthcare industry? Read More »

Case Conceptualization and Treatment Plans when Working with Children and Adolescents

Case Conceptualization and Treatment Plans when Working with Children and Adolescents

In Weeks 4 and 5, you completed case conceptualization and treatment planning for an adult. Recall that the approaches and techniques you selected were chosen from those within the therapy approach that you selected to apply to the case (either CBT or REBT). To complete case conceptualization and treatment planning for children and adolescents (as well as adults with developmental disabilities), psychologists also must consider how to adapt standard CBT/REBT techniques so that they are developmentally appropriate for individual clients.

Clients in the pre-operational stage of cognitive development may not be able to understand logic or problem solving, but can engage in role play and use realia as symbols. Adolescents in the formal operational stage of cognitive development may be able to reason abstractly and test alternate viewpoints, but may display poor ability to identify emotions. They may also be hesitant to disclose information to adults (especially parents) or risk embarrassment. Adapting techniques for developmental level and specific disorders requires creativity and flexibility on the part of the psychologist. It is important to note that for some age groups and issues, there are empirically supported products available for purchase. A good example of this is Coping Cat, a CBT program for children with anxiety disorders.

For this Assignment, you complete a case conceptualization for an adolescent named Suzanne.

To prepare:

  • Review the case study of Suzanne in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the irrational beliefs that she might have. Are there multicultural issues present? Would you assign homework? What is the best approach for communicating with Suzanne’s mom?
  • Choose either the CBT approach or the REBT approach for working with this client. Download the appropriate case conceptualization document from the Learning Resources.
  • Complete the appropriate case conceptualization handout for Suzanne’s case. Consider how you might adapt techniques from your selected approach for inclusion in treatment planning for this client.

To complete this Assignment:

  • Complete either the CBT Case Conceptualization handout or the REBT Case Conceptualization handout for Suzanne’s case, based on the approach you selected.
  • Complete a treatment plan for this case study.

Required Readings

Crawley, S. A., Podell, J. L., Beidas, R. S., Braswell, L., & Kendall, P. C. (2010). Cognitive-behavioral therapy with youth. In K. S. Dobson (Ed.), Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapies (3rd ed.) (pp. 358–360). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Ishikawa, S. (2015). A cognitive-behavioral model of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Japanese Psychological Research, 57(3), 180–193. doi:10.1111/jpr.12078
A Cognitive‐behavioral Model of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents by Ishikawa, S., in Japanese Psychological Research, Vol. 57/Issue 3. Copyright 2015 by John Wiley & Sons – Journals. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Palermo, T. M., Bromberg, M. H., Beals-Erickson, S., Law, E. F., Durkin, L., Noel, M., & Chen, M. (2016). Development and initial feasibility testing of brief cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia in adolescents with comorbid conditions. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 4(2), 214–226. doi:10.1037/cpp0000140
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Shea, D. (2016). A case illustration using REBT/CBT. Cognitive behavioral approaches for counselors (pp. 75–86). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Cognitive Behavioral Approaches for Counselors, 1st Edition by Shea, D. Copyright 2016 by Sage College. Reprinted by permission of Sage College via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Document: Case Study of Suzanne (PDF document)

Document: CBT Case Conceptualization handout (Word document)

Document: REBT Case Conceptualization handout (Word document)

Optional Resource

Bernard, M. E. (2008, September). Albert Ellis and the world of children. Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society, Tasmania.

Case Conceptualization and Treatment Plans when Working with Children and Adolescents Read More »

Informative Paper on Tipping in the Restaurant Business

Informative Paper on Tipping in the Restaurant Business

I’m working on a English writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

  • Word Count: 1700-2000 words (not including Works Cited), double spaced, typed, as per MLA format.
    (Times New Roman 12pt font) This is roughly 5 to 7 pages.
  • Works Cited / Sources minimum 4; maximum 8. Yes, this doesn’t seem like a lot of sources, but it’s deliberate. The bulk of the essay should be your unique writing, thoughts, and analysis, and 8 sources will be more than enough.
    You must include at least two library database sources and one book or e-book. You may also use: YouTube-videos, DVDs, newspapers, journals, magazines or any other credible source.
  • In Text – citations: minimum 6; maximum 12. These should include some quotations and some paraphrases. General rule of thumb: one quotation per page.
  • No single source is to be cited more than twice in the paper.

Topic: Food


Style: This is an informative paper. The basic idea is for you to give detailed background information about the topic of your choosing, discussing the facts only. Give historical context, discuss timelines, lay out specifics, provide all sides of a debate with some equal measure, and otherwise work to be as objective as humanly possible. You will write an argument paper later that is based on this paper


I’m writing an informative paper on tipping in the restaurant business, and how tipping doesn’t benefit employees more than a set stable wage. Don’t worry about the two library database sources, and if you’re able to make me a rough draft, and a final copy, I’d definitely pay more. *DUE AT MIDNIGHT 11/2 EST* Need it before then.

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International SEO Audit

International SEO Audit

Select a country (other than the United States) and write an essay about what the SEO landscape is like.

Each essay must meet the following:

  • History of search within that country (For example, China and Google have a long standing history, the EU has recent changes with GDPR or recent laws)
  • The main search engines uses within the country
  • How it is the same as SEO in the US
  • How it is SEO is different than the US
  • One big thing SEO professionals should be aware of when entering that country’s SEO market
    • Additionally:
      • Minimum of 500 words
      • Double spaced, size 12 font
      • Cite all of your sources
      • APA style
      • Please make sure to check grammar and spelling

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PSY 4800 Senior Seminar

PSY 4800 Senior Seminar

Professional Associations in Psychology

For this assignment, you will examine the various associations in psychology as they relate to your interests in psychology. For example, if you are interested in Forensic Psychology you would research professional organizations or associations associated with Forensic Psychology.

  • For this assignment, you will choose two professional organizations.
  • Find two recent scholarly journal articles (within the last 2–3 years) related to the two fields of psychology for the professional organizations you have chosen.
  • Write a 2–3-page report on the professional organizations integrating information from the journal articles.
  • This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®
For this week, students will research the various disciplines of psychology utilizing scholarly journals and outside resources from three perspectives: the theoretical, conceptual, and practical/applied.

my field is domestic violence counselor

counseling psychologist


you can use your own articles and 2 to three pages

the class has no books

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Medieval Europe, 1000 to 1500

Medieval Europe, 1000 to 1500

Hello friend, thank you for helping me with this paper. I have organized this in an easy way to understand, if you have any questions please feel free to ask. 🙂

The paper should be 6-8 pages and consists of two parts.

For the first part please answer question A and answer using only the “A Source” doc that is provided (first 8 pages of doc only).

For the second part you will need to answer these 5 questions: C (source A {first 8 pages of doc}), E (Source E {15th page on doc numbered 69}), F (source F {starting from page numbered 9}), G ( source A {the 9 – 11 pages of the doc}), H (Source E {ninth page of doc})





Teo Ruiz


Organize your answers carefully. Provide Examples and chronological references. Do not be reluctant to voice your own opinion. Your answers have to be more than a memorization of your text book or class notes. THE EXAM SHOULD NOT BE LONGER THAN 6 to 8 TYPE-WRITTEN PAGES, DOUBLE SPACE, 12 FONT, REASONABLE MARGINS. QUOTES SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY PROPER CITATIONS.





Please note that you are getting the exam 10 days in advance. There will be no extensions to the exam as it could be answer in two hours and you have a week and a half.


Please make sure to write the name of your TA in the exam first page, unless notified otherwise.


Rebecca Gates will grade students with last names from Abajian to Gragar (inclusive)

Richard Ibarra will grade students with last names from Gu to Muljadi (inclusive)

Elizabeth Landers will grade students with last names from Munoz to Zocker.


Please think that mentioning or citing documents will impress us greatly. Do so in all the answers.


TRY TO TURN IN YOUR EXAM AS EARLY AS YOU CAN. DO NOT WAIT FOR 4 NOVEMBER AT 6 PM. Upload the entire exam on Turn it in with the name of your TA on the first page. Upload the entire exam. Once you have logged into the system, the Turn It In will not let you upload a different essay.



Part I. Answer one.


  1. How was society organized throughout most of western Europe in the eleventh and twelfth centuries? Discuss the nature of the relationship between lord and vassal and lord and peasant. What rights and obligations did these bonds entail? What role did towns play in this world? What new values did the bourgeoisie inject into the “feudal” world? What sort of society resulted from these arraignments? How did these relationships change over time and why? Are there such relations today? How are they similar, how are they different? Course website:Week Three, sel. 1.


  1. This question asks you to summarize: the nature of the bonds between lord and vassal and lord and peasant. Explain how the entire structure of feudal society came about, what purpose it fulfilled, who benefitted from it, how it changed over time. Go beyond repeating the lecture. Use the outlines. Advance your own thoughts and interpretations.


  1. What was the condition of the Church in the tenth and eleventh centuries? How was the Church reformed and what conflicts resulted from the ecclesiastical desire for independence? Discuss briefly the nature of monastic, lay, and papal reform and the final outcome of the Investiture Controversy. Above all, you must discuss in detail the documents which show the position of those who supported the papacy and those who supported lay power. What were the issues discussed in these documents? What positions did the writers take? What was the nature of their arguments? Why are these ideas important in the modern world and what were the consequences of the contest? CW: Week Three, sel. 2 & 3.


Question B asks you to have a brief narrative about the ills that plagued the Church in the 9th and 10th century, how it led to reforms, and what were the outcome of this reforms. You need to address some of the debates on both sides. Essentailly, where did power come from, who held it, and why? Be creative. Do not just re[eat the lectures.


  1. How did the Renaissance of the twelfth century come about? What were its main characteristics/ outline brieflywith references to the sources included in the Course Reader — the main aspects of the twelfth century cultural production. In detail discuss two of the following:


  1. a) literature (Christian, Goliard, and epic)
  2. b) courtly love
  3. c) philosophy in the twelfth century. The rise of universities
  4. d) Gothic art
  5. e) popular religion and heresy

CW: Weeks Four and Five, (Tristan may be used by those in the Honors discussion)


Question C is pretty straight forward. How did the Renaissance come about (see my e mailing for weeks 4 & 5). Why were these cultural developments important.


  1. You are a historian and the only extant source for the twelfth century is Chretien de Troyes’ romances. Choose one of the books (but not Lancelot or the Knight of the Cart if you are writing on that for the paper). What does the story tell you about the past? How can you reconstruct from this source aspects of medieval education, the role of women, the nature of honor, chivalry, etc.? What does this book tell you about the ideals and values of some segment of society? Be creative. Refer to the text.



Qyestion D is also pretty straight forward. Do a close reading of one of the Arthurian Romances. Pay special attention to the conflict between honor (duty to one’s lord) and desire or love. Think how women are represented, nature, festivals, and the like. Think of what is missing (peasants, the mayority of the population). What values are voiced here?


Part II. Choose five of the following. Answer in a paragraph (around 1/3 to half a page).


  1. Look at the documents dealing with the crusade in the course reader. One an account of the first crusade and the other the Arab view of the crusaders. How are they different, how are thy alike? What are they saying.


  1. What is the Anonymous of York’s excerpt all about? What political views are being discussed here? (Do not discuss this and the question above on the Church). DO NOT ANSWER THIS QUESTION IF YOU ANSWER PART I. B.


  1. What is the main point of Jacques Le Goff’s article on “Merchant’s Time and Church’s Time.”


Think about where does time come from? Can merchants charge for the time it takes to carry their merchandise from one place to the other. Think of the different ways medieval people experienced time. Who came on top in the end?


  1. Select two of the Goliardic poems in the course reader or the website. What are the themes of these poems?

Do a close reading of these two poems. What is the purpose of life? What should we do?


  1. Read Francis of Assisi’s The Canticle of the Sun. What are the main ideas articulated in this poem?


Think of Francis’ depiction of nature. Is Jesus mentioned?


  1. What do you think are Geertz’s main points in his article on “The Interpretation of Culture.” Specifically, what does he mean by “webs of significance,” what does he mean by “thick description?”



  1. G. What do you think of the exchange of letters between Henry IV and Gregory VII? What points is each of the protagonist making? DO NOT ANSWER THIS QUESTION IF YOU ANSWER PART I. B.




  1. How is Anselm’s argument for the existence of God constructed? How does he come to his conclusion? What do you think?


  1. I. How and why did towns come into being in parts of northern Europe in the twelfth century? Explain briefly.


  1.  What do you think was the relation between mysticism and courtly love. Provide at least one or two examples.

Medieval Europe, 1000 to 1500 Read More »

Social media current event Powerpoint and speech draft

Social media current event Powerpoint and speech draft

Because Social media is such a fluid and changing medium, a big part of our understanding and learning is gaining perspective from people that may not use social media the way we do. For this assignment we will be learning from each other by sharing an area of interest that you can “teach” and inform your peers about.

  • Prepare a ppt on an area of your interest in Social Media
  • 5-6 slide to support a 10-15 minute presentation.
  • Be sure to give appropriate context/background to support your discussion (i.e. explain the social media platform of your choice and any applicable history and any surrounding events that would impact class understanding of your topic)
  • A great presentation is one that contains an opinion supported by facts vs. just a collaboration of facts. See example below.
  • Be sure to include any relevant sources on the final page of the ppt.

Bad Example: This is WeChat and this is how I use it.

Great Example: WeChat is poised for international expansion due to its success in Asia.

Bad Example: Here are my favorite social influencers The Kardashians and here are some of my favorite posts.

Great Example: The Kardashians have used social media to build their empire in a way supported most by Instagram. Here are the brand components they have used to build their brand and this is how social media has supported it.

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Social media current event Powerpoint and speech draft

Social media current event Powerpoint and speech draft

Because Social media is such a fluid and changing medium, a big part of our understanding and learning is gaining perspective from people that may not use social media the way we do. For this assignment we will be learning from each other by sharing an area of interest that you can “teach” and inform your peers about.

  • Prepare a ppt on an area of your interest in Social Media
  • 5-6 slide to support a 10-15 minute presentation.
  • Be sure to give appropriate context/background to support your discussion (i.e. explain the social media platform of your choice and any applicable history and any surrounding events that would impact class understanding of your topic)
  • A great presentation is one that contains an opinion supported by facts vs. just a collaboration of facts. See example below.
  • Be sure to include any relevant sources on the final page of the ppt.

Bad Example: This is WeChat and this is how I use it.

Great Example: WeChat is poised for international expansion due to its success in Asia.

Bad Example: Here are my favorite social influencers The Kardashians and here are some of my favorite posts.

Great Example: The Kardashians have used social media to build their empire in a way supported most by Instagram. Here are the brand components they have used to build their brand and this is how social media has supported it.

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need answers to these 3 questions

need answers to these 3 questions

Identify a team that you are currently participating in or a team with which you have worked in the past. Identify norms, rules, and any explicit ground rules that were developed for the team. Even if the team did not have an explicit mission statement, as you reflect on the team goals and objectives, develop a team mission statement for the team.
Your response must be at least 400 words in length.

Develop an agenda for an upcoming meeting. Develop a meeting goal or goals, and identify the sequence of agenda items. After you have written your agenda, write a brief explanation of why you structured your agenda as you did.
Your response must be at least 400 words in length.

Attend a public meeting, such as your local school board, city council, or campus council, or reflect upon a meeting you have attended in the past. Using the principles and skills discussed in this chapter, evaluate the meeting using the five principles of leadership. Were group members self-aware and aware of comments and actions of others? How effectively did group members use verbal messages to make their points and organize their ideas? Did nonverbal messages provide supportive and positive reinforcement of others’ comments? How effectively did group members listen and respond to messages? What evidence did you find that group members appropriately adapted their message to others during the course of their conversations?
Your response must be at least 400 words in length.

need answers to these 3 questions Read More »

Business report and presentation slides

Business report and presentation slides

Topic: Customs Exemption between countries: Trade Sector (or you can use Supply Chain Sector) CHOOSE ONE!!

Formal Report Project Presentation (8 slides MAX): Due last week of class and final exam period; PowerPoint presentation. 100 points You are required to develop a professional PowerPoint slide presentation (of no more than 10 slides) to accompany a formal 5-6-minute oral presentation on your topic. Formal business dress is required for the presentation (dress as you would for an important interview). It is expected to be a highly professional demonstration of the student’s ability to apply key concepts from the course. The audience for the presentation is the same as the intended audience of the report. Presentations details are listed under the separate assignment on Canvas.


Your Formal Report FINAL draft must include the following sections: Front Matter: Prefatory sections (do NOT count towards page limit; number prefatory pages in lowercase roman numerals, but do not place a number on your cover sheet):A cover sheet (no page number)A letter of transmittal (ii)A table of contents (including a list of figures) (iii)An executive summary (iv)Body sections (7-9 pages single-spaced): these DO count towards page limit, except the referencesIntroductionBackground sectionDiscussion sectionConclusions section Recommendations sectionReferences page End Matter: Additionally, each student will prepare at least an appendix that does NOT count towards the final page range. Appendices should be labeled as Appendix A, Appendix B, and so forth [if needed]. You may number the appendix pages as you please. Appendix: Primary research detailso If using first-hand experience or observationDetails on experience: How many months/years experience do you have? Details on observation: Who did you observe? What location? For how long?o If using survey, interview, or questionnaireList of questionsIf conducted an expert interview: name of interviewee, positionNumber of participants (if applicable)FORMATTING GUIDELINES FOR FORMAL REPORTPlease review the Formatting Guidelines for the Formal ReportSpacing: your report will be single-spaced (1.0), as this is the expectation in the business environment. Margins: 1 or 1.25 inch margins all the way around the document (except cover page)Font: 12 point Times New Roman, 12 point Cambria, or 12 point Calibri Page numbers should be centered at the bottom of page; front matter should be numbered with roman numerals while the body should be numbered with Arabic numeralsPoint of View & Voice: Use “I” when referring to your primary research but otherwise use third person. Use active voice when possible/appropriate. Review guidelines here:…

Section headings should be completed in APA style, Single Space:… Parenthetical citations and References sheet should use APA format for citations

Also, the report must include graphics, such as photo, pie charts, etc…

Read the instructions carefully plz

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Electronic Health Record. Discuss the question using 3 APA reference with nursing content within 5years.

Electronic Health Record.

Discuss the question using 3 APA reference with nursing content within 5years.

One of the aspects of meaningful use is the implementation of the electronic health record (EHR). How has the EHR impacted your health care organization? What were the positives, and are there any negative issues with any aspects of EHR?

Read “Daily Electronic Health Record Reports Meet Meaningful Use Requirements, Improve Care Efficiency, and Provide a Layer of Safety for Trauma Patients,” by Stimson and Botruff, from Journal of Trauma Nursing (2017).

Electronic Health Record. Discuss the question using 3 APA reference with nursing content within 5years. Read More »

Health informatics sharing information: weekly discussion post

Health informatics sharing information: weekly discussion post

In your opinion:

  • Volumes of healthcare data are collected daily. Have you encountered errors in your personal data or those of a family member, as it was collected and stored? Can you recall what the error was related to and perhaps how it had happened? Were there any negative outcomes?
  • After reviewing the youtube video let’s go through the discussion together, one question at a time:
  • What parts of the data information lifecycle are discussed in this article?
  • Who are the stakeholders in this “chilling reality “?
  • From the lens of the stakeholders- what are some of the many possible changes that might be implemented to lower these statistics?
  • Discuss as a data consumer, what elements of data quality are important in reducing medical errors?

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Art Appreciation Flex Course

Art Appreciation Flex Course

Instructions: Read Which Is the Most Influential Work of Art Of the Last 100 Years (Plagens, Peter, Newsweek, 7/2/2007, Vol. 150, Issue 2) and reviewPicasso and American Art’ (Associated Press, 2006). These resources better explain how artists were influenced and inspired by other artists, social influences and cultures, including Picasso himself while painting “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”. Write a 1-2 page paper discussing the following topics:

  • How art was understood, appreciated and shared historically, both by artists and the general public
  • How the discovery and appreciation of art has changed due to advances in technology
  • How social and political happenings have influenced artists

Art Appreciation Flex Course Read More »

Please prepare main discussion

Please prepare main discussion

This week we focus on the knowledge management cycle noted in Figure 5.3 in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning textbook(Attached). Note the various aspects of knowledge management, continuous innovation, and competitive advantage and how they integrate with one another.

Your response should be 250-300 words. Respond to two postings provided by your classmates.

Please prepare main discussion Read More »

Community Problem Solving Presentation

Community Problem Solving Presentation

Create a Powerpoint presentation on successful community problem solving.

  • The presentation must be approximately 10 minutes in length and include 10 to 12 slides.
  • Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
  • Include presenter notes

Identify a specific problem in your community that has been solved through a law enforcement initiative. If possible, base your presentation on an interview you conduct with the person or persons responsible for creating and administering the program.

Include at least four peer reviewed references.

Format your assignment is consistent with APA guidelines.

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