Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Management and Supervision in Criminal Justice U1 Research

Management and Supervision in Criminal Justice U1 Research

Write an in-depth research paper on that topic. In Unit I you will submit your research topic with a one-page synopsis detailing the goal of your paper for approval by your instructor.


Note:This is often the most difficult part of the research process. Here are some tips to getting started with your research paper:

-Write down multiple research topics and choose which you find most appealing. (2 already Picked: Positiveness and Productivity at work & Trust)

-Use personal or professional experience to establish a research topic.

-Include 2 references you’ll be citing in your paper.

-Review the course objectives and see if any spark interest.

-Your topic should be at least 1 page, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, with appropriate APA style writing

Positiveness and Productivity at Work

Over the past decade, Gallup surveyed more than 10 million people worldwide on the topic of employee engagement being positive and productive at work, and only one-third “strongly agree” with the statement, “Of work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.” This means that a lot of workers do not get to focus on what they do best—their strengths.

People who do have the opportunity to focus on their strengths are six times as likely to be engaged in their jobs and more than three times as likely to report having above average life satisfaction.

Here are some recent findings about supervisors who primarily focus on either employees’ strengths and weaknesses or ignore them. The chances of your being actively disengaged (negative and a poor performer) if your boss: (1) ignores you 40%; (2) focuses on your weaknesses 22%; and (3) focuses on your strengths 1%. Look at how much a supervisor who focuses on your strengths decreases the odds of your being miserable on the job.

This data convincingly shows us that the active disengagement we see in work places every day is a curable disease . . . if we will help our staff develop their strengths as well as our own.


Every police supervisor I’ve trained or worked with talks freely and frequently about the importance of trust as the paramount operational asset. No one seems to doubt how important trust is to professional or personal relationships, and everyone seems equally aware of the tremendous costs of distrust. Yet, despite enlightened rhetoric about trust, a few police employees (supervisors and managers too) regularly engage in conduct that undermines trust and damages credibility, demonstrating a lack of character and/or competence as a leader.

Trust is the genesis of all human relationships.

If there is a lack of trust between a supervisor and his or her staff, the working relationship is doomed. Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. Likewise, it is a binding agent for police organizations. Without it, they fail to meet their mission and fulfill their potential. Specifically, character and competency are the primal pillars of police leadership and supervision. The deeper, the larger, the stronger these twin pillars are, the greater the strengths of a leader and the better the performance of a supervisor.

Lack of trust guarantees disaster for a police organization. Some believe that the only things needed for success are talent, skills, energy, and personality. This is wrong thinking. Experience has repeatedly shown us and continues to teach us that who we are is more important than who we appear to be.

The Industrial Age (1830–1947) provided an operational path of personality, technology, situational ethics, and an emphasis on the “bottom line.” The slogan of the age was “What’s in it for me?” I sense a new path emerging as police leaders experience the miserable fruits of a personality ethic and a valueless organizational culture. More and more departments are recognizing the urgency of building trustworthiness through a demonstration of both character and competency. First, forging a work environment that manifests trust is a matter of personal relationship. Can I trust you? Can you trust me?Second, it is a matter of organizational systems and procedures. Do we trust our department? Does our department trust us? Third, it is a matter of human communication. Am I being heard? Am I hearing you?

We’ve learned how important foundational trust is to the daily operation of a police agency. We’ve also learned that this comes from employees being trustworthy. Now, how do we best measure the trustworthiness of others? To repeat, the answer is: by watching them walk their talk.

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Sexdifferences in aggression

Sexdifferences in aggression

This week, you have examined theoretical principles of sex differences in aggression: sexual selection and gender role. For this task, you will reflect on what you have learned about sex differences in aggression. Now assume that you have been asked to prepare an article for an online journal that focuses on aggression and behavior, but first you need to complete an interview with a leading expert in sex differences in aggression. Begin by selecting your expert and complete a mock interview that asks and answers the questions below.

1. Explain sexual selection theory and gender role theory. What are the main principles of each theory? What position is taken by each theory on the origins, development, and causal mechanisms of aggression?

2. Give an example of aggressive behavior that may be explained from the perspective of sexual selection and from the perspective of social role theory that is not covered in the reading.

3. Discuss at least one psychological phenomenon that may influence displays of aggressive behavior as explained by the sexual selection theory and the social roles theory.

Support your interview with at least two references from peer-reviewed journal articles. Remember to cite your information and references in the proper APA format.

Length: 3-4 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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MGT401 Assignment

MGT401 Assignment

1.Briefly introduce your chosen firms, partners of alliance (Industry, nationality, size…).

2.What type of strategic alliance that form your selected firms? Explain its different reasons.

3.Is this alliance successful? Justify.

4.What is the method used by the firms to manage their cultures after alliance? underline the pros and cons of this method.

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nothing more except answer the questions one by one, don’t make it as a paragraph

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Human rights violations/issues on Turkey

To write a country report on human rights violations/issues on Turkey. pick any topics/issues that are relevant to denial of freedom of expression and freedom of association in Turkey from the year 2019 and 2020 only.

Use APA style format and 2700 is word limit use between 2600 and 2700 words only.



First para:

introduce paper briefly to give Readers brief idea about what paper is about.Include thesis statement and mention specific argument on which the whole is written about.

Second Para

Mention everything about Turkey like Location, language, religion, population, etc. are important and helpful to include in your paper.

Third Para:

In this paragraph talk about denial of freedom of expression and association faced by people living in Turkey and tell readers why the issue is important and provide more details on that and tell readers whether anything has done in the assigned country’s criminal justice system. Mention the role of NGO’s in this situation. Providing different perspectives. Discussion and transition in ideas between paragraphs should flow well.

Last Para:

This part is VERY important. Do not mention just summary of the paper in this para but give suggestions or analysis about the issue of freedom of expression and denial.What are your recommendations?

Examples and other evidence support the main thesis and fit cohesively within each paragraph. All ideas presented in the body of the essay flow from, and support the argument presented in the thesis statement.

Please use at least two peer-reviewed articles and two International Non-Profit Organization (INGO) reports.

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Special instructions are all in the question but please use two academically reliable sources that are relevant enough and one NGO report related to issue that I have mentioned to be used in the question.

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Inventory Management and Aggregate Planning

Inventory Management and Aggregate Planning

An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a set of business applications that are integrated to provide support for core business process activities. Core business process activities may include actions around manufacturing production, logistics, sales, marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, and others. Implementation of an ERP system aids the organizational units in sharing data and knowledge, reducing costs, and improving management of the business processes. Yet, ERP implementations still fail.

  • Describe why change management is important to ERP implementation.
  • Describe why individuals in an organization may resist change and offer at least three strategies for overcoming resistance.

Share an example of a successful or unsuccessful ERP implementation at an organization of your choosing. Detail why it was successful or not.


* one page required, references page excluded

* two references

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Teaching examples critique assignment instructions

Teaching examples critique assignment instructions

Reading and Studying

Svinicki & McKeachie: chapter 20

Brookfield: chapter 4 (pp 102-117)

Videos for the Teaching Critique assignment – Alex, Vicki, Juliann and Michael

Tips from the Business Work

Assignment – Teaching Examples Critique

Please thoroughly read the assignment instructions found in the course content area, assignment instructions.

You will select two presenters for the module 5 list of teaching critiques videos. You will develop detailed critiques of seven areas of teaching and learning.

1.Teaching strategies.
2. Graduate level elements.
3. Adult learning theory.
4. Learning outcomes.
5. Teaching strategies and LO relevancy.
6. Strengths, Weaknesses and Improvements.
7. Application to your teaching demonstration. 

.doc file | APA | Research Paper | 1 pages, Double spaced

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Sociology Weekly Reflection, 4-6 double spaced, or 2-3 single spaced, pages

Sociology Weekly Reflection, 4-6 double spaced, or 2-3 single spaced, pages

Format: 12pt font, Times New Roman,

4-6 double spaced, or 2-3 single spaces pages

Hello, I need help with my weekly reflection for Sociology class. I will provide you with (1) Powerpoint, (2) the reading, and (3) the YouTube links of the videos we must mention in detail in the reflection. The reflection is not an essay with an intro, body, and conclusion, but rather just shows the understanding of this weeks material and develop an analytical perspective on it. It is highly encouraged to use quotes from both the readings and Powerpoint.

Down below I will attach the syllabus instructions for the weekly and the “Orientating Question” that was emailed to us after the lecture to help guide our reflection. THANK YOU.


TA (Teacher grading assistant) NOTE: “try to bring in more specifics from the lecture, readings and documentary, and cite them. So for example, when you describe Indonesia’s economy, say something to the effect of “As shown in lecture #2″. That makes it easier to see how you’re incorporating the ideas from different sources and gives credit where it’s due.”


Syllabus Instructions

Read these guidelines carefully. Each week, on 8 occasions, you will prepare a reflection essay of approximately 2-3 pages (single-spaced). These are not academic papers in which you need an introduction, hypothesis, conclusion, etc. They are reflections and you may use a more informal style, even stream of consciousness prose. Please note: there are two criteria we will use in grading these assignments:

Does your reflection demonstrate that you have participated in and paid attention to the lecture/powerpoint, done the readings, and engaged with the documentary?

Have you developed analytical discussion, including bringing in the terms, concepts, and theories that we discuss in the lecture and are in the readings? Have you shown how the three (lectures, readings, documentaries) are related to one another, and have you identified and discussed the underlying theme(s) that run through all three?

In addition, I will generally send out an email shortly after class with several orienting questions that you should respond to in the context of your reflection. We will be looking very carefully to see how you respond to these orienting questions, especially with regard to the readings.

Note that these reflections should not be a summary of the lecture, readings, and documentary, and nor should they be a question and answer format. Avoid mere description. The purpose is three-fold: 1) that you demonstrate you have attended the lectures done the readings, watched the documentaries, and given thought to them; 2) to identify what you did not understand and what you think is important to discuss in class, in relation to the course, and; 3) this is crucial, that you are able to synthesize the three (lecture, readings, documentary) to develop a meaningful analytical discussion on the topic of the week.

As you write these reflections, you should use the sociological concepts and terms you have acquired in the course and through the readings. We will be looking for this as we grade.


Assignment Instructions

Nov. 24: Case Study in Globalization and Resistance: Globalization and the Palestinian Struggle against Israeli Colonialism and Apartheid

Powerpoint:… Part 1… Part 2

Read: Saree Makdisi, Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation (attached reading and notes of reading)

Film: Occupation 101 (Notes attached)


Also: Palestine is Still the Issue


First of two essays: Discuss the Makdisi book in 4-6 double spaced, or 2-3 single spaced, pages. Specifically, discuss your understanding of the Israeli occupation, how it came about in the context of the creation of the state of Israel and the Israel-Palestine conflict. What was your understand of this conflict/occupation prior to reading this book? How does the account in this book contrast with mainstream and media accounts of this topic in the United States? What are the differences and also the similarities that Palestinians living under Israeli occupation with women banana workers, transnational immigrant workers, the poor in South Africa, the Zapatistas, and so on)? How might you relate this topic more broadly to globalization and resistance? Very importantly, how is this case study of Israeli colonialism linked to the topics we have been covering in this course? Make sure that your discussion is analytical, rather than merely describing the reading, and that it links the reading to the topics of the course.

Also, please read below “Instructions for Dec. 1 Meeting”. To get up to 5 extra credit points, you should include in this essay also discussion of the three items indicated in these instructions for Dec. 1, and incorporate them into the essay, writing an extra page or two

Due Sunday 10 PM Nov. 29


Be sure to frequently quote from this weeks material including the Reading, Powerpoint, and Youtube/documentaries.

Thank you

Sociology Weekly Reflection, 4-6 double spaced, or 2-3 single spaced, pages Read More »

Choose Topic: Psychology Select number of pages: 1 Question Description: Your laboratory assignment this week is to create an educational PowerPoint presentation as if you were presenting to your classmates on one of the topics listed below:

Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 1
Question Description: Your laboratory assignment this week is to create an educational PowerPoint presentation as if you were presenting to your classmates on one of the topics listed below:

Dehydration- Causes, Dangers, and Treatment
remember to introduce the subject and do a conclusion

Choose Topic: Psychology Select number of pages: 1 Question Description: Your laboratory assignment this week is to create an educational PowerPoint presentation as if you were presenting to your classmates on one of the topics listed below: Read More »

Triaxal of Actions

Triaxal of Actions

Read Chapter on Davis Plus: Discussion of Triaxial of action: Policy, Politics,and Nursing

1- What is Policy?

2- Explain each of them: Public policy—

Private policy—

Health policy—

Social policy—

Organizational policy?

3- Who was Florence Nightingale, and what was her contribution to the Nursing Field?

4- Who was Lillian Wald?

5- Who was Margaret Sanger, and in what way she helped to the developments of Nursing Field?

6_ What is (ICN), and what they do?

7- What is s (NLCA) and they do?

Jeanne Blum, RN, is a nurse on a LDRP unit. Recently, the policy and procedures manual for Jeanne’s unit included the premature rupturing of membranes of a laboring patient as a practice acceptable for nurses to perform. Jeanne and some of her coworkers shared their concern over lunch about this new responsibility.They felt uncomfortable with the possibility of cord prolapse and other potential medical complications resulting from this practice. Jeanne gathered data from her state and many others states and noted that her hospital was not in compliance with her professional organization practice standards. Jeanne shared this information with her coworkers. She volunteered to contact the state board of nursing on their behalf to request a declaratory statement on the nurse’s role in the initiation of premature rupturing of uterine membranes. Her state board’s clinical practice committee reviewed her request for a declaratory statement and gathered information from other states. A formal declaratory statement was drafted by the board and made it available on its Web site. A letter from the board was sent to Jeanne’s institution, informing it of the declaratory statement, which stated that the task nurses were requested to perform was beyond their scope of practice based on the Nurse Practice Act.

8- Which stage of the policy model does this scenario represent?

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Please for this work I need at least 3 references (if you can use more it’s better).

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Research Portfolio: Experimental Design Mini-Study

Research Portfolio: Experimental Design Mini-Study

This week’s mini-study will focus on experimental research methods. In order to conduct your experimental mini-study please complete the following:

  • Identify your research question:
  • Identify your independent and dependent variables. Explain how you will operationally define these variables.
  • Identify your study’s conditions
  • Discuss the methods section of your study:
    • Participants-who will be included in your study. What sampling technique will you use?
    • Procedures-what will take place during your study? What instructions will be provided to participants?
    • Data-what data or evidence will you collect? How will this address your research question?
  • Things to consider when designing your experimental mini-study include:
    • Validity- Think about the level of control you have over your variable of interest. Would an experiment or quasi-experiment be best given your research question? Would between participants or within participants designs help eliminate the possibility of confounding variables?
    • Reliability- How will your operational definitions contribute to concrete, unambiguous measurement of your dependent variable?
  • Conduct your experimental mini-study
  • Use the data collected to complete your experimental mini-study review

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Qualitative Research Studies: Part 2

Qualitative Research Studies: Part 2

Topic: The effects of Covid-19 on businesses (See the first discussion attached)

Prior to beginning this assignment, you must complete the Qualitative Research Studies: Part 1 (Peer Feedback) discussion forum and receive feedback from your instructor and classmates. Read the articles by Polkinghorne (2005), Language and Meaning: Data Collection in Qualitative Research, Ryan, Coughlin, and Cronin (2007), Step-by-step Guide to Critiquing Research. Part 2: Qualitative Research, and Shenton (2004), Strategies for Ensuring Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research Projects. Refer to the Writing Center resource Writing an Article Critique (Links to an external site.), to help you analyze and review each article.

This paper is the second part of a two-part integration. Review the discussion threads you, your classmates, and your instructor posted in the Qualitative Research Studies: Part 1 (Peer Feedback) discussion forum. Make note of constructive suggestions, integrate feedback and ideas into your analysis of the articles, and/or identify new qualitative research articles if instructed to do so by your instructor. Incorporate this information into your paper.

Navigate to this week’s discussion forum to review your feedback if necessary.

In your Qualitative Research Studies: Part 2 paper,

  • Create complete APA reference entries for three articles that report on qualitative research studies that address your research topic or research focus. Consider accessing the Writing Center’s Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) for more on completing a complete reference entry.
  • Critique each research study, identifying the research question or questions, the qualitative research methodology used in the study, the sample for each study, and evidence of any lack of consistency or bias in the way the study was conducted.
    • Analyze how the studies are similar in the way each study addressed the research topic and how they are dissimilar, noting which study was more compelling to you and why.
  • Evaluate the general concept of trustworthiness in qualitative research studies, as defined by Shenton (2004) and Polkinghorne (2005).
  • Review the strengths of each research study that align with Shenton’s criteria for trustworthiness (credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability).
  • Explain any unresolved questions about your topic of interest that were raised by the studies, and how further research on this topic would augment the findings of the studies you reviewed.

The Qualitative Research Studies: Part 2 paper

Qualitative Research Studies: Part 2 Read More »

Choose Topic: Writing Select number of pages: 4

Tittle: Mr
Choose Topic: Writing
Select number of pages: 4
Question Description: The American Government has faced numerous lawsuits in attempts to balance security and the civil liberties of its citizens. From lawsuits questioning the legality of the USA PATRIOT Act to the separation of immigrant families, research, and analyze where your dissertation focus may face scrutiny if adopted into policy. Within your analysis after identifying the core factors of your research that will face resistance, present data that supports why you feel that your research is needed.

Choose Topic: Writing Select number of pages: 4 Read More »

Need help with assignment

Need help with assignment

Employment laws impact everyone, regardless if you are actively employed or not. As employers continue to control costs associated with claims from employees, employers have commonly turned to arbitration agreements. These agreements normally require employees to waive any right or protection afforded by joining a class action and instead forces each individual employee to take the claims before an individual arbitration. In 2018, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decided in Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis by a narrow margin of 5-4 that employers could enforce these arbitration agreements.

In your assignment this week please explain why the court got this correct AND explain why the court was wrong. Lastly, if you were the 10th justice how would you vote and why?

This link should provide you with details on the case:

Click on the left hand side under “Opinions” for full details.

Your paper should be 400-500 words.

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This link should provide you with details on the case:

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Reflective journal

Reflective journal

you need to write 2 reflective journals, no more than 250 words each

Reflective Journal 7

Identify an anatomical or physiological concept on the muscles or case study which may be related to contemporary issues and technologies in the news. For example, you may choose an article on a disease or disorder, research a test or treatment procedure, discuss medications, etc. Do an internet search for the article. Then, summarize the anatomical or physiological concept and the news item in an essay that is no longer than 250 words (do a word count in your word processing program). If you go a bit over or under that’s okay. Upload your document into Canvas as a doc, docx or PDF. You must provide a citation for your article. If you do not, you will not receive credit.

Reflective Journal8

Identify an anatomical or physiological concept on the nervous system which may be related to contemporary issues and technologies in the news. For example, you may choose an article on a disease or disorder, research a test or treatment procedure, discuss medications, etc. Do an internet search for the article. Then, summarize the anatomical or physiological concept and the news item in an essay that is no longer than 250 words (do a word count in your word processing program). If you go a bit over or under that’s okay. Upload your document into Canvas as a doc, docx or PDF. You must provide a citation for your article. If you do not, you will not receive credit.

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Three Questions in Regard to Conflict experienced in teams.

Three Questions in Regard to Conflict experienced in teams.

Label the questions with respective number

1. Identify some of the sources of conflict often experienced in teams. Select one of the sources and describe an exercise the team could utilize to overcome the conflict.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

2. Since violated expectations often lead to conflict for individual and team relationships, explain some of the most common expectations that leaders and subordinates often violate. Share personal work-related or community-based examples to solidify your understanding of the concept. In addition, discuss how these types of problems were handled in your workplace or team-building scenario. Were the methods used correct or incorrect? Explain your answer.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

3. Select one of the team mediation techniques (negotiation, role clarification, or start-stop-continue), and describe how you would use this technique to defuse a team conflict situation. Include an example of one of the techniques that you have witnessed in your work environment.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

(Word document has been attached with the same questions)

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Three Questions in Regard to Conflict experienced in teams. Read More »



Review the document linked below containing the manual of the Personal Wellbeing Index – Adult (PWI-A). The manual describes the process of defining and measuring Quality of Life and the problems with measuring subjective wellbeing.

After you reviewed the manual, take the PWI-A (written format) on page 16. Follow the directions how to score your test.

submit the following:

  • A brief overview of your understanding of measuring subjective wellbeing.
  • Your experience taking the test as well as your results. Discuss if you agree or disagree with the accuracy.
  • Comment if you would use this measure in practice with a client.

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