Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Dehumanization of Jews in Elie Wiesel’s Night

Dehumanization of Jews in Elie Wiesel’s Night

Dehumanization is the process by which the Nazis gradually reduced the Jews to little more than “things” which were a nuisance to them. How did the Nazis dehumanize the Jews during the Holocaust?

Format Requirements:

• 12-point font. Times New Roman. Double-spaced.

• 6-7 pages in length.

• You must have a properly formatted thesis

Arrange you work by use of subheadings

• This is a multi-paragraph essay. In the intro give a hook (remember this can be a quote or a statistic or anything that grabs the reader). Also, state the name of the author and give a very brief (2-3 sentences) summary of the text (this can be the first paragraph after the introduction)

• In this essay write in the third person avoid: I, me, my, our, us, we, our, you, your, you’re

• Do no use contractions: don’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t, Shouldn’t etc.?

• You must include at least one quotation from Night

• You must have at least two outside sources other than Night as well ( This means a total of three sources and they must be academic and scholarly). MUST BE FROM A DATABASE: THE FOLLOWING ARE ALLOWED JSTOR, PROQUEST, AND EBSCOHOST.


• You must follow the conventions of an analytical paragraph for each body paragraph.

• Conclusion: Be sure to “take this into the world.” What is the impact/implications on you/society? SO, WHAT FACTOR

.doc file | MLA | Argumentative Essay | 6 pages, Double spaced

Dehumanization of Jews in Elie Wiesel’s Night Read More »

Fact, Fiction, and Objectivity: Defining Our Terms

Key Ideas – Practical Application
In each of the units of the course with assigned readings, class members post discussion of three
“key ideas,” one from each of the assigned readings.  The key ideas assignment is intended to
encourage reflective reading and demonstrate application of the idea within the public sector.
A key idea addresses what the student finds to be an important or useful concept. Each key idea
entry assesses its importance, strengths and/or weaknesses, practical application, or points of
interest or confusion. Key ideas should be briefly linked to news events, societal conditions, or
personal experience.
Key ideas are about specific concepts from a portion of a reading, though sometimes they are
central to an entire reading. Key ideas entries do not summarize entire assigned readings or the
posted course notes for the unit.

Posting and Format
Key ideas for the unit are typed or pasted (not attached) as a single message into a discussion
thread. Each key idea should be discussed in approximately 200-250 words of narrative (not
including quotations, citations, references, or lists), separated into paragraphs where appropriate.
Each key idea is labeled with the name of the key idea, the author of the source reading, and the
page number(s) of the key idea. For sources from outside of our classroom readings, parenthetic
citations with author and date as well as a reference list should be included with the key ideas
entries. Excessive quotation and lists should be avoided; concepts should generally be
summarized in the student’s words.

Here are the three Key Ideas that I have picked.
1. Fact, Fiction, and Objectivity: Defining Our Terms, APS Chapter 8 Pages 233-236
2. Multinationalism, APS Chapter 9 Pages 280-281
3. Conclusion: The Duties of Public Administrators, EP Chapter 11 Pages 195-199

Kennedy, S. S., & Schultz, D. A. (2011). American public service: Constitutional and ethical
foundations. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Svara, J. H. (2015). The ethics primer for public administrators in government and nonprofit
organizations. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Fact, Fiction, and Objectivity: Defining Our Terms Read More »

One case writeup, one discussion, and two replies

One case writeup, one discussion, and two replies

  1. Your write-up should be 1.25 to 2 pages (2.5 pages double spaced), single spaced, at standard type face (12 or 14 point).
  2. It should briefly (in very few sentences) lay out the basic facts of the case. These are usually generally agreed upon by the time it gets to final appeal stage; i.e., the Supreme Court of a Federal District court.
  3. What is much more important is the issue at law – the dispute about what the law means or how it should be interpreted.
  4. What was the majority of the court’s decision in the case, and – more importantly – what was the basicreasoning behind this decision?
  5. If you are asked to read a dissent in the case, what was the decision and reasoning in the minority?
  6. Do you agree or disagree with the court’s decision? Explain why.

 I will send you over this week’s materials shortly.


Here are the lecture slides and notes.

Here is this week’s discussion topic:

Historic Financial Scam: Michael Milken (1989)

Please research the above historic financial scam that connects to our laws today, present your learning to your group, learn from group members’ posts, and have conversations with others. Each original discussion post should explain:

Just like last week, we still need to go deeper into each of the 4 discussion questions with adequate support.

One case writeup, one discussion, and two replies Read More »

Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue

Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue

The Quadruple Aim provides broad categories of goals to pursue to maintain and improve healthcare. Within each goal are many issues that, if addressed successfully, may have a positive impact on outcomes. For example, healthcare leaders are being tasked to shift from an emphasis on disease management often provided in an acute care setting to health promotion and disease prevention delivered in primary care settings. Efforts in this area can have significant positive impacts by reducing the need for primary healthcare and by reducing the stress on the healthcare system.

Changes in the industry only serve to stress what has always been true; namely, that the healthcare field has always faced significant challenges, and that goals to improve healthcare will always involve multiple stakeholders. This should not seem surprising given the circumstances. Indeed, when a growing population needs care, there are factors involved such as the demands of providing that care and the rising costs associated with healthcare. Generally, it is not surprising that the field of healthcare is an industry facing multifaceted issues that evolve over time.

In this module’s Discussion, you reviewed some healthcare issues/stressors and selected one for further review. For this Assignment, you will consider in more detail the healthcare issue/stressor you selected. You will also review research that addresses the issue/stressor and write a white paper to your organization’s leadership that addresses the issue/stressor you selected.

To Prepare:

  • Review the national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the Resources and reflect on the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for study.
  • Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post for the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected.
  • Identify and review two additional scholarly resources (not included in the Resources for this module) that focus on change strategies implemented by healthcare organizations to address your selected national healthcare issue/stressor.

The Assignment (3-4 Pages):

Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue

Develop a 3- to 4-page paper, written to your organization’s leadership team, addressing your selected national healthcare issue/stressor and how it is impacting your work setting. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and its impact on your organization. Use organizational data to quantify the impact (if necessary, seek assistance from leadership or appropriate stakeholders in your organization).
  • Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor is being addressed in other organizations.
  • Summarize the strategies used to address the organizational impact of national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the scholarly resources you selected. Explain how they may impact your organization both positively and negatively. Be specific and provide examples.

Looking Ahead

The paper you develop in Module 1 will be revisited and revised in Module 2. Review the Assignment instructions for Module 2 to prepare for your revised paper.

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Federal Government essay

Federal Government essay

This written assignment includes essay questions which probe your understanding of the course materials, theories and concepts covered in this course. Students are asked to show competence in critical thinking and writing skills.

  • Essay must be at least two (2) pages in length. This includes your own words and excludes citations and works cited.
  • You are expected to read the prompt carefully and address its questions in a concise way.
  • Paper must include an introduction, body/discussion/review of literature (at least two peer-reviewed articles), conclusion, and a bibliography or works cited page.
  • Use MLA format. For information on formatting, you may consult the College library online or the Writing Center.
  • Review and cite two peer-reviewed articles that are relevant to the topic you have selected. This includes academic articles, books and other published works. Wikipedia,, etc. are not acceptable sources. An essay without reviewed articles won’t be graded.
  • Upload your completed work in MS Word FORMAT (please check the content of your file prior to uploading).
  • Include a cover page that has your name, course information and selected topic number and its prompt.
  • Carefully review your work prior to submission, essay will be checked for plagiarism using

Essay topics: (select one)

  1. Winston Churchill is famously said to have quipped that “Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” What do you think he meant by this? Do you agree? Why or why not?
  2. Describe the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Why were some opposed to the ERA? Compare and contrast the ERA and the Nineteenth Amendment. How has the ERA impacted civil rights in the United States?
  3. One of the most pressing challenges any democratic government faces is in addressing the appropriate balance between national security and a free press. How has the government traditionally attempted to find this balance? Has it been successful? Why or why not?
  4. Compare and contrast levels of political participation by race and gender in the United States. Who participates the most? Who participates the least? Are such differences important? Why or why not? Support your essay with data from relevant literature.
  5. Compare the U.S. electoral system to European proportional representation systems and address how candidates for U.S. office behave in response to our system. In your opinion which system is more democratic (that is, responsive to the desires and opinions of the people)? Explain your rationale?
  6. Describe the major ways in which the presidency has changed since the beginning of the twentieth century. Be sure to include a description of the changes and the reasons why these changes occurred. Include a conclusion to summarize your key points.
  7. Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

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Technology Priorities Presentation

Technology Priorities Presentation

Technology can be defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical, industrious purposes. The technological innovations most important in the automotive industry are safety, economy, performance, comfort or enjoyment, and convenience.

For this assignment, you will focus on electrical and electronic technology in automobiles. In a presentation, you will identify your most desirable electric or electronic technology in each of these categories: safety, economy, performance, and comfort/convenience.

  • Create a presentation your response.
  • Use APA format for your references.

Step 1. Research
Investigate and research automobile technological features available on current new-model cars in each of these four categories:

  • Safety
  • Economy
  • Performance
  • Comfort/convenience/overall cabin experience

Technological features studied must include some sort of electrical or electronic component or control.

Step 2. Select
Select one preferred automobile technological feature for each category.

Step 3. Justify
Write a brief rationale for each of your selections.

Step 4. Relate
Write a brief summary of physics concepts related to each selection.

Step 5. Evaluate
Write a concluding paragraph about the importance of technology in today’s automotive industry.

Step 6. Create
Create a slide presentation incorporating your work from Steps 1-5. Include talking points or a script in the Notes section for each slide (not necessary for a video presentation). Include a title, introduction, conclusion, and references in the presentation.


The assignment this week focuses on safety, economy, performance and comfort of a vehicle. You will be researching these technological features of an automobile and presenting your findings. You will find several resources within the module that will help. Don’t forget to do your own research and include references both within and outside of the module. At minimum, you should submit a presentation as outlined in the assignment and a word document outlining steps 3, 4 and 5.

Here (Links to an external site.) is an article that goes over some tips on making effective PowerPoint presentations. Remember that the point of a slide presentation is to display visual aids that support the points you are trying to make. Try to limit your text and instead present figures that enhance your presentation. Do not forget to cite any images that you did not create yourself. With the assignment, you will also turn in a script. The assignment asks you to place your script in the notes section for each slide. The notes section does not show up in Speedgrader so instead of doing this, I would prefer one of the following options:

  1. Submit a video of you presenting your assignment. Make sure you also upload the presentation so I can make comments.
  2. Alternate slides. Following each presentation slide, include a text slide that contains your script for the previous slide. Make it clear what slide is designed for presenting and what slide is meant as a script.
  3. Submit a text document with your script. Clearly indicate what slide each section highlights.
  4. If you must use the Notes section for your script, please make a comment in the assignment submission page stating where your script is located.

Remember to use proper APA 7th edition formatting for all your references. The same rules apply to a presentation as a paper. Within the presentation, use in-text citation rules. Include full citations at the end, on a reference slide. Remember, that every reference that is listed on the reference slide should have a corresponding in-text citation within the presentation.

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Extra credit Lesson 8 Extra Credit Opportunity

Extra credit

Lesson 8 Extra Credit Opportunity

Complete the following:

1. View the YouTube videos on aging and discuss what you have learned about the aging process.

2. The Nun Study is particularly interesting. View the following YouTube videos:

What are some of the results of the unusual study?

Extra credit Lesson 8 Extra Credit Opportunity Read More »

Conflict Analysis Paper

Conflict Analysis Paper

This assignment is a field research project in which you apply course concepts to a “real world” dispute. You will have the opportunity to improve your analytic skills, deepen your understanding of conflict, and gain hands-on experience with research.

This essay has two parts— The draft AND the complete essay

* Draft Due December 5th (This draft must be at least 7 pages long. It may be rough, such as missing transitions or awkward phrasing, but must include all the major parts of the paper (e.g., analysis and suggestions).

* Essay Due December 8th

So I must receive the Draft before December 5th. it is 7 pages at least, and all instruction are in the world document.

here are additional course materials, they might be useful to apply the 3 focus

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BHVS316 Psychology & Mass Media – CTU online – Unit 3: Sex and Violence in the Media

BHVS316 Psychology & Mass Media – CTU online – Unit 3: Sex and Violence in the Media

BHVS316 – Psychology and Mass Media

UNIT 3: Sex and Violence in the Media

Type: IP


Assignment Overview:

Deliverable Length: 600+ words + 1 reference Page + 1 Title Page (including at least 2 scholarly references) on the following:

  • Discuss an advertising campaign that used violent imagery or sexual content. You may use the campaign you selected to analyze or choose a new campaign.
    • Are there violent images or sexual content associated with the product? If so, what are they?
    • Is it overt or subtle in its tone? What is the anticipated reaction to the use of such content and images in advertising?
    • What does the academic literature on violent and sexual content in mass media suggest are the impacts of such content on individuals?


Assignment Objectives:

  • Identify the ways our personal behaviors are influenced by popular media, social media and mass communication.

.doc file

This is the continuation of the Nike’s product campaign you’ve been writing for this class (Individual Project). But since Nike does not have any history of sex and violence in their campaign, we are allowed to choose a new campaign. ?

I’m attaching a file if you’d like to add as a reference in your writing. I copied and past from a section of the book. You don’t have to use it but if you need it is here.

BHVS316 Psychology & Mass Media – CTU online – Unit 3: Sex and Violence in the Media Read More »

Research the codes of conduct of a large company, such as Microsoft

1. Research the codes of conduct of a large company, such as Microsoft, and a small company in your local community and compare the issues that they cover. Describe the commonalities and differences of content in the codes. Discuss why you think there are differences in the content of the codes.

2. Consider the current situation and prevailing political and economic conditions in Brazil, a BRIC country. As a manager who has been considering investment in Rio de Janeiro, how do you assess the political and economic risks at this time?

Your response must be at least 500 words in length for both questions.

No. Its just 2 questions that need answers.

Research the codes of conduct of a large company, such as Microsoft Read More »

Anorexia Nervosa vs. Bulimia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa vs. Bulimia Nervosa
Choose Topic: Health and Medical
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, research the topic of eating disorders and address the following:

Compare and contrast anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Who is more likely to suffer from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa? Why?

What are the causes contributing to anorexia nervosa?

What are the consequences of eating disorders?

How can one diagnose eating disorders?

What are the treatment and support options for a person who has eating disorders?
Be sure to include APA citations for any resources you used as references.

Anorexia Nervosa vs. Bulimia Nervosa Read More »

Leveraging HumanCapital

Leveraging HumanCapital

I need this to be based on healthcare in Ambulatory Care, being a manager of employees in this setting and I need current references no older than 5 years old. NO PLAGIARISM or previously used work.

Throughout this course, you analyzed your current work environment to identify their acquiring, developing, and training practices. Employees are the biggest asset and contribute to the culture and overall performance of the organization. The final part of this project requires you to determine how to leverage on the human capital within your organization. Use the research you have complied throughout this course to determine how to appropriately develop and motivate your employees.

Develop a final written proposal (1,250-1,500 words), discussing performance indicators, rewards and incentives, and a plan for motivating employees. Your proposal must include the following:

  1. An evaluation of the current employee status. Describe tasks and performance indicators that contribute to the overall performance on the job.
  2. Develop strategies to encourage employees. How will you reward them for their performance and support them during difficulty?
  3. Describe strategies to leverage on employee assets. How will you identify their strengths and use them to better the performance and skills of individual employees?
  4. Describe a vision for the overall culture you aspire to develop in your organization.
  5. How will you integrate rewards and incentives to remain competitive in your market and appeal to your employees?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

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Leveraging HumanCapital

Leveraging HumanCapital

I need this to be based on healthcare in Ambulatory Care, being a manager of employees in this setting and I need current references no older than 5 years old. NO PLAGIARISM or previously used work.

Throughout this course, you analyzed your current work environment to identify their acquiring, developing, and training practices. Employees are the biggest asset and contribute to the culture and overall performance of the organization. The final part of this project requires you to determine how to leverage on the human capital within your organization. Use the research you have complied throughout this course to determine how to appropriately develop and motivate your employees.

Develop a final written proposal (1,250-1,500 words), discussing performance indicators, rewards and incentives, and a plan for motivating employees. Your proposal must include the following:

  1. An evaluation of the current employee status. Describe tasks and performance indicators that contribute to the overall performance on the job.
  2. Develop strategies to encourage employees. How will you reward them for their performance and support them during difficulty?
  3. Describe strategies to leverage on employee assets. How will you identify their strengths and use them to better the performance and skills of individual employees?
  4. Describe a vision for the overall culture you aspire to develop in your organization.
  5. How will you integrate rewards and incentives to remain competitive in your market and appeal to your employees?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

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Criminal Evidence U4

Criminal Evidence U4

Conduct an online search for a news article about a criminal case that occurred in the past 5 years. Your article review should address the information below.

Support your article review with a minimum of one reference from the CSU Online Library.

Your article review must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment and include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed

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Criminal Evidence Journals 3,4,5,6,7

Criminal Evidence Journals 3,4,5,6,7

What is your opinion on the use of dogs to detect criminal evidence? Do you think they should be used in only certain crime scenes or situations and not in others? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

If you could make one change to the criminal court process, what would it be? Why? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary

What is your opinion of security screening at airports, courthouses, and other public buildings? Do you think we should be more or less concerned with special needs searches? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

In your opinion, what is the relationship between law and the criminal justice system? Which do you think has a greater influence over the other? Why? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary

In your opinion, do you agree or disagree with privileges of witnesses? Is there a specific type of relationship that you think should or should not be kept privileged? Why? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

.pdf file

Criminal Evidence Journals 3,4,5,6,7 Read More »

MHTC103.004- Final Exam

MHTC103.004- Final Exam

write a five page paper covering Chapters 1-5 and how it relates to you and your own personal journey of growth and development.

Textbook- Reaching Out: Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self- Actualization 11th Edition

you already did Chapter 1-5 for the midterm so we’re doing Chapters 6-11 now for the final. I forgot to change it.

and the textbook is on vital source, I gave you the login the last time. Do you need it again?

Did you get it or you need me to send it to you again.




MHTC103.004- Final Exam Read More »

PowerPoint presentation

PowerPoint presentation

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,


Beefsteak is a fast-casual restaurant concept from acclaimed Chef José Andrés that focuses on the “unsung power of vegetables.” José Andrés is a world-renowned chef and owner of a number of restaurants. He was nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for his work with disaster relief through his non-profit organization World Central Kitchen. Andrés’s mission is to change the world through the power of food. Jim Biafore, Senior Director for Beefsteak, knows that culture—much like any good business—is forever changing, adapting to its environment. As Beefsteak grows, he sees the need to develop employees not only for return on investment, but also for maintenance of the culture and values espoused from the larger organization, ThinkFoodGroup. Beefsteak needs to develop programs to develop its employees in line with the company’s mission and strategic direction.

Assume the role of a Beefsteak consultant dedicated to creating and reinforcing the company’s ideal culture. Jim Biafore wants you to assess Beefsteak’s current company culture, determine ways that it can be improved, forecast potential changes through growth, and provide a plan for sustaining cultural longevity through employees.

Using the materials provided to you, as well as at least two to three additional resources pertaining to human resource management, prepare a 12- to 15-minute presentation of the proposal for a strategic human capital development program focused on the transmission of company core values.

The analysis should be documented using PowerPoint, with 12 to 20 slides which include speaker notes. The strategic human capital analysis should reinforce the culture through

The analysis should also consider contemporary human capital topic and predictive analysis.

Consider the following questions as you prepare your analysis:

  • What might you infer about Beefsteak’s current company culture? Does it have elements of organizational responsibility?
  • What key characteristics should Beefsteak recruiters look for in candidates, especially with regard to how someone will fit into the company culture?
  • How does job training and employee development differ from a cultural standpoint?
  • What motivates individuals or employees to believe in a cause?
  • What do employees want out of development programs?
  • What about employee development programs benefits the company?
  • Why is it important to think about employee development at this stage?
  • What contemporary human capital issues might you consider at Beefsteak?
  • Is it possible to use some predictive analysis technique?
  • How might things differ if Beefsteak expands globally rather than just in the U.S.?
  • How do you plan to measure the success/failure of your culture strategy? What steps will you take to ensure that the culture is shifting and/or being reinforced in that way that you intend?

In this presentation analysis,

  • Determine ways to improve the company’s culture in a growth environment.
  • Assess and make recommendations regarding the company’s recruiting, training, development, and retention strategies.
  • Integrate contemporary human capital topics and predictive analysis.
  • Discuss potential global expansion on the company culture and success.
  • Formulate an overall organized and concise proposal for the company’s ideal culture supported through human resource management.

The Beefsteak Reinforcing Culture Through Human Capital Development Case Study Analysis audio-narrated presentation,

  • Must be 12 to 15 minutes in duration.
  • Must be 12 to 20 slides in length (not including title and references slides) and formatted according to APA style. You need to include speaker notes for each task on the slide.

.ppt file | APA | Presentation | 5 pages, Double spaced

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