Author name: Rosemary Mosco

the question and detail is below

the question and detail is below

Chronic Disease Health Promotion and Maintenance/for adults age 35–65

Chronic Disease

Pick One chronic disease from the list below. Write a 2–3-page paper discussing the concepts of health promotion, health maintenance, health restoration and health teaching to an adult patient with this chronic disease. Be sure to integrate Evidence Based Practice into your discussion.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section under Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above)
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics
  • use APA 7th Edition format for organization, style, and crediting sources.

2-3 pages apa style with minimum 3 references

the question and detail is below Read More »

Organizational Change Intervention Proposal

Organizational Change Intervention Proposal


To begin, go to the Week 6 Final Assignment and read it all the way through. The Organizational Change Intervention Proposal is the culmination of what you will learn in this course. You will be working toward finalizing this assignment every week. This week you will select a company that needs change intervention and draft a 1 page overview of the company, and include the resources used to compile the overview. Search for a company that you have read about either in the newspaper or online that you feel should undergo an organizational transformation (Examples: Apple, Bank of America, Wal-Mart, Comcast, Chevy, Wachovia Bank, Aetna, etc.). You will research the organization and propose a change intervention later in this course. This process will help you to understand how the organizational change process works. The University of the Rockies library is a good place to start researching. Keep track of your resources as you collect them. You will be required to assemble an annotated bibliography as part of the final assignment submission. Review the assignment rubric for grading criteria of the deliverables for this week.

This week you will submit the following:

Point Value: 10 Points
Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2
Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Week 6 – Assignment

Organizational Change Intervention Proposal

The Organizational Change Intervention Proposal is your final project. It is a research study in which you plan a change intervention for an organization of your choice. Consider yourself a strategic business partner in constructing and implementing an organizational intervention. Research a company that you have read about either in the newspaper or online that you feel should undergo an organizational transformation (Examples: Apple, Bank of America, Wal-Mart, Comcast, Chevy, Wachovia Bank, Aetna, etc.) Through research, you will gather information and insights that will help you develop a strategic change intervention for the company. The change intervention may attempt to affect change and improve areas such as human resources, marketing, finance, the organizational structure, or its decision-making processes of the company. This project will help you to understand how the organizational change process works and will give you some relevant experience analyzing and planning change for an organization. You are expected to submit a complete bibliography of scholarly resources to support your findings in the proposal. Do not rely solely on your textbooks for content, although they are a good starting point. Leverage the Ashford University Library and Writing Center resources for instructions and guidance when conducting research and organizing the proposal.


Some scholarly sources from the school library for you!!!

Organizational Change Intervention Proposal Read More »

pharmaceutical management of patient with Covid-19

pharmaceutical management of patient with Covid-19

nclude a brief pathophysiology of COVID-19 -19, is it a viral or bacterial infection? investigational drug such as Remdesivir (Veklury), Hydroxychloroquine, Chloroquine, Dexamethasone, and the latest Vaccine. The paper will be a minimum of five pages and must be APA format.

Hello, this is what I need help with. You will need to write a paper on the pharmaceutical management of patient with Covid-19. Include a brief pathophysiology of COVID-19 -19, is it a viral or bacterial infection? investigational drug such as Remdesivir (Veklury), Hydroxychloroquine, Chloroquine, Dexamethasone, and the latest Vaccine. Please create a Concept map for each of the above drug. The paper will be a minimum of five pages and must be APA format.

pharmaceutical management of patient with Covid-19 Read More »

NGR6172 – HerbalSupplements (discussion question)

NGR6172 – HerbalSupplements (discussion question)

Herbal Supplements:

The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years. Today, there is a renewal in the use of herbal supplements among American consumers. However, herbal supplements are not for everyone. In fact, some herbal products may cause problems for people treatments for chronic ailments. Because they are not subject to scrutiny by the FDA or other governing agencies, the use of herbal supplements is controversial.

Herbal supplements are products made from plants for use in the treatment and management of certain diseases and medical conditions. Many prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines are also made from plant derivatives. These products contain only purified ingredients and, unlike herbal supplements, are closely regulated by the FDA. Herbal supplements may contain entire plants or plant parts. Herbal supplements come in all forms: dried, chopped, powdered, capsule, or liquid, and can be used in various ways.

Please address the following: 200WORDS PER QUESTION

  • Discuss advantages and disadvantages of dietary supplements, including adverse reactions, drug-drug interactions, drug-food interactions, and specific laboratory issues that may arise from using these products.
  • Discuss the position of the FDA and other governmental agencies on over the counter herbal supplements. Support your post with at least 2 evidenced-based guidelines published within the last 5 years.

Requirements: .doc file

NGR6172 – HerbalSupplements (discussion question) Read More »

Writing Select number of pages: 3 Question Description: Topic: Motivation and Managing with the Use of Power 750 – 1,250 words (not including cover page, appendices, and references)

Choose Topic: Writing
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: Topic: Motivation and Managing with the Use of Power
750 – 1,250 words (not including cover page, appendices, and references)

For this assignment, you are asked to review and respond to two case studies. The intention of the two case studies is to bring together your awareness and understanding of motivation and managing with the use of power. Conduct research on the subject matter and provide at least three scholarly resources as references with corresponding citations meeting APA standards.

Everyone wants power. Why do we want power? Because it is good for us. It gives us more control over our own lives. It gives us more freedom to do as we wish. There are few things worse in life than feeling helpless, and few better than feeling in charge of your destiny. In general, people with power and status appear to command more respect from others, have higher self-esteem, and enjoy life more than those with less stature.

Watch how “How to Win Power and Influence People” may be an important skill.

Focus your attention on the following two case studies:

Case Incident 1: Should Women Have More Power, Chapter 13, p. 464
For additional insight, watch How to Understand Power.
Respond to questions 13-14, 13-15, and 13-16.
Case Incident 2: Where Flattery will Get You, Chapter 13, p. 465.
For additional insight, watch The Power of Leadership.
Respond to questions 13-17, 13-18, and 13-19.
Read and review each case study and respond to the presented case study questions associated with the case studies in a single assignment input for this Individual Project.

If there are any questions you have regarding these two case studies, reach out to your instructor. In addition, be sure to attend or listen to the Live Chats because that is where you will be able to ask questions and gain further insight into what is being addressed in the case studies.


Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi. (2013, June 11). The power of leadership [Video file]. Retrieved from

mlabvideo. (2011, February 24). Jeffrey Pfeffer: How to win power and influence people [Video file]. Retrieved from

TED-Ed. (2014, November 4). How to understand power – Eric Liu [Video file]. Retrieved from

Writing Select number of pages: 3 Question Description: Topic: Motivation and Managing with the Use of Power 750 – 1,250 words (not including cover page, appendices, and references) Read More »

Short answers about Beatles

Short answers about Beatles

I’m trying to study for my Music course and I need some help to understand this question.

Short answers. (5 points each)

1. Write a paragraph that highlights some of the ways in which the Beatles’ experiences in Hamburg were significant in their personal and musical growth and development.

2. Write a paragraph in which you discuss the importance to their career of the Beatles’ appearances on “The Ed Sullivan Show” in February 1964.

Requirements:   |   .doc file

Short answers about Beatles Read More »

Discussion Question 3

Use the following materials to examine the current state of cloud computing:

By now, it is a safe assumption that techies and non-techies alike have heard of cloud computing and its associated benefits: cost savings, increased efficiency, improved agility, opportunities for growth and innovation, and so on.

  • Discuss a strategy for implementing a cloud solution.
  • Examine the possible innovations that cloud computing has yet to realize in organizations.
  • Provide at least three recommendations that you could suggest to a CEO that would invoke disruptive change to an organization.

Requirements: 1 OR 2 Pages

Discussion Question 3 Read More »

2 pages Essay about Management in a multicultural and diverse workforce

2 pages Essay about Management in a multicultural and diverse workforce

Note: Use the materials provided

Title: You are a manager working with a multicultural and diverse workforce. Given the existence of the wide variance, how would you or an executive manage national cultures, political systems, economic systems, social systems, languages and corporate cultures in a global environment?


Here are references and videos to assist you in understanding the content matter for your research.

Wk 2: External Forces & Factors in IB

References and Videos

Diversity in the Workplace

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

Diversity Management

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

External Business Environment

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

Watch VideoYouTube URL:

Internal & External Business Environment

Watch VideoYouTube URL:


Fuchs, E., & Kirchain, R. (2010). Design for location? The impact of manufacturing offshore on technology competitiveness in the optoelectronics industry. Management Science, 56(12), 2323-2349.

Hodge, D. (2009). Growth, employment and unemployment in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics, 77(4), 488-504.

Global Environmental Benefits. (2016, April 04). Retrieved from

Dodman, D. (2009). Blaming cities for climate change? An analysis of urban greenhouse gas emissions inventories. Environment and Urbanization, 21(1), 185-201.

Fern Fort University. (2017). T-Mobile US, Inc. PESTEL & Environment Analysis.
Retrieved from:–inc-.php

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2011). Marketing management. (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.

Caprar, D., Devinney, T., Kirman, B., & Caligiuri, P. (2015). Conceptualizing and measuring culture in international business and management: From challenges to potential solutions. Journal of International Business Studies. 46, 1011-1027.

Lopez-Duarte, C., Vidal-Suarez, M., & Gonzalez-Diaz, B. (2016). International business and National culture: A literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews. 18, 397-416. doi 10.1111/ijmr.12070

Puslecki, Z. (2016). Current re-shaping of international business. Wroclaw University Economics. 471-490. doi 10.15611/pn.2016.450.41

Hamilton, L., & Webster, P. (2015). The international business environment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Keillor, B. D. (2013). Understanding the global market: Navigating the international business environment. ABC-CLIO.

Malgwi, C. A. (2016). Corollaries of corruption and bribery on international business. Journal of Financial Crime, 23(4), 948-964. Retrieved from

Zirra, A. (2015). Recent Developments of International Business Environment. Romanian Economic and Business Review, 10(4), 69-80. Retrieved from

2 pages Essay about Management in a multicultural and diverse workforce Read More »

Community Health Nursing class Forum.

Community Health Nursing class Forum.

Children and Adolescents Health Challenges in Your Community

In addition to abuse, neglect, and family violence, which were discussed last week; what are some of the other major health challenges for children and adolescents in your community (Brooklyn, NY)? Are there community resources available to help with these issues?

Your first post in this discussion must be 350 words. Original in content, please include APA citation.

Some resourses for this class:

Review the status of education in the U.S. along with issues such as bullying at:


Review some of the key national indicators of well-being found at:


Requirements: .doc file

Community Health Nursing class Forum. Read More »

A discussion question that deals with the scenario of influenza and how it can be attacked.

A discussion question that deals with the scenario of influenza and how it can be attacked.

Imagine that you are a public health nurse, and you and your colleagues have determined that the threat of a deadly new strain of influenza indicates a need for a mass inoculation program in your community. What public health data would have been used to determine the need for such a program? Where would you locate public health data? What data will be collected to determine the success of such a program? How might you communicate this to other communities or internationally?

(COs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8)

Requirements: .doc file

A discussion question that deals with the scenario of influenza and how it can be attacked. Read More »

Non-Communicable Disease Low Income vs. Other Country Income Discussion

Non-Communicable Disease Low Income vs. Other Country Income Discussion

For this discussion, your instructor will assign you one of two countries based on last name. One country will be the low-income country of Ukraine, and the other country is the “other-income” country of New Zealand.

Based upon your assigned country, identify the burden NCDs play among their selected contries. Brainstorm potential cost-effective approaches to reducing the burden.

In your post, discuss the following:

  • How does the burden of NCDs compare to the burden of other cause groups in your assigned country?
  • Who is most impacted by NCDs in your assigned country?
  • Broadly, what is the economic burden of NCDs in your assigned country?
  • What are potential cost-effective approaches to reducing the burden of NCDs in your assigned country?
  • Initial post: 300-350 words
  • References required: minimum of 2 for the initial post; references only required as needed for response posts.
  • assigned country is Ukraine

Requirements: 2 days

Non-Communicable Disease Low Income vs. Other Country Income Discussion Read More »

legal decisions taken by congress

legal decisions taken by congress

1. in the summary section, what are mandatory minimums? How do mandatory minimums vary, according to crime (hint: drug laws)? Also, how has this jeopardized justice in limiting the authority that judges have in addressing criminal behavior? Please list the federal statutes, or drug laws passed by congress, in your answer. Lastly, what are some of the arguments against mandatory minimums? How have they been misused? Explain your answer.

2. What have been some arguments for reform? (advisory note: you may argue the costs, as well as mention the reform advice within your answer). Overall, how do you feel about mandatory minimums? Do you feel that they been effective in addressing what they were intended to address, or do judges need to be allowed to use their own discretion when it comes to sentencing criminals? Explain your answer (links to an external site.)

legal decisions taken by congress Read More »

Discussion: Imperialism and WWI

Discussion: Imperialism and WWI

Please read the assigned chapters (Chapters 11-17) in our textbook. Then complete your assignment choice and be sure to respond to one of your peers.

choose one option

Option A: Africa was a continent divided between rival imperial powers in the 19th century. For this assignment, please use our text and the web links to answer the following questions. How did European attitudes about Africans lead to European colonization of Africa? Give specific examples of people such as Cecil Rhodes. European imperialism had several effects on Africa. Identify and analyze several of those effects. Be sure to include specific examples such as the Berlin Conference, apartheid, Belgian Congo…

Option B: As with Africa and India, some areas also experienced the long arm of European imperialism. Please discuss the Opium Wars. What were they, when did they happen, and why? What were the consequences of the Opium Wars for China?

Option C: After reading the chapter on WWI and websites that include videos, pictures, and articles about WWI. Then, answer the following questions. What factors led to the outbreak of WWI? Why was it longer, more costly, and more deadly than anticipated? What were the long term consequences of WWI?

Requirements: 350 words for main entry minimum and 150 words minimum for the response to student entry.

Discussion: Imperialism and WWI Read More »

PSY/225 Positive Psychology Choose Topic: Psychology Select number of pages: 1

PSY/225 Positive Psychology
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 1

Question Description: Resiliency as it relates to harsh conditions endured in Romanian orphanages. What other types of situations can you think of in which resiliency is necessary for a child or adult to experience a positive outcome? What are some protective factors that could foster resiliency in those situations?

PSY/225 Positive Psychology Choose Topic: Psychology Select number of pages: 1 Read More »

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