Author name: Rosemary Mosco

AHS 7610 Week 3 Mini assignment 1

AHS 7610 Week 3 Mini assignment 1

Now that you have learned about systems and system transformation approaches, this week you will write a paper describing what you notice is going on in the human systems in which you participate, what are your responses (thoughts, feelings, actions) to those experiences?

Week 3 Readings and Resources

This week’s readings will help you to understand the concepts of the 5 Cs of organizational change as well as what leverage points can be identified to help systems transform.

Textbook Readings

  • Designing the Customer-Centric Organization. J. Galbraith. Chapters 3 & 4 (pages 43-86)
  • The Fifth Element. P. Senge. Chapters 4 & 5

PowerPoint Presentations



AHS 7610 Week 3 Mini assignment 1 Read More »

write research argument about college education should be online during coronavirus pandemic.

write research argument about college education should be online during coronavirus pandemic.

the instructions in the attached files.

I also included bibliography of 12 sources that are needed to be used in the research paper

I need the thesis and the outline by Friday morning on October 30

Your outline must be clearly labeled either proposal or evaluation.

Your outline must include a complete thesis statement.

Your outline must directly refer to at least 8-10 outside sources (paraphrases or direct quotes are acceptable).

Your outline DOES NOT need to include a plan for your introduction or conclusion (we will write those soon).

write research argument about college education should be online during coronavirus pandemic. Read More »

AHS 8300 week 9 first thesis draft.

AHS 8300 week 9 first thesis draft.

Please submit your first thesis draft for review and critique by the course instructor. This draft is worth 10% of your grade. It is your initial draft of progress to date. Is the literature review sufficient? Will the thesis hold up to critique?

In Week 9, everyone will submit what you have completed to date with regards to the development of your thesis. For example, if you’ve only completed your introduction and part of your first chapter, that is what I would like to see. I want to provide you with input as we go through this process. I don’t expect that anyone will have completed their entire thesis at Week 9.

The first draft submission (of your entire thesis) is not due until Weeks 10 & 11.

I hope this helps to clarify where we are with the development of your thesis and expectations for deliverables.

Professor feedbacks and recommendation from week 8 outline. Please review attachment and make necessary changes.

Thank you for your Week 8 Draft Thesis Outline. I reviewed your thesis and added my notes and recommendations. (see attached file below) Please accept the recommended changes in your paper. One change that I made throughout your paper is to refer to “children conceived from rape” rather than “rape children.” It provides for a clearer description. Please review the page formatting requirements. The first pages of the thesis are small roman numerals. The first “page 1” starts with Chapter I and is located at the bottom of the page and centered. Guidance regarding pagination has already been provided. I also corrected your Chapter headings and formatting. Chapter titles are to be 12 font, no larger. The information you provided under Chapter II, Literature Review is good. You have a good start for your Chapter III, IV, and V. Please continue to develop these chapters as you continue your research. Please remember that this is a “Scholarly” paper and critical attention is given to your references. I noted formatting errors and missing doi information for several of your references. I ran your first three references through and found some errors. I recommend that you run all of your references through, check for accuracy, and then export those references to a word document that can easily be inserted into your paper. I had demonstrated this to everyone earlier. I will continue to check references on all draft submissions.

AHS 8300 week 9 first thesis draft. Read More »

make sure its 8 sentence each section

make sure its 8 sentence each section

section 1:

Identify and briefly describe the steps in a trial (no need to include pretrial procedures). Start with jury selection.

Then tell us which step in the trial you believe is the greatest area of controversy with regard to discrimination. Why? Support your opinion with at least 2 research sources.

Respond to one other student who chose a different step than you. Remember to write at least 4 substantive sentences adding more to the conversation (research, examples, material from the book, etc.).

Section 2:

Watch the video and read this article then answer the following:

Supreme Court finds jury tainted by race in murder case:

The Supreme Court on Monday took a major step toward overturning the death sentence of a Georgia man convicted of murder by ruling that prosecutors unconstitutionally allowed racial considerations to taint the jury selection process.

Justice Clarence Thomas was the sole dissenter as the shorthanded court ruled, 7-1, in favor of Timothy Foster, who was convicted of murder after a trial in 1987.

Chief Justice John Roberts, who has been broadly critical of the high court’s jurisprudence on race, wrote the majority opinion (Links to an external site.) holding that prosecutors “were motivated in substantial part by race” when deciding whom to strike from the jury panel in advance of the trial.

Decades after the trial, Foster used the Georgia Open Records Act to obtain a copy of the prosecution’s file, which included numerous notes showing that prosecutors were keeping track of which jurors were African-American and that they seemed to be trying to minimize the number of blacks on the jury.

“The contents of the prosecution’s file … plainly belie the State’s claims that it exercised its strikes in a ‘color-blind’ manner,” Roberts wrote. “The sheer number of references to race in that file is arresting.”

Roberts’ opinion did not directly overturn Foster’s sentence or conviction, but it told the Georgia Supreme Court to revisit its decision denying the convict relief.

Justice Samuel Alito voted to reverse the Georgia court but did not join in the majority decision Monday. He wrote separately on procedural issues while adding that he agreed that “the totality of the evidence” Foster presented showed a taint of racial bias.

Thomas dissented, saying that the conclusions of the Georgia courts should have been respected and that Foster came forward with the evidence of bias too late.

Thomas said his colleagues’ “conclusion … rests mostly on arguments at Foster’s disposal decades ago.”

“The new evidence is no excuse for the Court’s reversal of the state court’s credibility determinations,” Thomas added.

It is unclear how broad an impact Monday’s ruling will have, in part because state public records laws vary and most inmates seem unlikely to be able to obtain copies of prosecutors’ files. In addition, defense attorneys suspect that many prosecutors are careful not to make written notes that could later support a claim that a juror was struck on the basis of race.

After watching the video for this week about racial discrimination in jury selection and reading the article about the Supreme Court’s decision, answer the following questions.

What did prosecutors do when the chose the jury in the Timothy Foster case? What was wrong with their actions? What do you believe was the prosecutor’s most egregious conduct?

How did The attorneys for Foster get the prosecutor’s notes years after the trial? What did they find in the notes?

What did Foster argue to the Supreme Court?

What was the Supreme Court’s decision?

The Supreme court made their decision in a 7 – 1 decision. Who was the dissenting justice and what did he say in his dissent?

Do you agree with the majority of the court or the lone dissenter? Why?

How can we be sure that prosecutors do not use race in their jury selection decisions?

make sure its 8 sentence each section Read More »

Analyzing and Offering Solutions to Problems at the Social Security Administration

Analyzing and Offering Solutions to Problems at the Social Security Administration

500 words

Discussion 2 Instructions

Using your knowledge about the organizational theories you gained this week, scan the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report, “Social Security Administration Field Offices. Reduced Workforce Faces Challenges as Baby Boomers Decline” to find problems that were identified in the U.S. Social Security Administration that can be explained by one or more of the organizational theories we studied this week. Specifically, how can problems you identify in the GAO Report about the Social Security Administration be explained either by the ineffective application of a particular organizational theory or theories or the failure to apply an organizational theory to prevent the problems from developing in the first place? Explain which organizational theory or theories would be most effective in helping to solve the problems, why, and how.

Post an initial entry in which you identify two specific problems (make sure to reference the page/pages in the GAO Report where you identified the problems but do not copy the wording directly from the Report; articulate the problems in your own words); explain how one or more of the organizational theories you learned about this week potentially led to the development of the problems; and make an argument about which theory or theories would best help to solve the problems. Make your post as analytically rich as possible; don’t be satisfied with a superficial overview. For example, explain not only specific problems but also the broader implications of the problems for the Social Security Administration and the public it serves. In applying organizational theories to help solve the problems, dig as deeply into the theories as you can to explain how a particular theory or a combination of theories can be applied to resolve organizational issues. For example, if you apply lessons from the Hawthorne experiments, explain which aspects of the experiments are relevant. If you apply contingency theory, articulate the specific contingencies involved and/or explain how the concept of “protecting the technical core” of the Social Security Administration might apply. Critical thinking means making connections, here between theories and a practical case study, that are not immediately apparent. Think carefully about the organizational theories we study this week, go beyond the obvious, and analyze how theories that might be new to you – such as resource dependency, or institutionalism, or goal displacement, for example – might help resolve problems and their implications that you identify in the GAO Report about the Social Security Administration.


Social Security Administration Field Offices. Reduced Workforce Faces Challenges as Baby Boomers Decline

Analyzing and Offering Solutions to Problems at the Social Security Administration Read More »

Cultural Immersion Project: Research Paper Assignment (Part 1 Cultural Immersion Project: Research Paper Assignment (Part 1) Instructions

Cultural Immersion Project: Research Paper Assignment (Part 1

Cultural Immersion Project: Research Paper Assignment (Part 1) Instructions

Distant Encounter

This part involves scholarly resources and Internet/media resources related to the cultural group you will be exploring. This group may be a different ethnicity, religion, and/or culture or have other significantly different cultural features (e.g., the elderly in nursing homes, disabled children, disabled adults, the homeless, prisoners, etc.). You must select a group with whom you have little or no prior experience. For example, if you have interacted with many Cubans previously, you cannot base the project on the Cuban culture. This also applies to your own cultural background. For example, if you are a white student from an Irish background, you cannot base the project on the Irish culture. No reusing past experiences. The cultural group you select must be new for you. For the Cultural Immersion Project – Parts 2 and 3, be aware that you must both participate in cultural group activities as well as interview an individual or married couple from your selected cultural group (see the instructions documents for Parts 2 and 3 for information on those later assignments); therefore, choose a culture group with whom you will be able to interact.

You will read at least 3 scholarly sources on your cultural group of interest (the resources must be published within the last 10 years). A pertinent, unassigned chapter from the McGoldrick et al. text may count as 1 of these resources; however, the Hays & Erford text chapters may not count as a source. You must also use the Internet or media to examine at least 3 significant media sources related to the culture. For example, on the Internet, you may find the following types of resources that are both culturally useful and prominent:

You will answer the questions listed below. First person may be used in your answers, and you must observe correct and current APA style. The paper must have a correct title page, and you must use a reference page if you cite resources (no abstract is needed). A word estimate is beside each question; however, the quality of your answer is more important than the word count. You may expand further, but you do not have to do so. It is recommended that you use the following questions as level 1 headings to organize your paper (you can shorten the question into a level 1 heading/title). A template is provided for this assignment to help with APA formatting and organization.

  • What are some key things you have learned about this culture through reading the scholarly sources? (approximately 400 words). Please include the following aspects, both for inter-group characteristics (compared to other cultural groups) and intra-group characteristics (differences within the cultural group).
    • Key historical events and figures impacting the culture and societal perceptions of this group
  • What are some key things you have learned about this culture through interacting with Internet/media resources related to this culture? (approximately 300 words)
  • Are there any current surprises regarding what you are finding out about this culture? (approximately 100 words)
  • How does your search through the literature and Internet/media impact your expectations as you plan your immersion activities? (approximately 200 words)

On the reference page, list the scholarly resources and Internet/media resources that you used for this part of the immersion project in current APA format.

Note that the research you do for Parts 1 and 2 is necessary for the completion of Part 3. Organize all the notes and resources you have gathered thus far to enable you to easily accomplish the final part of this project.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.

Cultural Immersion Project: Research Paper Assignment (Part 1 Cultural Immersion Project: Research Paper Assignment (Part 1) Instructions Read More »

Write a 3-5 page paper describing where a physician practice and a hospital fall on the continuum of patient care, explaining the scope of responsibility and authority at the physician practice, and describing the differences of management’s approach acro

Write a 3-5 page paper describing where a physician practice and a hospital fall on the continuum of patient care, explaining the scope of responsibility and authority at the physician practice, and describing the differences of management’s approach acro

  • Introduction

    As a health care administrator, you will likely spend a great deal of your time focused on operations. You may find yourself working in a hospital, clinic, long-term care facility, hospice, urgent care center, home health agency, or a number of other types of organizations. Regardless of the type of organization, many of the operational responsibilities are the same.Health care financing has become quite complex. Because most health care organizations are reimbursed primarily from a third party (insurance company), health care administrators must manage the communication between the patient, the insurance company, and the organization. Consumer-directed health plans (CDHPs) have increased in popularity as a way to reduce insurance premiums; however, the patient has a larger financial responsibility for services compared to managed care plans. This concept is known as cost sharing (Niles, 2021). It is very important to understand the payer mix of your organization, so you understand where and how revenue is coming in.Information technology is another huge area of focus right now for health care administrators. The health care industry has lagged behind other industries in the area of information technology. The U.S. health care system has seen a large increase in the number of electronic medical records implemented across health care organizations (Niles, 2021). In addition, other technologies such as telehealth, electronic data warehouses (EDWs), and computerized physician order entry (CPOE) are quickly expanding and improving the delivery of health care.


    Niles, N. J. (2021). Basics of the U.S. health care system (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

    Demonstration of Proficiency

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 2: Explain health care management approaches in diverse health care settings.
      • Describe where the physician practice and the hospital fall on the continuum of patient care.
      • Analyze how providers at each location try to return their patients to their highest level of functioning.
      • Analyze the differences in the scope of responsibility and authority between the physician practice and the hospital administrator positions.
      • Describe how the management approach changes between physician practice and hospital settings.
    • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others.
      • Produce writing that conveys understanding of the topic, its context, and its relevance.
      • Use academic writing conventions such as APA formatting and citation style, or others as required.
      • Produce writing that includes minimal grammar, usage, and mechanical errors, including spelling.


    For this assessment, imagine you have decided to leave your position at the primary care office from your previous assessment. You have accepted an administrator position at an academic medical center that is noted for its diversity in staffing. Using the resources provided, along with a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles based on your own research, complete a 3–5 page paper discussing the following:

    • Describe where the physician practice and the hospital fall on the continuum of patient care. How do providers at each location try to return their patients to their highest level of functioning?
    • Explain the scope of responsibility and authority that you had at the physician practice, compared to your new role as a hospital administrator.
    • Describe how your management approach has changed across the two settings.

    Organize your paper using the following headings (please use these headings):

    • Title Page.
    • Introduction.
      • Preview the main themes of your paper.
    • Continuum of Care.
      • Describe where the physician practice and the hospital fall on the continuum of patient care. How do providers at each location try to return their patients to their highest level of functioning?
    • Scope of Responsibility and Authority.
      • Analyze the scope of responsibility and authority that you had at the physician practice, compared to your new role as a hospital administrator.
    • The Management Approach.
      • Describe how your management approach has changed across the two settings.
    • Conclusion.
      • Summarize the main themes of your paper.
    • References.
    Paper Requirements
    • Your paper will be a minimum of 3–5 double-spaced pages in length, not including title and reference pages.
    • Font: Times New Roman 12-point.
    • Cite at least two references in addition to the resources offered in this assessment.
    • Format your paper according to APA style.

    Note: To fully understand how this assessment will be graded be sure to carefully read the Health Care Management in Diverse Settings Scoring Guide.


Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.VIEW SCORING GUIDE

Write a 3-5 page paper describing where a physician practice and a hospital fall on the continuum of patient care, explaining the scope of responsibility and authority at the physician practice, and describing the differences of management’s approach acro Read More »

Based on the documentary “RememberingJohnLewis” and the assignedreadings, postyourthoughts (i.e., reflection) on JohnLewis.

Based on the documentary “RememberingJohnLewis” and the assignedreadings, postyourthoughts (i.e., reflection) on JohnLewis.

Based on the documentary “Remembering John Lewis” and the assigned readings, post your thoughts (i.e., reflection) on John Lewis.

Must be at least 1 page

Video and 2 readings are attached

Based on the documentary “RememberingJohnLewis” and the assignedreadings, postyourthoughts (i.e., reflection) on JohnLewis. Read More »

HCAD 640 Financial Management for Healthcare Organizations: WK 12

HCAD 640 Financial Management for Healthcare Organizations: WK 12

Instructions: Please answer using your own words in a minimum of 400 words PER QUESTION Referenced with four (4) peer-reviewed journal articles or qualified text publish within the past five years and follow APA Manual 7th editions scholarly writing guidelines. When writing replies, please provide your experiences, new ideas, add probing questions and new literature on the topic to enhance the learning opportunity.


12.1 Looking to the Future

Unlike the other weeks’ discussions, for this week, first, take the time to review at least one (1) of the four HFMA topic areas presented in this week’s s content and discuss your perceptions, suggestions, ideas, or inspiration drawn from the material. In your conversation, consider how finance is related to the topic. For example, can technology decrease the cost of care? Another example might be to examine what sort of financial implications consumerism might require health care leaders to deliberate? Where appropriate, reach beyond the HFMA materials and bring in other resources that pertain to your chosen topic. Upload the link(s) and then draft a short response (2-3 paragraphs) that discusses why you found the link valuable or interesting.


Attached is the reading material. You can also use other resources that you deem fitting to assist with the answering the question

HCAD 640 Financial Management for Healthcare Organizations: WK 12 Read More »

Assume you are a nurse manager

Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team.

To Prepare:

The Assignment: (2-3 pages)

In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to

ssume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team.

To Prepare:

  • Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented.
  • Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology.

The Assignment: (2-3 pages)

In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:

guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:

Assume you are a nurse manager Read More »

Choose Topic: Business Select number of pages: 1

Choose Topic: Business
Select number of pages: 1
Question Description: Suppose a U.S. wood-products company has facilities and employees in Canada providing its raw materials (wood), but has most of its sales in the United States.

(1) What are the most important operational and financial risks in this arrangement? (2) How can the company pay its Canadian employees, who presumably want Canadian dollars, when its U.S. customers are paying in U.S. dollars? Furthermore, how can it calculate its profit if revenue is in U.S. currency and most of its costs are in Canadian currency?

Choose Topic: Business Select number of pages: 1 Read More »

Community Resource Exploration Activity

Community Resource Exploration Activity

Community Resource Exploration Activity

Note: Answers must be factual and relating to the area in question.

An essential role of case managers is that of broker, linking clients to community resources to help meet important needs. It is important to determine what kind of resources are available in your local area to meet the needs of case management clients.

Below you will find several categories of areas that are typically needed with case management clients:

You must select a category and after your research of least 5 local organizations in that category you must post a Community Resource Guide document.

For each organization you will include the following:

1) Name of agency

2) Address of agency

3) Phone number of agency

4) Website (if available)

5) Brief description of services offered

6) Any limitations regarding eligibility (for example, clients must be a certain age, must be citizens or legal residents, etc.) or usage (for example, client can only receive help from the agency once per year).


Please make sure that the research is done for ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA

Community Resource Exploration Activity Read More »

Choose Topic: Health and Medical Select number of pages: 4

Choose Topic: Health and Medical
Select number of pages: 4
Question Description: Two different coursework.
1. Disease surveillance is a necessary public health role. Passive surveillance relies on individuals and local authorities “pushing” information to national agencies who then compile, analyze, and disseminate the information. Unfortunately, significant gaps occur in reporting.
Review your textbook, and the CDC’s National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS). Discuss the strengths of the current surveillance systems, the gaps you identified, and why these gaps occur. Discuss the global challenges of coordinating surveillance between multiple countries and provide an example highlighting the challenges. What could other governments and agencies, such as the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, do to strengthen global disease surveillance systems? 11/2page


2 .Explain the importance of validity and reliability in diagnostic testing or research. Describe how validity relates to sensitivity and specificity in diagnostic testing. Identify a health screen specific to a diagnostic test that is currently being debated regarding its use, recommended ages, or frequency, and discuss how validity and reliability play into this debate. What other factors should you consider when you assess the recommendations for a diagnostic test or screen? 11/2 page

Choose Topic: Health and Medical Select number of pages: 4 Read More »

Select a topic or an individual from your beat and write a feature story about the person or topic

Select a topic or an individual from your beat and write a feature story about the person or topic

Select a topic or an individual from your beat and write a feature story about the person or topic. You will research, conduct interviews with at least three individuals and write a feature story about the topic. 450-500 words

Make sure that you read the two examples.
The topic should be related to USC Aiken and this is the website to find more information

HI you have everting you need the school website and look at the examples and you can make up a story and names

Select a topic or an individual from your beat and write a feature story about the person or topic Read More »

Help with Essay (Case Study)

Help with Essay (Case Study)

Use the strategic analysis as a method of organizing and evaluating case information

APA style between 4-5 pages not including the reference page

Essay format; not bullet format.

All charts, graphs, pictures are to go in the appendix (not a substitute for content)

Refrain from excessive use of quotes in your response (less than 5%)


Review the corporate strategy of AB Electrolux.

As the social and demographic trends continue to evolve so do the opportunities afforded to Electrolux. The most significant demographic shift globally is the growing middle class in Asia, which includes families with incomes between US$6,000 and US$30,000. It is estimated that by 2030 there will be 3 billion more people in the global middle class than there were in 2013.(Ernst & Young, 2013)

Correlated with rising incomes worldwide, homeownership has also increased at a substantial rate giving rise to increased demand for consumer durables such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers. (Electrolux, 2013)

Electrolux (2013) Electrolux 2013 Annual Report.…

Ernst & Young (2013) Hitting the sweet spot. (Attached pdf)


Use Barney’s VRIO framework to analyze the competencies of Electrolux.

  • Discuss whether AB Electrolux can compete with local Chinese consumer manufacturers.
  • Discuss the three leading perspectives on strategy, and how this strategy tripod influences Electrolux.
  • Identify Porter’s four generic strategies. Discuss which of these would work best for Electrolux.
  • What is the corporate culture of Electrolux? Discuss two distinct attributes of culture within the organization.

Help with Essay (Case Study) Read More »

Mastersdegreefinalpolicypaper15 to 20based on the outlineattached

Mastersdegreefinalpolicypaper15 to 20based on the outlineattached

a master policy paper 15 to 20 pages about (American Jihadists) – font 12 Double spaced based on the outline attached

will be a 15 – 20 page, in-depth study of a homeland security policy challenge of your choosing that will require the application of the materials studied and presented in this course. The policy paper must include citations to at least 10 books or journal articles, including the course books and/or lectures, as appropriate. “Wikipedia” should not be amongst cited sources.

course books:

Louise Richardson, What Terrorists Want, Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threat, (Random House, 2006)

The 9/11 Commission Report, Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, (New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.)

Gus Martin, Understanding Terrorism – Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues, 5th Edition (Sage Publications, 2016)

Erroll Southers, Homegrown Violent Extremism, (Anderson Publications, 2013)

Recommended book:

united state of Jihad ( peter bergen)

the policy paper based on the outline – focus on the policy recommendation and need to be explained in a professional way how this policy will help and use the citations to make the policy strongly useful



2 articles could be used for citations

Mastersdegreefinalpolicypaper15 to 20based on the outlineattached Read More »

The Return of Martin Guerre 4 Questions

The Return of Martin Guerre 4 Questions

I suggest reading Finlay,” Refashioning Martin Guerre” and Davis, “On the Lame,” first. Then read the very brief Jean de Coras, The Memorable Story. Coras’ pamphlet is the primary source upon which Davis’ book is based. Then finally read Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre. Reading the various assignments in this order should make Davis’ exaggerations and flights of fantasy more obvious.

Answer all of the following questions:

1. Finlay in his critique of The Return of Martin Guerre, Finlay claims that Davis imagined the following element in her interpretation: 1) The cooperation between Bertrande de Rols and the fake Martin Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh 2) Bertrande as a headstrong, independent woman 3) Arnaud du Tilh’s Protestantism 4) Coras’ “identification” with Arnaud du Tilh. Do you agree or disagree? Please provide precise page references to The Return of Martin Guerre and contrast Davis’ assertions with her primary text, Coras’, The Miraculous Story.

2. How did the imposter get away with it? Who believed he was the real Martin Guerre? Who did not?

3. Is the Return of Martin Guerre, a microhistory? Davis never uses the expression in the book but everybody including Bell think that the book is an example of the microhistorical approach Consider Davis’ methods and the subject of her research. You might consider the ways in which The Return of Martin Guerre draws upon or even imitates features in The Cheese & the Worms?

4. In the article by David Bell that we read last week, Bell criticizes microhistorians for being too “cinematic” and too eager to reach a large audience often at the expense of professional standards. He also complains that micro historians are “frustratingly incapable of integrating micro analysis with larger historical generalization that formour understanding of the paest.” Do you think that The Return of Martin Guerre suffers from the weaknesses Bell complains of?

Please do not use outside sources and only the ones attached here. There should be a thoughtful paragraph per answer.

Thank you for working with me. Quotes are allowed to be used but please cite the source. There should be 6-10 sentences answering each question. If I can help you in any way, I am here.

The Return of Martin Guerre 4 Questions Read More »

Cultural Immersion Project: Research Paper Assignment (Part 1

Cultural Immersion Project: Research Paper Assignment (Part 1

Cultural Immersion Project: Research Paper Assignment (Part 1) Instructions

Distant Encounter

This part involves scholarly resources and Internet/media resources related to the cultural group you will be exploring. This group may be a different ethnicity, religion, and/or culture or have other significantly different cultural features (e.g., the elderly in nursing homes, disabled children, disabled adults, the homeless, prisoners, etc.). You must select a group with whom you have little or no prior experience. For example, if you have interacted with many Cubans previously, you cannot base the project on the Cuban culture. This also applies to your own cultural background. For example, if you are a white student from an Irish background, you cannot base the project on the Irish culture. No reusing past experiences. The cultural group you select must be new for you. For the Cultural Immersion Project – Parts 2 and 3, be aware that you must both participate in cultural group activities as well as interview an individual or married couple from your selected cultural group (see the instructions documents for Parts 2 and 3 for information on those later assignments); therefore, choose a culture group with whom you will be able to interact.

You will read at least 3 scholarly sources on your cultural group of interest (the resources must be published within the last 10 years). A pertinent, unassigned chapter from the McGoldrick et al. text may count as 1 of these resources; however, the Hays & Erford text chapters may not count as a source. You must also use the Internet or media to examine at least 3 significant media sources related to the culture. For example, on the Internet, you may find the following types of resources that are both culturally useful and prominent:

  • Online newspapers from the selected country,
  • Internet radio broadcasts,
  • Music from the country/group,
  • Movies or videos,
  • Culture-specific online magazines or websites, and/or
  • Organizations.

You will answer the questions listed below. First person may be used in your answers, and you must observe correct and current APA style. The paper must have a correct title page, and you must use a reference page if you cite resources (no abstract is needed). A word estimate is beside each question; however, the quality of your answer is more important than the word count. You may expand further, but you do not have to do so. It is recommended that you use the following questions as level 1 headings to organize your paper (you can shorten the question into a level 1 heading/title). A template is provided for this assignment to help with APA formatting and organization.

  • What are some key things you have learned about this culture through reading the scholarly sources? (approximately 400 words). Please include the following aspects, both for inter-group characteristics (compared to other cultural groups) and intra-group characteristics (differences within the cultural group).
    • Key historical events and figures impacting the culture and societal perceptions of this group
  • What are some key things you have learned about this culture through interacting with Internet/media resources related to this culture? (approximately 300 words)
  • Are there any current surprises regarding what you are finding out about this culture? (approximately 100 words)
  • How does your search through the literature and Internet/media impact your expectations as you plan your immersion activities? (approximately 200 words)
    • Attitudes, beliefs, and values
    • Group self-perceptions and issues related to stereotyping
    • Customs, practices, behaviors
    • Spirituality/Religion
    • Societal perceptions, opportunities and barriers in the U.S. and Internationally

On the reference page, list the scholarly resources and Internet/media resources that you used for this part of the immersion project in current APA format.

Note that the research you do for Parts 1 and 2 is necessary for the completion of Part 3. Organize all the notes and resources you have gathered thus far to enable you to easily accomplish the final part of this project.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.

Cultural Immersion Project: Research Paper Assignment (Part 1 Read More »

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