Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Unit 3 Discussion Board Business Law

Unit 3 Discussion Board Business Law

Question 1 o Prompt: Discuss how some shrink-wrap agreements are enforceable, while certain terms may not be enforceable.

Discussion Question 2 o Prompt: Review the case of Pan Handle Realty, LLC v. Olins on pages 151-152. Answer the “For Critical Analysis—Legal Environment Consideration” question: How did the objective theory of contracts affect the results in this case?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum for each questions

Hello good to see you again. I think i have everything listed.

Unit 3 Discussion Board Business Law Read More »

Write a discussion topic following the given instructions:

Write a discussion topic following the given instructions:

According to Kirk (2016), The essence of “Formulating Your Brief” is to “identify the context in which your work will be undertaken and then define its aims: it is the who, what, where, when and how.” It could be formal or informal as any project you think you must make it. This phase is where you create a vision for your work.


Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Ltd.

Initial Post

Why is it so important to formulate your brief for a data presentation? Discuss some ways you would implement to formulate an effective brief. What are some advantages to your methods? What are some disadvantages?

Note: You can read the chapter 3 from the attached pdf and also can use resources from google. Please follow APA format and the length of the content should be at-least 200 – 250 words.

Write a discussion topic following the given instructions: Read More »

Discussion Post Must be at least 7 sentences or more in length.

Discussion Post Must be at least 7 sentences or more in length.

Following the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black youth in Ferguson, MO, and the failure of the grand jury to indict the police officer involved, the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter trended. Some argued that our society is “post-racial” and that #AllLivesMatter. What do you believe? Why might some individuals argue society is “post-racial” while others assert that race continues to be salient? What are the implications of this ongoing debate for social workers? Post must be in APA format, with at least one peer reviewed journal article, textbook, or creditable website for in-text citations and reference (s) to support your discussion post thoughts. Must be at least 7 sentences or more in length.

Discussion Post Must be at least 7 sentences or more in length. Read More »

six domains of trauma informed care

six domains of trauma informed care

Response about multicultural contexts


this is response paper about the six domains of trauma informed care. The paper is about a workplace experience and the readings. Please read the following articles before starting the paper. It should be 3-4 pages long. PLEASE DO IT IN APA FORMAT. I used to work as a job coach at a day-program with people who have disabilities. I also volunteered at the regional center which funds the day program of the people who have disabilities. I’m going to write a little next to each so you can get an idea of it and you can also google the position to get a better idea. Below I provided the reading/sources, the prompt and the rubric. If you need any additional information please do not hesitate to ask. I am providing examples of me as a job coach at the day program and social worker at the regional center. You can also elaborate on what can be added. After reading the prompt it will be more clear. I’ve provided everything below. Thank you.

Safety – for safety we had monthly meetings to discuss how to keep clients safe during the day program. We also educated the clients about their own safety if any emergency happens. We were taught how to drive safe, to keep always an eye on the clients, to not drive fast, to stay close to them and so on. As social workers we make sure that the clients are safe in their homes and in the environment they live in. Our safety is important as well and we were given trainings on it.

Trustworthiness and Transparency – As job coach and social worker I tried to build trust in clients so they can feel safe and heard. Also confidentiality is important in terms of trust.

Peer Support Collaboration and Mutuality – As job coaches we support each other and share with each other experiences and advices. All job coaches are treated equal.

Empowerment, Voice and Choice – We empower clients to feel stronger and gain more self esteem. As social worker and job coach we teach them about their rights and give them voice to express what they want. We also offer them the option to have their own decisions and choices regarding their lives. We support them but we keep the final decisions to them.

Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues – As social workers we get some trainings about culture, history and gender but not as job coaches. We could elaborate more in this area.




For this first response paper, review all the readings, lectures and videos for module 1 and consider your own experiences and abilities related to work with trauma in multicultural contexts.

Describe your own experience (at your current / former workplace or an educational setting )with regard to the six domains of Trauma-informed care principles. What did you and/or your current or former workplace/school do to develop each of the following areas? If they did nothing in that area, say what you could see yourself contributing. Be sure to cite the readings.

  • Safety
  • Trustworthiness and Transparency
  • Peer Support Collaboration and Mutuality
  • Empowerment, Voice and Choice
  • Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues

Response papers should present a balance between personal reflections and a summary/synthesis of ideas from the readings. Use proper APA citations.


Response Paper Rubric (2)

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReading Comprehension, Focus and AccuracyDoes this paper address the prompt(s) or the topic with clarity? Does it thoroughly summarize the main ideas of the reading(s)?
Exceeds Expectations

Paper provides evidence (through the use of description, details, and examples) that the student has examined their own belief systems and related this to their current views about the topic; use of literature to support thought; meets page requirements

Needs Improvement

Paper summarizes but does not present detailed evaluation or reflection about the topic; little use of literature to support thought; a bit too brief.; needs further elaboration, editing or development.

Does Not Meet Expectations

The paper shows that the student has thought about the topic although the written presentation may appear weak or lack clarity; no or little use of literature to support thought; does not meet page requirement

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting and StructureAre the ideas clearly connected and does the paper make sense?
Exceeds Expectations

Each paragraph has a central idea; ideas are connected and paragraphs are developed with details; paper is easy to read and “flows” naturally in an organized pattern. Few errors in grammar, sentence structure or mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.)

Needs Improvement

Each paragraph has a central idea that is supported with details; ideas are connected and important points make sense. Some errors in grammar, sentence structure or mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.)

Does Not Meet Expectations

Paragraphs are disorganized; ideas are included which do not relate to the main idea; ideas are not connected and have little or no supporting details; one sentence paragraphs Frequent errors in grammar, sentence structure or mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.)

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth and ThoughtfulnessDoes this paper show evidence of deep thought about the topic?
Exceeds Expectations

Paper provides evidence (through the use of description, details, and examples) that the student has examined their own belief systems and related this to their current views about the topic; use of literature to support thought; meets page requirements

Needs Improvement

Paper summarizes but does not present detailed evaluation or reflection about the topic; little use of literature to support thought; a bit too brief.; needs further elaboration, editing or development.

Does Not Meet Expectations

The paper shows that the student has thought about the topic although the written presentation may appear weak or lack clarity; no or little use of literature to support thought; does not meet page requirement

six domains of trauma informed care Read More »

To demonstrate your mastery of this competency, you should Identify 3-4 key principles that govern human and animal behavior. Apply these principles to your own life. (e.g. How can you see them in daily life?) How do they enhance interactions between ind

To demonstrate your mastery of this competency, you should Identify 3-4 key principles that govern human and animal behavior. Apply these principles to your own life. (e.g. How can you see them in daily life?) How do they enhance interactions between ind

To demonstrate your mastery of this competency, you should

Please read the attachment before writing the paper.This paper should be 2-3 pages in length and use APA formatting with citations and references

To demonstrate your mastery of this competency, you should Identify 3-4 key principles that govern human and animal behavior. Apply these principles to your own life. (e.g. How can you see them in daily life?) How do they enhance interactions between ind Read More »

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