Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Critical Reflection on Ableism

Critical Reflection on Ableism

Journal 4: Critical Reflection

Assignment 1: Personal/Professional Learning Journal

During the semester, students will be exposed to various ideas and experiences of others that may be challenging to their worldview and personal beliefs or values. As developing critical self-awareness is a major objective of the course, this assignment is designed to help students consider reactions/responses they have to assigned readings and classroom experiences. Each student will complete 4 journals to be turned in as indicated on the course outline and the schedule listed below:

Journal entries are expected to demonstrate self-analysis based on thoughtful reflection and critical self-assessment. Simply stated, the point of this assignment is to turn “the eye inward” and conduct an honest self-assessment. The journal entries will be graded on students’ ability to thoughtfully reflect about their reactions/responses and walk themselves through this process. Students’ journals will be kept private, meaning that they will only be read by the instructor. However, at the instructor’s discretion, they may be shared with the program director if there is a concern for issues related to students’ academics, adherence to the code of ethics, and/or professional behaviors.

Journals should be approximately 2-4 pages, typed, double-spaced, with citations as appropriate. They will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Evidence of advanced level of reflection, providing thoughtful, critical, and honest self-reflection and analysis; focal areas, those more important to the assignment purpose, have been identified with “FOCUS” after the prompt.

Integration of assigned readings and class activities in reflection

Ability to produce a well-organized journal, within the standards set in the APA 7th edition style manual, with no grammatical errors

Please note – The journal assignments are designed to encourage self-analysis and critical reflection. This does not mean, though, that journals must include “negative” assessments or biases. Students are not required to hold or support specific points of view; however, students are expected to maintain professional standards as set forth in the NASW Code of Ethics. Questions or concerns should be addressed with the instructor.


Each journal focused on critical reflection must include your reactions/responses/reflections on a selected topic from the course contents (e.g., meaning of difference, cultural humility, race, etc.). In addition, you should integrate course readings and class activities (e.g., lecture, class discussion, videos, etc.) in your reactions/responses/reflections.

Please follow the prompts below:

Briefly, in one or two paragraphs, describe the initial incident.

For example: is your reflection based on an experience in class? From your past? An interaction you witnessed or participated in? If the connection is unclear, please explain how this initial incident links to the course contents.

What was your immediate reaction to the selected topic/assigned readings/class activities? Has your reaction changed? If so, how?

What do you think influenced your immediate reaction? How might your reaction been different from others connected to the initial incident?

For example: can you connect your reaction to previous personal or professional experiences? Family or cultural heritage? Societal messages? Prejudices, biases or lack of knowledge/exposure?

Is there anything you have newly learned in relation to the selected topic? If so, how would or did this affect your perspectives/beliefs/value, etc. toward the selected topic? (FOCUS)

What strengths/limitations would you identify for yourself, based on your reflections and how might these strengths/limitations affect your social work practice? How would you strengthen or improve the identified strengths/limitations as it relates to your profession as a social worker? (FOCUS)

Because the focus of the critical reflection journals may encompass a wide array of experiences students are encouraged to expand or modify the prompts above to accommodate their learning. Should any journal entry deviate markedly from the format above, please consider seeking the input of the course instructor.

These power point should assist you as well.

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Resources for the Integrative Literature Review

Resources for the Integrative Literature Review

Resources for the Integrative Literature Review

Prior to beginning work on this written assignment, be sure to carefully review the instructions for the Final Assignment, which is due at the end of Week Six. In preparation for that assignment, you will list the four required content domains you have chosen for the Integrative Literature Review and provide a minimum list of six resources you intend to use for each domain. For assistance with researching your resources, please view the Psychology Subject Guide in the Ashford University Library.

For the group of resources in each domain, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings and provide a rationale for including the group within the domain. These rationales should include descriptions of how the research findings will function together in the Integrative Literature Review.

Please use the format below for each of the four domains.

Name of the Domain: (e.g., Psychopharmacology)
List the complete references for each of the six resources. Format your reference list in alphabetical order according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

One to two paragraphs including the required information noted above.

The Resources for the Integrative Literature Review

  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least 24 scholarly sources, including a minimum of 20 from the Ashford University Library.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

No, no extra material that I can think of. But please let me know if there is anything you need from me.

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You need to have netflix in order to answer this question

You need to have netflix in order to answer this question

Unnatural Selection is a limited series (4 episodes) on Netflix. Please watch the first episode of this series and consider the whether or not we should “allow” private individuals to alter the genome (germ line) of species.

You should write a one-page position paper where you discuss whether it is it ethical for individuals, medical scientists, university researchers, anyone for that matter, to do these things? In your answer, please consider what “ethical” means. Consider what unwanted outcomes might occur. Find one outside reference that supports your point of view and use it you your advantage in making your argument.

Your commentary should be 1 page double spaced, 1″ margins with a good title.

Please submit an MS Word *.docx file.

You need to have netflix in order to answer this question Read More »

As the manager of the information technology (IT) security department, you were asked by your boss to present a summary of what the organization should do to prevent this from happening again.

As the manager of the information technology (IT) security department, you were asked by your boss to present a summary of what the organization should do to prevent this from happening again.

Recently, a terminated employee used his mobile device to log in to the company network and steal sensitive data. As the manager of the information technology (IT) security department, you were asked by your boss to present a summary of what the organization should do to prevent this from happening again. Create a PowerPoint presentation of your summary. In your PowerPoint presentation, you should include the components listed below.

  • Explain the goal of information security in relation to mobile devices.
  • Identify the three sources of threats, provide a summary of each, and provide at least one example of each.
  • Explain technical safeguards, and discuss which technical safeguard(s) should be used for mobile devices.
  • Explain data safeguards, and discuss which data safeguard(s) should be used in this type of scenario.
  • Explain human safeguards, and discuss which human safeguard(s) should be implemented.
  • Discuss why the organization needs an incident response plan to secure information and knowledge.

Your presentation must be a minimum of eight slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. Be sure that any graphics used are appropriate and support the content of your presentation.

As the manager of the information technology (IT) security department, you were asked by your boss to present a summary of what the organization should do to prevent this from happening again. Read More »

Need someone to write my five page paper for Sociology

Need someone to write my five page paper for Sociology

What do you believe the federal minimum wage should be? Be sure to take a sociological perspective and reference the concept of living wage while crafting a 3-page argument. Please look at the rubric. I uploaded it to the question

its actually a 3 page paper

Nope its just actually 3 pages and the rubric is attached. Just please make sure to follow the rubric and the instructions

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W3 D1 Gender & Sexual Orientation HHS 320 250 words

W3 D1 Gender & Sexual Orientation HHS 320 250 words

Gender and Sexual Orientation

Consider a time when you, someone you know, or someone with whom you have worked has felt discriminated against as a result of gender bias or sexual orientation. Were there other diverse issues present, such as religion or racial background that made the situation even more difficult, due to family traditions and culture or other related concerns? Describe a scenario, using appropriate citations, that demonstrates how a culturally sensitive human service worker would manage such a situation towards achieving a positive outcome in 250-300 words. Remember that discrimination and prejudice can have many looks and perspectives not just the obvious or publicized. Support your comments with two references and respond to at least two of your classmates.

W3 D1 Gender & Sexual Orientation HHS 320 250 words Read More »

Need a 2pagepaper on SWOTanalysisNOPLAGIARISM

Need a 2pagepaper on SWOTanalysisNOPLAGIARISM‼️

Imagine you own or manage a company. Your company recently completed a strengths, weaknesses, opportunites, and threats (SWOT) analysis, and the board of directors is looking to revise the company’s compensation program. Doing so will help keep the company competitive in attracting new talent. As part of the human resources department, you were asked to draft an essay describing how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices.

Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least your textbook as a source. Be sure that your essay includes the following elements:

  • In your introduction, create a fictitious name for your company, and include some basic background information such as where the company is located, when it was founded, and how many employees work at the company. Do not use an actual company for this essay.
  • Describe issues that influence an individual’s decision to apply for or accept a specific job at your company.
  • Explain how compensation plans can influence the success of your organization.
  • Explore how influences outside your organization can affect its compensation plan.
  • Describe the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Bennett Amendment, and Executive Order 11246, and explain why these were implemented and how they affect your company.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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Need a 2pagepaper on SWOTanalysisNOPLAGIARISM

Need a 2pagepaper on SWOTanalysisNOPLAGIARISM‼️

Imagine you own or manage a company. Your company recently completed a strengths, weaknesses, opportunites, and threats (SWOT) analysis, and the board of directors is looking to revise the company’s compensation program. Doing so will help keep the company competitive in attracting new talent. As part of the human resources department, you were asked to draft an essay describing how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices.

Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least your textbook as a source. Be sure that your essay includes the following elements:

  • In your introduction, create a fictitious name for your company, and include some basic background information such as where the company is located, when it was founded, and how many employees work at the company. Do not use an actual company for this essay.
  • Describe issues that influence an individual’s decision to apply for or accept a specific job at your company.
  • Explain how compensation plans can influence the success of your organization.
  • Explore how influences outside your organization can affect its compensation plan.
  • Describe the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Bennett Amendment, and Executive Order 11246, and explain why these were implemented and how they affect your company.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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Case Study Headache

Case Study Headache

Topic: Headache

Process and Diagnostics

Your objective is to determine diagnostic workup based on the differential diagnosis for clients presenting with an episodic illness in the care setting.

Headache is an exceedingly common symptom in primary care and other practice settings, ranking among the top 10 most frequent symptoms that prompt an office visit. Diagnosis and management are based on a careful clinical approach augmented by an understanding of the anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology of the nervous system pathways that mediate the various headache syndromes.

A 35-year-old woman comes to your office to discuss her “bad headaches,” which started after having her first child 2 years ago. The headaches sometimes awaken her from sleep and at times can be disabling and occasionally require her to take Tylenol and rest in a dark room. Sometimes she vomits during an attack. Over the past 6 months, her headaches have become more severe and frequent, prompting her visit today.

  • What additional questions would you ask to learn more about her headaches?
  • How do you classify headaches?
  • How can you determine if this is an old headache or a new headache/s? Is this a chronic or episodic condition?
  • Can you make a definite diagnosis through an open-ended history followed by focused questions?
  • How can you use the patient history to distinguish between benign headaches and serious ones that require urgent attention?
  • What diagnostic tests do you want to include to help you with your diagnosis? Who might you refer this patient to see and why?
  • Create a differential diagnosis flow sheet for this patient and include the diagnostics related to the differentials.
  • Please support with up-to-date evidence-based standard of care guidelines.

About one page length.

At least 3 references, no older than 5 years

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300 words work

300 words work

Week 3 Topic:


Your textbook states that the number one use of the Internet is for health care information. Medline Plus ( and other health information sites can provide accurate and helpful resources; however some sites are not as accurate.

  • Please list at least one site that you have found helpful for getting health, disease, diet or exercise information.
  • Provide the link and tell why you like this site.
  • What helpful information did you get from this site?
  • Is the information accurate?
  • What can a person learn or discover at this site? Other students might want to explore the site.

Please go to the sites posted by other students and explore the Internet.

In your response to other students please explain how you were able to make use of this information and/or explore the professionalism of the site.

2. Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation. It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA Power Point in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting. There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to cite a source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post.

3. Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words

300 words work Read More »

Policy Paper Each student will write

Policy Paper Each student will write a policy paper examining a specific social justice topic relevant to the course. Students will be allowed to choose from a predetermined list of acceptable general topics, and will then choose a more specific aspect upon which to focus. Students may also propose a topic, but it must be cleared by the instructor. The purpose of this paper is not just to specifically test knowledge, but to force critical thinking about an aspect of the chosen topic, and associated implications of policy or policies tied to the topic.This paper should be no more than about 2,000 words (not including the cover page or references). Direct quotations are not allowed; however, students may paraphrase material. Paraphrasing still requires proper APA citations. Students are not permitted to reuse any course work from a previous or currentcourse for the purposes of this paper. No late papers will be accepted barring a documented and valid need for a limited extension, which must be discussed with the instructor in advance of the deadline. General Formatting Requirements 1. A cover page2. Running Head (upper left-hand corner of the header)3. Page numbering (upper right-hand corner of the header)4. 1” margins on all sides5. Strict double-spacing (no additional space before or after each line – check paragraph settings)6.Times New Roman, 12 point font throughout your entire paper – cover page through references7. All text (with the exception of headings within the body of the paper) should be left-justified (i.e.,do not “Justify” the text of your paper as the spacing will be off).8. Written in formal English, with college-level writing mechanics and APA-style formatting,inclusive of in-text citations and referencesPaper Length, Source Requirements, and Structure 1.The paper must be no more than 2,000 words in length (not inclusive of the cover page orreferences).2.Only scholarly, peer-reviewed sources (i.e., journal articles) will be accepted (both theoretical andempirical in nature). Information from scholarly textbooks is permitted, but will not count asofficial source material3.The minimum number of sources required is eight.General Paper Structure:The structure the paper will include four main sections.I.IntroductionA.Introduce specific topic to be analyzedB.Provide any relevant historical information pertaining to the respective issue(s), theory(or theories), and most importantly, policy.

JS101 2 C.Thesis statement – The thesis statement should be a concise and declarative statementillustrating your assessment of the issue (i.e., what you have to say about your chosentopic, what is your position?)D.Briefly describe your plan of action to analyze your chosen topic in support of yourthesis (i.e., lay out a “roadmap” for the reader).II.Literature Review (The following describes an integrated literature review)A.Introduction to your literature review (expand on your “roadmap” statement)B.Develop subtopics based on your paper topic (about 3). Under each subtopic, provide anin depth analysis of your chosen topic, identified in the introduction, utilizinginformation garnered from scholarly sources, combined with your own originalthoughts (i.e., critical analysis).1.Summarize prior research2.Critique prior research3.Present pertinent conclusions (in brief) – more substantive conclusions will beaddressed in Part III of your paperC.Provide a summary (i.e., highlights from your literature review) that will naturally leadinto the Policy Critique and Implications section.III.Policy Critique and ImplicationsA.Summarize your assessment of the issue (i.e., chosen topic); the utility of existingtheory and data; and the efficacy or futility of current policy in place to address theissue.B.What policy changes need to be made? Reference back to substantive examples fromyour sources.C.How can your proposed policy changes be implemented, and what are the implicationsof those changes with respect to better addressing the issue?D.Future research needsIV.References (APA-style references for all scholarly sources used in your paper)Grading1.Completion of all areas of the assignment; following the structure and guidelines2.Writing mechanics and usage of APA format throughout the paper3.Critical thinking. Concluding/summary paragraphs must show evidence of sophisticated, novel,and insightful interpretations of past research. Do not simply end a paragraph/section by stating theconclusion of a study.4.Incorporate at least 8 proper sources. You may use alternative information to supplement yourthesis; however, they will not count as part of the 8 sources required.JS101 3 Proper Submission 1. Finalized versions of papers will be downloaded by the instructor, as such; papers must becomplete and in an acceptable word processing file format (i.e., *.doc, or *.docx only). Do notattempt to upload your assignment via Google Docs.2.No late submissions will be accepted.Pre- approved Topics The following is a list of pre-approved social justice topics. You may choose one, or come up with your own. If you choose one on your own, it must be cleared by the instructor.1. Systemic racism2. Healthcare disparity3. Impacts of COVID-194. Protests5. Police brutality6. Defunding the police7. Homelessness8. LGBTQ rights9. Mass incarceration, the use of solitary confinement, or Super Max facilities

Policy Paper Each student will write Read More »

Operationsmanagement course- Powerpoint Presentation

Operationsmanagement course- Powerpoint Presentation

*Grading rubric attached please follow it


Formulate differentiation strategies based on workflow across the value chain.


In your role as a Business Process Consultant at Bryce-Kingston, the management team at JBH Electronics has asked you to create a presentation for their new Operations Executive. The new leader is in the process of looking at alternative strategies that JBH can employ in the value chain area of operations for the company. You will be tasked with researching differentiation strategies that JBH could use to build a value chain strategy.


You will develop a presentation that outlines a differentiation strategy based on workflow across JBH Electronics’ value chain. Include the following:

  • Title slide (1 slide)
  • Evaluate how JBH could use a competitive advantage strategy. Include a discussion of the following: (2-3 slides)
    • Cost advantage
    • Cost leadership
  • Examine the primary activities of value chain that JBH could use. Include a discussion of the following: (2-3 slides)
    • Inbound logistics
    • Operations
    • Outbound logistics
  • Examine the drivers of value chain that JBH could use. Include a discussion of the following: (2-3 slides)
  • Conclude with your highlight for your final recommendation of a differentiation strategy to your new Operations Executive. (1-2 slides)
  • Provide attribution for credible sources. (1 slide)

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Discussion: The Starry Night

Discussion: The Starry Night

Post-impressionism is a term not easily defined, but Van Gogh is a transitional figure who emerges out of impressionism and signals the enormous changes to come in the twentieth century. Here we have the famous “Starry, Starry, Night.” It is interesting to think that so many see this as a beautiful, happy image of the world, while many art critics see it has a dark view of the world. Which do you see and why?

Also, find another Van Gogh which uses either color, brushstroke, subject, or symbol (think of the dead tree in the foreground as a possible example) in a similair way?

you don’t have write too much. 250-400 words.

Discussion: The Starry Night Read More »

Write a discussion topic following the given instructions:

Write a discussion topic following the given instructions:

What changed from Kirk’s 2012 book to his 2016 book? Discuss the similarities and differences of Kirk’s (2012, 2016) hats.


Read the attached Chapter2_Kirk_A_2012_Data Visualization A Successful Design Process.pdf (2012 book) and chapter 11 from Data Visualization-compressed.pdf (2016 book).

Write a discussion topic following the given instructions: Read More »

MAN542 Business Research Methods

MAN542 Business Research Methods

Please write a 5-7 page case study analysis paper with Title Page and at least three (3) scholarly references in APA format. In addition a one page Executive Summary is required.

Case Study Analysis: Akron Children’s Hospital

  • Prepare, with the help of the case study written rubric in the classroom. Case Video and Written Cases are available on website:
  • There is no need to answer questions in part one and two, those are just a guide how to approach the writing of case study analysis.
  • Please discuss the new ideas and proposals for increasing the occupancy of the hospital beds, by applying new ways of marketing (social media), associations with local medical offices (family and pediatricians). open house invitations etc…sky is the limit!
  • Prepare Executive Summary (one page), case study analysis paper (5-7 pages) with Title page (use “Title_page_for_student_papers” in the classroom for reference of the format) and at least three scholarly references in APA format.
  • Submit your paper, and Executive summary.

Case Study Guideline and Written Assignment Rubric are available in Getting Start.

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Marketing Management-MGT 201

Marketing Management-MGT 201

Leaning Outcomes:



Case Study


Read the Chapter Case Study “McDonald- A Global Giant” from Chapter 8 “Global Marketing” Page: – 257 given in your textbook – “Marketing” (7th Edition) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael. Levy (2020) and answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):

Important Notes :

Attachment is in the attachment, the solution is required to have no similarity ratio.

The assignment must be completed within one or two days as a maximum.

add at least 3 references.APA style.

Important Notes :

Attachment is in the attachment, the solution is required to have no similarity ratio.

The assignment must be completed within one or two days as a maximum.

add at least 3 references.APA style.

Marketing Management-MGT 201 Read More »

Collaborating writing on online documentation

Collaborating writing on online documentation

Please answer at least one of the questions below.

  1. Have you ever worked on a documentation project with another writer (or, any project that dealt with collaborating with other students/coworkers)? What were the benefits and challenges to sharing the work? What are some tips you can share to successfully collaborate with other departments and writers?
  2. If you work in an Agile environment, how is documentation incorporated in the planning/sprints?

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Collaborating writing on online documentation

Collaborating writing on online documentation

Please answer at least one of the questions below.

  1. Have you ever worked on a documentation project with another writer (or, any project that dealt with collaborating with other students/coworkers)? What were the benefits and challenges to sharing the work? What are some tips you can share to successfully collaborate with other departments and writers?
  2. If you work in an Agile environment, how is documentation incorporated in the planning/sprints?

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Write to a relative explaining Application development , types of variables and variable scope and lifetime, handling inputs and other concepts you learned in c#

2 page doubled space

One way of evaluating one’s knowledge is to be able to explain that to someone. Let’s assume you have a favorite relative who is not very computer savvy or well versed with programming and who is very interested in what you are doing in this course. In this reflection, you need to write a letter to your relative explaining 3 key concepts that you have learned in this course. You will need to write it in plain English. Do NOT copy from your book or include code samples in your letter.

Your letter should be about one to two pages long. If need be, you can include pictures to illustrate your points.

Some of the key concepts we have covered are:

  • Application Development
  • Types of variables and variable scope and lifetime
  • Importance of sequencing in a program
  • Handling inputs (data types and valid data)
  • Use of selection statements to make choices

Well exactly how I put it above is like you are writing a letter to a relative explaning what you learned so far in the class and so forth in your own words two pages long, this is C# first level programing if you have any questions please let me know thank you .


like about logically thinking while creating a new program and go step by step and so on then talk about how you need to know about the ype of data that will be entered to declare your variables and how the variables store the data then you can talk about the “if statement” and loops and such. thanks

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Unit 5 writing assignment ethics in healthcare admin

Unit 5 writing assignment ethics in healthcare admin

If you were in a position of management how could you ensure compliance within your staff? In a well-organized essay, explain how you think this event impacted your credibility, your views, and your faith? Your paper will be graded based on communication, originality, critical thinking, integration, and Christian Worldview.

o Requirements: Minimum of 500 words; APA format.

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