Author name: Rosemary Mosco

AHS 8300 week 3 proposal

AHS 8300 week 3 proposal

In accordance with the guidelines provided in Week 1, you will submit a formal Thesis Proposal Outline for approval by the course instructor. The Thesis Proposal Outline is an overview of your project and is designed not only to formally announce your intentions as far as your Master’s thesis goes, but also to help you become more fluent in and informed about the topic for your project.

The Thesis Proposal Outline should be at least 7-8 double-spaced pages and include the following sections:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Statement of problem or question.
  3. Literature review.
  4. Statement of overall purpose.
  5. Chapter overviews.
  6. Explanation of limitations.
  7. Statement of project’s significance.
  8. Work plan/timeline.
  9. Bibliography

(Please note that this assignment is worth 10% of your grade for the course.)

AHS 8300 Thesis Outline Rubric (1)

AHS 8300 Thesis Outline Rubric (1)

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSignificance of Topic
20.0 ptsMastery

Topic of major importance and specifically related to the field of study. Topic has significant theoretical and practical importance to the field of study. Topic demonstrates a high level of innovative thinking. Topic directly relates to planning, implementing, and evaluating a program.

18.0 ptsProficient

Topic is important and related to field of study. Topic will moderately add to the body of literature in the field of study. Topic has moderate theoretical and practical importance to the field of study. Topic demonstrates a moderate level on innovative thinking. Topic directly relates to planning, implementing, and evaluating a program.

16.0 ptsBasic

Topic is of some importance and is related to field of study. Topic will somewhat add to the body of literature in the field of study. Topic had basic theoretical and practical importance to the field of study. Topic demonstrates some innovative thinking. Topic somewhat relates to planning, implementing, and evaluating a program.

14.0 ptsBeginning

Topic is of little importance or unrelated to field of study. Topic will not add to the body of literature in the field of study. Topic has little theoretical or practical importance to the field of study. Topic demonstrates no innovative thinking. Topic does not directly relate to planning, implementing, and evaluating a program.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose
20.0 ptsMastery

Clearly stated and appropriately worded. Well conceptualized.

18.0 ptsProficient

Clearly stated and appropriately worded. Moderately conceptualized.

16.0 ptsBasic

Somewhat understandable but needs clarity. Some level of conceptualization.

14.0 ptsBeginning

Unclear and confusing. No conceptualization.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Questions / Hypothesis
20.0 ptsMastery

Clearly related to purpose and understandable. Little or no revision needed.

18.0 ptsProficient

Related purpose and understandable. Moderate revision needed.

16.0 ptsBasic

Somewhat related to purpose and understandable. Significant revision needed.

14.0 ptsBeginning

Unrelated to purpose and poorly written. Significant revision needed.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReview of Literature / Theoretical Framework
20.0 ptsMastery

Comprehensive literature review. Includes current and landmark literature highly relevant to the topic. Establishes an advanced theoretical framework (including motivational theories) for the research topic. Is appropriate for publication or presentation with little or no revision.

18.0 ptsProficient

Complete literature review with sound organization. Includes very few non-referred sources and provides current research relevant to the field and the topic. Establishes a sound and proficient theoretical framework (including motivational theories) for the research topic. May be appropriate for publication or presentation with major or moderate revision.

16.0 ptsBasic

Partially complete and somewhat disorganized. Includes few non-refereed sources. Establishes a basic theoretical framework (including motivational theories) for the research topic. Demonstrates a basic understanding of appropriate citation format, but requires significant revision. Is not appropriate for publication or presentation without significant revision.

14.0 ptsBeginning

Incomplete or disorganized. Includes an inappropriate number of non-refereed sources. Fails to establish an appropriate theoretical framework (including motivational theories) for the research topic. Fails to site appropriately. Not appropriate for publication or presentation.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat, Citations, & References
20.0 ptsMastery

Project is well organized, needing only very little clarification, if any. The entire project is presented in format appropriate for intended scholarly venue. Presentation of the material is highly appropriate and professional. All citations are APA appropriate. Additional sources are not needed. All citations and references are presented in proper format and do not need revision.

18.0 ptsProficient

Project is organized, but in need of major clarification in some areas. The majority of the project is presented in APA format appropriate for intended scholarly venue. Presentation of material is appropriate and professional. A high number of appropriate citations are used, Few, if any, additional sources may be needed. The Majority of citations and references are presented in proper format, and are in need of minor revision.

16.0 ptsBasic

Project is somewhat organized but in need of significant clarification. The majority of the project is not presented in APA format appropriate for intended scholarly venue. Presentation of material is somewhat appropriate and professional. A moderate number of appropriate citations are used, but more may be needed. Citations and references are not presented in proper format, and are in need of moderate revision.

14.0 ptsBeginning

Project is disorganized or difficult to read. Project is not presented in APA format appropriate for intended scholarly venue. Presentation of material is inappropriate and unprofessional. Few appropriate citations are used. Citations and references are not presented in proper format and need significant revision.

20.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0


16 hours ago

Week 3 Readings and Resources


  • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

Please read the following:


AHS 8300 week 3 proposal Read More »

Essay 1: The Allegory of the Matrix

Essay 1: The Allegory of the Matrix

Writing an essay.

Essay 1: The Allegory of the Matrix

In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave we are introduced to a form of humanity shackled in chains, in a form of perceptual bondage.

In The Matrix by the Wachowski sisters we are introduced to a dark future where humanity is imprisoned physically and perceptually by a form of manipulative Artificial Intelligence.

And in our daily lives we also experience a limiting of our social perspective regarding Covid-19.

If Neo could rescue humanity from Plato’s cave, what would that rescue look like today in a world where people are constantly battling the influence of misinformation while trying to stay safe?

Are there any modern figures in reality that have acted as a Neo/Morpheus or a Plato, in the current age of coronavirus, liberating humanity from their incorrect thinking? If we listen to these modern truth-tellers, how will our lives be made better?

MLA format

2 outside sources

3 pages

the requirements is sent with the prompt it will be 3 pages

Essay 1: The Allegory of the Matrix Read More »

Discussion on Federal Minimum Wage

Discussion on Federal Minimum Wage

Attached are PDF documents you can utilize for this discussion. It is up to you.

An increase to the federal minimum wage is a widely debated topic and a prominent concern of employees. This issue must be addressed by policy makers and compensation professionals. After reading chapters one and two of the textbook, please answer the following question: Should the local, state, or federal government raise the minimum wage? Discuss the overall impact to employees, employers, society, and the ripple effect caused by this action. Support your argument by referencing a law that applies to minimum wage. Conduct research and provide evidence to support your statements.

Write a post of 2 paragraphs

Discussion on Federal Minimum Wage Read More »

Reflection paper – one page business

Reflection paper – one page business

As an international manager, your effectiveness can be greatly influenced by your understanding of cultural differences and their impact on staff. Hofstede’s Model of National Culture and Project GLOBE (pp. 583–585 in your textbook) details dimensions that help managers identify cultural differences within countries.

Write a one-page reflection paper about how this research has increased your understanding of different cultures and how you would use this understanding if managing staff who would be taking on expatriate assignments.

If outside sources are used, please adhere to APA style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

No, that’s all. I copied the information from the text onto the word document that I attached.

Reflection paper – one page business Read More »

Training Plan Preparation Choose one of the challenges below (or one of your own) as the focus of an HR training or development plan for a department in a health care organization.

Training Plan Preparation Choose one of the challenges below (or one of your own) as the focus of an HR training or development plan for a department in a health care organization.

Possible challenges:

  • Teamwork is lacking in some functional units. Many employees are operating as individuals in areas where teamwork is essential. Poor or inadequate goals and objective setting seems to be a key issue.
  • There is a lack of preparation and orientation for newly hired employees. Many are not prepared for their job within the organization because of inadequate job-related training on company policies or procedures.
  • Employees appear to be wasting time and working inefficiently. Time management seems to be a problem for many.
  • Burnout is a very significant issue in the organization, especially among nursing staff. Supervisors are struggling to deal with the issue.
  • Or choose and define a comparable challenge of your own.

Use the Capella University Library and professional or academic resources on the Internet to research training and development strategies for addressing human resource needs.


Prepare a training and development plan for your chosen challenge that would be appropriate to present for executive approval. Include the following:

  • A description of how the proposed training addresses the identified challenge within an organization of your choice.
  • A list of employee types who should be included in the training and why.
  • A detailed description of the training topics and vector (seminar, online, conference, workshop, brown bag, et cetera). The budget and schedule should accurately reflect this choice.
  • A budget (personnel, equipment, supplies, et cetera). Make sure to document any assumptions you make.
  • A schedule with milestones associated with content creation and training delivery.


  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting standards.
  • Number of resources: Include a minimum of three resources.
  • Page length: 5–7 pages, not including the budget table or worksheet.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Training Plan Preparation Choose one of the challenges below (or one of your own) as the focus of an HR training or development plan for a department in a health care organization. Read More »

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