Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Understanding Emotional Disturbance Infographic and Explanation

Understanding Emotional Disturbance Infographic and Explanation

Throughout history, children with emotional disturbance have been recognized, including the efforts to educate and treat them. As a teacher, you will encounter students who display a range of emotional and/or behavioral problems. The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate an understanding of the ideas and trends that shape our current perspectives.

Create a 1-page infographic or chart that depicts the following information in relation to emotional disturbance:

Write a 1-page explanation to accompany your infographic or chart that addresses the causal factors that may lead to emotional disturbance, such as biology, health issues, culture, and family.

Understanding Emotional Disturbance Infographic and Explanation Read More »

Understanding Specific Learning Disability Infographic and Explanation

Understanding Specific Learning Disability Infographic and Explanation

The term “learning disability” was introduced in the 1960’s and evolved to be known as “specific learning disability” with the passing of the IDEA Amendments of 2004. The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate an understanding of the types of learning disabilities that fall under the umbrella of specific learning disability.

Create a 1-page infographic or chart that depicts the following information in relation to specific learning disability:

  • Federal definition and criteria for eligibility
  • Types of specific learning disability
  • Etiology and prevalence
  • Learning, social, and communication characteristics of students with specific learning disability
  • Laws and litigation related to specific learning disability

Write a 1-page explanation to accompany your infographic or chart that addresses how RTI is used for the identification of specific learning disability.

Understanding Specific Learning Disability Infographic and Explanation Read More »

Building Advocacy Brochure

Building Advocacy Brochure

Every child needs someone who believes in them. As an educator, you are in a unique position to both identify and understand the individual needs of a student. However, advocating for what’s best for a student is not only a teacher’s responsibility, it is shared among parents, caregivers, other professionals, and the student themselves. This assignment is meant for you to determine definitions, descriptions, and best practice tips for advocacy in special education.

Create a 6-panel brochure about effective advocacy that includes the following topics:

  • The definition and purpose of advocacy in special education
  • A description of the following stakeholders’ roles:
  • Parents
  • Students
  • Educators
  • Other professionals
  • Characteristics of a successful advocate in each stakeholder role

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Building Advocacy Brochure

Building Advocacy Brochure

Every child needs someone who believes in them. As an educator, you are in a unique position to both identify and understand the individual needs of a student. However, advocating for what’s best for a student is not only a teacher’s responsibility, it is shared among parents, caregivers, other professionals, and the student themselves. This assignment is meant for you to determine definitions, descriptions, and best practice tips for advocacy in special education.

Create a 6-panel brochure about effective advocacy that includes the following topics:

  • The definition and purpose of advocacy in special education
  • A description of the following stakeholders’ roles:
  • Parents
  • Students
  • Educators
  • Other professionals
  • Characteristics of a successful advocate in each stakeholder role

Building Advocacy Brochure Read More »

career paper

career paper

please check the doc i have attached it will provide u all the information about the assignment you have did the similar (similar means same assignment last semester} assignment for my friend as well so i guess u will do a good job in this too

check the mistakes u made in first assignment dont repeat in this one

please check the files i had send u

Check the instructions correctly.

career paper Read More »

Marketing Management (MGT201)

Marketing Management (MGT201)

Leaning Outcomes:



Case Study

Read the Chapter Case Study entitled “From the Counterculture to the Runway: How Did Birkenstocks Become Fashionable?” from Chapter- 11 “Product, Branding and Packaging decisions” Page: – 358 given in your textbook – “Marketing” (7th Edition) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael. Levy (2020) and answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):

  • Visit the company website ( and identify and describe the different product lines that it markets. (1.5 Marks, Minimum 150 Words)
  • Review the different product categories in each of the company’s product lines. Which has the greatest depth? Which has the least? (1.5 Marks, Minimum 150 Words)
  • How has the company positioned its brand? How does it go about communicating its position? Explain. (2 Marks, Minimum 400 Words)

Note:Support your Answers with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.





Important Notes :

Attachment is in the attachment, the solution is required to have no similarity ratio.

The assignment must be completed within one or two days as a maximum.

add at least 3 references.APA style. 1 (The reference must be added in the text, the author’s name and the date) and 2 The reference should also be added at the end)

Attachment is in the attachment, the solution is required to have no similarity ratio.

add at least 3 references.APA style. 1 (The reference must be added in the text, the author’s name and the date) and 2 The reference should also be added at the end)

Marketing Management (MGT201) Read More »

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issues U1

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issues U1

Is there anything else you would add to the Bill of Rights if you were asked to make an amendment? What would you add, and why? If you would not add anything, justify why you think nothing else is needed. IT MUST BE at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

What is your opinion of the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine? IT MUST BE at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

How would you summarize the basic rights of a U.S. citizen? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

What does the term habeas corpus mean? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

What is the Bill of Rights? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

Explain the history behind needing probable cause. Your response must be at least 75 words in length.references or citations are optional

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issues U1 Read More »

World History: Jews and Power: Tangled Relationship

World History: Jews and Power: Tangled Relationship

This paper should include the following elements: a) a description of the author and the context in which s/he wrote; b) a concise summary of the argument of the reading(s); c) an articulation of the key questions that arise from the reading, either those raised by the author or those that come to your mind.

This paper should 3 pages in length. Citation to include page numbers.


Said, Edward W. “Zionism from the standpoint of its victims.” Social Text 1(1979): 7-58.

World History: Jews and Power: Tangled Relationship Read More »

300 words work

300 words work

Week 1 Topic:


Gottman (1999) identifies the “four horsemen of the apocalypse” (Hocker and Wilmot, pages 22-28). When these behaviors are present in a relationship, the end is near.

  • Discuss how you have seen these used in relationships.
  • How have you felt when these were used on you?
  • Which of these behaviors do you use, with whom do you use these and in what circumstances?
  • Can you think of ways that you could communicate more honestly and constructively?
  • In your responses to other students you will want to be sure to share research, speak for yourself and share your own experiences. Do not use any of these horsemen in your discussions!

. Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation. It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA Power Point in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting. There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to cite a source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post.

3. Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words

300 words work Read More »

Information Systems Best Practice Essay

Information Systems Best Practice Essay

Discuss some of the key issues to be aware of and the best practices to mitigate them.

  • Discuss strategic analysis decisions in the next five years, what we need to watch out for in the information technology (IT) field, and how these decisions will impact the overall company.
  • Examine potential changes in IT related to innovation and organizational processes.
  • List and describe internal (online) information security risks and mitigation tactics and how they will affect decision-making strategies.
  • List and describe external (building) information security risks and mitigation tactics and how they will affect decision-making strategies.

Your scholarly activity submission must be at least three pages in length. You are required to use the two attached sources and at least one outside source to support your explanation. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

Your scholarly activity should be formatted in accordance with APA style.

you have to reference the two attachments in the paper plus one more outside source. Thanks!

Information Systems Best Practice Essay Read More »

How does Dracula’s portrayal of vampirism as a disease reflect humanity’s fear of contagion and our current pandemic? Inbox

How does Dracula’s portrayal of vampirism as a disease reflect humanity’s fear of contagion and our current pandemic?

This essay will require substantial research, which may include scholarly sources that specifically address themes in Dracula, historical research that puts the book in context, and research on contemporary issues. You must include cited information (quotation and paraphrase) from at least 2 sources + Dracula. Your research will involve both primary and secondary sources.

  • Primary Sources include original literary texts and works of art (novels, short stories, poetry, films, etc.), as well as any historical documents from the time period in which the work was created (letters, diary entries, news articles, etc.), and contemporary news articles.
  • Secondary Sources include scholarly books and articles about the literary work, historical information written after the time period in question, and any work that includes researched material in its writing.
  • Focus on the question provided above to write the essay and realter the both in rearch essay format

I basicaley need a comparison research essay between Dracula(the vampire book) and the current pandemic with article sources

How does Dracula’s portrayal of vampirism as a disease reflect humanity’s fear of contagion and our current pandemic? Inbox Read More »

Based on the book, write a formal write up paper

Based on the book, write a formal write up paper

Write a formal paper reviewing the readings and relating them to the course themes.

This course name is Race & Disease in the Americas

The theme is

This seminar considers race from a transnational perspective, with a focus on the Americas. We examine broader historical developments, including the emergence of global empire and colonialism, that gave rise both to concepts of race, racial difference, and hierarchy and to concepts of nation and nationality. As slavery, labor migrations, and the establishment of settler colonies brought peoples from different regions of the world together, racial difference justified unequal exceptions to otherwise equal rights of national citizens. This semester we will explore, in particular, how disease – both its medical and social understanding – shaped racial ideas and affected racialized groups.


The course objectives are to:

  1. a) introduce students to Asian American history as part of transnational histories of race;
  2. b) consider historical concepts of race, ethnicity, and nationality as they relate to the United States,the Americas, and the world;
  3. c) consider other dynamics of social difference including region, religion, class, gender, and sexualorientation as they relate to race;
  4. d) explore the relationship between social conceptions/understanding of race, biology, anddisease;
  5. e) learn to consider critically the course subjects and themes and communicate them effectivelythrough writing, oral presentation, and in other media.
Attachments area

Based on the book, write a formal write up paper Read More »

Identifying community health organizations

Identifying community health organizations

Based on your chapter reading and outside research, identify TWO local community health organizations and TWO national or global community health organizations. Please provide a 3-4 sentence summary of what each organization does/mission statement and how they support the community. Identify the role of the organization in the community, why the organization is necessary, and how the community can get the word out about resources available. Please provide a link to each organization within your document.

Identifying community health organizations Read More »

Social work major -weekly journal

Social work major -weekly journal

Discuss two (2) things you learned from readings/videos this week, and how it applies to your current practicum, or to the social work field in general. I am looking for critical thinking, self-reflection, and application to the field. (5 pts each)

FORMAT: please type up at least one paragraph for each item you discuss. APA and references

the reading…

video transcript : Post-Production FILE



FEBRUARY 20, 2020


Transcription PROVIDED BY:



Transcription is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.


>> We talked about that today would be our last session. We discussed that last week. And I’m wondering how you feel about that, this idea that this will be the last time that you and I meet again, rather.

>> Okay. I don’t know. Yes, it’s okay. We do need to do it. But I think I needed more sessions. I don’t know. Because I always feel like I’m ready to share something with you. Whether it’s about my homework. And I want to tell you my opportunities, this and that. So I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do it with my friends now. But yes, I think I need that encouragement to do it with my friends. Like, the way I’m talking to you. Because my friends don’t get it. With you, it’s open.

>> So this relationship has been quite hopeful in terms of how you’ve been able to be open about how you feel. And we’ve had conversations where you’re able to find some strength.

>> Yes.

>> Do you think that you can think of any friend, perhaps one of your friends, that you could have those kinds of conversations with?

>> Yeah, there is one person. It’s just that she’s the loudest one, you know.


>> Yeah, I think I have one to talk to her. Because she listens. The thing I like about her is she listens. And I think that’s all I need.

>> Yes.

>> I need someone to listen to me and not someone to judge me and say, oh, you’re completely over it. It’s done. [Indiscernible].

>> Exactly.

>> To me it’s still hurting so I think she is the perfect person.

>> She sounds like a good person.

>> Yeah.

>> Because I think, you know, if you can form a relationship with somebody out in your community who can continue to provide you with support, that just helps you to keep on the same journey that you’ve been doing these last — these last few weeks.

Do you feel like you have — when you say — do you feel like you’re reclaiming some of your life for yourself? Do you feel confident about what you achieved through our working relationship?

>> So far, yes, it’s been two weeks now since we’ve had it.

>> Yes.

>> And me stepping out of the house, going out and even going out to buy milk. So I think I have reclaimed back life.

>> I think so, too. I think so, too. So are we okay? I think the end is always a good sign.

>> I feel like crying right now.

>> It’s always sad when we come down to separate from an important relationship. But I feel really proud of you. I really feel very proud of what you have achieved and how you have proven to yourself and to me and to the world around you that you’re a survivor. And so are you feeling kind of ready do you think to step out and try to do this on your own for a while?

>> I am.

>> I think you’re okay. To me what I would like to suggest, though, is I would like to suggest we make an appointment in two week’s time just to do a follow-up and check that you’re doing okay and make sure that you’re continuing on this journey. And so would that be okay with you?

>> Yeah.

>> We have a follow-up meeting in two week’s time?

>> Two week’s time, that would be fine.

>> Just to touch base and make sure you’re s

.doc file | Other | 1 pages, Double spaced

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AHS 7610 week 6 mini assignment #3

AHS 7610 week 6 mini assignment #3

Identify two strategic planning methods and describe what the methods are, and in what type of situations would you utilize those models. Also, research and describe when someone else has found success utilizing those methods. What were their working situations before implementing their chosen methods? What were their outcomes after implementation of their methods?

Week 6 Readings and Resources

Textbook Readings


PowerPoint Presentation

  • Organization Change by Systems ThinkingPreview the document: This PowerPoint presentation walks you through different organizational change strategies. This will be helpful for your Mini Assignment this week and your Final Paper.


Learning Module

AHS 7610 week 6 mini assignment #3 Read More »

Product Lifecycle

Product Lifecycle

This paper is about a product that I created called Athleishoes in paper I previously wrote (Paper attached) and the second paper attached you helped me further develop a competitive analysis and marketing mix for this same product.


  1. Consider the four (4) stages of the product life cycle (introductory, growth, maturity and decline) and define your marketing objectives under each one of the four (4) stages
  2. Explain how you’ll utilize the marketing mix to create your marketing strategy under each one of the 4 stages of the product life cycle. Do not forget to consider the level of competition under each stage before you develop your strategy.


-Essay format (APA)

-3-5 pages, double spacing

-Font: Times New Roman

-At least 6 peer reviewed sources (include DOI in reference page)

-In text citations for each peer-reviewed source.

-No plagiarism

I have attached all the materials that you will need to better understand the product (Athleishoes) but you helped me with the second paper so you should be familiar with this product haha this is an imaginary product I created for this project and is to be launched in the United States.
Attachments area

Product Lifecycle Read More »

Product Lifecycle

Product Lifecycle

This paper is about a product that I created called Athleishoes in paper I previously wrote (Paper attached) and the second paper attached you helped me further develop a competitive analysis and marketing mix for this same product.


  1. Consider the four (4) stages of the product life cycle (introductory, growth, maturity and decline) and define your marketing objectives under each one of the four (4) stages
  2. Explain how you’ll utilize the marketing mix to create your marketing strategy under each one of the 4 stages of the product life cycle. Do not forget to consider the level of competition under each stage before you develop your strategy.


-Essay format (APA)

-3-5 pages, double spacing

-Font: Times New Roman

-At least 6 peer reviewed sources (include DOI in reference page)

-In text citations for each peer-reviewed source.

-No plagiarism

I have attached all the materials that you will need to better understand the product (Athleishoes) but you helped me with the second paper so you should be familiar with this product haha this is an imaginary product I created for this project and is to be launched in the United States.

Product Lifecycle Read More »

Paper over drug use and abuse using the film “Requiem for a dream”

Paper over drug use and abuse using the film “Requiem for a dream”

Using the film, “Requiem for a Dream,” Discuss the nature of drug use and abuse, whether there is a difference between being addicted to legal or illegal drugs, ONE theoretical explanation for drug abuse, and the physical, psychological, and legal ramifications of using these drugs. Make sure to incorporate examples from the film into your analysis.

The paper must be between 5-7 pages (excludes title page and reference pages). The paper must be a minimum of 5 full pages, written in APA format, 12 font, and you must follow the rubric (see rubric requirement in Canvas). At least 5 academic sources must be used (journals or books; no websites allowed); Government documents may be used but do not count toward your final source count. Note: This is NOT a summary of the film and film examples are used as a means to support your academic arguments. Please remember that this is an academic paper, so you should avoid opinion and personal stories.

All papers should include the following:

Title Page


  • Should be about a paragraph explaining to the reader specifically what you are going to address
  • Should have a clear thesis statement…Normally, the last sentence of the paragraph


  • Should clearly address each aspect of the prompt
  • You should use academic literature primarily to establish arguments
  • The film should only be used to support the literature...Integration not summarization
  • Subheadings will help organize your thoughts
  • Must use in-text citations
  • No more than 1 direct quote per page is recommended


  • Wrap up what you have discussed

Reference Page

  • Minimum of 5 academic sources (e.g. refereed journal articles)…you can use your textbook as a source
  • Must be cited in APA…please see the handout. Include time in your citations.
  • Any source used in your reference page must be used in your paper.
Note: Use of professional academic language is a must in all assignments.

Paper over drug use and abuse using the film “Requiem for a dream” Read More »

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