Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Short Essay-wellness

Short Essay-wellness

Choose one of the examples of Complementary and Alternative (CAM) treatments from the text, Wellness Counseling, Chapter 5: Complementary and Alternative Treatments (p. 63-70).


Write a 2-page essay where you specifically discuss Wellness Counselor Philosophy and highlight one approach from the list of Complementary and Alternative (CAM) treatments in the text, Wellness Counseling by Granello.

Just Answer the question, ignore the book, and do research from other sources.

Short Essay-wellness Read More »

Psychology and MassMedia – UNIT4 DiscussionBoard- Emotions, persuasion and stereotypes

Psychology and MassMedia – UNIT4 DiscussionBoard- Emotions, persuasion and stereotypes

Type: Discussion Board

Unit 4: Emotions, Persuasion, and Stereotypes

Deliverable Length: 600-700

You will be attending an upcoming psychological conference on psychology and mass media. While packing for the conference, you are struck by a particular advertisement you see on television. You have seen this same product advertised in magazines, on the radio, on billboards, and on the Internet. This commercial has you thinking more about the interplay between psychology and mass media. You decide to analyze the advertising campaign and use it as an example during the conference.

Using a psychosocial perspective and media research, you will analyze a product campaign to fully demonstrate your understanding of the effects and impacts of propaganda, social influence, persuasion, and attitude changes on society. You will also examine how your own behaviors are influenced by popular media and mass communication.

Select a company that is currently promoting one of its products and has an extensive advertising campaign running at this time.

  • Discuss the emotions that the company is using in its ads.
  • How does the company use emotions to get the consumer to want to buy the product?
  • How does the company try to persuade the consumer to buy the product? Is there a specific audience (e.g., parents, men, women, age groups, race) that the company is looking to persuade?
  • Do you think that the company is using a specific stereotype when advertising its product(s)?

Reading and Learning Materials

Use these resources to help you complete this assignment:

Psychology and MassMedia – UNIT4 DiscussionBoard- Emotions, persuasion and stereotypes Read More »

HUM2023 Module 5: Hero’sJourney Infographic

HUM2023 Module 5: Hero’sJourney Infographic

Joseph Campbell’s theories on mythology and the Hero’s Journey connect mythology to our everyday lived realities. In this module, you learned that all myths follow the arc of the Hero’s Journey and that the Hero’s Journey is as influenced by real-life experiences as it is the inspiration for future human creation.

Instructions: Think of a time in your life in which you have participated in the path of the Hero’s Journey. You could have been any of the main characters—the hero or a figure supporting the hero.

Use a free online application (Canva, Piktochart, etc.) to create an infographic that includes an explanation of the following:

  • Each of the ten steps of the Hero’s Journey as it relates to your situation
  • Which role you played
  • What the call to adventure was
  • How the journey unfolded during each of the ten steps

HUM2023 Module 5: Hero’sJourney Infographic Read More »

Epidemiological method Choose Topic: Health and Medical Select number of pages: 4

Epidemiological method
Choose Topic: Health and Medical
Select number of pages: 4

Question Description: Please find the attached 2 different coursework. 2 pages each.

Assignment 1

Epidemiological methods are used in a variety of public health areas (including infectious disease, chronic disease, and social health) and settings (including the community, schools, and the workplace). Epidemiological methods are used to assess, describe, analyze, and make comparisons of populations to inform evidence-based practices, policies, and interventions. Propose a study based on the methods you have learned thus far designed to investigate an association within one of the public health areas listed (infectious disease, chronic disease, or social health) and the methods you would apply. Discuss and define the risk factor or exposure that is being assessed, the method of comparison that is used, and the setting or situation (community, school, workplace, etc.) your study would look to address. Consider the concepts of causal inference, measures of association, and study design.


Assignment 2

Race is often used as a descriptor of disease burden and helps us to determine where health disparities exist in order to address them, which is important. It is helpful to differentiate between race as a descriptor and race as a risk factor. Think about institutional racism and its influence on health. Consider the factors related to race and ethnicity that might be influencing disease status more than the genetics of race when answering this discussion question.

Consider the following statement: “Race is not a risk factor and should not be used in public health data collection.” Discuss the ethical and public health implications of this statement. When might collecting data on race perpetuate institutional racism leading to health disparities and when is it necessary to improve public health? Provide support and examples for your answer. Consider ethical issues related to respect for persons, beneficence, and justice as described in “The Belmont Report.”

Epidemiological method Choose Topic: Health and Medical Select number of pages: 4 Read More »

Epidemiology in Public and Global Health

Epidemiology in Public and Global Health
Choose Topic: English
Select number of pages: 3.5
Question Description: The name of the course is NUR 4115 AT WALDEN UNIVERSITY. Epidemiologic surveillance is used in public and global health. For this Assignment, begin by locating a recent article about an outbreak of an infectious or communicable disease. The article can come from a newspaper or other source but your paper must be supported with at least three scholarly sources of evidence in the literature which may include your text or course readings.

For this Assignment, review the following:

AWE Checklist (Level 4000)
Walden paper template (no abstract or running head required)

Write a 3- to 4-page paper that includes the following:

A summary of the article, including the title and author
Identify the title of the article with in-text citation and corresponding reference in reference list
The relationship among causal agents, susceptible persons, and environmental factors (epidemiological triangle)
The role of the nurse in addressing the outbreak
Possible health promotion/health protection strategies that could have been implemented by nurses to mitigate the outbreak

Epidemiology in Public and Global Health Read More »

FocusPaperWrite a seven to nine (7–9) pagepaper – Master’sLevelWriter

FocusPaperWrite a seven to nine (7–9) pagepaper – Master’sLevelWriter

Assignment 1: Focus Paper

Write a seven to nine (7–9) page paper (2000–2500 words), not including the title and reference pages, describing the skills and behaviors necessary to practice global interconnectedness in your field of study that includes the following:

  • Introduction to what it means to be an ethical global leader and a specific goal you have regarding global interconnectedness.
  • Discussion of the link between business ethics and organizational performance.
  • Research on cultural factors that influence leadership and contribute to global leadership effectiveness.
  • Analysis of your own cultural intelligence, including cognitive, physical, and emotional. Be sure to connect research to your analysis.
  • Recommendations for steps you can take to achieve your goal regarding global interconnectedness. Connecting research to your recommendations will make them stronger.
  • Conclusion should summarize the primary points of the paper and bring forward a call to action.

The Assignment will be evaluated using the Unit 5 Assignment Grading Rubric. Please ensure it is written with proper grammar, in APA format (including clear section headings), and includes a minimum of four cited and referenced resources—at least two of which must be peer reviewed (scholarly) journal articles.

The overall point distribution for the Assignment will be as follows:

  • 50% (75 points): Content, focus, use of research, and organization
  • 30% (45 points): Analysis and critical thinking
  • 20% (30 points): Writing style, grammar, APA format

FocusPaperWrite a seven to nine (7–9) pagepaper – Master’sLevelWriter Read More »

marketing analytics Assignment

marketing analytics Assignment

Freese Corporation has been in the heating and air conditioning business for more than 60 years. The founder, Jim “Deep” Freese started the business in Orange County, California in the early 1970’s as the Southern California suburbs began to grow.

Freese Corp is preparing for a management transition. Deep, the founder, is about to turn control of the business over to his son, Junior Freese. When he started the business and for most of its first 40 years, Deep Freese knew almost every customer of the business personally. However, he never created a formal customer data base. Today, he has more than 150 employees and 50 trucks operating in Orange and Riverside Counties.

Junior Freese recently graduated from the highly rated business administration program , but never took the Marketing Analytics class.

He believes that the company is poised for major growth by expanding nationally and by providing a more extensive set of products and services. As he looks around the heating and air conditioning industry, he does not see companies leveraging data and analytics as a growth strategy. He thinks that it might be the key to the company’s future growth.

The company, however, has no formal data function in marketing and sales. Its culture is characterized by a suspicion of technology and analytics.

You have been hired as a consultant to the company in the area of data and analytics.

  1. How should Junior organize his company to get the best results from analytics, and what organizational issues should he consider?
  2. What kinds of analytics do you think can provide him with fast “wins” in a short time frame?

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Marginal Economics Paper

Marginal Economics Paper

Objective –

To review a published article from a reputable media source, addressing economic theory and policy topics that relate to the material we covered in Managerial Economics.

The topics are: Market Structure (Perfectly Competitive, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly), Game Theory, and Price Discrimination.


– Article should not be more than 2 years old, and should be from a reputable print media source, such as The Economist, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, etc. Please check with me if you are not sure.

– Two students cannot review the same article. Therefore, once you have decided on an article, post the article title, source and date on the Sakai/Courses forum that has been created for this assignment. You will have the option to change the article, but make sure you update your post if you do, so that everyone is aware.

– Length should be 1.5-2 pages double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 font, Time New Roman.

– Start with a summary of the article. Then analyze it from a theoretical point of view. Lastly, express your opinion if applicable.

– You may use other articles and material to support your review but you must cite and list references.

– When you are done with the review, submit a PDF file with your name on it in Courses using the Article Review Assignment link.

When you have selected your article, click on “Add Comment” and write the article title, publication source, and date. See example below.

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Tittle: Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
Choose Topic: Health and Medical
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
Module 2 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

An understanding of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. This importance is magnified by the fact that these two systems work so closely together. A variety of factors and circumstances that impact the emergence and severity of issues in one system can have a role in the performance of the other.
Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond these systems and their capacity to work together. The impact of patient characteristics, as well as racial and ethnic variables, can also have an important impact.

Photo Credit: yodiyim –
An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in cardiovascular and respiratory systems is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.
In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.
To prepare:
By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study scenario for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.
Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis)
In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following
• The cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.
• Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
• How these processes interact to affect the patient?


Scenario 1: 76-year-old female patient complains of weight gain, shortness of breath, peripheral edema, and abdominal swelling. She has a history of congestive heart failure and admits to not taking her diuretic, as it makes her “have to get up every couple hours to go to the bathroom.” She now has to sleep on two pillows in order to get enough air.

Required Reading
McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.

Chapter 32: Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems; Summary Review
Chapter 33: Alterations of Cardiovascular Function (stop at Dysrhythmias); Summary Review
Chapter 35: Structure and Function of the Pulmonary System; Summary Review
Chapter 36: Alterations of Pulmonary Function (stop at Disorders of the chest wall and pleura); (obstructive pulmonary diseases) (stop at Pulmonary artery hypertension); Summary Review
Note: The above chapters were first presented in the Week 3 resources. If you read them previously you are encouraged to review them this week.
Inamdar, A. A. & Inamdar, A. C. (2016). Heart failure: Diagnosis, management, and utilization, 5(7). doi:10.3390/jcm5070062

Please if possible, use up to 5 references.

Tittle: Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems Read More »

WK 5 D1 HCA 430 250 words each

WK 5 D1 HCA 430 250 words each

Variations in Approaches to Care

Choose a specific culture or ethnicity of an immigrant or refugee population.

  • Analyze their cultural and social norms.
  • Discuss how they experience the healthcare system in America.
  • Include an evaluation of how both the community and market-oriented approaches to health care, as highlighted in Chapter 10 of your text, can assist your chosen culture in getting the care they need. Provide an analysis of a multidisciplinary approach that can be used to deliver the best care to your population.
  • Discuss a program in your community, or the nearest large community, that serves immigrants and refugees. Are the services truly accessible to a wide population of immigrants and refugees? Identify one approach which could improve accessibility, cost, or the quality of care for the population.

Your initial contribution should be 250 to 300 words in length. Your research and claims must be supported by your course text and at least one other scholarly source. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

.doc file | Discussion |

WK 5 D1 HCA 430 250 words each Read More »

Discipline-Specific Skills

Discipline-Specific Skills

Its important because it provides a clear evaluation of the OD consultant role and the competencies required to succeed in the role.

For this discussion, you will locate an OD job description or job posting and attach the document to your response in the discussion forum. You may copy and paste the job description or posting into a Word document and attach it in the discussion forum. Keep in mind, a job posting is different from a job description and may not contain the detail needed for a proper analysis of the position.

There are times when an organization does not have a clear understanding of what the consultant does or how they do it. That lack of understanding might be evidenced in a job description, a job posting, or a request for proposal.

You may use credible sources in your discussion post, such as O*NET Online (Links to an external site.), SHRM (Links to an external site.), Glassdoor (Links to an external site.), or LinkedIn (Links to an external site.). Research several job descriptions or postings of OD consultants and identify the themes, salaries, and competencies required. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is a professional organization that has a wide range of articles relating to human resources (HR) topics and strategies, standards, and competencies. Founded in 1948, SHRM is the world’s largest and leading provider of resources to serve the needs of HR professionals and advance the professional practice of human resource management.

Analyze one OD consultant job description or posting and find the characteristics defined within the content. In your discussion post, include the important aspects of type, styles, and purpose. Determine if the consultant role is external or internal to the organization. Consider Table 3.3 (attached) as a resource for identifying skills of the consultant.

Guided Response: Your initial post must be specific and significant. You must attach a researched OD job description or job posting in your discussion response. The initial post must be between 250 and 300 words. You must support your post with at least two scholarly credible resources APA format.

.doc file | APA | Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

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The Process and Practice of Organizational Development

The Process and Practice of Organizational Development

As a participant in organizational development, it is important to understand the methods for developing a successful change intervention. Having properly gathered and vetted data takes time and planning. Once the data is obtained and analyzed, the doing phase begins. The doing phase is heavily involved and requires consistent intervention. Once the doing phase is completed, the checking stage begins. The checking stage determines the success of the intervention and the sustainability of the change.

For this discussion, you are to comprehensively define and describe each phase of action research. Using the course textbook as the resource (see attached document), clearly review each phase including the various models, theorists, and templates used during the process.

Pick one action phase and defend its importance to the other two phases and the overall intervention during a change process. Use the Ashford University Library to research your choice and support your position. Include a minimum of two sources.

Guided Response: Your initial post must be specific and significant. The initial post must be between 250 and 300 words. You must support your post with at least two applicable resources in addition to the text to defend your positions and findings.

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The Process and Practice of Organizational Development

The Process and Practice of Organizational Development

As a participant in organizational development, it is important to understand the methods for developing a successful change intervention. Having properly gathered and vetted data takes time and planning. Once the data is obtained and analyzed, the doing phase begins. The doing phase is heavily involved and requires consistent intervention. Once the doing phase is completed, the checking stage begins. The checking stage determines the success of the intervention and the sustainability of the change.

For this discussion, you are to comprehensively define and describe each phase of action research. Using the course textbook as the resource (see attached document), clearly review each phase including the various models, theorists, and templates used during the process.

Pick one action phase and defend its importance to the other two phases and the overall intervention during a change process. Use the Ashford University Library to research your choice and support your position. Include a minimum of two sources.

Guided Response: Your initial post must be specific and significant. The initial post must be between 250 and 300 words. You must support your post with at least two applicable resources in addition to the text to defend your positions and findings.

.doc file | APA | Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

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Organizational Development journal

Organizational Development journal

Prior to preparing your journal entry, review the Careers in Organizational Development Panel (Links to an external site.) video for an outside look at the role of the Organizational Development (OD) consultant. Using this new knowledge,

The journal entry must be a minimum of one full page of content and provide pertinent and logical dialog related to the role of the OD consultant.

.doc file | APA | Other | 1 pages, Double spaced

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International Law situational questions

International Law situational questions

7 International Law situational questions:

1.The International Court of Justice is frequently referred to informally as “the World Court.” But is that term accurate? Is the ICJ “the World Court”?

2.As you know, the International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over such internationally-recognized offenses as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. At the Kampala Conference in 2010, the Assembly of States Parties added to that list the crime of aggression. Should the jurisdiction of the ICC be expanded to include other crimes? If so, which, and why? If not, should we be concerned that this list is too narrow, which may allow serious human rights abusers to evade justice?

3.The Refugee Convention of 1951 defines a refugee as someone who has fled, or is in any event outside, his or her country of nationality, and is unable to return because of “a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, [or] membership of a particular social group or political opinion.” Europe, and to a lesser extent the Unites States, are currently being inundated by individuals described by the mainstream media as “refugees,” but who do not meet the Convention’s definition: they are seeking improved quality of life, not fleeing from persecution. Assuming that “economic migrants” are not eligible to receive the benefits to which refugees are entitled under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol, what obligations must receiving states honor in their treatment of these people?

4.Ever since it handed down its judgment in the Gabcikovo-Nagamaros Project Case in 1997, the ICJ has increasingly suggested that states depending on a common natural resource, such as a watercourse, are bound by an obligation, established through customary international law, of “equitable sharing.” Numerous international environmental treaties are based on this principle. This is said to derive from the concept of sic utere tuo, which the Court held in the Corfu Channel Case in 1949 is a rule binding on all states.

That sounds delightful, doesn’t it? Who could be against “equitable sharing”? But it is terribly vague. When, say, a river flows from Country A into Country B, and Country A desires to build a dam that will substantially reduce the river water available in Country B but will bring substantial improvements to the quality of life of the people of Country A, what considerations should be taken into account in determining whether the proposed “sharing” of the watercourse is “equitable”?

5.If a Panel established under the World Trade Organization Agreement finds that a Member has denied another Member a benefit guaranteed under the treaty (for example, by denying its products most-favored-nation status or national treatment), and the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) accepts this finding, the DSB will grant the offending Member an opportunity to bring its trade measure into conformity with the WTO Agreement. If the offending Member does not do so within the time allotted, the DSB may authorize the affected Member to retaliate against the offender by imposing tariffs or other trade restrictions on import of its goods. Should the WTO Agreement be amended to allow the DSB to award monetary damages as compensation to the injured Member?

6.What would be the outcome were the General Assembly to seek an advisory opinion from the ICJ on the question: “Is the practice of capital punishment for the commission of certain criminal offenses in domestic legal systems consistent with conventional and customary international law?”

7. In the last two decades, three of the five permanent members of the Security Council have been accused of serious violations of international law (some examples are: Russia – the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight #17 over Ukraine and the invasion of Crimea; China – the treatment of the Uighur minority, human rights violations in Hong Kong, and the unilateral claims of sovereignty over areas in the South China Sea; the U.S. – unauthorized invasion of Iraq, human rights violations at Guantanamo and elsewhere, and the use of drones in places like Yemen and Somalia).

Obviously, all three deny these allegations, and to answer this question you need not accept that any of them is (or is not) accurate. But whether or not the charges are legally supported, the mere fact that they have generated widespread discussion raises this issue: what, if any, opportunities does the international legal regime provide to review the legality of acts and omissions of the P-5?

Others sources can be used as well, just vailid ones, if you need anything message me.

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Research Design Methods & Applications UNIT5 Discussion Board

Research Design Methods & Applications UNIT5 Discussion Board

Research and Design Methods & Applications


Type: Discussion Board

Unit 5: The Final Research Proposal

Deliverable Length: 500 words – APA style + 2 references and citations

Part 1: Summative Discussion Board

Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following:

We have come to our final thread! And as typical, it is a reflective thread that asks you to consider your experiences and what you learned in this course. You can address the question provided or offer insights if you wish.

.doc file

Unit 1: Research Strategies

Unit 2: Research Ethics

  • Recognize ethical issues in the conduct of research and evaluation and their relevance to research efforts

Unit 3: Selecting Strategy

Unit 4: Population, Analysis, and Measurement

  • Identify and select research designs, methodologies, analysis, and measurement strategies to be used in order to conduct a successful research project

Unit 5: The Final Research Proposal

  • Apply research concepts and principles by developing a research strategy and proposal for a project
  • Demonstrate an understanding of qualitative, quantitative, mixed and action research methods
  • Describe the primary differences between the various research approaches
  • Identify and select research designs, methodologies, analysis, and measurement strategies to be used in order to conduct a successful research project
  • Recognize ethical issues in the conduct of research and evaluation and their relevance to research efforts

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Wellness and Wellbeing planWellness and Wellbeing plan

Wellness and Wellbeing plan

Develop and write up your personal Wellness and Wellbeing plan where you specifically cover the following aspects:

a. Your rationale for the format that you have used. Cite references relevant to the particular format you develop. Mention why you have included the elements that you developed, adopted, or adapted. Mention why you have not included some other elements that might otherwise be part of a wellbeing/wellness plan.

b. Using your format, provide a succinct and specific content of your own plan.

c. Include and integrate the information you gathered from completing previous assignments in Week 1 – 3 including:

  • the Personal Wellbeing Index – Adult (PWI-A) in Week 2; information from the assignment;
  • Report on Other Wellness/Wellbeing Professions/ Paraprofessions & Wellbeing/Wellness Resource Document, including your findings from interviewing other therapists and the resources you identified that can be used by therapists to promote wellbeing.

d. Integrate and address important aspects from the texts in your plan including:

e. Include the role Complementary and Alternative (CAM) approaches may play in your plan.

f. Have 2-3 specific targets for cognitive, affective, or behavioral change in your plan.

g. You do not have to enact the plan for the course, but you will write up a short description of possible obstacles you might face in trying to implement the plan in your Associate position after graduation and how you could deal with them if they arose so that you could implement your plan.

h. Lastly, provide your opinion, based on the information on the chapter in Wellness Counseling by Granello, Incorporating Wellness Counseling Into Clinical Practice, if this kind of Wellness Plan would be beneficial to use with a client in practice.

Provide a Cover page at the beginning and a Reference page at the end with APA style references relevant to the format you developed, adopted, or adapted and APA style references relevant to the content of your own plan.

This document will consistently be in 12-point Time New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, with one-inch margins all around. Use flush left and indented headings as in APA style. Expected length 8 pages not including the references and cover pages. No abstract is necessary.

.doc file

Wellness and Wellbeing planWellness and Wellbeing plan Read More »

Question Description: 1. In at least 350 words, explain how technology, such as cell phones and social media, has impacted the issues of ethics and social justice in the criminal justice system.

Question Description: 1. In at least 350 words, explain how technology, such as cell phones and social media, has impacted the issues of ethics and social justice in the criminal justice system.

2. The police subculture is defined by secrecy, solidarity, and cynicism. In at least 350 words, reflect on how a subculture that promotes these attributes impacts an officer’s ability to conduct himself or herself in a professional and ethical manner.

3. According to the National Institute of Justice (2016), police officers “should use only the amount of force necessary to mitigate an incident, make an arrest, or protect themselves or others from harm” (para. 5). How does a police officer determine the “right” amount of force to use? When is use of force considered unlawful? In this Discussion, you will identify a specific incident involving the of use of force and determine whether it was lawful. In doing so, you will consider the outcomes of two landmark U.S. Supreme Court Cases: Tennessee v Garner (1985) and Graham v Connor (1989).
National Institute of Justice. (2016). Police use of force. Retrieved from

To Prepare:
• Read about these two cases provided in this module’s Learning Resources.
• Also, review these Learning Resources:
o National Institute of Justice, “The Use-of-Force Continuum”
o Community Oriented Policing Services, “Use of Force”
• Locate a video link on the Internet that involves police use of force. The video should be less than 5 minutes long. Ensure that it has transcripts so it’s accessible to all your colleagues.
• Post the link to the video with your initial discussion response.

Post at least 300 words, in which you:
• Provide an overview of the occurrence of use of force described in the video
• Describe which police department was involved
• Explain why the police were in contact with the person(s) that they used force against
• Include any other information you feel is pertinent to the case
• Determine whether the police use of force in the video is lawful, based on the related case law and information you learned regarding the use of force continuum. Explain why or why not.

Question Description: 1. In at least 350 words, explain how technology, such as cell phones and social media, has impacted the issues of ethics and social justice in the criminal justice system. Read More »

Question Description: (MSCJ) Assignment: Ethical Challenges in the Criminal Justice System

Tittle: Mr
Choose Topic: Writing
Select number of : 10
Question Description: (MSCJ) Assignment: Ethical Challenges in the Criminal Justice System
In this Assignment, you are a criminal justice practitioner with 5 years of experience. You have been asked by your supervisor to prepare a PowerPoint presentation (with slide notes) for recent academy graduates on ethical challenges in the criminal justice field.

The (MSCJ) Assignment: Using the Walden University PowerPoint Presentation Template, create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation (including annotated slide notes) that includes the following:

Title/name of presentation (1 slide)
Ethical challenges related to the following areas (1 slide each):
Use of authority
Relationships between personal and professional interests
Personal and professional commitments to clients
Criminal justice policy
Policing policy
Information sharing
Media reporting
Human rights
APA reference slide (1 slide)
In addition to the Learning Resources, use two additional scholarly resources to support your presentation.

Question Description: (MSCJ) Assignment: Ethical Challenges in the Criminal Justice System Read More »

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