Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Ethics Program Implementation

week 3 Case ethics program

Ethics Program Implementation

As you can see by your reading, a lot of energy goes into the implementation of an organizational ethics program. And Lockheed Martin has clearly allotted considerable resources to assuring their program is successful. In this assignment, we’ll be focusing on what the company did to ensure the implementation of a successful program that was flexible enough to accommodate the changing needs of the organization.


Please address the following questions:

  1. On p. 83 Terris discusses the company’s ethics code. Why is the code considered important to the company’s ethics program?
  2. Discuss the importance of ethics training and employee involvement. What are some of the things Lockheed does to make the training process interesting and worthwhile?
  3. How does Lockheed measure success with respect to ethics in the workplace?
  4. What are some of the things Lockheed does at the operational level to make their ethics program work?

Assignment Expectations

Write a 3- to 4-page paper, not including the title page or references page addressing the issue, and upload it by the end of this module.

Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12-point type size.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page. Make sure you cite your sources.

Use APA style, and proofread your paper.

Upload your paper by the end of the module.

Ethics Program Implementation Read More »

The Chief Ethics Officer

The Chief Ethics Officer

Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will be asked to consider the role of organizational leaders with respect to ensuring companies work to create an ethical workplace culture. It is important for all upper-level leaders to ‘walk the talk’ so to speak. In addition, many larger companies have a Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer who provides leadership and oversight to the company’s business ethics-related endeavors. Recall that Lockheed Martin has such an executive-level position. However, not all companies have such a position. In this assignment, you will be asked to discuss the contributions of executive leaders and of the Ethics Officer with respect to building an organization that values workplace ethics.

  1. What do you believe are the most important characteristics of ethical leadership?
  2. Describe the relationship between the ethical leader and the follower.
  3. Why is this relationship important for organizations that are attempting to do the right thing?
  4. Based on your readings (both the articles provided and Terris’ text), what is the role of the Chief Ethics Officer, and how does the role of this person relate to the success of the ethics-related endeavors within large organizations?

Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be 2–3 pages, double-spaced, and in 12-point type size.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page. Make sure you cite your sources.

Use APA style, and proofread your paper.

Upload your paper by the end of the module.

Terris, D. (2013). Ethics at work: Creating virtue at an American corporation. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

For your SLP assignment, please read the following article.

Gnazzo, P. J. (2011). The chief ethics and compliance officer: A test of endurance. Business & Society Review (00453609), 116(4). Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Also, please spend some time researching other sources to help you develop your key arguments.

Mihelic, K. K., Lipicnik, B., & Tekavcic, M., (2010). Ethical leadership. International Journal of Management and Information Systems, 14(5), 31-41. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Oates, V., & Dalmau, T. (2013). Instilling ethical leadership. Accountancy SA, 38-41. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Cavico, F. J., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2017). Wells Fargo’s fake accounts scandal and its legal and ethical implications for management. S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, 82(2), 4-19.

Venezia, C. C., Venezia, G., Cavico, F. J., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2011). Is ethics education necessary? A comparative study of moral cognizance in Taiwan and the United States. The International Business & Economics Research Journal, 10(3), 17-28.

The following tutorial provides detailed information that can be applied to the topics of this course. There are a number of videos and lessons on ethics.

The Chief Ethics Officer Read More »

Unit VII Research Paper Due: Tuesday, 12/22/2020 5:00PM (CST)

Unit VII Research Paper

Due: Tuesday, 12/22/2020 5:00PM (CST)

Write a research paper that analyzes methods used to ethically manage teams and groups within organizations. In your research paper, be sure to include the following elements:
  • Distinguish between a group and a team.
  • Discuss ethical decision-making in team leadership that promotes social responsibility.
  • Discuss leadership styles and traits that are effective for successful management of groups and teams.
  • Include a discussion on any aspect of leadership covered in the course that was of particular interest to you. All topics do not need to be included; yet, followership, ethics, leadership styles, multicultural leadership, and conflicts of interest are all topics that have been studied, and any one (or more) that you found particularly interesting could be incorporated into the discussion.
Your research paper should be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title and references pages. Utilize the CSU Online Library to locate a minimum of three sources to use as references that support your research paper. All sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.
Be sure to include the rubric elements from the guidelines below.
  • Your introduction should engage the reader and clearly present the thesis and a summary of the main points to clarify your point of view.
  • The review of the literature should present a critical analysis and synthesis of the existing research.
  • The discussion should reveal insightful analysis of research.
  • A summary should be present that reviews or summarizes key points and provides a smooth transition between sections.
  • The writing should be clear and concise with proper sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation, and it should be free from spelling errors.
  • The number of academically credible sources should meet the requirements and should be properly cited, per APA standards.

Unit VII Research Paper Due: Tuesday, 12/22/2020 5:00PM (CST) Read More »

Prevention of Vicarious Trauma: Self-Awareness and Self-Assessment

Prevention of Vicarious Trauma: Self-Awareness and Self-Assessment
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: As a helping professional, many factors can influence the development of vicarious trauma, including client accounts and your own personal and professional experiences. The shifts in cognitive schemas, as discussed in this week’s Discussion, however, are not absolute. You can participate in activities that can minimize or ameliorate the effects of VT. Self-awareness and self-assessment are critical in identifying the development of VT. It is important to note that practitioners who are more susceptible to VT, such as those working with survivors of critical incidents, especially need to be aware of the symptoms and take steps to minimize the development of VT.

For this Assignment, reflect on the strategies you read about and those you may know from outside this course. Consider those that you use currently or might use in the future to mitigate the effects of VT. Complete the Compassion Fatigue Self Test and analyze the results.

The Assignment (2–3 pages):

Summarize the results of the self-assessment.
Explain what you learned about yourself as it relates to vicarious trauma.
Describe three strategies that you might use to mitigate the effects of vicarious trauma, and explain why you selected each.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are required to provide a reference list and to appropriately cite, in APA style, all references used within your Assignment.

There are two videos for the Evaluation of Crisis Skills and Characteristics

assignment that you need to see this is why i sent my log in information

James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2017). Crisis intervention strategies (8th ed.). Boston, MA:

Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 1, “Approaching Crisis Intervention”
    • “Characteristics of Effective Crisis Workers” (pp. 23-25)
    • “Rewards” (p. 25)
  • Chapter 3, “The Intervention and Assessment Models” (pp. 48-72)
  • Chapter 15, “Legal and Ethical Issues on Crisis of Trauma” (pp. 518-545)

Prevention of Vicarious Trauma: Self-Awareness and Self-Assessment Read More »

identify a consumer product that interests

Question 1

In a 3 -page (minimum) essay, identify a consumer product that interests you, research online the manufacturing process, and describe in some detail the following: Page count does not include your introduction, abstract, and reference page. A minimum of 3 authoritative sources is required for this assignment.

The product(s) and the company identified with this product.

What factors do you perceive were critical in identifying where to locate the manufacturing operation for this product?

What type of operation layout best suits the kind of manufacturing required for this product?

What factors are essential to maintain an efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable production operation?

identify a consumer product that interests Read More »

Question 2

Question 2

Begin by researching another product in which you have an interest. Look for a product for which you can find an online resource that provides some insight into the flow of materials to make this product. Then, create a PowerPoint presentation that instructs your audience on the functions involved with and the controls needed to manage the material flow for this product. Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following:

1. A minimum of 16 slides

2. A template appropriate to Materials Management

3. An introductory slide that informs your audience of the subject

4. Art, photographs, clip art, tables, charts, and/or graphics to enhance every slide.ALWAYS include a source citation for all artwork you upload from online.

5. Your slides should refer to a minimum of 3 references. Cite and reference (on the last page) according to APA 7

6. Use bullet lists, not lengthy paragraphs

7. Insert the speaker’s notes at the bottom of each page to expand on and explain your main points in each slide.You may also insert an audio narration for each slide instead of the speaker’s noes. Use bullet lists for these notes to make for easier following during the presentation.

8. Include a summation slide as the next to last slide.This summation should tell your audience the main take-away points you want them to remember.This is one of the most important slides in your presentation, spend some time thinking through what you want your audience to remember from your presentation.

9. The last slide is for references, include a minimum of three authoritative resources you have used and cited to support your main points

Question 2 Read More »

Begin this project by picking a manufacturing organization that produces

Question 3

minimum of 5 pages not including your introduction, abstract, and reference page. A minimum of 3 authoritative sources is required

Begin this project by picking a manufacturing organization that produces products you are familiar with at your place of work or have an interest in. Start your essay with a brief description of the company, its core products/services. Once you have this initial section completed, carefully review and expand on the five points below that, you are to cover in this project.

Research and describe in some detail:

1. The field of competition and what you can find in the internet regarding their position among competitors

2. Describe the basic manufacturing process and what you can find or assume to be the flow of materials through the value-added chain.

3. Research and then describe the challenges to scheduling these products through the manufacturing process

4. Research and describe how Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and advanced technology is employed in producing this product or products

5. Does this company’s technology provide a competitive advantage over closest rivals? If so, how?

Requirements: .doc file

Begin this project by picking a manufacturing organization that produces Read More »

Interventions for Survivors of Sexual Trauma Choose Topic: Psychology Select number of pages: 2

Interventions for Survivors of Sexual Trauma
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 2
Question Description: One in 6 females and one in 33 males have experienced some form of sexual trauma in their lives (RAINN, 2009). Many who seek treatment present with issues unrelated to sexual trauma. Given the high percentage of sexual trauma survivors, it is very likely that you will encounter clients with such a history during your career, regardless of your specialization. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with a sexual trauma framework and skills specific to working with this population. While sexual trauma mostly occurs on an individual level, it also can have a significant impact on the family system. As a practitioner, you may intervene with the individual survivor, the parent(s) of a child who has been sexually abused, the spouse of a rape survivor, and/or the family system as a whole.

For this Discussion, select two types of sexual trauma from the readings this week and think about two interventions you might use for each and why.

By Day 4
Post a brief description of two types of sexual trauma. Then, describe two interventions you might use for each, and explain why you would select these interventions.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.

Interventions for Survivors of Sexual Trauma Choose Topic: Psychology Select number of pages: 2 Read More »

Discussion post Employers and Reporting: Financial Risk Mitigation

Discussion post Employers and Reporting: Financial Risk Mitigation

Please see attachment to respond to peers.

This topic covers corporate accounting and finance. Based on the readings and your experience, explain how employers put themselves at potential risk with reporting on issues that lead to financial risks. Offer at least two ways they can avoid or mitigate this type of risk.

Can be 1 to 2 paragraphs. APA Format

Requirements: .doc file

Discussion post Employers and Reporting: Financial Risk Mitigation Read More »

Select number of pages: 4 Question Description: Topic: Building Resilience and Preparedness into Community and Government Security Policy

Select number of pages: 4
Question Description: Topic: Building Resilience and Preparedness into Community and Government Security Policy

Using the online library, read the following article:

Scott, J., & Coleman, M. (2016). Reaching the unreached: Building resilience through engagement with diverse communities. Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, 9(4), 359–374. (Can be found in EBSCO)
Focus your 3-5 page paper on the following:

Arguably, getting citizens integrated and fully engaged into a homeland security plan is one of the most powerful tools to support the resilience and defense of the homeland. DHS developed the Building Resilience with Diverse Communities (BRDC) engagement process to improve relationships with faith-based and community organizations and to ‘reach unreached’ populations in emergency preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. Analyze the study and research the primary concerns with getting citizens involved. In your analysis, detail how your research will make the homeland security posture more resilient and if your research and subsequent policy would benefit from integrating the community. Incorporate at least two additional sources to support your analysis.

Select number of pages: 4 Question Description: Topic: Building Resilience and Preparedness into Community and Government Security Policy Read More »

Need help with assignment Bring it All Together

Need help with assignment

Bring it All Together

In 500-700 words, compose an essay addressing the following:

Based on the topics covered throughout this course, choose a specific (national or global) environmental issue impacted by the human population. Explain the issue and the impacts of humans. Give examples of how the issue affects the biological processes and ecological systems. Then, suggest sustainable practices that can be used to mediate the impacts of this issue. Be sure to include citations of reliable, scientific references to support your explanations.

Include a title page with your name, the title of the assignment, and the University.

Topics to choose from are:


Sustainable economic growth

Sustainability in our future

Need help with assignment Bring it All Together Read More »

Competency Apply duty-based ethical theories to contemporarymoralissues. Instructions In this research-basedassessment, youwill be applying a Kantianperspective to a contemporarymoralissue. Currentcontemporarymoralissuesrange from genetic en

Competency Apply duty-based ethical theories to contemporarymoralissues. Instructions In this research-basedassessment, youwill be applying a Kantianperspective to a contemporarymoralissue. Currentcontemporarymoralissuesrange from genetic en


Apply duty-based ethical theories to contemporary moral issues.


In this research-based assessment, you will be applying a Kantian perspective to a contemporary moral issue. Current contemporary moral issues range from genetic engineering to issues related to the use of torture in wartime. For this assessment you will need to research contemporary moral issues and select one that will be the focus of your paper as you apply the Kantian perspective. Once you select your moral issue, you will need to address the following in a properly formatted research paper.

  • Explain what duty is according to Kant and how this view differs from other senses of duty.
  • Describe the relationship between a good will and duty for Kant.
  • Differentiate the two formulations of the Categorical Imperative.
  • How do these formulations apply to your selected contemporary moral issue?
  • Using the foundation of Kant’s moral theory explain how there is a moral duty for your selected contemporary moral issues.
  • Express your view as a maxim.
  • How feasible is it to universalize your maxim?
  • How does your maxim fulfill/satisfy each of these formulations?

In your paper, ensure that you use credible academic sources, and cite them properly.

greetings, this is the rubric

Not SubmittedAn inadequate or inappropriate explanation of what duty is according to Kant and how this view differs from other senses of dutyExplains what duty is according to Kant and how this view differs from other senses of duty with supporting information.Explains what duty is according to Kant and how this view differs from other senses of duty with strong supporting information.Explains what duty is according to Kant and how this view differs from other senses of duty with well-integrated, strong supporting information.
Not SubmittedAn inadequate or inappropriate description of the relationship between a good will and duty for Kant.Describes with generalities the relationship between a good will and duty for Kant.Adequately describes the relationship between a good will and duty for Kant.Thoroughly describes the relationship between a good will and duty for Kant.
Not SubmittedAn inadequate or inappropriate differentiation of the two formulations of the Categorical ImperativeDifferentiates the two formulations of the Categorical Imperative with basic information.Differentiates the two formulations of the Categorical Imperative with strong supporting information.Differentiates the two formulations of the Categorical Imperative in strong detail and supporting information.
Not SubmittedIncorrectly identifies a contemporary moral issue and/or An inadequate or inappropriate discussion of how these formulations apply to the selected issue.Correctly identifies a contemporary moral issue and discusses how these formulations apply to the selected issue with basic supporting information.Correctly identifies a contemporary moral issue and discusses how these formulations apply to the selected issue with supporting information.Correctly identifies a contemporary moral issue and thoroughly discusses how these formulations apply to the selected issue in strong detail and supporting information.
Not SubmittedAn inadequate or inappropriate explanation of, using the foundation of Kant’s moral theory, how there is a moral duty for the selected issue.Explains, using the foundation of Kant’s moral theory, how there is a moral duty for the selected issue with strong supporting evidence.Explains, using the foundation of Kant’s moral theory, how there is a moral duty for the selected issue with supporting evidence.Explains, using the foundation of Kant’s moral theory, how there is a moral duty for the selected issue with strong supporting evidence.
Not SubmittedIncorrectly creates a maxim And/or An inadequate or inappropriate explanation of how feasible is it to universalize the maxim.Creates an applicable maxim with a sufficient explanation as to how feasible is it to universalize the maxim.Creates an applicable maxim with a detailed explanation as to how feasible is it to universalize the maxim.Creates an applicable maxim with a thorough and detailed explanation as to how feasible is it to universalize the maxim.
Not SubmittedAn inadequate or inappropriate explanation of how maxim fulfill/satisfy each of the formulations.Explains how maxim fulfill/satisfy each of the formulations with basic supporting evidence.Explains how maxim fulfill/satisfy each of the formulations with supporting evidence.Explains how maxim fulfill/satisfy each of the formulations with strong supporting evidence.

Competency Apply duty-based ethical theories to contemporarymoralissues. Instructions In this research-basedassessment, youwill be applying a Kantianperspective to a contemporarymoralissue. Currentcontemporarymoralissuesrange from genetic en Read More »

Some nurses believe that Florence Nightingale holds nursing back and represents the negative and backward elements of nursing.

Some nurses believe that Florence Nightingale holds nursing back and represents the negative and backward elements of nursing.

Discussion question below:

1. Some nurses believe that Florence Nightingale holds nursing back and represents the negative and backward elements of nursing. This view cites as evidence that Nightingale supported the subordination of nurses to physicians, opposed registration of nurses, and did not see mental health nurses as part of the profession. After reading this chapter, what do you think? Is Nightingale relevant in the 21st century to the nursing profession? Why or why not?


· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per discussion question, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format.

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

Requirements: .doc file

Chapter 1: A History of Health Care and Nursing

Some nurses believe that Florence Nightingale holds nursing back and represents the negative and backward elements of nursing. Read More »

Option #2: Persuasive Letter to a Public or Business Official

Option #2: Persuasive Letter to a Public or Business Official


Using the concepts and ideas learned in the Tutorials 1-9 of Lau and Chan (2017) (Links to an external site.), write a letter (your letter’s body should be an APA-formatted essay) to a public or business official who rejects the scientific consensus on an important issue. In this letter/essay, address the following questions:

  1. How would you define scientific theories and how they operate?
  2. Why do scientists employ the idea of falsifiability?
  3. How would you try to convince this person to examine the issue using the scientific method in order to come to clear and careful assessments?
  4. Why would you argue for engaging scientific, peer-reviewed sources on the issue?


You may wish to review the Letter Template to Public or Business Official (found in the module folder) for help formatting your essay according to the requirements. If you need assistance with your writing style or you need writing tips or tutorials, visit the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Requirements: .doc file

Option #2: Persuasive Letter to a Public or Business Official Read More »

Clinical Judgment is the process of integrating evidence-based practice, critical-thought, the Nursing Process, knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as application of theory to practice in order to promote safe, quality care to clients in all setting

Clinical Judgment is the process of integrating evidence-based practice, critical-thought, the Nursing Process, knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as application of theory to practice in order to promote safe, quality care to clients in all setting

Clinical Judgment is the process of integrating evidence-based practice, critical-thought, the Nursing Process, knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as application of theory to practice in order to promote safe, quality care to clients in all settings.

Keeping that in mind, answer the following scenario:

You are the Charge Nurse in a large Urban Emergency Department (ED). You nursing staff include:

  1. RN with 12 years of Trauma ED experience
  2. New RN with 6 months ED experience
  3. RN from the Medical Surgical floor with 8 years of experience

The following patients are in the ED, which patient will you give to each of the nurses and why?

  1. A 76-year-old client who was involved in a motor vehicle accident and has hematuria.
  2. A 38-year-old client with kidney stones complaining of severe pain.
  3. A 24-year-old diabetic client with an acute urinary tract infection who will require discharge teaching.
  4. An 80-year-old client that has not had a bowel movement for 4 days.

Requirements: .doc file

250 words, one reference.

Clinical Judgment is the process of integrating evidence-based practice, critical-thought, the Nursing Process, knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as application of theory to practice in order to promote safe, quality care to clients in all setting Read More »

Choose Topic: Writing

Choose Topic: Writing
Select number of pages: 2
Question Description: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, using examples to reinforce your ideas. Conduct research on the subject matter and provide at least three scholarly resources as references with corresponding citations meeting APA standards.

Is there one right way to lead? Research suggests there is no one right way. Leadership development programs generally teach a best-practices model, but experts suggest that individuals trained in leadership techniques that are contrary to their own nature risk losing the authenticity that is crucial to effective leadership. Review the following:

Chapter 12 of the textbook
Where do the leadership challenges of the 21st century exist?
What is the Leadership Challenge?
Can anyone become the leader of an organization and succeed? There are those who believe that leadership training is an effective method of transforming people into leaders while others posit that its part of your being and thus are born with the appropriate leadership traits to make an organization or nation state viable. Many companies conduct management training with a component of leadership embedded in the curriculum but how can leadership be best taught if, at all. This discussion will challenge our personal paradigms on this topic with focus on best methods as well as best theories for the right circumstances.

Given that there are multiple perspectives of the leadership challenges and how to develop our leadership practices, discuss the following:

From your experiences, what is the best theory/method for leading people into achieving a learning organization that evolves with the changing environment? (Chapter 12 or your textbook).
Should leadership techniques be taught, provide practical strategies we can use, and if it should be taught discuss experiential vs. didactic methods. (Use the CTU Library, ProQuest search engine on the topic of experiential vs. didactic methods.).
Are leaders born or made and how does your research on this topic impact leadership development within organizations? (Use the CTU Library, ProQuest search engine on the topic of leaders being born or made.)

Choose Topic: Writing Read More »

Themes in Guy De Maupassant’s ‘The Piece of String’

WRITING ASSIGNMENT [700-1000 words]


You should write an organized essay on ONE of the following:

Themes or narrative in Anton Chekhov ‘The Bet’

Narrative in Laila AbuLaila’s ‘Ostrich’

Themes in Guy De Maupassant’s ‘The Piece of String’

Links to the texts

Antony Chekhov’s ‘The Bet’

Leila Abuleila’s ‘The Ostrich’…

Guy De Maupassant’s ‘The Piece of String’

Please check the attachments for the instruction

Requirements: .doc file | Essay | 1 pages, Single spaced

Themes in Guy De Maupassant’s ‘The Piece of String’ Read More »

Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article Assignment

Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article Assignment

Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article

This week, you will submit the annotation of a quantitative research article on a topic of your interest. Quasi-experimental, casual comparative, correlational, pretest–posttest, or true experimental are examples of types of research designs used in quantitative research.

An annotation consists of three separate paragraphs that cover three respective components: summary, analysis, and application. These three components convey the relevance and value of the source. As such, an annotation demonstrates your critical thinking about, and authority on, the source. This week’s annotation is a precursor to the annotated bibliography assignment due in Week 10.

An annotated bibliography is a document containing selected sources accompanied by a respective annotation of each source. In preparation for your own future research, an annotated bibliography provides a background for understanding a portion of the existing literature on a particular topic. It is also a useful first step in gathering sources in preparation for writing a subsequent literature review as part of a dissertation.

Please review the assignment instructions below and click on the underlined words for information about how to craft each component of an annotation.

Please use the document “Annotated Bibliography Template with Example” for additional guidance.

It is recommended that you use the grading rubric as a self-evaluation tool before submitting your assignment.

  • Use the Walden library databases to search for one quantitative research article from a peer-reviewed journal on a topic of your interest.
  • Before you read the full article and begin your annotation, locate the methodology section in the article to be sure that the article describes a quantitative study. Confirm that one of the types of quantitative designs, such as quasi-experimental, casual comparative, correlational, pretest–posttest, or true experimental, was used in the study.
  • Annotate one quantitative research article from a peer-reviewed journal on a topic of your interest.
  • Provide the reference list entry for this article in APA Style followed by a three-paragraph annotation that includes:
  • Format your annotation in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced. A separate References list page is not needed for this assignment.
I am attaching the required readings docs and for the article on a topic I will let you choose, however, I am interested in the general behavioral and criminal behavioral topics, and you can choose the article from any scholar library databases it is only should be one quantitative research article from a peer-reviewed journal.

Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article Assignment Read More »

Literature Review-The Protecting Strong African American Families Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial with Rural African American

Literature Review-The Protecting Strong African American Families Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial with Rural African American Couples
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 2
Question Description: Literature review of evidence-based family interventions that could be used to Balance Work and Family—Family of 3 (African American parents and child (7 years old)).
Concern is one parent (father) who is unable to balance work. Using the article attached and *one other article* (related to Solution Focused Therapy or family system therapy), present research on at least 2 different interventions (CBT and Solution Focused Therapy) that could be used to address Balance of Work and Family with African American Families. Make sure article is no more than 5 years old. A minimum of six references are required.

Literature Review-The Protecting Strong African American Families Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial with Rural African American Read More »

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