Author name: Rosemary Mosco

make an argumentative paper, see the information inside

make an argumentative paper, see the information inside

Format: 8.5″x11″ pages, 1″ margins, Times New Roman font, double spaced lines, indented the first line of each paragraph. Substantial errors in spelling or grammar will result in a reduction of grade. Student name and page number may be placed in a header within the margins, but this is not required. Professor name, course name, date, etc. need not be included.

Content: In approximately 2000 words, craft a policy argument. It should be well-researched as evidenced by appropriate citations (in an academically appropriate format of your choosing; ideally Blue Book but since most of you will not know this format and I will not be teaching it to you, any style will do). This may be successfully accomplished in a variety of ways, but the paradigmatic approach would be to:

  • Spend about one third of the paper discussing the status quo on an issue pertaining to bioethics.
  • Spend about one third of the paper criticizing the status quo.
  • Spend the final third of the paper offering your own solution.

The easiest “status quo” is probably the law–so for example you might argue that something now legal should be illegal, or that something now illegal should be legal. But you can also make an argument about hospital policies, or research practices, or anything else pertinent to bioethics. Anywhere social and institutional rule-making intersects with medical research or practice, you can make a policy argument.

Your response will also be checked against an anti-plagiarism database, so be sure to attribute any sources you quote (I prefer this be done in footnotes, but if you prefer to add a bibliography, include that separately from your 2000 word wordcount.)

Your paper will be graded across five areas:

  • Do you make a clear policy argument? (0-20 points)
  • Does your argument rely on moral claims that are clearly referenced and correctly connected with relevant existing philosophical literature? (0-20 points)
  • Does your argument rely on credible empirical sources, while also accounting for (NOT OMITTING) possible counterevidence? (0-20 points)
  • Does your argument successfully integrate your moral and empirical claims in a cohesive way, demonstrating insight and a breadth of topically-relevant understanding? (0-20 points)
  • Is your paper grammatically correct, proofread, formatted as instructed, and otherwise linguistically coherent? (0-20 points)

make an argumentative paper, see the information inside Read More »

Based on the "Multicausality: Confounding

Two different assignments 2 pages each due on Friday. APA style reference within 5yrs if
Assignment 1
Based on the "Multicausality: Confounding – Assignment," by Schoenbach, discuss two
significant insights you learned about confounding. Use specific examples from the
assignment to support your answer.
Refer to the "Multicausality: Confounding – Assignment Solutions," by Schoenbach
(2001), located on the Epidemilog.netwebsite, to check your answers to the assignment.

Assignment 2
Describe the characteristics and design of a cohort study. Based on a disease or health
condition identified from the "2020 LHI Topics" on the Healthy People 2020 website, or an
article from the GCU library, discuss a real example of a cohort study (include the link to the
article in your post to the forum). Include the participants, exposures or treatment groups,
timeframe, and outcomes that were measured. Why is a cohort study described as an
"observational" study rather than an "experimental" study design?

Based on the "Multicausality: Confounding Read More »

BHVS316 Psychology and Mass Media CTU Unit1 Individual Project

BHVS316 Psychology and Mass Media CTU Unit1 Individual Project

BHVS316 Psychology and Mass Media

Unit 1 – Individual Project: Media Effects Research

Deliverable Length: you will write a paper 7 pages (5 pages of content = 1600 words + 1 title page + 1 reference page) in length, in APA format (including at least 4 scholarly references)

You will be attending an upcoming psychological conference on psychology and mass media. While packing for the conference, you are struck by a particular advertisement you see on television. You have seen this same product advertised in magazines, on the radio, on billboards, and on the Internet. This commercial has you thinking more about the interplay between psychology and mass media. You decide to analyze the advertising campaign and use it as an example during the conference.

Using a psychosocial perspective and media research, you will analyze a product campaign to fully demonstrate your understanding of the effects and impacts of propaganda, social influence, persuasion, and attitude changes on society. You will also examine how your own behaviors are influenced by popular media and mass communication.

Select a company that is currently promoting one of its products and has an extensive advertising campaign running at this time.

  • What product did you select, and why? What were your initial reactions to the product advertising campaign under analysis?
    • Did the campaign change your attitude? If so, how?
    • Did the campaign change your behavior? If so, what did you do differently?
  • Use the following sociopsychological approaches to describe your understanding of persuasion and propaganda used in the campaign:
    • Authority: Did the campaign use an authoritative figure to persuade you?
    • Reciprocity: Did the campaign offer something in reciprocation?
    • Commitment or Consistency: Do you feel a sense of commitment or need for consistency because of the campaign?
    • Social Proof: Do you feel a sense of social approval because of the campaign?
    • Likeability: Do you like the people in the campaign?
    • Scarcity: Does the campaign imply a scarcity of the product?
  • Discuss your understanding of the media effects of the campaign, and include information on the following:
  • Identify a minimum of 2 research articles on related media effects that have been studied in the past as they relate to individuals, groups, and your product or similar products.
  • Include any media research and available data that are specifically related to your product and the advertising campaign.

Reading and Learning Materials

Use these resources to help you complete this assignment:

Assignment Objectives

  • Evaluate socio-psychological perspectives that further our understanding of persuasion and propaganda.
  • Examine the ways that individuals perceive, interpret, use, and respond to information and images in mass media.
  • Explore the interactions between psychology and the many forms of media available. find attached the instructor’s file named “Helpful Information for Individual Projects” and a “student example of this Unit 1 Individual Project” also provided by instructor for a guidance for this IP. Hope these files are helpful ? . Any questions, I am here.

BHVS316 Psychology and Mass Media CTU Unit1 Individual Project Read More »

Community Nursing Research paper#2 APA format

Community Nursing Research paper#2 APA format

Research Paper #2:

Please, below you will find all information regarding Research paper #2. Please, follow the instructions and questions that will guide your paper as well as general directions, grading criteria & grading rubric.

Research Assignment #2


The student will read and understand the different emerging / reemerging infectious diseases discussed in the textbook (chapter 15) and will choose one to develop this project. The student will follow the given questions (1 through 8) that will serve as a guide for this project. Also, the student will explain key concepts and search and evaluate literature relevant to the topic / evidence of literature that supports arguments.

General directions

  1. You will submit one (1) paper as part of this assignment (individual assignment).
  2. Your research paper must follow APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.). Include a cover page and headings per 6th edition APA guidelines.
  3. The research paper should be minimum of 3 pages (not including the title or reference pages) – maximum of 6 pages (not including the title or reference pages), single spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5 references related to the topic (3 must be peer-reviewed journal articles).

Research Paper

  1. Include the following components in your research paper:
  2. Title Page
  3. Introduction (general)
  4. Introduction of the disease / problem
  5. Signs and symptoms and diagnosis of the disease
  6. Factors that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious diseases
  7. Mention the goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection Control Guidelines.
  8. CDC (priority for public health) response to this specific infectious disease
  9. Thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms
  10. Role as a community health nurse
  11. Research studies (at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles)
  12. Conclusion
  13. References Page



  1. All Florida National University policies related to plagiarism must be observed.

Directions and Grading Criteria: Research paper #2


CategoryPoints Description


5The introduction must be clear and concise and be inclusive of brief summary of the intent of your paper.
Introduction of the disease / problem51.      Fully describe the disease / problem you are addressing (explain most recent outbreak – answer the questions where, when, how, consequences).
Signs and symptoms and diagnosis of the disease10Describe signs and symptoms of the disease as well as how to diagnose it (diagnostic tests).
Contributing Factors10Mention and explain factors that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious disease.
Goals of Health People 2020 / Prevention and Control of Disease102.      Mention the goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection control recommendation / guidelines.
3.     CDC Response10Mention and describe the CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease.
Emerging Antibiotic -Resistant Microorganisms10Identify antimicrobial-resistant threats in the United States (support your answer with evidence-based research literature (no more than 7 years old). Describe your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms.
4.      Community Health Nurse’s Role10Describe your role as a community health nurse. Integrate community-level intervention(s) / program (s). Explain its importance.
5.      Research studies156.      Mention at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to the topic of your paper.


Conclusion5Summarize the key points you made within your paper.  Avoid introducing any new information in this section.
APA formatting, scholarly writing10Follow APA formatting guidelines.  Present a scholarly paper without grammatical or sentence structure errors, spelling errors, etc.
Total100A quality paper will exceed all of the above requirements.


Grading Rubric: Research Paper #2

Assignment CriteriaA

Outstanding or highest level of performance


Very good or high level of performance


Competent or satisfactory level of performance


Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance









5 points

Introduction is clearly conveyed and summarizes the primary intent of the paper. A formal purpose statement is included.


5 points

Introduction is conveyed and outlines the primary intent of the paper. A formal purpose statement is included.



4 points

Introduction includes the primary intent of the paper. A formal purpose statement is included.




3 points

Introduction is vague and/or not included. The primary intent of the paper is not conveyed. There is no purpose statement included; purpose is unclear.

0-2 points

Introduction of the disease / problem










5 points

The disease / problem being addressed is fully described (most recent outbreak is fully explained – answering the questions where, when, how, consequences). Includes strong support of scholarly evidence.

5 points

The disease / problem being addressed is partially described (explain most recent outbreak – answer the questions where, when, how, consequences. Includes support of evidence.


          4 points

The disease / problem being addressed is partially described (partially explain most recent outbreak – answer the questions where, when, how, consequences. Includes support of evidence.


3 points

The disease / problem being addressed is unclear or difficult to ascertain. The answer to questions where, when, how, consequences) is unclear or incomplete. Does not include support of evidence.



0-2 points

Signs & symptoms / Diagnosis of the disease



10 points

Signs and symptoms of the disease as well as how to diagnose it (diagnostic tests) are fully describe


 8-10 points

Signs and symptoms of the disease and / or how to diagnose it (diagnostic tests) are partially describe


6-7 points

Signs and symptoms of the disease as well as how to diagnose it (diagnostic tests) are partially describe


       4-5 points

Signs and symptoms of the disease as well as how to diagnose it (diagnostic tests) are unclear or difficult to ascertain     

       0-3 points

Contributing Factors









10 points

Mention and explain in details factors (at least 3) that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious disease




8-10 points

Mention and explain in details factors (at least 2) that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious disease




6-7 points

Mention and explain factors (at least 2) that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious disease




4-5 points

Fails to mention / explain factors (or explain only 1) that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious disease. Information is unclear or difficult to ascertain     


      0-3 points

Goals of Healthy People 2020 / Prevention and Control of Disease






10 points

Provides a detailed description of goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection control recommendation / guidelines.


8-10 points

Generally, provides description of goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection control recommendation / guidelines.


6-7 points

Provides partial description of goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection control recommendation / guidelines.


      4-5 points

Fails to provide goals/ description of healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection control recommendation / guidelines. Information is unclear or difficult to ascertain     

       0-3 points

7.     CDC Response





10 points

Mention and describe the CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease.

     8-10 points

Mention and partially describe the CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease.

     6-7 points

Mention, but not describes the CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease.

       4-5 points

Fail to mention and describe the CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease.

        0-3 points

Emerging Antibiotic -Resistant Microorganisms










10 points

Correctly and concisely identify antimicrobial-resistant threats in the United States (answer was supported with evidence-based research literature (within last 7 years). . Describe your thought about it. Provides details.

8-10 points

Identify antimicrobial-resistant threats in the United States,but fails to be concise (answer was supported with evidence-based research literature (within last 7 years). Describe your thought, but not in details.


      6-7 points

Identify antimicrobial-resistant threats in the United States, but fails to be concise. Did not describe your thought or provides details.






4-5 points

Fails to identify antimicrobial-resistant threats in the United States. Did not describe your thought or provides details.

Information is unclear or difficult to ascertain     

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Community Nursing Research paper#2 APA format Read More »

Assessment Reflection Paper

Assessment Reflection Paper

Paper should respond to the following items:

Personal Career Path

Discuss the influences and interrelationships among and between work, family, and other life roles and factors, including the role of multicultural issues in career development as you see it throughout your own life.

Career and educational planning, placement, follow-up, and evaluation.

Discuss the role that career and educational planning, placement, follow-up and evaluation have played in your own life. Discuss how intentional and unintentional events in your life have influenced where you are today. Was there a school or college counselor, relative, friend, employer, etc. who helped guide you? If not, this is ok, but share how this impacted you.

Assessments and Activities

Discuss assessment instruments and techniques relevant to career planning and decision making (Discuss in depth the instruments that you took and interpreted in class which include: the RIASEC, Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI), and CDMSE. In addition, you are to discuss any classroom activities (genogram, card sort, My Career Story, etc.) we completed in class. How do you see these instruments to be useful in personal or professional use? In other words, how do these assessments work for you? Do the results fit with what you expected? Be sure to use and cite references for your work in this section.


Discuss in depth how you see your life and your assessment results through the lenses of one of the career theories that we have discussed in depth this semester. Identify specific models or concepts that you identify in your personal career path and how you see them manifesting themselves (i.e., self-concept, Super’s developmental stages, self-efficacy, Holland’s hexagon, etc.) Be sure to use and cite references for your work in this section.

Credit will be deducted for misspellings, poor grammar, sloppy formats, etc.

Further instructions in attachment uploaded below.

Assessment Reflection Paper Read More »

Read the chapters and answer the following questions. #6

Read the chapters and answer the following questions. #6

You are required to answer the following questions. You should save your answers in a Word document for submission. Please do not repeat the questions on your answer sheet. Instead, please list the answers numerically/sequentially by simply utilizing 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each assignment must have a cover page listing your name, the name of the assignment, and the date. The cover page does not count towards the word count. For each assignment, you are expected to answer the assigned questions in your own words. Each assignment paper should be at least 250 words. Papers less than the required 250 words will get zero. This does not mean each question requires a 250-word response; rather, the total number of words for answering the questions must total more than 250 words.

1. Explain the attraction of gaming entertainment to the destination of a tourist.

2. How are hotel operations in a gaming entertainment business different from hotel operations in a nongaming environment?

3. List the duties of CVBs.

4. Describe the main types of meeting setups.

Read the chapters and answer the following questions. #6 Read More »

What are some of the major problems encounteredby prison or jail employees?


Write a paper of at least 700 words addressing the homework prompt below that skillfully interprets and analyzes the text in an insightful original manner. Your response should tightly focus on a key textual ideas or themes.

Your response should be well developed, using clear, application text examples closely linked to its interpretation. Be sure that quotations conform to APA format requirements.

Be sure to name sources used. Refer to the rubric for grading evaluation.

This Unit’s Homework

What are some of the major problems encountered by prison or jail employees? And how are these similar to other positions in the criminal justice system?


(I would like to use California problems for prison or jail employee’s and how the similarities are for other positions in the criminal justice system).

What are some of the major problems encounteredby prison or jail employees? Read More »

Law & Society PPT Project

Law & Society PPT Project

Throughout the course, there has been various topics covered on the intersection of law, justice, and society. Students may choose one of the topics used in Assignments to elaborate for the Final Project.

Students are tasked with creating a video tutorial that is 3-5 minutes that addresses the following questions: *I will have you set up the ppt & write out the narration in paper format so I can read off*

  • What do you see as the biggest challenge in the criminal justice system?
  • What solutions do you believe can be implemented by the criminal justice system to overcome those challenges?

The video must be instructional in nature and essentially a tutorial that answers the questions using scholarly, peer-reviewed sources accessible through the Ingram Library and Google Scholar. The video can be structured to best portray the information which can include, but not limited to, an interactive tour, a narrated slideshow, an animation, or other media that is professionally appropriate. *We are doing a slideshow*

The goal of the project is for the student to demonstrate their knowledge of peer-reviewed studies on the topic and translating the information that is currently relevant.


  • Each student must complete their own individual video
  • Video must be within 3-5 minutes (shorter or longer videos will be penalized)

Students must have the following components in the video:

  1. “My name is [First and Last name] and this video is for Law & Society final project with Dr. Mills. Today, I will discuss [your topic here].”
  2. Briefly explain the background of your topic with definitions and current statistics.
  3. Where did you find your information/articles? (provide tutorial on how you retrieved the information)
  4. Answer the following questions using scholarly sources: What do you see as the biggest challenges in the criminal justice system? What solutions do you believe can be implemented by the criminal justice system to overcome those challenges?
  5. “Again, my name is [First and Last name] and this concludes the Law & Society final project with Dr. Mills.”

Here are topics we have talked about throughout the semester that you can choose from: Family, Place, Religion, Class Race and Gender, Criminal and Civil Justice, Technology, Nature. let me know which one you choose and I will attach some readings and notes from that topic

Law & Society PPT Project Read More »

HealthcarePolicy and Leadership Kaltura Health Policy Analysis

HealthcarePolicy and Leadership

Kaltura Health Policy Analysis


This assignment will focus on developing a health policy analysis presentation that includes a problem statement, background, landscape, options and recommendations from the week’s readings. The health policy analysis presentation is based upon an identified healthcare issue in one’s local community.

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Employ strategies to impact the development, implementation, and consequences of holistic healthcare policies using evidence-based practice principles (CO1)
  2. Critically analyze how healthcare systems and APRN practice are organized and influenced by ethical, legal, economic and political factors (CO2)
  3. Analyze social, historical, ethical and political contexts of healthcare policies and advanced practice leadership (CO4)
  4. Advocate for institutional, local, national and international policies that fosters person-centered healthcare and nursing practice (CO5)


Total Points Possible: 200


  1. Research healthcare issues that have been identified in your local community. Develop a power point presentation with speaker notes. You will then use the power point during your Kaltura recording. Structure a health policy AN that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem.

    use stroke, this is issues in my local community

  2.   at least 4 scholarly reference and APA formatting please. Thanks

Structure a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem.

  • Problem Statement
  • Background
  • Landscape
  • Options
  • Recommendations
150Research healthcare issues that are present in one’s local community.

Develop a ppt. offline that addresses the topics according to the criterion listed.

150Total CONTENT Points= 150 pts


NR506NP_WK 4 Health Policy Analysis_SEPT19


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHealth Problem PresentationStructure a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem.

• Problem Statement

• Background

• Landscape

• Options

• Recommendations

150.0 ptsExcellent

The recorded presentation includes the following required components: • Problem Statement • Background • Landscape • Options • Recommendations • More than one evidence-based strategy is discussed regarding health policy analysis. Accurately and specifically addresses each component.

135.0 ptsV. Good

The recorded presentation is missing one required component and some topics are addressed in a general manner without specific examples.

125.0 ptsSatisfactory

The recorded presentation is missing two required components and has limited perspective, insights and/or applicability to topic.

75.0 ptsNeeds Improvement

The recorded presentation is missing three or more required components and has limited perspectives, insights and/or applicability to the topic.

0.0 ptsUnsatisfactory

No presentation is posted

150.0 pts

HealthcarePolicy and Leadership Kaltura Health Policy Analysis Read More »

econ2301 principles of macroeconomics

econ2301 principles of macroeconomics

ts Answering these questions in full detail

1. How would you define the American Dream? How important is money as a measure of success?

2. Is this idea unique to the USA? Is there a Canadian, British or Scandinavian dream? Was it originally intended to be unique to the USA?

3. As individuals, do we have a right to expect certain things to be provided by the system, such as health care, education, minimum level of subsistence, food/ shelter, etc.?

4. Is the American dream still a possibility for those who are new to this country?

5. Is it still realistic to think about becoming wealthy in this country?

6. How would you answer critics who say that the “American Dream” has become the “American Daydream” with hopes of a lottery win or TV show fame rather than hard work?

7. What role—if any—should government assume in keeping the dream alive?

8. The American Dream is almost impossible to separate from our work ethic…should we pay more attention to the non-work part of our lives? The Europeans say that we live to work and they work to live. Who comes closer to the ideal?

9. Are you happier if you are wealthier?

econ2301 principles of macroeconomics Read More »

Captstone process paper for breast cancer

Captstone process paper for breast cancer

Breast cancer process paper which needs to be written in word document using the APA format with medical diagnosis pathophysiology, nursing process etc. It is going to put into the turninit which will check for plagiarism.

Rubrics for Process Paper

Write in a Word Document, using APA format (Adapted for T2/2020)

Case presentation

  • Medical Diagnosis- (Pathophysiology of medical diagnosis including definition, signs & symptoms and treatment/diagnostic measures) cite your sources. Explain why this topic is important to you.
  • What are the Nursing Considerations for this medical diagnosis?

Nursing Process


  • What subjective or Objective data will be present with this type of patient?
  • Was there any particular aspect of your education that helped with this assessment decision? Explain why?



  • Develop Nursing diagnoses related to medical diagnoses (include primary physical, psychosocial and education nursing diagnosis). Why did you choose them for this patient?
  • How did care planning at Stratford help with this? Explain your response.



  • How would you plan your care for such a patient? Do you foresee any difficulties with planning when caring for this patient and what or how would it impact your care process?



  • What institutional resources played a factor in accomplishing your plan?
  • What are the Nursing Considerations for this medical diagnosis? (Are there particular aspects that should be monitored such as lab values or etc.?)
  • What are some tasks that could be delegated if any, for this type of patient? Talk about that decision).





  • Identify one best practice that could impact your care for this patient’s quality of care or patient’s safety.
  • What have you learned from choosing and presenting this medical diagnosis?


  • 4-10 pages
  • Double-spaced with 1” margins
  • 12-point font
  • Spelling and grammar correct
  • APA and references

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Covid Interview Essay

Covid Interview Essay

This essay needs to be 6 pages. You are responsible for conducting an interview with someone who has a management or ownership role within a hospitality/tourism business in order to learn more about how the business has been impacted by the pandemic, how it has responded, and what it is expecting and planning for the future. You can improvise the interview. The assignment also requires that you critique the business’s past and future actions as you explain what you believe they have done well and what could be done better. I have attached the directions to the assignment.

please make sure to readier the document I attached. It has everything you need to know on it.

HTMT 210, Fall 2020Dr. Daniel GuttentagEssay: Hospitality and Tourism during COVID-19 Key info•25% of final grade•To be completed individually •Roughly 6 pages (double-spaced)•Due date: Sunday, November 22 at 11:59pm•Submit in Word or PDF format (not .pages) via OAKS•Late assignments will be deducted 10% per day•Essays may be checked with plagiarism detection software (e.g., Turnitin, WCopyfind)Assignment overviewThe COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the hospitality and tourism sector, and every business within this sector has been forced to adapt to the realities of the ongoing pandemic. To better understand the pandemic from an industry perspective, you are responsible for conducting an interview with someone who has a management or ownership role within a hospitality/tourism business in order to learn more about how the business has been impacted by the pandemic, how it has responded, and what it is expecting and planning for the future. You also will critique the business’s past and future actions as you explain what you believe they have done well and what could be done better. The interviewYour interviewee •Your interviewee should have a management or ownership role in a hospitality/tourism business. •You should not already have a personal relationship with the interviewee or the business (e.g., you should not interview the owner of a restaurant where you worked last summer). •Beyond that, you can choose essentially anyone you want, whether it be a hotel general manager, a meeting planner, a food truck owner, an attraction’s marketing director, etc.•The business can be based in Charleston, but does not need to be.Conducting your interview•The interview should be conducted as a live conversation (e.g., via Zoom or telephone). It should not be conducted in writing, such as via email. •The best way to conduct your interview is probably in a “semi-structured” format, in which you are prepared with numerous questions in advance, but also adjust your questions and add in new questions as the conversation unfolds and you learn more about the individual and the business in question. •It is up to you if you wish to record your interview. If you do so, be sure to receive permission from the interviewee in advance.•Prior to the interview, you are strongly encouraged to research both the company and the interviewee, using Google, LinkedIn, etc. Such background research will assist you in posing intelligent questions and extracting maximum insight and knowledge from your interview.HTMT 210, Fall 2020Dr. Daniel GuttentagEssay sectionsThe essay should contain four sections, as described below. You also should be sure to clarify who you interviewed, his/her role, and the business where he/she works.1.Impacts – Summarize how the business has been impacted by the pandemic. This should include consideration of business performance, possible closures, new regulations imposed by the government (e.g., capacity limitations), loss of staff, etc. (Roughly 1 page.)2.Strategic responses – Describe ways in which the business has responded strategically to the challenges posed by the pandemic. For example, this response may have entailed instituting new cleaning regimens, cross-training staff, changing advertising, adjusting target markets, embracing new distribution channels, etc. (Roughly 1 page.) 3.Future – Explain what the individual expects from the future and how the business plans to continue enduring the evolving and challenging circumstances created by the pandemic. (Roughly 1 page.)4.Critical analysis – (This is the most important part of the paper.) Offer your own personal assessment of what the interviewee has described. In particular, assess the strategic responses that have been implemented and any additional plans for the future. Explain things that have been done well or other things that you feel could be improved upon, and be sure to explain why a particular idea was good or bad. Every paper should include several ideas for additional strategic responses. (Roughly 3 pages.)ReferencesEvery paper should include at least two references to external literature or other media sources. Such sources may include academic papers, media stories, podcasts, etc. Formatting/presentation•Use a title page that includes:oEssay title (be creative – do not just put something like “HTMT 210 Essay”)oYour name and email addressoCourse number and termoDate•Essays should be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-spaced. •Divide the paper into sections based on the instructions above. •Submit as a Word or PDF document. If you submit another type of file (e.g., .pages) then you will lose two points from your “Writing, referencing, and general presentation” grade.•The six-page length stated above is a suggestion, not an absolute guideline (e.g., you will not lose points solely for being a little too long or too short). That being said, your essay should not be dramatically longer or shorter than what has been suggested. Also, if your essay is especially short, even though marks will not be deducted for page count per se, your essay length would probably signal that you did not explore the different topics in sufficient depth, for which you will lose points. •References should be in APA format. (See the “APA referencing” guide in the “Essay” module in OAKS.)HTMT 210, Fall 2020Dr. Daniel GuttentagGrading•Breakdown:oImpacts / Strategic responses / Future sections (45%)oCritical analysis section (45%)oWriting, referencing, and general presentation (10%)•The essay should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of relevant topics and concepts, as covered in the course readings and lectures.•The assignment should be well-written, in a formal and scholarly tone, and absent of errors. (See the “Common grammar errors” document in the “Essay” module in OAKS.)

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Essay on Oprah Winfrey

Essay on Oprah Winfrey

I need the writer to use Mindset book by Carol Dweck

Also, I provide you the Articles that you need to use for Oprah Winfrey,

The first time you use a source, you must state author name, who author is, article/book title as the context for the quote!

Add in a Dweck quote sandwich into 2 of the body paragraphs

Please don’t use any other sources.


  • Hook, talk about hook, relate to business leader
  • Background information on Business leader [quote and or paraphrase]
  • Background on Dweck’s text Mindset
  • Thesis – 3 character traits led to leader’s success / lack of success

II.Body Paragraph 1 – TOPIC – Character trait #1

  • Transition + Topic Sentence
  • Transition Main Point 1, quote, explanation
  • Transition Main Point 2 quote, explanation
  • Transition Main Point 3, quote, explanation

III.Body Paragraph 2 – Character trait #2

  • Transition + Topic Sentence
  • Transition Main Point 1, quote, explanation
  • Transition Main Point 2, quote, explanation
  • Transition Main Point 3, quote, explanation

IV.Body Paragraph 3 – Character trait #3

  • Transition + Topic Sentence
  • Transition Main Point 1, quote, explanation
  • Transition Main Point 2, quote, explanation
  • Transition Main Point 3, quote, explanation


a) Restate thesis

VI.Works Cited Page

I need it to be MLA format,

Essay on Oprah Winfrey Read More »

Unpacking Disability and Family Rights Summary

Unpacking Disability and Family Rights Summary

The education of students with disabilities has evolved significantly in the past 50-75 years, and it has not always been a topic that all agree upon. Many lawsuits and subsequent laws and litigation have driven the education system to require that every student who has a disability receive a free appropriate public education. The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn and summarize some of the most important actions that have affected the rights of students and their families in relation to special education.

Write a 525- to 700-word summary highlighting and explaining the major events that have influenced family rights in the context of special education.

Include the following in your summary:

Original content and cite in APA format

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Explaining different types of system.

Explaining different types of system.

  • In this final assignment, you will develop a paper that reviews some of the main topics covered in the course. Compose an essay to address the elements listed below.
    • Identify the components of an information system (IS) using the five-component framework, and provide a brief summary of each.
    • Explain Porter’s five forces model.
    • Management IS (MIS) incorporate software and hardware technologies to provide useful information for decision-making. Explain each of the following IS, and use at least one example in each to support your discussion:

Your paper must be at least three pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages), and you must use at least two resources. Be sure to cite all sources used in APA format, and format your essay in APA style.

Explaining different types of system. Read More »

Research Paper Guiding Question:

Research Paper

Guiding Question:

Before you begin your research, you need to have a question that guides your research. In this class the guiding research question(s) will be provided by me. However, if you have a better research question, I am open to suggestions.

The issue stays the same – it is PROCRASTINATION!!!

I have two options for you in terms of guiding research questions. You can choose one of them (or offer your own suggestions):

1. What are some reasons that people, especially students, procrastinate, or delay working on projects until the very last moment?


2. Can procrastination (or delaying working on a task) have benefits for students or employees? What are the advantages of procrastination?

3. Your choice: If you have another suggestion, you have to run it by me first – email me you research question if it is different from the two I have suggested, and I will let you know if it is okay to work on it.


Because this is an academic research paper, you are writing for an academic, interested audience. Your audience is educated, knows how to read research, and is familiar with the format and expects your citations to be accurate.



The purpose is to explore the research that has been done on the issue of procrastination, summarize it concisely, and inform your audience on what you have learned from the readings.


Your paper will be done in the MLA format and style of citations (see the next page for the MLA explanation).


You paper should be organized in the following way:


should tell the reader what your paper is about

Introductory paragraph should:

  • introduce the issue and hook the reader
  • provide the basic definition of the issue
  • state your research question
  • provide the concise thesis that answers the research question

Body paragraphs:

  • There could be many, but he minimum is 3
  • The paragraph that follows the introduction should provide the background or history of the issue
  • The next few paragraphs must summarize your findings on the issue (there should be more than one)
  • Each significant finding should be in a separate paragraph
  • You should have a paragraph where you summarize the research that refutes or contradicts the major findings. This goes something like this: “While most research agrees that X is a problem, Z and Y says that it is not.” In other words, you MUST address other points of view on this issue.

The concluding paragraph:

  • should summarize what your findings
  • may provide suggestions for future research
  • should only be one paragraph long


  • MLA formatted
  • Works Cited page should be part of your paper (the bibliography of your sources is the last page that should have a title “Works Cited)
  • Your paper should be at least 4 pages long (not including images or Works Cited page)
  • Double-spaced, 12 size font (for body)

Research Paper Guiding Question: Read More »

Research Paper Guiding Question:

Research Paper

Guiding Question:

Before you begin your research, you need to have a question that guides your research. In this class the guiding research question(s) will be provided by me. However, if you have a better research question, I am open to suggestions.

The issue stays the same – it is PROCRASTINATION!!!

I have two options for you in terms of guiding research questions. You can choose one of them (or offer your own suggestions):

1. What are some reasons that people, especially students, procrastinate, or delay working on projects until the very last moment?


2. Can procrastination (or delaying working on a task) have benefits for students or employees? What are the advantages of procrastination?

3. Your choice: If you have another suggestion, you have to run it by me first – email me you research question if it is different from the two I have suggested, and I will let you know if it is okay to work on it.


Because this is an academic research paper, you are writing for an academic, interested audience. Your audience is educated, knows how to read research, and is familiar with the format and expects your citations to be accurate.



The purpose is to explore the research that has been done on the issue of procrastination, summarize it concisely, and inform your audience on what you have learned from the readings.


Your paper will be done in the MLA format and style of citations (see the next page for the MLA explanation).


You paper should be organized in the following way:


should tell the reader what your paper is about

Introductory paragraph should:

  • introduce the issue and hook the reader
  • provide the basic definition of the issue
  • state your research question
  • provide the concise thesis that answers the research question

Body paragraphs:

  • There could be many, but he minimum is 3
  • The paragraph that follows the introduction should provide the background or history of the issue
  • The next few paragraphs must summarize your findings on the issue (there should be more than one)
  • Each significant finding should be in a separate paragraph
  • You should have a paragraph where you summarize the research that refutes or contradicts the major findings. This goes something like this: “While most research agrees that X is a problem, Z and Y says that it is not.” In other words, you MUST address other points of view on this issue.

The concluding paragraph:

  • should summarize what your findings
  • may provide suggestions for future research
  • should only be one paragraph long


  • MLA formatted
  • Works Cited page should be part of your paper (the bibliography of your sources is the last page that should have a title “Works Cited)
  • Your paper should be at least 4 pages long (not including images or Works Cited page)
  • Double-spaced, 12 size font (for body)

Research Paper Guiding Question: Read More »

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