Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Ethics in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Ethics in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

In this short paper, you will identify and discuss one common reason for unethical decision making among practicing psychology professionals in Industrial/Organizational psychology.

Such reasons include:

 Incompetence

 Ignorance


 Irresponsibility

 Vengeance

 Lack of boundaries

 Tendency to overshare

Once you have established a reason why unethical decision making may occur in your chosen field of psychology, you will identify and discuss one condition under which a professional is more vulnerable to making an unethical decision.

Such conditions include:

 Inadequate anticipation

 Unavoidable dilemma

 Inadequate sources of guidance

 Loyalty conflicts

 Conflicting ethical principles

 Conflicting legal and ethical responsibilities

After identifying and discussing one reason and one condition for unethical decision making, you will find three peer reviewed research articles to further investigate this reason and condition. From your research you will identify a problem of practice at the root of the reason and a problem of practice at the root of the condition. Based on your research, you will propose a strategy to resolve each problem of practice.

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

.doc file | Research Paper | 2 pages, Double spaced

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Discussion: Critique of Jesus’ Teaching Assignment (Module Week 6) Options Menu due Thursday 750 words

Discussion: Critique of Jesus’ Teaching Assignment (Module Week 6) Options Menu due Thursday 750 words

t is instructive to consult the Master Teacher when we are considering “teaching and learning.”

To be sure, Jesus in His humanity did not know about Bloom’s Taxonomy nor the upgrade by Anderson and Krathwohl, so He did not think about getting his audience to evaluate, or analyze, or apply following the terms we use. Nor did he use active learning strategies—no think/pair/share in the Sermon on the Mount.

However, if you look carefully at what Jesus did, you see that he often challenged thinking including challenging presuppositions, and correcting the illogic of the Pharisees. So, while he imparted a lot of information, he also used phrases like “You have heard. . . but I tell you this.” His audience had to consider that the Old Testament laws on divorce really did not get to the heart of the matter. Jesus offered that correction in his challenge to think about God’s original intent for a husband and wife to stay together as “one flesh” and that only men and women’s hardness of heart led to God’s concession in allowing divorce. The same challenge of thinking applied to misconceptions about hatred (tantamount to “murder”), and many other legalistic presuppositions. His use of parables also challenged thinking and was actually a learning technique that led to personal application.


For this discussion board assignment, we want to explore Jesus’ teaching through the lens of the teaching taxonomies we have explored this term (Bloom and Anderson and Krathwohl’s revision of Bloom).

  1. Review Jesus’ major teaching discourses, such as the Sermon on the Mount
  2. Review Jesus’ use of parables and story telling
  3. Jesus’ engagement with the Pharisees and those who opposed him
  4. Jesus’ engagement with those who sought him

All the Gospels contain great demonstrations of Jesus’ teaching but you could review in particular Jesus’ teaching in the book of John.

Your task in this discussion board post is to identify how Jesus demonstrated HOTS in his teaching. Pick out several examples from Jesus teaching that illustrate at least three of the higher levels of thought from Bloom/Anderson and Krathwohl. Explain the link and suggest why those examples showed how Jesus challenged thinking.

Then think of the active learning strategies we have reviewed this term. While you will not find examples of many of the active learning strategies mentioned in our texts, can you identify some elements of active learning in Jesus’ teaching?

Replies: Provide a critique as we have done in previous discussion board exercises. What did your classmate provided that was truly unique or insightful? Why? What suggestions would you have for your classmate that would make their comments more complete?

Discussion: Critique of Jesus’ Teaching Assignment (Module Week 6) Options Menu due Thursday 750 words Read More »

Discussion: Critique of Jesus’ Teaching Assignment (Module Week 6) Options Menu due Thursday 750 words

Discussion: Critique of Jesus’ Teaching Assignment (Module Week 6) Options Menu due Thursday 750 words

t is instructive to consult the Master Teacher when we are considering “teaching and learning.”

To be sure, Jesus in His humanity did not know about Bloom’s Taxonomy nor the upgrade by Anderson and Krathwohl, so He did not think about getting his audience to evaluate, or analyze, or apply following the terms we use. Nor did he use active learning strategies—no think/pair/share in the Sermon on the Mount.

However, if you look carefully at what Jesus did, you see that he often challenged thinking including challenging presuppositions, and correcting the illogic of the Pharisees. So, while he imparted a lot of information, he also used phrases like “You have heard. . . but I tell you this.” His audience had to consider that the Old Testament laws on divorce really did not get to the heart of the matter. Jesus offered that correction in his challenge to think about God’s original intent for a husband and wife to stay together as “one flesh” and that only men and women’s hardness of heart led to God’s concession in allowing divorce. The same challenge of thinking applied to misconceptions about hatred (tantamount to “murder”), and many other legalistic presuppositions. His use of parables also challenged thinking and was actually a learning technique that led to personal application.


For this discussion board assignment, we want to explore Jesus’ teaching through the lens of the teaching taxonomies we have explored this term (Bloom and Anderson and Krathwohl’s revision of Bloom).

  1. Review Jesus’ major teaching discourses, such as the Sermon on the Mount
  2. Review Jesus’ use of parables and story telling
  3. Jesus’ engagement with the Pharisees and those who opposed him
  4. Jesus’ engagement with those who sought him

All the Gospels contain great demonstrations of Jesus’ teaching but you could review in particular Jesus’ teaching in the book of John.

Your task in this discussion board post is to identify how Jesus demonstrated HOTS in his teaching. Pick out several examples from Jesus teaching that illustrate at least three of the higher levels of thought from Bloom/Anderson and Krathwohl. Explain the link and suggest why those examples showed how Jesus challenged thinking.

Then think of the active learning strategies we have reviewed this term. While you will not find examples of many of the active learning strategies mentioned in our texts, can you identify some elements of active learning in Jesus’ teaching?

Replies: Provide a critique as we have done in previous discussion board exercises. What did your classmate provided that was truly unique or insightful? Why? What suggestions would you have for your classmate that would make their comments more complete?

Discussion: Critique of Jesus’ Teaching Assignment (Module Week 6) Options Menu due Thursday 750 words Read More »

Communication and Social Process class encyclopedia

Communication and Social Process class encyclopedia

You will keep a record of your reading, observations, questions, and commentary throughout the course, generating approximately 30 pages of double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point, one-inch-margined text for the semester. Your primary task is this: regular and sustained research, reflection, and writing on any aspects of the course materials that interest you. You do not have to discuss every concept or every figure mentioned in our readings and discussions, but you should discuss many of them. And you should always do so in your own words (see the note below regarding plagiarism). At a minimum, your course encyclopedia should include the following:

  • Definitions of key terms mentioned in our readings and discussions (e.g., ethics, identity, language, signification, the unconscious, jouissance, etc.). Your definitions should be anchored in primary sources (e.g., assigned readings) as well as secondary sources (e.g. reputable dictionaries, online encyclopedias, published scholarship, and the like, several useful examples of which are posted on iLearn). And you should always cite your sources, ideally using footnotes, in keeping the Chicago Manual of Style:…. In addition to defining key terms, you should illustrate them with brief yet concrete examples of communicative action (e.g., recent moments in political culture, illustrative film sequences, lyrics from songs you like, ordinary social interactions you’ve witnessed, curious moments in celebrity culture, etc.).
  • Biographies of key figures mentioned in our readings and class discussions (e.g., Aristotle, Descartes, Bentham, Heidegger, Lacan, Deleuze, Haraway, etc.). Again, be sure to cite your secondary sources, and again please follow the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • Summaries of key arguments, basic attitudes, and/or central issues in our discussions and readings. You are also strongly encouraged to record and comment on intersections you see between the concepts and figures we are discussing in class and the ordinary, everyday phenomena you encounter in your daily lives.

Below are a few more tips on how to proceed:

  • Your encyclopedia should not simply regurgitate materials from lectures and class discussions. Instead, it should build on these materials, using them as foundations, scaffoldings, launch pads, springboards, etc. for new inquiries of your own—inquiries that stretch course materials in new directions, extending them into new terrains of social, political, and intellectual life that interest you. (See, for instance, the sample course encyclopedias posted on iLearn.)
  • You may use one writing style or multiple styles. And you can organize your encyclopedia several different ways: by date, by text, or even by category, dividing the entire project into several basic headings (e.g., Concepts, Figures, Arguments). However you decide to proceed, remember that the point of this semester-long assignment is to strengthen your ability to understand and articulate central concepts, figures, and events. (Again, take a look at the sample course encyclopedias posted on iLearn for examples.)
  • Stay on top of your course encyclopedia, updating it at least twice per week.

Finally, here is a simple, non-totalizing grading rubric, just to give you a sense of how your course encyclopedias will be evaluated:

  • “A” quality = many strong entries and conceptual syntheses across course content + many high-quality scholarly secondary sources to support your arguments (e.g., articles published in peer-reviewed journals, books published by university presses, and the like) + at least one new and profound insight on each page.
  • “B” quality = most but not all of the features mentioned above
  • “C” quality = your personal reflections + Wikipedia + a few new insights
  • “D” quality = typed-up class notes + a few reflections + mostly shallow insights
  • “F” quality = typed-up class notes
6 Attachments

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Written Assignment for HUMS 201 – (MUST READ) Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

Written Assignment for HUMS 201 – (MUST READ) Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

The goal of the project is to have you read and understand the information contained in the book, Emotional Intelligence. One of the keystone skills in interacting with people is emotional intelligence. The ability to understand and manipulate the emotions of others begins with the ability to understand and manipulate the emotions of ourselves.The paper is to be 6-7 pages in length, double spaced, utilizing Times New Roman font at 11 points. You will have a title page that does not count toward the 6-7 pages and you will number the pages in the top right corner starting after the title page. You will have a bibliography page with at least one reference on it, Emotional Intelligence. You can add more if you have additional references. Please double check your work to avoid spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. You may want to supplement the information from the book with other sources, make sure to reference those sources and make sure they are valid.

Written Assignment for HUMS 201 – Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman  –  Due 12/4/2020


The goal of the project is to have you read and understand the information contained in the book, Emotional Intelligence.  One of the keystone skills in interacting with people is emotional intelligence. The ability to understand and manipulate the emotions of others begins with the ability to understand and manipulate the emotions of ourselves.  Emotional intelligence and the related skills can not only help you be a more effective counselor or case manage but also improve the quality of your personal relationships. And to a large extent, the quality of one’s life is directly tied to the quality of one’s relationships.

Please answer the following questions in your paper:

  1. Define the construct of traditional human Intelligence and the method of Intelligence testing and compare it to emotional intelligence. Give both the technical definition of emotional intelligence and how you would describe it your grandfather.
  2. Summarize chapter one. Explain what are emotions for and explain the function of emotions?
  3. Salovey and Mayer (1990) outline five domains of emotional intelligence: Knowing one’s emotions, managing emotions, motivating oneself, recognizing emotions in others and handling relationships. Provide a definition of each of the five domains and one real world example of each.
  4. Provide a summary of chapter 6, The Master Aptitude. Include the following information from the chapter: the Marshmallow test, Pandoras box, Pollyanna/optimism and Flow.
  5. Provide a summary of chapter nine, Intimate Enemies.Include Freuds definition of a fully mature adult, summarize Brody and Halls research on differences in emotions between the sexes, explain Dr, Gottman’s work with couples and how toxic arguing can lead to emotional hijacking.
  6. Provide definitions of what Dr, Gottman called the four horsemen of the apocalypse related to toxic arguing; criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling. Give real world examples of each.
  7. Give a brief example of how a Medical Doctor with high emotional intelligence would be a more effective Doctor than one with low emotional intelligence.

The paper is to be 6-7 pages in length, double spaced, utilizing Times New Roman font at 11 points.  You will have a title page that does not count toward the 6-7 pages and you will number the pages in the top right corner starting after the title page.  You will have a bibliography page with at least one reference on it, Emotional Intelligence.  You can add more if you have additional references.  Please double check your work to avoid spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. You may want to supplement the information from the book with other sources, make sure to reference those sources and make sure they are valid.

Contact me with questions, concerns or minor panic attacks.


Professor Cesare

Written Assignment for HUMS 201 – (MUST READ) Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman Read More »

User Frustration

User Frustration

The quality of the user experience is very important to the success of an application. In the early days of computing, users often experienced long delays since computing power was poor and networks had comparatively slow throughput. Modern systems have largely eliminated these delays due to increased network and computing power, yet users still report a high level of frustration.

Write a four- to five-page paper in which you:

  1. Describe three reasons users are still frustrated with modern applications.
  2. Suggest one method for reducing the frustrations for each of the reasons you supplied in Question 1.
  3. Describe methods for determining if user frustration is caused by poor system design or from the natural frustration associated with learning a new software product.
  4. Suggest at least three methods to reduce the frustrations among the disabled population and how this population can be better served.
  5. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Determine reasons for user frustration with modern applications, and methods to reduce that frustration.
Please be sure not to use old papers because this instructor looks for it. But you do amazing work so I know I won’t have any problems with your work.

User Frustration Read More »

 The Role of the Nurse in Global Health

Discussion 1

 The Role of the Nurse in Global Health

In this week’s media presentation, Dr. Louise Fitzpatrick shared how health and disease are global issues. She pointed out that with the mobility of today’s population, health issues experienced in one area of the world are easily brought to other areas of the world through such means as travel and immigration. They can also be brought to a nation’s doorstep through the migration of animals, insects, and birds. Consider the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, avian flu, H1N1, or SARS. These diseases have quickly crossed oceans and spread to multiple countries. They are a public health concern in the United States as well as other countries.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Reflect on Dr. Fitzpatricks’s comments in this week’s media presentation; specifically, on the role of the BSN nurse in public and global health.
  • Select onehealth problem that you will use as a basis of comparison between countries.
  • Identify onedeveloped and one developing country.
  • Compare and contrast the health problems and countries you selected with the United Statesin terms of World Health Organization (WHO) outcomes. In your analysis, be sure to include information about workforce availability to deal with the country’s disease burden.
  • Based on your examination of the research, how well is the United States performing in terms of public health as compared to the developed and developing countries you selected?
  • Think about what countries with worse outcomes could learn from countries with better outcomes.
  • Think about why nurses should be concerned with global health issues and what the role of the nurse should be in public health.

By Day 3

Post your analysis of one health problem between one developed and one developing country in comparison with the United States in terms of the WHO outcomes and criteria listed above. State your opinion about how well the United States is doing in terms of public health. Share what you think countries with worse outcomes could learn from countries with better outcomes. Explain the nurse’s role in public and global health and why nurses should be concerned with global health issues. Conclude by summarizing your view of the role of the nurse in public health.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Note Initial Post: A 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ≤ 5 years old).

 The Role of the Nurse in Global Health Read More »

Discussion: Philosophy of Science

Discussion: Philosophy of Science

The Learning Resources in this first week will help you answer these questions, and they will provide you with a foundation in the philosophy of science that will help you appreciate various research designs and methods. With this foundation, you will be encouraged to reflect on how your assumptions about the acquisition of truth and the nature of the world influence your approach to the research process.

For this Discussion, you will identify an area of interest for a possible research topic. As you read about the different philosophical orientations in this week’s readings, consider if one of these orientations most closely aligns with your worldview and a particular approach to research.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a brief description of your topic of research interest. Next, state the philosophical orientation that reflects your worldview and explain the epistemological and ontological assumptions of this orientation. Then, explain how these assumptions lend themselves to one or more research approaches.

Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.

My topic is stereotyping, and i have to use the following required readings which i will attach:

Babbie, E. (2017). Basics of social research (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 1, “Human Inquiry and Science”

Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., Crawford, L. M., & Hitchcock, J. H. (Eds.). (2020). Research designs and methods: An applied guide for the scholar-practitioner. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Chapter 1, “Introduction to Research”

.doc file

Discussion: Philosophy of Science Read More »

Tittle: Mental Health Responders for Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Events

Tittle: Mental Health Responders for Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Events

Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: Critical incident responders come from a variety of fields. Rescue workers (e.g., police, firefighters, emergency medical professionals) are often the first-line responders. However, the helping professionals and volunteers from emergency response organizations are often just behind the first-line responders, allocating resources, assessing situations, and addressing mental health needs of survivors.

Practitioners respond to a variety of critical incidents, such as natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes); human-made disasters (e.g., oil spills and chemical accidents); acts of terrorism (e.g., the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11); crises (e.g., job loss or surviving an airplane crash); as well as other trauma-causing events (e.g., childhood abuse, war, and hostage situations). The roles and responsibilities of responders vary, depending on the specifics of each situation. A helping professional responds differently when working with a natural disaster survivor than he or she would when working with a sexual abuse survivor. In this Discussion, you compare the different roles and responsibilities of responders when responding to various critical incidents.

For this Discussion, select two critical incidents to which helping professionals respond. Think about the similarities and differences in the roles and responsibilities of responders, depending on the critical incident to which they are responding.

By Day 4
Post a brief description of each of the two critical incidents you selected to which helping professionals respond. Then, explain the similarities and differences between the roles and responsibilities of those responders. Finally, share the insights you gained or conclusions you drew based on the comparison.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.

attached are the resources

that are to be used for the next assignments, If you have any questions

email me. I hope you can get access to the book by Gilliland

James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2017). Crisis intervention strategies (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 1, “Approaching Crisis Intervention” (pp. 3–26)

Tittle: Mental Health Responders for Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Events Read More »

This course name is Race & Disease in the Americas

This course name is Race & Disease in the Americas

The theme is

This seminar considers race from a transnational perspective, with a focus on the Americas. We examine broader historical developments, including the emergence of global empire and colonialism, that gave rise both to concepts of race, racial difference, and hierarchy and to concepts of nation and nationality. As slavery, labor migrations, and the establishment of settler colonies brought peoples from different regions of the world together, racial difference justified unequal exceptions to otherwise equal rights of national citizens. This semester we will explore, in particular, how disease – both its medical and social understanding – shaped racial ideas and affected racialized groups.


The course objectives are to:

  1. a) introduce students to Asian American history as part of transnational histories of race;
  2. b) consider historical concepts of race, ethnicity, and nationality as they relate to the United States,the Americas, and the world;
  3. c) consider other dynamics of social difference including region, religion, class, gender, and sexualorientation as they relate to race;
  4. d) explore the relationship between social conceptions/understanding of race, biology, and disease;
  5. e) learn to consider critically the course subjects and themes and communicate them effectively through writing, oral presentation, and in other media.

You are to prepare an abstract and annotated bibliography exploring a paper topic related to the course themes.

Notes: Needs abstract, bibliography, and outline in one day! this should be 2pages

.doc file | Essay | 17 pages, Double spaced


I just attached the syllabus so that you can see the theme and find the topic more clearly. Needs abstract, bibliography, and outline asap. The last thing is notice the similarity rate.

This course name is Race & Disease in the Americas Read More »

Choose Topic: Management Select number of pages: 4

Choose Topic: Management
Select number of pages: 4

Question Description: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive, clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Conduct research on the subject matter and provide at least two scholarly resources as references with corresponding citations meeting APA standards.

In your reading assignment, you were introduced to organizational behavior, scientific management, the human relations school, and other classical ways of looking at people in organizations. Conduct research on the subject matter and provide at least two scholarly resources as references with corresponding citations meeting APA standards.

Describe differing theories of organizational behavior, scientific management, and the human relations school. Then, compare and contrast the theories by providing strengths and weaknesses and pros and cons for the theories.
What do you see or what have you experienced in your organizational life that reflects current-day adaptations of the classical organizational behavior, scientific management, and human relations theories of looking at people in organizations? Be specific and provide 1–2 examples that reflect each of the 3 classical categories.

Choose Topic: Management Select number of pages: 4 Read More »

Answer 3 questions

Answer 3 questions

Each question has specific instructions for your required references and each must have totally different references and NO textbooks/books.

You will answer each question, using WORD format, and at the end of each question you will place the references used for your response and then do the same for each response to each question. You can then put all four responses together and submit as one:

1. Answer the following question, in detail.

Based upon the knowledge you have gained from this course and relating to fraud examination and the fraud triangle, explain what professor “Understand the Person, Understand the Fraud” concept, means to you.

Remember to defend your response by using a minimum of 4 scholarly or peer reviewed articles, NOT textbooks or books, as in-text citations within your response to this question. Your response to this question should be a minimum of one page using WORD document format and in APA, with references at the end of your response.

2. Answer the following question, in detail.

“Based upon the knowledge you have gained from this course relating to fraud examination and the fraud triangle, discuss how you, a fraud examiner, would approach and conduct an interview of a fraud suspect(s) in a case you have been assigned. (You may use any of the suspects from the prior threaded discussions). Remember to include techniques, theory and approaches in your answer. Make sure your answer demonstrates your understanding of the fraud triangle and fraud examination.”

You must include a minimum of 4 scholarly peer reviewed articles, not textbooks or books, as in-text citations within your response to this question. Your response to this question should be a minimum of one page using WORD document format and in APA, with references at the end of your response.

3. Answer the following question in detail.

Some have argued that while pressure and opportunity can be ascertained about the subject, how useful is rationalization as an indicator leading to the identification of the fraud suspect?

You must include a minimum of 4 scholarly peer reviewed articles, not textbooks or books, as in-text citations within your response to this question. Your response to this question should be a minimum of one page using WORD document format and in APA, with references at the end of your response.

.doc file | APA | Discussion | 3 pages, Double spaced

i don’t have reading for that, we have a group project, i can send you the topic and powerpoint to you.

we created the Fraud Scenario:

Merchandise Inc is a clothing and accessory retailer with multiple locations.
This case involves the Miami location. There are four employees at the Miami location.
They have a salary + commission three person sales staff. The salary is paid as a draw against commission.

The three salespeople are Jack, Jill and Mickey.
Mickey oversees scheduling and payroll but cannot make accounting entries and also makes 20% commission when he makes a sales.
Minnie oversees the purchasing and accounting function.
All four employees have access to the register with their own unique four-digit code.
Over the last four quarters sales have increased but net profit has decreased.

The owner of Merchandise Inc suspects fraud! Dun dun dun!!!!!
Here they are:

Sales Associate/College student
Lives with his parents and needs this job to pay his way through college
Works a lot of overtime
Has been with the company for 6 months.
Jack takes the bus to work.
Base salary is $15/hr + 20% commission on sales over $150

Sales Associate/Recently graduated from college
Has been working fewer hours lately to plan for the wedding and the overflow has fallen to Jack.
Has been with the company for two years and has always been the “star salesperson”. Lately her sales have fallen as a result of the reduced hours.
Drives a 2018 Camry.
Base salary is $16/hr (because she has been there longer) + 20% commission on sales over $150

Store Manager
Married and has a young son
Drives a 2018 BMW
Wears very stylish clothing to work
Makes $70,000 annually + Bonus which is 5% of net income

New assistant manager
Drives a 2010 Lexus
Has been working overtime recently
Always volunteers to open and close the store
Makes $17/hour plus 20% commission on sales over $150
Always talks to Minnie about recommending him for a promotion to be manager of the Boca location of Merchandise Inc.

after we created this, and we did interview for both group members.

Answer 3 questions Read More »

Topic 3 DQ 1Discussion: “Marina Abramovic”

Discussion: “Marina Abramovic”

his week we are engaged in looking at both past and present – and in this thread, I am asking you to think about the contemporary artist Marina Abramovic – she is one of the most well known performance artists and I will share a few of her performances here. Some students will really appreciate her take on art history issues such as the portrait, the human body, etc – while others are bored, or unimpressed. First, we see her most famous production at the Museum of Modern Art in New York: How does this performance re-imagine the concept of the portrait?

Marina Abramovic Last Day May 31 2012 The Artist Is Present (9:24)


You don’t have write too much.250-400 words.

Topic 3 DQ 1Discussion: “Marina Abramovic” Read More »

Topic 3 DQ 1

Topic 3 DQ 1

Compare vulnerable populations. Describe an example of one of these groups in the United States or from another country. Explain why the population is designated as “vulnerable.” Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues involved. Discuss why these populations are unable to advocate for themselves, the ethical issues that must be considered when working with these groups, and how nursing advocacy would be beneficial.

Topic 3 DQ 1 Read More »

Topic 3 DQ 1

Compare vulnerable populations. Describe an example of one of these groups in the United States or from another country. Explain why the population is designated as “vulnerable.” Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues involved. Discuss why these populations are unable to advocate for themselves, the ethical issues that must be considered when working with these groups, and how nursing advocacy would be beneficial.

Citation and references please.

Topic 3 DQ 1 Read More »

what community health nursing intervention strategies to be used for targetted audience

what community health nursing intervention strategies to be used for targetted audience

Discussion about what community health nursing intervention strategies will best be suited to address your selected health concern (for your project). Explain how you would integrate your methods. Be sure to meet the word count of at least 400 for primary post

what community health nursing intervention strategies to be used for targetted audience Read More »

Foucault Mini Essay

Foucault Mini Essay

Hi I need help with a mini essay due on Thursday night. Use the 2 readings below and no other outside resources to answer the prompt. The prompt is as follows:

“Intersectional feminist theory illuminates how we are comprised of an array of social identities that are subject to interlocking systems of oppression that form a matrix of domination. How does this theory expand Foucault’s concept of disciplinary power, such as with the medical gaze? Explicate a specific example of this intersectional expansion of Foucault from the assigned reading: Kai Shappley: A Trans Growing Up in Texas.”


– Bartky, Sandra Lee. Foucault, Femininity, And the Modernization of Patriarchal Power. na, 1997.

– Kai Shappley: A Trans Growing Up in Texas

Word Count: 400-500 words

Foucault Mini Essay Read More »

what community health nursing intervention strategies to be used for targetted audience

what community health nursing intervention strategies to be used for targetted audience

Discussion about what community health nursing intervention strategies will best be suited to address your selected health concern (for your project). Explain how you would integrate your methods. Be sure to meet the word count of at least 400 for primary post

what community health nursing intervention strategies to be used for targetted audience Read More »

Foucault Mini Essay

Foucault Mini Essay

Hi I need help with a mini essay due on Thursday night. Use the 2 readings below and no other outside resources to answer the prompt. The prompt is as follows:

“Intersectional feminist theory illuminates how we are comprised of an array of social identities that are subject to interlocking systems of oppression that form a matrix of domination. How does this theory expand Foucault’s concept of disciplinary power, such as with the medical gaze? Explicate a specific example of this intersectional expansion of Foucault from the assigned reading: Kai Shappley: A Trans Growing Up in Texas.”


– Bartky, Sandra Lee. Foucault, Femininity, And the Modernization of Patriarchal Power. na, 1997.

– Kai Shappley: A Trans Growing Up in Texas

Word Count: 400-500 words

Foucault Mini Essay Read More »

difficulties in interpersonal communication when trying to express one’s sexual orientation. (LGBTQ+ Community) Inbox

Format: Write 8-10 pages of text, Times New Roman, 12pt, 1-inch margin. Cite from the textbook, as well as from at least 8 other sources, one of which may be a website. Your final paper should include a statement of the problem, a rationale for studying it, a review of prior research relevant to the problem, and conclude with a section on the implications you feel the findings from the research have, or the contributions you believe the research makes. In the paper you should also display your knowledge of class readings and discussions as it applies.

research topic: The topic I have chosen is the difficulties in interpersonal communication when trying to express one’s sexual orientation. (LGBTQ+ Community)

-I provided the guideline the professor gave, my research paper guideline, and the textbook to cite the sources from.

– I also provided the sources to cite on the paper where it says “citations 1-10”

– I need a final draft of the paper essay thank you so much!

.doc file

Also attached is the textbook needed to me cited on the paper at least 4 times throughout the essay

difficulties in interpersonal communication when trying to express one’s sexual orientation. (LGBTQ+ Community) Inbox Read More »

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