Author name: Rosemary Mosco

CONCEPT MAP Attached below is the copy of my new assignment The information for the patient is provided below.


Attached below is the copy of my new assignment

The information for the patient is provided below.

Patient for RUA

1. A.M. is a 55-year-old female who was diagnosed with lung cancer 3 years ago and had been treated with surgery and chemotherapy. Two weeks ago, she had a computed tomography scan that showed progressive spread of the cancer, and today she has come into the outpatient cancer clinic to begin a new round of chemotherapy. She is accompanied by her 78-year-old mother, Dorothy. A.M. is divorced and has three children who all live out of town. You are the student nurse who has been assigned to A.M. today during your clinical rotation.

CONCEPT MAP Attached below is the copy of my new assignment The information for the patient is provided below. Read More »

A16 year old reports to the local Family Planning clinic

Group A will complete the following discussion and then respond to Group B discussion. Emergency Contraception: A16 year old reports to the local Family Planning clinic with concerns regarding pregnancy. She relates she had unprotected intercourse 2 nig


Group A

Emergency Contraception:

A16 year old reports to the local Family Planning clinic with concerns regarding pregnancy. She relates she had unprotected intercourse 2 nights ago and believes she may be ‘fertile’. She wants to learn more about the ‘morning after pill’

  1. What additional information should you obtain from her?
  2. What do you know about emergency contraception and the side effects?
  3. What educational points should you provide to her?

Please use 7th edition APA format. One reference and one incitation. 200 words.

I would suggest you use your textbook as your reference for your first post.
Maternal-Child Nursing Care Optimizing Outcomes for Mothers, Children, & Families (with The Women’s Health Companion) by Susan Ward and Shelton Hisley.

A16 year old reports to the local Family Planning clinic Read More »

Multiple Relationships in Psychotherapy and Counseling

Multiple Relationships in Psychotherapy and Counseling

Vignette Analysis III

Note:  The course textbook is an edited text.  You must cite and reference correctly, in APA, 7th edition format.  Please see the file How To Cite and Reference the Course Textbook, under Resources that illustrates how to cite and reference correctly. PRIMARY RESOURCES:

These resources are required to complete the course.



Zur, O Editor   (2017).   Multiple relationships in psychotherapy and counseling: Unavoidable, common, and mandatory dual relations in therapy.   (1st).   Routledge.    ISBN: 978-1-138-93777-2

ISBN: 978-1-315-67613-5 (ebk)


These resources must be used to complete the assignments.



American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Code of Ethics.

If the link does not work, please copy and paste the link into your browser


American Association of Applied Sport Psychology Ethics Code.

If the link does not work, please copy and paste the link into your browser


(2014).   American Counseling Association Code of Ethics .


If the link does not work, please copy and paste the link into your browser


(2017).   American Psychological Association Code of Ethics.


If the link does not work, please copy and paste the link into your browser


How To Cite and Reference the Course Textbook. 

PSY 86801 APA citation-referencing textbook.docx


American Psychological Association   (2020).   Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.   (7th ed.).


This assignment focuses on vignette analysis and direct application of course concepts to the persons, and situations presented in the vignette. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English. Your responses must be written in an original personal and/or professional synthesis of the text and research.

You must integrate the material presented in the assigned text.

You are also required to integrate additional evidence-based research, taken from professional journals, to support and enhance the textbook information. A minimum of 4, current, research articles are required

You must identify and cite the Code of Ethics that are relevant to each of the vignettes.  The Ethics Codes are located in under Resources. If the links do not work, please copy and paste them into your browser.

You must illustrate multicultural competence.  All discussions must take into account issues of culture and human diversity that may pertain to the situations presented below. Information on Culture and Diversity are covered in the course text, but you are encouraged to utilize other cultural resources to enhance your analysis for this assignment. For example, if the client in the vignette is a Native American who asks to participate in a healing ritual, you would research Native American ceremonies and the ethical issues relating to this.

Please keep your responses focused on what is presented in the vignette. Creativity is encouraged but do not add information or change the vignette.

Your response to each vignette should be approx 2 ½-pages per vignette.


Your entire assignment will be approx 10 pages total plus a title and reference page.


For each of the four vignettes presented below:

What are the ethical issues in the case? Identify the issue in the ethics code.


Did the professional act in a manner consistent with current standards and principles? If not, what other courses of action would be more ethical?  Support your decision by identifying the standards and principles relevant to this case.


Are there any indications of bias, stereotyping or marginalization present?


If relevant did the professional advocate for the client?


How can colleagues and supervisors help the professional to act ethically in this situation? Please be specific.



Vignette 9

Beatrice is an eager client who has survived a traumatic youth and is committed to maintaining her mental and emotional stability despite her troubled past.  She has been in counseling with Diego, a licensed professional counselor, for many months through services paid by a community program. Beatrice was recently hired by a retail store, and for the first time, has health insurance that will cover the cost of her counseling sessions, provided she is diagnosed with a mental and emotional disorder. Because she no longer qualifies for free service, Diego wants to help Beatrice take advantage of her health insurance benefits.  At the moment, however, Diego does not believe Beatrice meets any of the criteria for a mental or emotional disorder.  Nevertheless, because Beatrice has a history of depression, Diego uses the diagnostic code for depression in the insurance paperwork in order to relieve Beatrice of the burden of paying for counseling at a time when she has many other expenses.



Vignette 10

Gella, is a significantly underweight 14-year-old adolescent, who self-identifies as a lesbian. She has come out to her family and friends. Her parents have “permanently grounded” her except for school and church activities and she feels isolated at school. She met with her school counselor and showed signs of an eating disorder, serious depression with a moderately high risk of suicide. Gella admitted to the counselor that she knows where her father hides his guns, but that her religious beliefs stop her from killing herself.  The school counselor believes that immediate treatment is essential, but her parents refuse and say they will bring her to the pastor at their conservative church to pray.  The counselor is unsure of what to do next.


Vignette 11

Darcy is a psychologist in a group practice. He refers to himself as a non-traditional therapist who seeks to integrate non-Western philosophies into therapy and describes his approach as holistic. Darcy believes strongly that the most important factor in psychotherapy is the relationship between counselor and client.  He encourages his clients to attend yoga and meditation to resolve emotional issues before considering medication, though he will refer them to a psychiatrist if they prefer traditional methods. He views the use of written records of psychotherapy sessions as incompatible with holistic approach. Consequently, he keeps no records of counseling sessions other than a listing of the client’s name, and the date and length of the session. Not believing in diagnosis, Darcy does not accept insurance and requires that all his clients are self-pay. He explains this process to all clients at the initiation of counseling and obtains their consent prior to beginning therapy.



Vignette 12

Juanita, a 24-year-old Latina, is a counseling intern in an outpatient unit of a psychiatric hospital. Juanita has completed all requirements for her doctorate except internship. The first client to whom she is assigned at the hospital is a man with a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder, a history of suicide attempts, and episodes of violent behavior towards his family. Juanita has little experience with clients with such significant problems and asks that the case be transferred to a more experienced professional or that she be an observer or co-therapist for this client. Her supervisor insists that she tackle this case independently because Juanita has completed all her courses on psychopathology and shown good counseling skills with less disturbed clients. The supervisor assures Juanita that she will have all the supervision she needs. Juanita is skeptical about the supervisor’s capacity to meet that commitment because interns from prior years have warned Juanita that this supervisor is often unavailable outside of the regularly scheduled supervision hour. Still, Juanita elects not to try to change her supervisor’s mind about the assignment and goes forward with the sessions. Over the course of the semester, the client makes little progress, and Juanita believes she has gained more from her work with the client than he has gained from her.


Assignment Outcomes

Identify legal and ethical issues relevant to mental health professions.

Multiple Relationships in Psychotherapy and Counseling Read More »

Describe a program planning model used in public health. Include the link of the program you used as an example in your post.

Describe a program planning model used in public health. Include the link of the program you used as an example in your post.


Describe a program planning model used in public health. Include the link of the program you used as an example in your post. Discuss key elements of the model and why program planning models are used in developing programs.


– minimum of 250 words or more

– strong academic writing / APA style (please use in-text citing and References at end )

– used resources that are peer review (scholarly) articles only no older than 5 years ) and reference and in-text cite.

– please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.

Describe a program planning model used in public health. Include the link of the program you used as an example in your post. Read More »

Thinking and Acting Scientifically Thinking and Acting Scientifically

Thinking and Acting Scientifically

Thinking and Acting Scientifically

We often act as scientists as we make decisions that guarantee excellence.

  • In what ways do you act as a scientist throughout a work day?
  • What strategies do you use to separate misinformation from genuine knowledge and scientific research from poorly supported claims?
  • Share a decision you made using good data. What went well? What were the results?
  • What experience do you have as a researcher or action researcher, and how would you describe yourself as a reader and consumer of research?

Requirements: .doc file | Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

Thinking and Acting Scientifically Thinking and Acting Scientifically Read More »

Emotional and Behavioral Meds in Children

Emotional and Behavioral Meds in Children

Write one paragraph describing the clinical and economic burden of the disease that is being treated by the chosen drug class. Cite using numeric references in ascending order.

Write one paragraph with an overview of the assigned study and expand on why it is important to evaluate the use of the chosen drug class. Note: cite using numeric references in ascending order.

Requirements: .doc file

Emotional and Behavioral Meds in Children Read More »

Community Nursing Health Policy, Politics, and Reform

Community Nursing Health Policy, Politics, and Reform

Chapter 3: Health Policy, Politics, and Reform

1. You Have learned about health information technology (HIT) in this chapter. Give a few examples for the application of HIT in the clinical practice. Explain the main barriers of using HIT in the healthcare system.

Week 2 DQ 2 Follow the discussion questions’ participation and submission guidelines. Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph, and 2 to 3 references

Requirements: .doc file

Community Nursing Health Policy, Politics, and Reform Read More »

Health Care Policy and Law Project

Health Care Policy and Law Project

Policies guide structure and ensure organizational compliance. In a broader context, national and state health care policies exist to direct organizations and populations.

Select a national or state health care policy that is currently in effect. This policy will be used to complete your research paper in the final week of the course. In preparation for your final research paper, you will complete weekly tasks that are related to the policy you have chosen.

Pre-approved research topics are available below. pick from one of the following approved topics.

 HIPAA was deployed in 1990 to protect patient privacy. The question posted may be: What affect did HIPAA legislation have on patient quality of care?

 What affect did ERISA 1974 have on health plan options?

 What was the effect of OBRA 1987 on skilled nursing facilities?

 How has the EMTALA 1986 legislation affected hospitals?

 What has been the effect of the PPACA on healthcare organizations as an employer?

 What has been the effect of the PPACA on healthcare organizations as a provider?

 How has the prospective payment system (PPS) affected the delivery of services in an acute care hospital?

 How has the fee for service system affected the delivery of services in a clinic

Complete the following:

  • Choose your national or state health care policy.
  • Develop a Statement of the Problem for your final paper (1,000–1,500 words).
    • A Statement of the Problem should include the general problem and the specific problem that you would like to research or address in your final paper.

Dissertation resource:

  • Each week, you will be presented with a different dissertation resource. The weekly dissertation resource does not need to be read in full. It should be used as a guide to keep you on track with your work.

Phase 2 dissertation resource:

Requirements: .doc file

Health Care Policy and Law Project Read More »

Nursing Role and Scope: Frameworks for Professional Nursing Practice

Nursing Role and Scope: Frameworks for Professional Nursing Practice

DQ 2:

· Select one question as your DQ 1

· Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

Chapter 2: Frameworks for Professional Nursing Practice

1. What are the specific competencies for nurses in relation to theoretical knowledge?

2. Think about the definitions of the metaparadigm concepts and the assumptions or propositions of each of the theories presented. Which of the theories most closely matches your beliefs?

Requirements: .doc file

Nursing Role and Scope: Frameworks for Professional Nursing Practice Read More »

Nursing Role and Scope: Frameworks for Professional Nursing Practice

Nursing Role and Scope: Frameworks for Professional Nursing Practice

DQ 2:

· Select one question as your DQ 1

· Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

Chapter 2: Frameworks for Professional Nursing Practice

1. What are the specific competencies for nurses in relation to theoretical knowledge?

2. Think about the definitions of the metaparadigm concepts and the assumptions or propositions of each of the theories presented. Which of the theories most closely matches your beliefs?

Nursing Role and Scope: Frameworks for Professional Nursing Practice Read More »

HCAD 650 Discussion 3

HCAD 650 Discussion 3

HCAD 650: Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration

Discussion 3 Questions –


Instructions: Please answer using your own words in a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words (2.5-3 paragraphs). PER QUESTION 3 in total. Referenced with Three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles or qualified text publish within the past five years and follow APA Manual 6th or 7th editions scholarly writing guidelines. APA in-text Citation formatting is required. When writing replies, please provide your experiences, new ideas, add probing questions to engage readers and new literature on the topic to enhance the learning opportunity.

Questions 1. Federal and State Regulation


Part 1: Critical Analysis of the Law

Address (Answer) ALL questions in part 1 in a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) created a number of legal requirements. Review preventive service requirements at

  1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current coverage of preventive services. Give reasons to support your discussion.
  2. Birth control benefits and regulations have been controversial and have changed several times since the ACA was put in place. Evaluate the impact of current requirements on individuals, health care providers, health insurers, and religious employers. Support your conclusions with solid reasons.

Part 2: Strategic Application of the Law

Address (Answer) ALL questions in par 2 in a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words

You are the Vice President for Network Operations of Regnat Populus Health System, comprised of three hospitals and two clinics. The system is located in “the Delta,” the most rural parts of Arkansas. You want to inform the In-House Counsel (Attorney) and the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) about the value of telehealth.

  1. Describe the Medicare and Medicaid populations serviced by the hospitals and clinics. Indicate how they will benefit from telehealth.
  2. Find the laws of the state of Arkansas that pertain to telehealth. How will these laws impact your ability to implement telehealth services across the health system and clinics?
  3. Discuss common legal barriers to telehealth. Make a recommendation on how to overcome these barriers. Support your recommendation with reasons.

Question 2. Medicare and Medicaid

Address (Answer) ALL questions in a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words

Medicare and Medicaid provide health insurance for many people and often lead the way in terms of health insurance policy reform.

  1. CMS maintains an extensive list of Conditions of Participation (CoP). For what reason and how it is developed?
  2. Who certifies providers’ compliance with the CoPs? Explain “Deemed Status”. Is the Joint Commission a regulatory agency? Why or why not? Is JCAHO accreditation mandatory? Why?
  3. Explain the role of waivers with CMS. How do these contribute to the development of State Medicaid Plans (SPAs)?

Question 3: Fraud and Abuse Laws

Address (Answer) ALL questions in a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words

  1. Consider the settlement in U.S. v. Halifax and the Corporate Integrity Agreement entered into by Halifax Hospital Medical Center, which addresses methods for preventing Anti-Kickback violations.
    1. What measures required by the Corporate Integrity Agreement do you believe will be most effective in preventing future violations?
    2. Which, if any, do you think will be least effective or ineffective in preventing future Anti-kickback violations? Explain your reasoning.
  1. What is a Medicaid Integrity Plan? Who is responsible for creating and maintaining it? What does it cover?
  2. The Physician Self-Referral law (Stark law) prohibits physician referral to designated health services (DHS) in which the physician or family member has an ownership interest. As a health care administrator what could you do to monitor this?
  3. The False Claims Act is often linked to billing problems such as upcoding, billing for non-medically necessary services, services not provided, unbundled services, etc. What billing strategies could you implement to lessen the likelihood for a False Claims Act problem?

Requirements: .doc file

Attached are the readings you can also use others materials that you deem appropriate. Please make sure you 3 use in-text citations per question.

HCAD 650 Discussion 3 Read More »

Occupational Health Influences Blog

Occupational Health Influences Blog

Review a historic situation where our understanding of disease and health practices grew out of occupational health concerns. Choose your own topic, or select one from the learning activities readings, and be sure to include original research or a review of the original research that led to the discovery of negative health outcomes due to the environment’s influences.

Here are some topics which might be of interest, which are examples of how occupational health has led to a greater understanding of disease and better health practices:

Your blog post should be 350 words in length with a minimum of two references required. Responses are encouraged but not required.

Requirements: .doc file

Occupational Health Influences Blog Read More »

ECT vs. TMS therapy- Discuss the topic….. either confirm or disprove via the literature.

ECT vs. TMS therapy- Discuss the topic….. either confirm or disprove via the literature.



Posts to demonstrate quality and critical thinking as noted per the syllabus must be no less than 300 words (not including references). Failure to meet the criteria will result in 0 points being awarded.

Per APA and graduate studies standards, all references must be 5 years or newer and posts are required to have in-text citations and refernces (1 point will be deducted from each post that do not meet the standards). At least 3 references peer review articles within 5 years of publication in the United States of America.


1.What is Visual Spatial Memory?


  1. Why and how is it important in the case examples?



Posts to demonstrate quality and critical thinking as noted per the syllabus must be no less than 300 words (not including references). Failure to meet the criteria will result in 0 points being awarded.

Per APA and graduate studies standards, all references must be 5 years or newer and posts are required to have in-text citations and refernces (1 point will be deducted from each post that do not meet the standards). At least 3 references peer review articles within 5 years of publication in the United States of America.

ECT vs. TMS therapy- Discuss the topic….. either confirm or disprove via the literature. Read More »

Aviation Safety:OSHA & EPA

Aviation Safety:OSHA & EPA

The Administrative Procedure Act sets the rules on how a regulatory agency such as the Federal Aviation Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) turns law into the regulations that dictate much of what we do in aviation.

When you are working in the field of aviation safety it is important to understand the differences between the various governing agencies and know which agency provides oversight for the various components of aviation operations.

Research and explain the differences between OSHA and the EPA and their relevancy to aviation safety, and discuss the economic impact these organizations have on the aviation industry.

For your paper, please cite some examples. You must have a title page and at least two references.

Requirements: .doc file

The Administrative Procedure Act sets the rules on how a regulatory agency such as the Federal Aviation Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) turns law into the regulations that dictate much of what we do in aviation.

The following links will open sections of the Attorney General’s Manual of the Administrative Procedure Act at FSU College of Law:

16 hours ago

Additional resources are located in the National Archives in the Supplemental Materials section.

Hunt Library/Gale Group: Administrative Procedure Act (Links to an external site.) – You may also view the introduction and these four sections of the APA as text on an ebook.

The following presentation provides a further explanation of the Administrative Procedure Act and how the law is turned into regulation. This presentation summarizes the making of federal regulation. The presentation also shows how you can participate in the process and how you can influence the regulations with which you will need to comply:

The Making of a New Federal Regulation (PPTX)Preview the document

Some presentations may take a while to open in preview. For best results, you can download them onto your computer.

16 hours ago


Visit the following websites and ascertain the scope of duties that each organization performs. You should be able to identify how each agency or organization impacts the standards and operation of aviation, nationally and globally. Be prepared to explain the mission of each organization and its cause and effect on aviation safety.

Supplemental Material

Here are some other materials that may be helpful with research. You are encouraged to explore them.

Aviation Safety:OSHA & EPA Read More »

Occupational Health Influences Blog

Occupational Health Influences Blog

Review a historic situation where our understanding of disease and health practices grew out of occupational health concerns. Choose your own topic, or select one from the learning activities readings, and be sure to include original research or a review of the original research that led to the discovery of negative health outcomes due to the environment’s influences.

Here are some topics which might be of interest, which are examples of how occupational health has led to a greater understanding of disease and better health practices:

Your blog post should be 350 words in length with a minimum of two references required. Responses are encouraged but not required.

Requirements: .doc file

Occupational Health Influences Blog Read More »

What is Visual Spatial Memory


-ECT vs. TMS therapy- Discuss the topic….. either confirm or disprove via the literature.



Posts to demonstrate quality and critical thinking as noted per the syllabus must be no less than 300 words (not including references). Failure to meet the criteria will result in 0 points being awarded.

Per APA and graduate studies standards, all references must be 5 years or newer and posts are required to have in-text citations and refernces (1 point will be deducted from each post that do not meet the standards). At least 3 references peer review articles within 5 years of publication in the United States of America.


1.What is Visual Spatial Memory?


  1. Why and how is it important in the case examples?



Posts to demonstrate quality and critical thinking as noted per the syllabus must be no less than 300 words (not including references). Failure to meet the criteria will result in 0 points being awarded.

Per APA and graduate studies standards, all references must be 5 years or newer and posts are required to have in-text citations and refernces (1 point will be deducted from each post that do not meet the standards). At least 3 references peer review articles within 5 years of publication in the United States of America.

What is Visual Spatial Memory Read More »

Aviation Safety:OSHA & EPA

Aviation Safety:OSHA & EPA

The Administrative Procedure Act sets the rules on how a regulatory agency such as the Federal Aviation Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) turns law into the regulations that dictate much of what we do in aviation.

When you are working in the field of aviation safety it is important to understand the differences between the various governing agencies and know which agency provides oversight for the various components of aviation operations.

Research and explain the differences between OSHA and the EPA and their relevancy to aviation safety, and discuss the economic impact these organizations have on the aviation industry.

For your paper, please cite some examples. You must have a title page and at least two references.

Requirements: .doc file

The Administrative Procedure Act sets the rules on how a regulatory agency such as the Federal Aviation Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) turns law into the regulations that dictate much of what we do in aviation.

The following links will open sections of the Attorney General’s Manual of the Administrative Procedure Act at FSU College of Law:

16 hours ago

Additional resources are located in the National Archives in the Supplemental Materials section.

Hunt Library/Gale Group: Administrative Procedure Act (Links to an external site.) – You may also view the introduction and these four sections of the APA as text on an ebook.

The following presentation provides a further explanation of the Administrative Procedure Act and how the law is turned into regulation. This presentation summarizes the making of federal regulation. The presentation also shows how you can participate in the process and how you can influence the regulations with which you will need to comply:

The Making of a New Federal Regulation (PPTX)Preview the document

Some presentations may take a while to open in preview. For best results, you can download them onto your computer.

16 hours ago


Visit the following websites and ascertain the scope of duties that each organization performs. You should be able to identify how each agency or organization impacts the standards and operation of aviation, nationally and globally. Be prepared to explain the mission of each organization and its cause and effect on aviation safety.

Supplemental Material

Here are some other materials that may be helpful with research. You are encouraged to explore them.

Aviation Safety:OSHA & EPA Read More »

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